Full text search with Amazon Services - amazon-web-services

I would to move my application to Amazon SimpleDB, since I’m not going to maintain database service on my own. This application lives under heavy load. There are a lot of reads/writes per second. I don’t need consistency and atomicity and I want to keep things as simple as possible, so SimpleDB is good choice.
The problem is, that I need full-text search capacities. And I don’t know how to make it better with Amazon SimpleDb. I had implemented before hand-written full-text search with MongoDB database. I had to split text to words in my application layer, and build my own index. It was not hard, but I don’t want to do it again with SimpleDB.
I found an interesting article
But I would like to not have to implement it myself. I’m looking for a pre-made solution
What are the options?
Is it better to use Amazon RDS + Lucene?
Or probably there are out of the box solutions for SimpleDB?
Requirements are:
Ability to handle a lot of concurrency requests
Full-text search (text size would not be greater then 1MB (SimpleDB restriction))
Preferable not to admin it on my own.

Lucene or similar is usually the way people do it, but not knowing what platform you're working with its hard to suggest anything in particular. Simol is an .NET object-persistence framework for SimpleDB which can use Lucene.NET for indexing. I've also looked at some basic Lucene.NET examples which aren't too bad. If you're looking for a hosted indexing service you could take a look at this question.
For your indexing to do its job well, you're more than likely going to have to tailor it to your application.

Amazon looks like they will announce something to do with search on Jan 18 2012. http://pandodaily.com/2012/01/17/good-news-for-ec2-customers-amazon-may-launch-new-cloud-search-tomorrow/
SimpleDB for full text search is not great. It will not search more than about 300,000 documents on a single field, using the %like% operator, for instance. It will take about 2 or three tries - about 15 seconds to run through only a hundred MB of text looking for a match. I think its too slow, as do others. See the AWS forums...

Amazon CloudSearch has been released but does not have an easy way to move data from your SimpleDB to CloudSearch without you writing code.
The API, however, is fairly simple and it probably could get up in running in a week or two depending on your needs (if you use the existined SDKs). If you're using a programming language without an SDK, then it will take you longer.


AWS solution for big CCTV System

I´m researching AWS for a specific situation I need to solve. I have a customer that we provide a big CCTV solution. About 800 cameras. We are now trying to migrate part of this infraestructure to a cloud solution in AWS.
It is a big step replacing all in site storage they have to a cloud based solution.
I´ve been researching on the best solutions to take care of this and found that probably the best is to develop a solution that works with Amazon Storage Gateway.
The question is: does anyone know which is the most efficient way to deal with heavy video storage on AWS?. What is the recommended way to go?.
NOTE: Hope this question is not going to closed as too broad or opinion based. I know it is in the cutting edge of it.
IF you're looking for a very durable storage, the S3 is a very very good good option. It has 11 9's durability and then you can setup life cycle rules on it too.
Many companies including acloud guru host all their videos on S3. It has the ability to even be connected to 3rd party apps both inside AWS and outside.
Not to forget S3 has read after write consistency too. Also not only is it good for just storing but you can setup S3 efficiently for streaming videos too.

How to do large-scale, batch reverse geo-coding?

I have a very large list of lat/lon coordinate pairs (>50 million). I want to attach address information to each one. Most geo/revgeo services have strict call limits. Assuming computing power isn't the issue, how can I accomplish this? Also note that time/speed are not the primary concern.
One place to start might be the
You can get one of the dedicated AWS geocoders for unlimited volumme processing: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/search/results?x=0&y=0&searchTerms=geocoder
I have experience working with SmartyStreets's batch processing tool. They don't have call limits (paid version). But, they also don't have a Reverse Geocode API (yet!). Their batch processing is strictly for flexibility and ease-of-use in addition to normal calls. But, I am aware of a couple services that do Reverse Geocoding, and they mention batch processing on their website.
How they work
Batch processing services generally allow you to upload your data, even arbitrarily large files. You probably want to put your data in a CSV file (type of spreadsheet) as latitude and longitude pairs. Then, their servers will process the data and alert you when you can download. It's common practice to charge money for this download, but maybe TAMU's is free?
Suggestions on who to use
Texas A&M Geoservices
Both of these services have demos and developer portals to guide you along if there is something you want to research before using them.
(Full disclosure: I have worked for SmartyStreets.)

What is the different between AWS Elasticsearch and AWS Redshift

I read the document that both for data analysis and in cluster structure but I don't understand what use case different.
Amazon Elasticsearch is a popular open-source search and analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics, real-time application monitoring, and clickstream analytics.Amazon Elasticsearch
Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. You can start with just a few hundred gigabytes of data and scale to a petabyte or more. Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift is a hosted data warehouse product, while Amazon Elasticsearch is a hosted ElasticSearch cluster.
Redshift is based on PostgreSQL and (afaik) mostly used for BI purpuses and other compute-intensive jobs, the Amazon Elasticsearch is an out-of-the-box ElasticSearch managed cluster (which you cannot use to run SQL queries, since ES is a NoSQL database).
Both Amazon Redshift and Amazon ES are managed services, which means you don't need to do anything in order to manage your servers (this is what you pay for). Using the AWS Console you can add new cluster and you don't need to run any commands on order to install any software - you just need to choose which server to run your cluster on (number of nodes, disk, ram, etc).
If you are not familiar with ElasticSearch you should check their website.
Edit: It is now possible to write SQL queries on ElasticSearch: SQL Support for AWS ElasticSearch
I agree with #IMSoP's assertions above...
To compare the two is like comparing an elephant and a tiger - you're not really asking the right question quite yet.
What you should really be asking is - what are my requirements for my use cases to best fulfill my stakeholder / customer needs, first, and then which data storage technology best aligns with my requirements second...
To be clear - Whether speaking of AWS ElasticSearch Service, or FOSS / Enterprise ElasticSearch (which have signifficant differences, between, even) - ElasticSearch is NOT a Relational Database (RDBMS), nor is it quite a NoSQL (Document Store) Database, either...
ElasticSearch is a Search Engine / Index. It does some things very well, for very specific use cases, however unlike RDBMS data models most signifficantly, ElasticSearch or NoSQL are not going to provide you with FULL ACID Compliance, or Transactional Statement Processing, so if your use case prioritizes data integrity, constrainability, reliability, audit ability, regulatory compliance, recover ability (to Point in Time, even), and normalization of data model for performance and least repetition of data while providing deep cardinality and enforcing model constraints for optimal integrity, "NoSQL and Elastic are not the Droids you're looking for..." and you should be implementing a RDBMS solution. As already mentioned, the AWS Redshift Service is based on PostgreSQL - which is one of the most popular OpenSource RDBMS flavors out there, just offered by AWS as a fully managed solution / service for their customers.
Elastic falls between RDBMS and NoSQL categories, as it is a Search Engine / Index that works most optimally with "single index" type use cases, where A LOT of content is indexed all at once and those documents aren't updated very frequently after the initial bulk indexing,but perhaps the most important thing I could stress is that in my experience it typically does not scale very cost effectively (even managed cluster services) if you want your clusters to perform well, not degrade over time, retain large historical datasets, and remain highly available for your consumers - and for most will likely become cost PROHIBITIVE VERY fast. That said, Elastic Search DOES still have very optimal use cases, so is always worth evaluating against your unique requirements - just keep scalability and cost in mind while doing so.
Lastly let's call NoSQL what it is, a Document Store that stores collections of documents (most often in JSON format) and while they also do indexing, offer some semblance of an Authentication and Authorization model, provide CRUD operability (or even SQL support nowadays, which makes the career Enterprise Data Engineer in me giggle, that SQL is now the preferred means of querying data from their NoSQL instances! :D )- Still NOT a traditional database, likely won't provide you with much control over your data's integrity - BUT that is precisely what "NoSQL" Document Stores were designed to work best for - UNSTRUCTURED DATA - where you may not always know what your data model is going to look like from the start, or your use case prioritizes data model flexibility over enforcing data integrity in general (non mission critical data). Last - while most modern NoSQL Document Stores may have SOME features that appear on the surface to resemble RDBMS, I am not aware of ANY in that category at current that could claim to offer all that a relational database does, with Oracle MySQL's DocumentStore being probably the best of both worlds in my opinion (and not just because I've worked with it every day for the last decade, either...).
So - I hope Developers with similar questions come across this thread, and after reading are much better informed to make the most optimal design decisions for their use cases - because if we're all being honest with ourselves - everything we do in our profession is about data - either generating it, transporting it, rendering it, transforming it....it all starts and ends with data, and making the most optimal data storage decisions for your applications will literally define the rest of your project!
This strikes me as like asking "What is the difference between apples and oranges? I've heard they're both types of fruit."
AWS has an overview of the analytics products they offer, which at the time of writing lists 21 different services. They also have a list of database products which includes Redshift and 10 others. There's no particularly obvious reason why these two should be compared, and the others on both pages ignored.
There is inevitably a lot of overlap between the capabilities of these tools, so there is no way to write an exhaustive list of use cases for each. Their strengths and weaknesses, and the other tools they integrate easily with, will change over time, and some differences are a matter of "taste" or "style".
Regarding the two picked out in the question:
Elasticsearch is a product built by elastic.co, which AWS can manage the installation and configuration for. As its name suggests, its core functionality is based around search - it can be used to build a flexible but fast product search for an e-commerce site, for instance. It's also commonly used along with other tools to search and aggregate logs and monitoring data.
Redshift is a database system built by AWS, based on PostgreSQL but optimised for extremely large data sets. It is designed for "data warehouse" applications, where you want to write complex logical queries against the data, like "how many people in each city bought both a toothbrush and toothpaste, this year compared to last year".
Rather than trying to make an abstract comparison of all the different services available, it makes more sense to start from the use case which you actually have, and see which tool best fits that need.

suggestion needed for storage system for an crawler

I am planning to write a web crawler in c++ which crawls N number of pages daily. The main problem is that I am getting confusing with storage system . So I need a distributed db which efficient to store my crawled datas. Can anyone suggest me db which fulfill conditions?
MongoDB is likely a good fit since it supports almost all requirements in a straight forward and high-efficient way (including a nice query API). Distribution is accomplished through "Sharding".
Do not ask for a comparision of the databases (often discussed including stackoverflow ).
unless N is very large, or you plan on storing a lot of versions, you probably don't need a distributed DB. Try starting with MySQL

Django -- I have a small app ready, Should I go on private VPS or Google App Engine?

I have my first app, not that big, but it is the first step. (next big one on the way)
Now if I want to put it on my own Linode VPS, I have to configure mod_python or mod_wsgi, as well as memcache, Ngix, mySQL or Postgresql, etc. to make it work. If I put it GAE, All I have to do is convert the models to use GAE's API.
What I like about GAE is scaling. (if they can really do it)
Then I'd only worry about developing my apps and doing SEO work on them instead of worrying about load share/balance, cache, db / IO redundancy, etc.
I don't want to do any porting later on. (I have to decide now and stick with it)
So, if you have any experience on this, what do you recommend:
1- Use VPS(s) for everthing
2- Use VPS(s) plus Amazon S3
3- Use VPS(s) plus Amazon S3 & SimpleDB
4- Use GAE
Also: Would I be able to get away with not having JOIN rights when using the BigTable?
Note: I don't have any spatial need now, but for a location table I might need that later on.
I'd like to know what do you think!
There's business risk and technical risk.
Business risk is that you might have to move hosts later for some external reason. VPS's, EC2, etc require more upfront investment, but keep you independent. Tools like Chef can help with the configuration effort.
Technical risk is that your application may not be easily implemented on the platform. Since most VPS options allow you to install arbitrary software, they minimize this, again at the cost of more configuration effort on your part. AFAIK, the largest constraint GAE enforces on you is it's difficult to do long running background tasks. (Working without JOINs and other aspects of de-normalized data requires a different way of thinking, but this approach is fairly common in web applications no matter where they run once the SQL database is larger than a single host can support.)
If you can live with both these risks, GAE would appear to save you a substantial amount of effort. If you cannot live with these risks, you should tailor your own environment.
As an aside, I find S3 to be worth it no matter your environment. It's far simpler than ensuring your local server static file storage is reliably backed up, and you never have to worry about capacity. It's best if you use it for data that is uploaded but rarely overwritten or deleted (think facebook photo albums).
I don't want to do any porting later on. (I have to decide now and stick with it)
If that's the case, wouldn't you prefer to control deployment from the outset? It could be a great pain to port back from GAE later down the line if you hit its limits (whether they be technological limits or simply business decisions by Google that run counter to your plans for the future of your app).
Also configuring mod_wsgi, installing postgres etc. isn't particularly difficult, and you don't have to worry about things like load balancing and db redundancy for a while yet.
If it were me, I'd prefer the long-term certainty of a traditional server over the quick win of GAE. It all depends on your vision for the app, however.
I may be biased, but if you can live with GAE's limitations it really saves you a lot of work and worry about system administration issues (and to some extent scaling) -- plus, it's free as long as your resource consumption is low (basically meaning your traffic is low).
Can you do without joins? I don't know, as I don't know your app -- I'm a SQL fanatic, myself, yet for simple enough needs I haven't found it too hard to adapt. As I see it, the main limitation of non-relational DBs is that they're nowhere as nice as relational ones for "ad hoc" queries... you typically have to write a lot of procedural code instead of a nice SELECT or two:-(. But, that's more of a "data mining later" issue than one connected with serving your web app -- probably best solved by regularly bulk-downloading data from the web app's online storage to a "data warehouse" kind of setup, anyway, even if such storage was relational in the first place;-).
Before deciding, it might be worth a quick prototype adaptation of your app to GAE. You might run into stoppers that force the decision. Possible stopper issues include
Your schema doesn't make the transition to BigTable
You're depending on some C-based library that GAE doesn't support
You have a few long-running requests that exceed the thresholds that GAE imposes
The answer depends on the complexity and nature of your model layer, really. If it's complex or tightly bound to the rest of your code, porting is likely to be a significant effort. If it's fairly straightforward, or easy to tear out and replace, I would say go for it.
These days, I mostly write new code for GAE, but the fact that I can simply deploy with a single command has really lowered the barrier I feel towards writing cool new apps. Not having to worry about deployment and hosting is quite liberating.
All I have to do is convert the models to use GAE's API.
I am sorry, you are totally mistaken.
You also need to rewrite all the views code that uses the ORM. There are no joins. So you have to deal with and write a lot of procedural code instead of the nifty SQL that provides U whatever you want.
Querying is slow. You need to override save method of each model to store additional information of that model which may take a lot of time to compute when need. You also need to work on memcache to make the queries fast enough.
And then, Guido has said Django 1.1 is going to be included in a future version of Appengine. I am hoping they will have an out of the box generic ORM to BigTable mapper.
That said, if your app is simple without many joins needed, you could use the appengine patch project to use the current version of django on Appengine. Here is how.