I want to post an apprequest to the friends of a user with a request-specific image/picture. Unfortunately, the apprequests do not seem to support any picture/image/attachement mechanism, and the standard application icon is not sufficient.
Is there a solution for requests to add images, or do I have to use stream or feed instead?
You can not customize the image that appears in the apprequest - as you have stated it used the standard application image that was uploaded in the app's settings.
You can however choose a photo when using the Feed Dialog as well as other information such as the description, the name, the link and a caption as demonstrated below:
var obj = {
method: 'feed',
link: 'https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/',
picture: 'http://fbrell.com/f8.jpg',
name: 'Facebook Dialogs',
caption: 'Reference Documentation',
description: 'Using Dialogs to interact with users.'
Hello people i am trying new action to post picture on facebook and during posting i am facing a error which i cant able to make it work properly
The action you're trying to publish is invalid because it does not specify any reference objects. At least one of the following properties must be specified:
for posting your action, with Javascript SDK for posting image you should try something like:
FB.api('/me/bhlolzspot:laugh_out_loud', 'post',
{ funniest_picture : 'OBJECT_URL',image[0][url]=http://www.yourdomain.com/images/image.jpg,image[0][user_generated]=true });
I am assuming laugh_out_loud is your action name and funniest_picture is your object name.
at OBJECT_URL, all your meta tags should be in place and i can see there is a missing og:image tag, there you should put the image you want to post with action on facebook.
hope it helps.
I've recently switch my code to post to facebook from
Now i'm getting this problem, can anyone help?
- my picture that i accompany with the post is not showing, it look like facebook is defaulting to the first image it find on the link page
both of these document allow me to specify a picture, but somehow the "links" one isn't displaying the image.
Thanks in advance
Set correct Open Graph meta tags, especially og:image.
I just resolved similar issue, posted news on website and posted via /links to fanpage resolved in post with wrong image content and "site not found" title.
The issue was related to wrong code sequence. We hooked posting news via fb api in not-so-good place. The post should have been already available but it wasn't and posting to fb api results in immediate request from facebookexternalhit bot to check if it exists. Detailed log analysis shown that ping from facebook was before POST to add news finished, that's why we had messed content there.
Sample content we post, if what I described above is not your case:
content_dict =
'picture': 'http://www.czerwonysmok.pl/static/media/uploads/blog/pb_reddragon_all2_poprawiony_czerwony.jpg/',
'message': 'Title \n\n contentcontentcontentcontentcontentcontentcontentcontent ',
'link': 'http://www.czerwony-smok.pl/klub/aktualnosci/rashguard-ze-strony/'}
logger.info("Publishing to facebook: " + str(content_dict))
graph.post(path="%s/links" % settings.FAN_PAGE_ID, **content_dict)
About sharing on my Android app i'm using this code:
Bundle postParams = new Bundle();
postParams.putString("message", "User's custom message above share content");
postParams.putString("name", "The name of the link attachment.");
postParams.putString("description", "The description of the link (appears beneath the link caption). If not specified, this field is automatically populated by information scraped from the link, typically the title of the page.");
postParams.putString("caption","The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name). If not specified, this field is automatically populated with the URL of the link.");
postParams.putString("picture","The URL of a picture attached to this post. The picture must be at least 200px by 200px. See our documentation on sharing best practices for more information on sizes.");
postParams.putString("link", "The link attached to this post");
Refer to the document for detail: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/reference/feed-dialog/v2.3
Can someone please help me out as to how I can completely prevent the user's activity stream from posting back into their wall after they liked a linked? Because, I really find that to be annoying. Afterall, mine is an application that needs to be integrated into an image gallery viewer serving more than 7.5K photos each with its own like button.
If this seems impossible, is there a way to specifically set an image as thumbnail, description, etc as is with the cases of feed and send buttons?
Because, my application is purely dynamic in nature built out of 100% Javascript where more than 80% of its contents are generated by using Ajax calls under a static single URL.
As a result, the like button activity stream always end up pulling the wrong image and descriptions than desired(but this is not so for feed and send buttons),
Thank you
No, you won't have control over not sending items to peoples activity feeds when they click like, unless your domain gets blocked for spam. You would need to create a dynamic url or hashbang url for each independent image and when those images are requested the page hosting it would need to have the proper open graph meta tags sets for thumbnail image, description, etc. Then for each like button in the gallery, you would need to set the href property to this url.
I was trying to find this on facebook's site in their documentation but so far no luck. I'm sure others must have run into this before.
I use Amazon S3 for storing images. I didn't know ahead of time that if I named my bucket as my domain name with subdomain I could link that way, so until I move all of the pictures I have to link to mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com domain. When I include a picture from there with a post to the wall the picture doesn't show up. If I change the picture to one on the server itself the picture does show up. It seems that the domain name of the picture must match my app? I looked at bugzilla and didn't see this mentioned. Facebook's forum says to post questions here.
I'm using the C# Facebook SDK from CodePlex.
My code looks like (with error handling and authentication check removed):
var client = new FacebookClient(FACEBOOK_APP_ID, FACEBOOK_SECRET);
client.AccessToken = facebook.AccessToken;
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters.Add("name", name);
parameters.Add("caption", title);
parameters.Add("message", message);
parameters.Add("link", link);
parameters.Add("source", link);
parameters.Add("picture", imageUrl);
client.Post("me/feed", parameters);
I verified that imageUrl does indeed have a correct picture, the domain name just doesn't match. The picture on amazon s3 has public read access. I can view it from my browser so I don't think it's a permission problem. I've tried a few different pictures with the same problem. Only time it's worked so far is when the picture was on the server itself.
So, my question is, is it a problem with me, or does facebook block images that don't match the domain name specified on the app?
You can upload the picture from that url, then add its object id in the post.
Refer to: http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/526/?ref=nf
Uploading Photos to the Graph API via a URL
Earlier this year, we released support for uploading photos directly
via the Graph API. This requires sending the photo as a MIME-encoded
form field. We are now enhancing our photo upload capability by
introducing the ability to upload photos simply by providing a URL to
the image. This simplifies photo management for a number of use cases:
App developers who host their images on Amazon S3 or a similar
service can pass the S3 URL directly to Facebook without having to
download the file to their application servers only to upload it
again to Facebook. This improves performance and reduces costs for
Apps written on platforms that don't have good support for
multipart file uploads can create new photos more easily.
To upload a photo via a URL, simply issue an HTTP POST to
ALBUM_ID/photos with the url field set to the URL of the photo you
wish to upload. You need the publish_stream permission to perform this
operation. You can also include an optional message parameter to set a
caption for the photo.
I'am facing the same issue as well. Based on my observations it seems that facebook does not like it when the picture url has more than one sub-domain.
I tried the below 2 URL variations for the same image..
mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com - throws an error
s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket - works fine
:picture => 'http://mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com/footprints/15/coverimgs/medium.jpg'
OAuthException: (#100) picture URL is not properly formatted
:picture => 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/footprints/15/coverimgs/medium.jpg'
Now i have to figure out how to change the URL structure for the image while passing it to the FB graph API.
I would log it as a bug. If this is really the case, which I kinda doubt, you could create a 301 redirect on your own domain for each image that redirects to the Amazon url.
When I am posting to my wall directly, then my friends have an option to "re-share" the post by clicking on "Share" link (last one in the list of actions: Like * Comment * Share). However, when I post from an application, there is no "Share" link and only Like and Comment actions are available.
Is there a way to change application or application preferences to enable direct re-sharing for posts from applications?
You can post a "Link" to User's wall with a "link"-field to the Original post like "http://www.facebook.com/{{$fb_id}}" and you can add a "message" to that as well.
UPD: for reSharing a "Picture" you either "generate" a link like "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid={{$fb_id}}" or request Picture via GraphAPI and use it's "link" field. this is valid for other FB-Graph-Types.
Here is how it is done In Graph API do this..
post me/feed
message : YOUR_MESSAGE
link : link to share
actions : {name: "share", link: "linktoshare"}
Refer these