How can you drop an HttpRequest connection in Django when TLS/SSL is not being used? - django

I'm writing a Django 1.3 view method which requires TLS/SSL to be used. I want to entirely drop the connection if an HttpRequest is received without using TLS/SSL and NOT return any kind of response. This is for security reasons.
Currently I am returning a response like so:
def some_view(request):
if not request.is_secure():
return HttpResponse(status=426)
However, returning 426 - Upgrade Required poses a couple of problems:
It's part of a proposed standard from May 2000 (RFC 2817), and is not an official HTTP standard.
The HttpResponse is open to a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. As mentioned in the comments here, if the server returns any type of response to the client without a TLS/SSL connection first being established, a MITM could hijack the response, alter it to re-direct elsewhere, and deliver the malicious re-direct response to the client.
Having the server re-direct from a HTTP URI to a HTTPS URI is open to the same MITM attack as noted above.
So, how can you entirely drop a connection inside a Django 1.3 view method without returning any type of HttpResponse?

As I was saying in this answer, I'm generally against the use of automatic redirections from http:// to https:// for the reasons you're mentioning. I would certainly not recommend resorting only to bulk mod_rewrite-style redirections for securing a site.
However, in your case, by the time the request reaches the server, it's too late. If there is a MITM, he has done his attack (or part of it) before you got the request.
The best you can do by then is to reply without any useful content. In this case, a redirection (using 301 or 302 and the Location header) could be appropriate. However, it may hide problems if the user (or even you as a developer) ignores the warnings (in this case, the browser will follow the redirection and retry the request almost transparently).
Therefore, I would simply suggest returning a 404 status:
http://yoursite/ and https://yoursite/ are effectively two distinct sites. There is no reason to expect a 1:1 mapping of all resources from the URI spaces from one to the other (just in the same way as you could have a completely different hierarchy for ftp://yoursite/).
More importantly, this is a problem that should be treated upstream: the link that led your user to this resource using http:// should be considered as broken. Don't make it work automatically. Having a 404 status for a resource that shouldn't be there is fine. In addition, returning an error message when there is an error is good: it will force you (or at least remind you) as a developer that you need to fix the page/form/link that led to this problem.
Dropping the connection is just a bonus, if you can do this with this framework: it will only be really useful if it can be sent asynchronously by the server (before the client has finished sending the request), if the browser can read it asynchronously (in which case it should stop sending immediately when there is an error) and if the MITM attacker is passive (an active MITM could stop the response to go back through the client and make sure the client sends all the request by consuming it with its own "proxy", whether or not the server has dropped the connection). These conditions can happen, but fixing the problem at the source is still better anyway.

If you are using Nginx as your front-end proxy then you can use another non-standard HTTP status code 444 which closes the connection without sending any headers. It would require that Nginx know enough about which urls to deny on HTTP.


Understanding CORS

I've been looking on the web regarding CORS, and I wanted to confirm if whatever I made of it is, what it actually is.
Mentioned below is a totally fictional scenario.
I'll take an example of a normal website. Say my html page has a form that takes a text field name. On submitting it, it sends the form data to myPage.php. Now, what happens internally is that, the server sends the request to along with the text fields. Now, the server sees that the request was fired off from the same domain/port/protocol
(Question 1. How does server know about all these details. Where does it extract all these details froms?)
Nonetheless, since the request is originated from same domain, it server the php script and returns whatever is required off it.
Now, for the sake of argument, let's say I don't want to manually fill the data in text field, but instead I want to do it programmatically. What I do is, I create a html page with javascript and fire off a POST request along with the parameters (i.e. values of textField). Now since my request is not from any domain as such, the server disregards the service to my request. and I get cross domain error?
Similarly, I could have written a Java program also, that makes use of HTTPClient/Post request and do the same thing.
Question 2 : Is this what the problem is?
Now, what CORS provide us is, that the server will say that 'anyone can access myPage.php'.
From enable it says that
For simple CORS requests, the server only needs to add the following header to its response:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Now, what exactly is the client going to do with this header. As in, the client anyway wanted to make call to the resources on server right? It should be upto server to just configure itself with whether it wants to accept or not, and act accordingly.
Question 3 : What's the use of sending a header back to client (who has already made a request to the server)?
And finally, what I don't get is that, say I am building some RESTful services for my android app. Now, say I have one POST service I've got my Tomcat server hosting these services on my local machine.
In my android app, I just call this service, and get the result back (if any). Where exactly did I use CORS in this case. Does this fall under a different category of server calls? If yes, then how exactly.
Furthermore, I checked Enable Cors for Tomcat and it says that I can add a filter in my web.xml of my dynamic web project, and then it will start accepting it.
Question 4 : Is that what is enabling the calls from my android device to my webservices?
First of all, the cross domain check is performed by the browser, not the server. When the JavaScript makes an XmlHttpRequest to a server other than its origin, if the browser supports CORS it will initialize a CORS process. Or else, the request will result in an error (unless user has deliberately reduced browser security)
When the server encounters Origin HTTP header, server will decide if it is in the list of allowed domains. If it is not in the list, the request will fail (i.e. server will send an error response).
For number 3 and 4, I think you should ask separate questions. Otherwise this question will become too broad. And I think it will quickly get close if you do not remove it.
For an explanation of CORS, please see this answer from programmers:
NOTE: CORS is more of a convention. It does not guarantee security. You can write a malicious browser that disregards the same domain policy. And it will execute JavaScript fetched from any site. You can also create HTTP headers with arbitrary Origin headers, and get information from any third party server that implements CORS. CORS only works if you trust your browser.
For question 3, you need to understand the relationship between the two sites and the client's browser. As Krumia alluded to in their answer, it's more of a convention between the three participants in the request.
I recently posted an article which goes into a bit more detail about how CORS handshakes are designed to work.
Well I am not a security expert but I hope, I can answer this question in one line.
If CORS is enabled then server will just ask browser if you are calling the request from []? If browser say yes it will show the result and if browser says no it is from [] it will throw error.
So CORS is dependent on browser. And that's why browsers send a preflight request before actual request.
In my case I just added
.authorizeRequests().antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**").permitAll()
to my WebSecurityConfiguration file issue is resolved

Discriminating between infrastructure and business logic when using HTTP status codes

We are trying to build a REST interface that allows users to test the existence of a specific resource. Let's assume we're selling domain names: the user needs to determine if the domain is available.
An HTTP GET combined with 200 and 404 response codes seems sensible at first glance.
The problem we have is discriminating between a request successfully served by our lookup service, and a request served under exceptional behaviour from other components. For example:
404 and 200 can be returned by intermediary proxies that actually block the request. This can be due to proxy misconfiguration, or even external infrastructure such as coffee shop Wifi using poor forms-based authentication.
Clients could be using broken URLs. This could occur through deprecation or (again) by misconfiguration. We could combat the former through 301, however.
What is the current best practice for discriminating between responses that have been successfully fulfilled against the client's intention for that request, and responses served through exceptional behaviour?
The problem is eliminated by tunnelling responses through the response body, as we can ensure these are unique to our service. However, doesn't seem very RESTful!
Simply have your application add some content to its HTTP responses that will distinguish them from the responses thrown by intermediaries. Any or all of these would work:
Information about the error in the response content that is recognizable as your application's content (for example, Application error: Domain name not found (404))
A Content-Type header in the response that indicates that the response content should be decoded as an application error (for example, Content-Type: application/vnd.domain-finder.error+json)
A custom header in the response that indicates it is an application error
Once you implement a scheme like this, your API clients will need to be aware of the mechanism you choose if they want to react differently to application errors versus infrastructure errors, so just document it clearly.
I tend to follow the "do what's RESTful as long as it makes sense" line of thinking.
Let's say you have an API that looks like this:
Hitting /api/v1/domain/ could then return a 200 with some whois information.
Hitting /api/v1/domain/ could return a 404 with links to purchase options.
That would probably work. If the returned content follows a strict format (e.g. a JSON response with a results key) then your API's responses can be differentiated from your proxies' responses.
Alternatively, you could offer
This is now slightly less RESTful but it's still self-describing and (in my opinion) not that bad. Now every response can be a 200 and your content can reveal the results.

How to identify GET/POST requests made by a human ignoring any requests following

I'm writing an application that listens to HTTP traffic and tries to recognize which requests where initiated by a human.
For example:
The user types in their address bar, which starts a request. Then I want to find
CNN's server response while discarding any others requests (such as XHR, etc.)
How could you tell from the header information what means what?
After doing some research I've found that relevant responses come with :
Content-Type: text/html
Html comes with a meaningful title
status 200 ok
There is no way to tell from the bits on the wire. The HTTP protocol has a defined format, which all (non-broken) user agents adhere to.
You are probably thinking that the translation of a user's typing of just '' into '' on the wire can be detected from the protocol payload. The answer is no, it can't.
To detect the user agent allowing the user such shorthand, you would have to snoop the user agent application (e.g. a browser) itself.
Actually, detecting non-human agency is the interesting problem (with spam detection as one obvious motivation). This is because HTTP belongs to the family of NVT protocols, where the basic idea, believe it or not, is that a human should be able to run the protocol "by hand" in a network terminal/console program (such as a telnet client.) In other words, the protocol is basically designed as if a human were using it.
I don't think header information can suffice to identify real users from bots, since bots are made to mimic real users and headers are very easy to imitate.
One thing you can do, is to track the path (sequence of clicks) followed by a user, which is most likely to be different from one made by a bot, and made some analysis on the posted information (i.e. bayesian filters).
A very easy to implement check is based on the IP source. There are databases of black listed IP addresses, see Project Honeypot - and if you are writing your software in java, here is an example on how to check an IP address: How to query HTTP:BL for spamming IP addresses.
What I do on my blog is this (using wordpress plugins):
check if an IP address is in the HTTP:BL, if it is the user is shown an html page to take action to whitelist his IP address. This is done in Wordpress by Bad Behavior plugin.
when the user submits some content, a bayesian filter verifies the content of his submission and if his comment is identified as spam, a captcha is displayed before completing the submission. This is done with akismet and conditional captcha, and the comment is also enqueued for manual approval.
After being approved once, the same user is considered safe, and can post without restrictions/checks.
Applying the above rules, I have nomore spam on my blog. And I think that a similar logic can be used for any website.
The advantage of this approach, is that most of the users don't even notice any security mechanism, since no captcha is displayed, nor anything unusual happens in 99% of the times. But still there is quite restrictive, and effective, checks going on under the hoods.
I can't offer any code to help, but I'd say look at the Referer HTTP header. The initial GET request shouldn't have a Referer, but when you start loading the resources on the page (such as JavaScript, CSS, and so on) the Referer will be set to the URL that requested those resources.
So when I type in "" in my browser and hit enter, the browser will send a GET request with no Referer, like this:
GET / HTTP/1.1
# ... other Headers
When the browser loads the supporting static resources on the page, though, each request will have a Referer header, like this:
GET /style.css HTTP/1.1
# ... other Headers

Django+apache: HTTPS only for login page

I'm trying to accomplish the following behaviour:
When the user access to the site by means of:
I want him to be redirected to:
By middleware, if user is not logged in, the login template is rendered when accessing /. If the user is logged, / is the main view. When the user logs in, I want the site working by http.
To do so, I am running the same server on ports 80 and 443 (is this really necessary? I have the impression that i'm running two separate servers with the same application while I want a server listening to two ports).
When the user navigates away from login, due to the redirection to http server the data in request.session is not present (altough it is present on https), thus showing that there is no user logged. So, considering the set up of apache is correct (running the same server on two different ports) I guess I have to pass the cookie from the server running on https over to http.
Can anybody shed some light on this? Thank you
First off make sure that the setting SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is set to false. As long as the domains are the same the cookies on the browser should be present and so the session information should still be there.
Take a look at your cookies using a plugin. Search for the session cookie you have set. By default these cookies are named "sessionid" by Django. Make sure the domains and paths are in fact correct for both the secure session and regular session.
I want to warn against this however. Recently things like Firesheep have exploited an issue that people have known but ignored for a long time, that these cookies are not secure in any way. It would be easy for someone to "sniff" the cookie over the HTTP connection and gain access to the site as your logged in user. This essentially eliminates the entire reason you set up a secure connection to log in in the first place.
Is there a reason you don't have a secure connection across the entire site? Traditional arguments about it being more intensive on the server really don't apply with modern CPUs any longer and the exploits that I refer to above are becoming so prevalent that the marginal (really marginal) cost of encrypting all of your traffic is well worth it.
Apache needs to have essentially 2 different servers running because a.) it is listening on 2 different ports and b.) one is adding some additional encryption logic. That said this is a normal thing for Apache. I run servers with dozens of "servers" running on different ports and doing different logic. In the grand scheme of things, this shouldn't really weight your server down.
That said once you pass the same request to *WSGI or mod_python, you will then have to have logic to make sure that no one tries to log in over your non-encrypted connection because the only difference to Django will be the response in request.is_secure(). All the URLs and views in your urlconf will be accessible.
Whew that is a lot. I hope that helps.

Does every web request send the browser cookies?

Does every web request send the browser's cookies?
I'm not talking page views, but a request for an image, .js file, etc.
If a web page has 50 elements, that is 50 requests. Why would it send the SAME cookie(s) for each request, doesn't it cache or know it already has it?
Yes, as long as the URL requested is within the same domain and path defined in the cookie (and all of the other restrictions -- secure, httponly, not expired, etc) hold, then the cookie will be sent for every request.
As others have said, if the cookie's host, path, etc. restrictions are met, it'll be sent, 50 times.
But you also asked why: because cookies are an HTTP feature, and HTTP is stateless. HTTP is designed to work without the server storing any state between requests.
In fact, the server doesn't have a solid way of recognizing which user is sending a given request; there could be a thousand users behind a single web proxy (and thus IP address). If the cookies were not sent every request, the server would have no way to know which user is requesting whatever resource.
Finally, the browser has no clue if the server needs the cookies or not, it just knows the server instructed it to send the cookie for any request to, so it does so. Sometimes images need them (e.g., dynamically-generated per-user), sometimes not, but the browser can't tell.
Yes. Every request sends the cookies that belong to the same domain. They're not cached as HTTP is stateless, what means every request must be enough for the server to figure out what to do with it. Say you have images that are only accessible by certain users; you must send your auth cookie with every one of those 50 requests, so the server knows it's you and not someone else, or a guest, among the pool of requests it's getting.
Having said that, cookies might not be sent given other restrictions mentioned in the other responses, such as HTTPS setting, path or domain. Especially there, an important thing to notice: cookies are not shared between domains. That helps with reducing the size of HTTP calls for static files, such as the images and scripts you mentioned.
Example: you have 4 cookies at; if you make a request to, all those 4 cookies will be sent.
However, if you request (notice the subdomain change) or, those 4 cookies won't be present - but maybe those related to these domains will.
You can read more about cookies and images requesting, for example, at this StackOverflow Blog Post.
No. Not every request sends the cookies. It depends on the cookie configuration and client-server connection.
For example, if your cookie's secure option is set to true then it must be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection. Means when you see that website with HTTP protocol then these cookies won't be sent by browsers as the secure flag is true.
3 years have passed
There's another reason why a browser wouldn't send cookies. You can add a crossOrigin attribute to your <script> tag, and the value to "anonymous". This will prevent cookies to be sent to the destination server. 99.9% of the time, your javascripts are static files, and you don't generate that js code based on the request's cookies. If you have 1KB of cookies, and you have 200 resources on your page, then your user is uploading 200KB, and that might take some time on 3G and have zero effect on the result page. Visit HTML attribute: crossorigin for reference.
Cookie has a "path" property. If "path=/" , the answer is Yes.
I know this is an old thread. But I've just noticed that most browsers won't sent cookies for a domain if you add a trailing dot. For example won't receive cookies set for Apache on the other hand treats them as the same host. I find this useful to make cross domain tracking more difficult for external resources I include, but you could also use it for performance reasons. Note this brakes validation of https certificates. I've run a few tests using browsershots and my own devices. The hack works on almost all browsers except for safari (mobile and desktop), which will include cookies in the request.
Short answer is Yes. The below lines are from the JS documentation
Cookies were once used for general client-side storage. While this was legitimate when they were the only way to store data on the client, it is now recommended to use modern storage APIs. Cookies are sent with every request, so they can worsen performance (especially for mobile data connections).