Storing collections of items that an algorithm might need - c++

I have a class MyClass that stores a collection of PixelDescriptor* objects. MyClass uses a function specified by a Strategy pattern style object (call it DescriptorFunction) to do something for each descriptor:
void MyFunction()
descriptorA = DescriptorCollection[0];
for_each descriptor in DescriptorCollection
However, this only makes sense if the descriptors are of a type that the DescriptorFunction knows how to handle. That is, not all DescriptorFunction's know how to handle all descriptor types, but as long as the descriptors that are stored are of the type that the visitor that is specified knows about, all is well.
How would you ensure the right type of descriptors are computed? Even worse, what if the strategy object needs more than one type of descriptor?
I was thinking about making a composite descriptor type, something like:
class CompositeDescriptor
std::vector<PixelDescriptor*> Descriptors;
Then a CompositeDescriptor could be passed to the DescriptorFunction. But again, how would I ensure that the correct descriptors are present in the CompositeDescriptor?
As a more concrete example, say one descriptor is Color and another is Intensity. One Strategy may be to average Colors. Another strategy may be to average Intensities. A third strategy may be to pick the larger of the average color or the average intensity.
I've thought about having another Strategy style class called DescriptorCreator that the client would be responsible for setting up. If a ColorDescriptorCreator was provided, then the ColorDescriptorFunction would have everything it needs. But making the client responsible for getting this pairing correct seems like a bad idea.
Any thoughts/suggestions?
EDIT: In response to Tom's comments, a bit more information:
Essentially DescriptorFunction is comparing two pixels in an image. These comparisons can be done in many ways (besides just finding the absolute difference between the pixels themseles). For example 1) Compute the average of corresponding pixels in regions around the pixels (centered at the pixels). 2) Compute a fancier "descriptor" which typically produces a vector at each pixel and average the difference of the two vectors element-wise. 3) compare 3D points corresponding to the pixel locations in external data, etc etc.
I've run into two problems.
1) I don't want to compute everything inside the strategy (if the strategy just took the 2 pixels to compare as arguments) because then the strategy has to store lots of other data (the image, there is a mask involved describing some invalid regions, etc etc) and I don't think it should be responsible for that.
2) Some of these things are expensive to compute. I have to do this millions of times (the pixels being compared are always difference, but the features at each pixel do not change), so I don't want to compute any feature more than once. For example, consider the strategy function compares the fancy descriptors. In each iteration, one pixels is compared to all other pixels. This means in the second iteration, all of the features would have to be computed again, which is extremely redundant. This data needs to be stored somewhere that all of the strategies can access it - this is why I was trying to keep a vector in the main client.
Does this clarify the problem? Thanks for the help so far!

The first part sounds like a visitor pattern could be appropriate. A visitor can ignore any types it doesn't want to handle.
If they require more than one descriptor type, then it is a different abstraction entirely. Your description is somewhat vague, so it's hard to say exactly what to do. I suspect that you are over thinking it. I say that because generally choosing arguments for an algorithm is a high level concern.
I think the best advice is to try it out.
I would write each algorithm with the concrete arguments (or stubs if its well understood). Write code to translate the collection into the concrete arguments. If there is an abstraction to be made, it should be apparent while writing your translations. Writing a few choice helper functions for these translations is usually the bulk of the work.
Giving a concrete example of the descriptors and a few example declarations might give enough information to offer more guidance.


Factory pattern : Can "definition" be too large?

Is there disadvantage when "definition of object" that passed into "factory" become (too) big/complex?
In a game engine, I have a prototype class of 3D-graphic object that is quite large, at least for me.
It contains:-
a pointer(handle) of 3D mesh
a pointer(handle) of 8 textures (e.g. lambertian, specular)
colors of 8 textures (e.g. color multiplier) - 4 floats each
custom setting for 8 textures - 4 floats each
~ 10 boolean flag for blending, depth test, depth write, etc
(gradually added as the project proceed)
In game logic, I cache some (100?) instances of prototype scattering around. Most of them are stored as fields in many subsystems.
I found that it is also very convenient to store prototype by value.
Besides the obvious direct memory/CPU cost, are there any "easy-to-be-overlooked" disadvantage that occur when prototype is very big?
What are criteria to determine that prototype (definition that pass into factory) is too big/complex? What is the remedy/design-pattern that can cure it?
Should the prototype be stored in business/game logic, by handle/pointer instead? (I have this idea because people tend to use pointer for large object, but it is a very weak reason.)
Besides the obvious direct memory/CPU cost, are there any "easy-to-be-overlooked" disadvantage that occur when prototype is very big?
For one graphic object, if you hold it in different places with copies, when you change the object, you have to change all the copies under a lock, or you would met inconsistency issue, which increase the code complexity and potential inconsistency issues.
What are criteria to determine that prototype (definition that pass into factory) is too big/complex? What is the remedy/design-pattern that can cure it?
Factory pattern is used for object creation. If you find the logic or code in factory is too complex, the problem should be your object structure not factory pattern.
Should the prototype be stored in business/game logic, by handle/pointer instead? (I have this idea because people tend to use pointer for large object, but it is a very weak reason.)
For your case, i recommend P-Impl pattern or smart pointer pattern to store the same object, which could highly reduce the complex and object numbers.

Fftw3 library and plans reuse

I'm about to use fftw3 library in my very certain task.
I have a heavy load packets stream with variable frame size, which is produced like that:
Since creating plans is rather expensive, I want to modify my code to something like this:
if(inputArraySizeDiffers()) destroyOldAndCreateNewPlan();
copyDataToInputArray(); // e.g. `memcpy` or `std::copy`;
Can I do this? I mean, does plan contain some important information based on data such, that plan created for one array with size N, when executed will give incorrect results for the other array of same size N.
The fftw_execute() function does not modify the plan presented to it, and can be called multiple times with the same plan. Note, however, that the plan contains pointers to the input and output arrays, so if copyDataToInputArray() involves creating a different input (or output) array then you cannot afterwards use the old plan in fftw_execute() to transform the new data.
FFTW does, however, have a set of "New-array Execute Functions" that could help here, supposing that the new arrays satisfy some additional similarity criteria with respect to the old (see linked docs for details).
The docs do recommend:
If you are tempted to use the new-array execute interface because you want to transform a known bunch of arrays of the same size, you should probably go use the advanced interface instead
but that's talking about transforming multiple arrays that are all in memory simultaneously, and arranged in a regular manner.
Note, too, that if your variable frame size is not too variable -- that is, if it is always one of a relatively small number of choices -- then you could consider keeping a separate plan in memory for each frame size instead of recomputing a plan every time one frame's size differs from the previous one's.

Optimization and testability at the same time - how to break up code into smaller units

I am trying to break up a long "main" program in order to be able to modify it, and also perhaps to unit-test it. It uses some huge data, so I hesitate:
What is best: to have function calls, with possibly extremely large (memory-wise) data being passed,
(a) by value, or
(b) by reference
(by extremely large, I mean maps and vectors of vectors of some structures and small classes... even images... that can be really large)
(c) Or to have private data that all the functions can access ? That may also mean that main_processing() or something could have a vector of all of them, while some functions will only have an item... With the advantage of functions being testable.
My question though has to do with optimization, while I am trying to break this monster into baby monsters, I also do not want to run out of memory.
It is not very clear to me how many copies of data I am going to have, if I create local variables.
Could someone please explain ?
Edit: this is not a generic "how to break down a very large program into classes". This program is part of a large solution, that is already broken down into small entities.
The executable I am looking at, while fairly large, is a single entity, with non-divisible data. So the data will either be all created as member variable in a single class, which I have already created, or it will (all of it) be passed around as argument around functions.
Which is better ?
If you want unit testing, you cannot "have private data that all the functions can access" because then, all of that data would be a part of each test case.
So, you must think about each function, and define exactly on which part of the data it works. As for function parameters and return values, it's very simple: use pass-by-value for small objects, and pass-by-reference for large objects.
You can use a guesstimate for the threshold that separates small and large. I use the rule "8 is small, anything more is large" but what is good for my system cannot be equally good for yours.
This seems more like a general question about OOP. Split up your data into logically grouped concepts (classes), and place the code that works with those data elements with the data (member functions), then tie it all together with composition, inheritance, etc.
Your question is too broad to give more specific advice.

What is the most efficient (yet sufficiently flexible) way to store multi-dimensional variable-length data?

I would like to know what the best practice for efficiently storing (and subsequently accessing) sets of multi-dimensional data arrays with variable length. The focus is on performance, but I also need to be able to handle changing the length of an individual data set during runtime without too much overhead.
Note: I know this is a somewhat lengthy question, but I have looked around quite a lot and could not find a solution or example which describes the problem at hand with sufficient accuracy.
The context is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code that is based on the discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method (DGSEM) (cf. Kopriva (2009), Implementing Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations). For the sake of simplicity, let us assume a 2D data layout (it is in fact in three dimensions, but the extension from 2D to 3D should be straightforward).
I have a grid that consists of K square elements k (k = 0,...,K-1) that can be of different (physical) sizes. Within each grid element (or "cell") k, I have N_k^2 data points. N_k is the number of data points in each dimension, and can vary between different grid cells.
At each data point n_k,i (where i = 0,...,N_k^2-1) I have to store an array of solution values, which has the same length nVars in the whole domain (i.e. everywhere), and which does not change during runtime.
Dimensions and changes
The number of grid cells K is of O(10^5) to O(10^6) and can change during runtime.
The number of data points N_k in each grid cell is between 2 and 8 and can change during runtime (and may be different for different cells).
The number of variables nVars stored at each grid point is around 5 to 10 and cannot change during runtime (it is also the same for every grid cell).
Performance is the key issue here. I need to be able to regularly iterate in an ordered fashion over all grid points of all cells in an efficient manner (i.e. without too many cache misses). Generally, K and N_k do not change very often during the simulation, so for example a large contiguous block of memory for all cells and data points could be an option.
However, I do need to be able to refine or coarsen the grid (i.e. delete cells and create new ones, the new ones may be appended to the end) during runtime. I also need to be able to change the approximation order N_k, so the number of data points I store for each cell can change during runtime as well.
Any input is appreciated. If you have experience yourself, or just know a few good resources that I could look at, please let me know. However, while the solution will be crucial to the performance of the final program, it is just one of many problems, so the solution needs to be of an applied nature and not purely academic.
Should this be the wrong venue to ask this question, please let me know what a more suitable place would be.
Often, these sorts of dynamic mesh structures can be very tricky to deal with efficiently, but in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement codes (common in astrophysics, where complex geometries aren't important) or your spectral element code where you have large block sizes, it is often much less of an issue. You have so much work to do per block/element (with at least 10^5 cells x 2 points/cell in your case) that the cost of switching between blocks is comparitively minor.
Keep in mind, too, that you can't generally do too much of the hard work on each element or block until a substantial amount of that block's data is already in cache. You're already going to have to had flushed most of block N's data out of cache before getting much work done on block N+1's anyway. (There might be some operations in your code which are exceptions to this, but those are probably not the ones where you're spending much time anyway, cache or no cache, because there's not a lot of data reuse - eg, elementwise operations on cell values). So keeping each the blocks/elements beside each other isn't necessarily a huge deal; on the other hand, you definitely want the blocks/elements to be themselves contiguous.
Also notice that you can move blocks around to keep them contiguous as things get resized, but not only are all those memory copies also going to wipe your cache, but the memory copies themselves get very expensive. If your problem is filling a significant fraction of memory (and aren't we always?), say 1GB, and you have to move 20% of that around after a refinement to make things contiguous again, that's .2 GB (read + write) / ~20 GB/s ~ 20 ms compared to reloading (say) 16k cache lines at ~100ns each ~ 1.5 ms. And your cache is trashed after the shuffle anyway. This might still be worth doing if you knew that you were going to do the refinement/derefinement very seldom.
But as a practical matter, most adaptive mesh codes in astrophysical fluid dynamics (where I know the codes well enough to say) simply maintain a list of blocks and their metadata and don't worry about their contiguity. YMMV of course. My suggestion would be - before spending too much time crafting the perfect data structure - to first just test the operation on two elements, twice; the first, with the elements in order and computing on them 1-2, and the second, doing the operation in the "wrong" order, 2-1, and timing the two computations several times.
For each cell, store the offset in which to find the cell data in a contiguous array. This offset mapping is very efficient and widely used. You can reorder the cells for cache reuse in traversals. When the order or number of cells changes, create a new array and interpolate, then throw away the old arrays. This storage is much better for external analysis because operations like inner products in Krylov methods and stages in Runge-Kutta methods can be managed without reference to the mesh. It also requires minimal memory per vector (e.g. in Krylov bases and with time integration).

Threading access to various buffers

I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this, but I'm getting a bit stuck in figuring out exactly what it is that I'm trying to do, so I'm going to explain what it is, what I'm thinking I want to do, and where I'm getting stuck.
I am working on a program that has a single array (Image really), which per frame can have a large number of objects placed on an image array. Each object is completely independent of all other objects. The only dependency is the output, in theory possible to have 2 of these objects placed on the same location on the array. I'm trying to increase the efficiency of placing the objects on the image, so that I can place more objects. In order to do that, I'm wanting to thread the problem.
The first step that I have taken towards threading it involves simply mutex protecting the array. All operations which place an object on the array will call the same function, so I only have to put the mutex lock in one place. So far, it is working, but it is not seeing the improvements that I would hope to have. I am hypothesizing that this is because most of the time, the limiting factor is the image write statement.
What I'm thinking I need to do next is to have multiple image buffers that I'm writing to, and to combine them when all of the operations are done. I should say that obscuration is not a problem, all that needs to be done is to simply add the pixel counts together. However, I'm struggling to figure out what mechanism I need to use in order to do this. I have looked at semaphores, but while I can see that they would limit a number of buffers, I can envision a situation in which two or more programs would be trying to write to the same buffer at the same time, potentially leading to inaccuracies.
I need a solution that does not involve any new non-standard libraries. I am more than willing to build the solution, but I would very much appreciate a few pointers in the right direction, as I'm currently just wandering around in the dark...
To help visualize this, imagine that I am told to place, say, balls at various locations on the image array. I am told to place the balls each frame, with a given brightness, location, and size. The exact location of the balls is dependent on the physics from the previous frame. All of the balls must be placed on a final image array, as quickly as they possibly can be. For the purpose of this example, if two balls are on top of each other, the brightness can simply be added together, thus there is no need to figure out if one is blocking the other. Also, no using GPU cards;-)
Psuedo-code would look like this: (Assuming that some logical object is given for location, brightness, and size). Also, assume, that isValidPoint simply finds if the point should be on the circle, given the location and radius of said circle.
global output_array[x_arrLimit*y_arrLimit)
void update_ball(int ball_num)
calc_ball_location(ball_num, *location, *brightness, *size); // location, brightness, size all set inside function
void place_ball(location,brighness,size)
for (int x=xlims.min;x<xlims.max;y++)
for (int y=ylims.min;y<ylims.max;y++)
if (isValidPoint(location,size,x,y))
The reason you're not seeing any speed up with the current design is that, with a single mutex for the entire buffer, you might as well not bother with threading, as all the objects have to be added serially anyway (unless there's significant processing being done to determine what to add, but it doesn't sound like that's the case). Depending on what it takes to "add an object to the buffer" (do you use scan-line algorithms, flood fill, or something else), you might consider having one mutex per row or a range of rows, or divide the image into rectangular tiles with one mutex per region or something. That would allow multiple threads to add to the image at the same time as long as they're not trying to update the same regions.
OK, you have an image member in some object. Add the, no doubt complex, code to add other image/objects to it. maipulate it, whatever. Aggregate in all the other objects that may be involved, add some command enun to tell threads what op to do and an 'OnCompletion' event to call when done.
Queue it to a pool of threads hanging on the end of a producer-consumer queue. Some thread will get the *object, perform the operation on the image/set and then call the event, (pass the completed *object as a parameter). In the event, you can do what you like, according to the needs of your app. Maybe you will add the processed images into a (thread-safe!!), vector or other container or queue them off to some other thread - whatever.
If the order of processing the images must be preserved, (eg. video stream), you could add an incrementing sequence-number to each object that is submitted to the pool, so enabling your 'OnComplete' handler to queue up 'later' images until all earlier ones have come in.
Since no two threads ever work on the same image, you need no locking while processing. The only locks you should, (may), need are those internal the queues, and they only lock for the time taken to push/pop object pointers to/from the queue - contention will be very rare.