Why use django related REST API packages for non ORM calls? - django

What are the pros and cons for using django related REST API packages such as tastypie, piston or django-rest for non-ORM calls over simply using views?

I don't think its really a question of whether the API resources directly map to models or not. Its a matter of these API packages abstracting away much of the boilerplate code that you end up doing like checking the request type, mapping to URLs, and serializing your output. Associating a resource with a model is simply one of many features, allowing you to more easily format the representation of the data.
While I can't really see this as an significant negative, I suppose using an API package does require you to conform to its specs and generally work within the realm of its features. But packages like piston or tastypie are so convenient, I can't really think of a real reason NOT to use them if your goal is to expose a RESTful api. You get so much for free. These packages also tend to include extra authentication functionality, and decorators.
Writing basic django views is just the same as rolling your own API. Either use a package for convenience, or roll your own if you really need something custom that they don't provide.

Besides REST to ORM call translations, many aspects can be handled for you by a good API package, such as being able to support multiple serialization backends, handling of authentication/authorization, caching, throttling and more.
If you don't expect your project to ever need these benefits in the future, going for hard coded views may be the quickest, however that tends not to be the case.


Django rest API vs Django views

I am building a project where I have 2 approaches to follow -
Either I can create APIs for all operations and call them from my frontend which can be in Angular.
Or I can use normal Django views and template.
Question: what is the best approach to follow and what is the performance impact of them?
Go for Rest API, that will make your life easy if you have plans to integrate that with other Applications (e.g. May be you would like to create Mobile App in future)
There are many factors, that play into this, however if you already have a front-end built with Angular, there is a strong case to be made for the approach of using a Django Rest Framework-based API. Some advantages are:
Encapsulation facilitates testing.
API resources are reusable, should you need similiar functionality in some other appliication or front-end
If you seperate these components you can more easily change either one or the other, if your requirements change in the future.
I would go with the APIā€¦

what parts of django MVC becomes irrelevant when using django + REST framework?

Started learning Django lately.
To make long story short - If I choose to combine:
django framework in my server side
REST as the middleware layer
some of the client side frameworks (such as React, Angular, etc)
which of django's MVC components will become irrelevant?
I presume that the templates components. Are there any other fundamental components (model/view ...) that won't be necessary in this case?
Assuming based on your post that you are using Django just to pull data from a database and serve it back to a client in JSON format, and that your templates will be rendered client-side (using, e.g. Angular) then you are correct that you likely won't be needing Django templates. However, you would still need some sort of models (whether you use Django models or something else) and also would need controllers (which Django calls views) in order to:
Do URL routing (that is, bind some URL to some controller/view
Do some kind of server-side processing. Even if your app
is a single-page app and does a lot of client-side processing,
you'll still likely need to implement different kinds of business
requirements and validation on the server side. Some of these
requirements you can likely attach to the models, but others you may
need to implement in controllers.
So while your controllers (aka views) may be a lot "skinnier" due to the way you're structuring your app, they'll still be necessary to some extent. Models will always be necessary if you want some clean and consistent API to your DB.
EDIT: To expand more on this--while there is a Python library called Django REST Framework, it's really just there to assist you in building RESTful APIs. You can certainly build a RESTful API yourself using Django without leveraging it or any additional libraries. As the answer from user D. Shawley states in response to this question -- What exactly is RESTful programming? -- a RESTful API is basically just one where resources are identified by a persistent identifier (in this case, URIs), and where resources are manipulated using a common set of verbs (in this case, HTTP methods like GET, POST, DELETE, etc). So using this idea of URIs as nouns and HTTP methods as verbs, your Django framework might support the following RESTful operations:
GET https://your-app.com/product/123 - this operation fetches a product identified by the ID 123
POST https://your-app.com/product - this operation creates a new product
PUT https://your-app.com/product/123 - this operation updates a product identified by the ID 123
DELETE https://your-app.com/product/123 - this operation deletes a product identified by the ID 123
The data that come back from these operations doesn't necessarily need to be in any particular format (be it JSON, XML, or something else). In an application that closely adheres to the principles of REST, the client (consumer of your RESTful API, in this case your front-end app) would be able to specify (using the HTTP Accept header) which format they want to consume the data in.
I hope that's not too confusing, but really I want to make it clear that REST architecture is just a set of principles, and APIs that web programmers develop may not necessarily adhere to these principles 100%. Whether it's necessary for your application to strictly adhere to RESTful principles depends on your particular requirements. One question to ask yourself then is what are you hoping to accomplish by building a RESTful API using Django? For a lot of developers, the answer is simply "so that I have an easy-to-use interface for my Angular/React/etc. app to retrieve and update server-side resources."

How can I create a oauth (REST) API ( like twitter or foursquare ) using django?

I would like to create an oauth (REST) API the same way Twitter or Foursquare does.
I found this website http://djangopackages.com/ which is really great and has several packages but I would like some opinions on which is the best package, etc...
I would like, for example, let people to allow permission to 3rd party apps to access their data (Using API Keys, etc...)
Thanks a lot!
Django is a wonderful web framework. It helpes you in many ways making rich web applications. It helps you starting in form handling and ending in templating.
However in your case if your intension is just to make an awesome API such as of Twitter or Foursquare, you have to ask yourself if you need all this help Django provides. For example, are you ever going to use any templates in the API or process a for submittions. The answer is probably not...
So if you need a very flexible framework to developer an API, I would highly recommend to take a look into Pyramid. It is very similar to Django, however does not have all this extra cludder which is not necessary for an API.
However if your application needs both a rich user interface and an API or you just want to use Django, like Ulusses suggested, then I think TastyPie is for you. It is a great library where you can have a running API in no time. I use it all the time and it is very flexible. ReadTheDocs uses tastypie.
Another API lib is piston. I haven't used it so can't judge if its better or worse then tastypie. Bitbucket however uses it.
You can check out https://github.com/toastdriven/django-tastypie or https://bitbucket.org/jespern/django-piston/wiki/Home.
You can achieve what you want with both, check out on the documentation the one that suits you best.
I use Django REST framework. It is awesome.
Piston is dead. Tastypie is awesone, but works with Django only. There are pros and cons with Django as well as Pyramid. If you need great ORM, sqlalchemy is only one, and there is no good example of using it with Django, so in this case you have Flask, Bottle or Pyramid. Django ORM is really not at that par.
If you choose Pyramid, you will have to write a lot of things, and the framework is just skinned boneless cat. You need to assemble and configure every block, seems frustrating to many including me.

Whats the advantage of using a package to create a RESTful API interface

I am creating a simple RESTful interface on one of my apps and I have been looking at what's available out there:
I've looked at:
django-piston but it seems abandoned and the feedback on it is not great.
django-dynamicresponse which seems rather bare
A lot of packages from here
However, looking at examples of how these packages it seems that they don't really provide much. It's really not that hard to create a list of URL mappings and use something like simplejson to return a response...
Is there an advantage to using one of these packages that I am missing?
This question may be similar to Django and Restful APIs but it has been a while since that one had any new answers, and I want to find out whether it is worth to use a package at all.
If you are writing one API for one or two simple models for "internal" use (eg, for the AJAX frontend of your app to communicate with the backend vs. an API exposed to external clients), then frameworks like django-piston or Tastypie might be overkill compared to writing one or two views and using simplejson.
Where the frameworks start to really pull their own weight is when you have more complicated requirements. Some examples:
you have a complicated model with a lot of relations (think nested tree structures)
you need to support multiple serializations (XML, YAML, Plists, or JSONP in addition to JSON)
you want to version your API
you want to do restrict access for some operations (eg, to provide read-only access to certain clients)
you want to throttle or rate-limit client access
Many of those aren't a big deal on a small, simple project where you control both ends, but become very important when you're thinking about making an external API to your service.

If I am using Django as my front end application, does using Cherrypy to manage equipment abstraction make sense?

I am building a application that services users via a web front end, which I have chosen to use Django for. I also have to choose a framework/libraries to provide management of and abstracted access to a bunch of embedded systems that provide information the web user gets to see in one form or another.
I like the idea of sticking with a restful approach to access the backend application which provides the hardware generated resources. Does it make sense to use Django for the front end and CherryPy for the backend? Or should I just use Django for both and ignore the stuff I don't need in django for the backend.
I guess another way to ask, is what do I gain by using CherryPy as the backend that out ways having to know two sets of libraries/frameworks.
I don't see any real benefit, only added complexity in the long run. If you are using Django's ORM, you'll want to build the REST interface around that anyways. For building REST interfaces with Django I like using django-tastypie which makes it easy to build RESTful APIs supporting authentication/authorization, validation, various types of serialization, throttling, caching, etc. I also rather like django-piston, which is also quite popular.