When I examine a particular user (friend) via the Graph API, I can see their bio. How do I access the BIO with FQL?
I seem to be able to access the few items that the Graph API does return with FQL, but not this one.
Per: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/user/
You would use fql?q=SELECT about_me FROM user WHERE uid=me()
Or if you want friend's about_me/bio, then run the following:
'fql?q=SELECT about_me FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend where uid1=me())'
Here's some of my results. Notice some nulls and some blanks and some filled in:
"data": [
"about_me": ""
"about_me": "aspiring rocket scientist"
"about_me": ""
"about_me": "Enjoying Life"
"about_me": null
I am using amazon-sp-api (JavaScript client for the Amazon Selling Partner API) but this is not limited to this client. All I want to do is use the Amazon SP-API Listings API's putListingsItem call to update the price and quantity of an item I have listed.
According to the ListingsItemPutRequest docs, productType and attributes are required for this call.
Firstly, to obtain the correct productType value, you are supposed to search for a product definitions type using the Product Type Definitions API. So, I do that, and call searchDefinitionsProductTypes, just to discover my product has no matching product type.
Ultimately, I gave the value PRODUCT for productType field. Using PRODUCT, I made the getDefinitionsProductType call and got an object containing an array of propertyNames, shown below:
"propertyNames": [
On seeing this, I decide list_price and fulfillment_availability must be the price and quantity and then try using these in my code below.
The attributes value is also required. However, their current docs show no clear example of what to put for these values, which are where I must put price and quantity somewhere.
I found this link about patchListingsItem and tried to implement that below but got an error.
// trying to update quantity... failed.
a.response = await a.sellingPartner.callAPI({
sellerId: process.env.SELLER_ID,
query: {
marketplaceIds: [ `ATVPDKIKX0DER` ]
body: {
"productType": `PRODUCT`
"requirements": "LISTING_OFFER_ONLY",
"attributes": {
"fulfillment_availability": {
"fulfillment_channel_code": "AMAZON_NA",
"quantity": 4,
"marketplace_id": "ATVPDKIKX0DER"
console.log( `a.response: `, a.response )
"status": "INVALID",
"submissionId": "34e1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"issues": [
"code": "4000001",
"message": "The provided value for 'fulfillment_availability' is invalid.",
"severity": "ERROR",
"attributeName": "fulfillment_availability"
I also tried using list_price :
// list_price attempt... failed.
a.response = await a.sellingPartner.callAPI({
sellerId: process.env.SELLER_ID,
query: {
marketplaceIds: [ `ATVPDKIKX0DER` ]
body: {
"productType": `PRODUCT`
"requirements": "LISTING_OFFER_ONLY",
"attributes": {
"list_price": {
"Amount": 90,
"CurrencyCode": "USD"
console.log( `a.response: `, a.response )
Error (this time seems I got warmer... maybe?):
"status": "INVALID",
"submissionId": "34e1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"issues": [
"code": "4000001",
"message": "The provided value for 'list_price' is invalid.",
"severity": "ERROR",
"attributeName": "list_price"
How do you correctly specify the list_price or the quantity so this call will be successful?
Just tryin to update a single item's price and quantity.
The documentation for this side of things is terrible. I've managed to get some of it through a fair bit of trial and error though.
Fulfillment and Availability can be set with this block of JSON
"fulfillment_availability": [{
"fulfillment_channel_code": "DEFAULT",
"quantity": "9999",
"lead_time_to_ship_max_days": "5"
and List price gets set, oddly, with this block. I'm still trying to find out how to set the List Price with Tax however.
"purchasable_offer": [{
"currency": "GBP",
"our_price": [{"schedule": [{"value_with_tax": 285.93}]}],
"marketplace_id": "A1F83G8C2ARO7P"
Hope this helps you out :)
I'm using Facebooks Webhooks for lead generations. I successfully can fetch leadgen_id from the Facebooks callback.
So this is what Facebook returns for the leadgen field:
"object": "page",
"entry": [
"id": "0",
"time": 1583178814,
"changes": [
"field": "leadgen",
"value": {
"ad_id": "444444444",
"form_id": "444444444444",
"leadgen_id": "444444444444",
"created_time": 1583178812,
"page_id": "444444444444",
"adgroup_id": "44444444444"
Is it possible to somehow get campaign ID from these values?
I figure out how to get the campaign id from leadgenId. we can use the Facebook graph leadgen GET API
GET /v6.0/<leadgenid>?access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>&fields=campaign_id'
Host: graph.facebook.com
Hope it'll help someone in the future :)
I can't find a way to do it in the docs, and I have looked into as well here on Stack Overflow. I want to show a user a limited view of my JSON response from the API, before they have logged in.
So, as an example, I have a e-book I want to sell online. I want them only to see a preview link (epubFile.notAuthoried) of the book when not logged in, and the full link (epubFile.authorized) of the book when logged in. Both links are represented in the same table.
"title": "string",
"subTitle": "string",
"isPublished": true,
"publicationDate": "2017-10-20T11:07:31.258Z",
"epubFile": {
"notAuthorized": "filename-noauth.epub"
"authorized": "filename-auth.epub"
"id": "string",
"createdOn": "2017-10-20T11:07:31.258Z",
"updatedOn": "2017-10-20T11:07:31.258Z"
Is it even possible to filter out fields from the API Endpoints in loopback?
Or do I need to build a new custom API Endpoint?
first you'll have to set the permissions on your find and findById methods to $everyone so that both authorized and unauthorized users can call them
"name": "eBook",
"base": "PersistedModel",
"acls": [
"accessType": "READ",
"principalType": "ROLE",
"principalId": "$everyone",
"permission": "ALLOW",
"property":["find", "findById]
Next, you'll have to hook into the remote methods and modify the response depending on if hte user is logged in or not
const previewProperites = ['title', 'subTitle', etc...]
Ebook.afterRemote('find', (ctx, ebooks, next) => {
// pseudo code
// no user logged in, only keep preview properties
ebooks.forEach(book => {
// get the properties of the book
var eBookProperties = Object.keys(book.__data);
eBookProperties.forEach(bookProp =>{
if(!previewProperties.some(pProp => pProp === bookProp)){
// ebook property not in preview list, so remove it
delete book.__data[bookProp]; // .__data is where loopback keeps its actual data
I am using python-social-auth for letting user log in through fb, google and linkedin.
When a user is created by one of this backends and is stored in database.
We have the following: (Using django-mongodb-engine not mongoengine)
user_register_registration(Custom User model)
"_id": {
"$oid": "abcdxxxxxxx344"
"username": "something",
"utype": "AB",
"email": "abc#abc.com",
"last_login": {
"$date": "2014-12-10T07:12:41.848Z"
"password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
and social_auth_usersocialauth
"_id": {
"$oid": "yxzxxxxxxx123"
"extra_data": "access token etc",
"user_id": {
"$oid": "abcdxxxxxxx344"
"uid": "abc#abc.com",
"provider": "google-oauth2"
"_id": "pqrxxxxxx543",
"expire_date": {
"$date": "2014-12-10T08:12:41.853Z"
"session_data": "session data"
How can i know which user was created using these backends.
Method I applied to solve this:
s = UserSocialAuth.objects.last()
ssid = s.user_id
s = Registration.objects.last()
request.session['SSID'] = s.id
ssid = UserSocialAuth.objects.get(user_id=s.id)
This doesn't seem to the right way. I am concerned about concurrency problem and returning users.
This idea fails for returning users
Can we know session key or anything?
Facebook documents how to get a page access token by having you call the Graph API to get a list of all your fb accounts. This is done by making a GET request to:
However this returns a list of accounts:
"data": [
"name": "PAGE_TITLE",
"access_token": "PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN",
"category": "PAGE_CATEGORY",
"id": "PAGE_ID"
"name": "PAGE_TITLE",
"access_token": "PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN",
"category": "PAGE_CATEGORY",
"id": "PAGE_ID"
I have the fb id of the page I want. Rather than walk the list looking for a matching id, isn't there a Graph API call to directly fetch the block of data? My end goal is to retrieve the page access token.
Do this, just change the PAGE_ID and USER_ACCESS_TOKEN