Ember data - How to update record - ember.js

I did implement some code with ember-data talking to a sinatra json-app. Method findAll works as expected and load of records.
Also I did implement the updateRecord-method in the DS.Store.create, but don't really know how to update and commit. Please, see the code here (for sake of brevity, I didn't include the jquery functions): http://pastie.org/3197008
I tried the following:
a = Todos.records.objectAt(0).set("text", "should be so")
But I get the following error: TypeError: Object (subclass of DS.State) has no method 'enter'
How should I update records? Or did I forget to implement something for the update?
Thanks in advance!

I had the same problem. I think this is a bug in ember-data. The problem is that the code was not properly initializing certain substates, and those substates were not state instances but rather state classes.
I fixed the problem by defining a function that generates a new state instance (with properly created substates) each time it is called. You can find my changes here.
I also requested that the ember-data folks pull my fix, so hopefully this issue will disappear soon. You can view the pull request for discussion.

i had the same problem this morning. Use the emberjs git version


Not possible to use shorthand route handlers if RestSerializer is used? (ember-cli-mirage)

I set up a simple Ember Twiddle to show you my error that is occurring when trying to update a model.
It's considerable that I'm using ember-cli-mirage for mocking the data.
According to the docs, I created a shorthand route that should handle the PUT request.
It does, but with the error: Your handler for the url /api/shops/1 threw an error: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
When using the JSONAPISerializer, everything is working with shorthands (mirage/config.js) and I'm able to update models, but in my case I have to use the RESTSerializer with serialized IDs in the responses.
The request payload when I'm sending the model's attrs are without Id at the end of the property name, f.e.:
// attrs object in PUT request
name: "Shop 1",
city: "1" // belongsTo relationship,
Now Mirage is trying to find those properties on the respective database model that has to be updated, but cannot find it, because in the database it's cityId and not just city...
I also found this issue report and it’s working, but I was hoping I could avoid something like this. As far as I can remember, in previous versions of ember-cli-mirage (v0.1.x) it was also not needed to override the normalize method in the serializer to be able to make use of the RestSerializer with serializedIds…
My question is:
Is there a way to stick to shorthand route handlers only, or do I really have to write a helper or other custom solution only because I have to use the RestSerializer?
That would be really sad, but at least I would know then.
Thanks for your support!
Short answer: it looks like you need the custom serializer for now until the bug fix for it is merged.
Long answer: that issue looks to be an issue that occurred in the 0.2 -> 0.3 upgrade for Mirage, likely because of underlying DB changes made in Mirage. It'll probably get fixed, but for now you'll need to work around it.

How to handle requests for non existing dynamic segments in Ember?

If an user modifies the dynamic segment (object ID) in the URL of an Ember App with Ember Data, what's the best practice to handle these URLs as these might refer to non existing Model entries?
In a minimal example one can observe, that for each call with a non-existent ID (for example http://emberjs.jsbin.com/hurozaju/9#/color/30) there is an empty object added to the local ember data store. This is easily observable by the increasing number of "dots" in the output.
The error-action of App.ColorRoute redirects (as intended) to "colors" in case there is a 404 occurring while fetching the model by ID.
Why is there a "new" Object in the store?
Shouldn't the data be left unmodified?
Is there a chance to prevent the creation of new objects in this case?
I spend some time with this problem and i think this is ember-data beta-7 bug. Please report this issue in github.
here is example code how to work around this issue jsbin. This is tested with data-beta.7 and work and with data-beta.4 not working.
Sorry for not waiting as anounced...
This issue is now reported to ember-data on github.

Update Objects and reset the isDirty-flag (ember-data 1.0 beta.2)

With former versions of ember-data I could bring a modified model back to clear-state by calling:
Is there a way to do this in version 1.0beta.2? The main reason is to suppress any server requests when saying
[Edit] - I didn't explicitly mention, that my intention was to keep the modified values, just resetting the dirty-state.
What I really wanted to do is updating some fields of a record w/o setting the dirty flag.
store.update(type, hash)
here: http://emberjs.com/blog/2013/09/04/ember-data-1-0-beta-2-released.html
does right that.
I responded over at Discourse, too, but for the sake of completeness:
user.rollback() does what you aim to do, judging from the source code.

How to manually set an object state to clean (saved) using ember-data

I'm using ember-data for a project of mine and I have a question that revolves around the possibility of dirtying an object and then setting its state to clean again on purpose - without commiting the changes. The scenario is this:
Say I've fetched an object via banana = App.Fruit.find('banana'); and it has a description of "Yellow fruit!". Using XHR long-polling (or WebSockets), I may receive an updated version of the object because of another user having changed the description to "A tasty yellow fruit!" at any given point in time after I fetched the original object.
Then, what I would like to do is to update the object to reflect the newly received data. For this, I've tried different approaches:
I've tried calling App.Store.load(App.Fruit, new_data);. First of all, this approach doesn't work and secondly, this is not really what I want. I could've made uncommitted changes to the object myself and in this case, it would be undesirable to just discard those (assuming the load() call would overwrite them).
I've tried looping through the new data, calling .set() - like so: banana.set('description', new_data.description); - in order to update the object properties with the new data (where applicable = not dirty). This works but it leaves the object in a dirtied state.
In order to make the object clean/updated again - and not have the adapter commit the changes! - I've taken a look at the states the object travels through. These are (at least):
Step 1: Initially, the object is in the rootState.loaded.saved state.
Step 2: Calling .set() on a property pushes it to the rootState.loaded.updated.uncommitted state.
Step 3: Calling App.store.commit(); returns the object to the rootState.loaded.saved state.
Therefore, I've tried to manually set the object state to saved after step 2 like so: banana.get('stateManager').goToState('saved');.
However, this doesn't work. The next time the store commits for any other reason, this maneuver produces an inFlightDirtyReasons is undefined error.
My question is: how can I manually change the state of a dirtied object back to clean (saved) again?
Solution for Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.7:
// changing to loaded.updated.inFlight, which has "didCommit"
// clear array of changed (dirty) model attributes
record.set('_attributes', {});
// changing to loaded.saved (hooks didCommit event in "inFlight" state)
I've searched the source code of Ember-data and I've found that loaded.saved state has a setup function that checks whether a model is clean, before setting "saved" state. If it is not clean, then it rejects a request to change state and returns to loaded.updated.uncommitted.
So you have to clean model._attributes array, which keeps attributes names and Ember will let you change state manually.
I know it isn't very good solution, because is needed to set private property of a model, but I've not found any other solutions yet.
Looking at ember-data the uncommitted state has a 'becameClean' event which consequently sets the record as loaded.saved.
This should do the trick
Solution for Ember Data 2.6.1
set dirty record as loaded and saved
It's an update to #Kamil-j's solution.
For Ember Data 2.0 which I am currently using I have to do the following:
record._internalModel._attributes = {};
As of 1.0.0.rc6.2....
This will move a model into the state of a model that has been saved.
This will moves a model to a the state of a new model that has not been committed. Think new dirty model.
This will move a model into the sate of an old model that has been updated, think old dirty model:
As of ember-data 1.0.0-beta.12:
It seems that record.get('stateManager') is not required anymore.
Here's what seems to work for Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.10:
record.set('currentState.stateName', 'root.loaded.saved');
record.set('currentState.isDirty', false);
Not sure if all those lines are required but just following what others have done prior to this.
Ember 2.9.1
record.set('currentState.isDirty', false);
Tested on Ember Data 2.9
pushedData action is the way to go but besides that the "originalValues" need to be reset as well.
Ember.assign(record.data, record._internalModel._attributes);
Ember.assign(record._internalModel._data, record._internalModel._attributes);
It looks like with newer versions everything methioned here got broken.
This worked for me with ember-data 1.0.0.beta4:
Another method that worked for me when using Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.18:
This reversed the dirty attributes and returned the record to a clean state.
Seems like this may have been since deprecated in favor of record.rollbackAttributes: http://emberjs.com/api/data/classes/DS.Model.html#method_rollbackAttributes
I work on Ember data 1.13 so I used the following solution (which seems a mix between the one provided by #Martin Malinda and the other by #Serge):
// Ensure you have the changes inside the record
Object.assign(record.data, record._internalModel._attributes);
// Using the DS.State you can first simulate the record is going to be saved
// Cleaning the prevous dirty attributes
record.get('_internalModel')._attributes = {};
// Mark the record as saved (root.loaded.created.uncommitted) even if it isn't for real
In this way, if we will call a further rollbackAttributes() on this record, if we will have some dirty attributes, the record will be reset to this last state (instead of having the original properties) which was exactly what I was looking for in my use case.
If we won't have any dirty attributes, nothing will change and we will keep the last attributes set using this code without having them rolled back to the original ones. Hope it helps.
Tested on Ember Data 3.8.0
Just an update to Martin Malinda's answer:
// Clear changed attributes list
record._internalModel._recordData._attributes = {};
// Trigger transition to 'loaded.saved' state
In my case I also needed to override serializer's normalize method.

Why is my Ember.Router giving this TypeError?

I'm using Ember built from git master. My RouteManager is not complex, but when I try to start my app, I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Property '1' of object , is not a function
Following the trace indicates that this is happening on the app's initialization.
This jsfiddle shows the problem, although you'll have to look in the javascript console to see the error message. My actual router will be more complex than this, but I've pared it down to the bones to try to eliminate potential error sources.
You need to update your version of Ember Data to the latest version from master, as the injection API changed.
Here is a fiddle which "works".
I pick up an ember-data resource from another fiddle I found on stackoverflow.
The way of populating the arraycontroller is weird. Usually you pass the context in the connectOutlet method of the controller, by specifying a context (in your case, it should be Sylvius.Section.find() )
I don't know why, but doing this, I have the error 'Sylvius.Section has no method find'... perhaps an other mess due to ember-data/emberjs bad version.