URL structure for inner pages? - directory-structure

Say, I have a website which reviews cars. I have a page which contains a list of the best cars with the following url structure example.com/best-cars which contains links to the best cars pages. Should I link to example.com/best-cars/name-of-car or is it OK if the URL structure of the links is example.com/car/name-of-car ?

You don't need to limit yourself with one path to the same page. With .htaccess redirects you can have multiple paths if you see that additional path is good for SEO. So basically you can support both suggested versions depending on the way visitor moving by your pages.


Wagtail: Is it possible to disable prepending internal link's with the site domain?

I want to make the urls which I put in the WYSIWYG editor just absolute like /something but not sitename.com/something. I know that I can use the "external link" option, but it is not very handy for my editors.
If your rich text fields are outputting full URLs including a domain, it probably means you're hosting multiple sites on the same Wagtail installation. Unfortunately, in this situation it's not possible to override this behaviour to output local URLs.
Wagtail will always prefer to generate local URLs (without a domain) wherever possible, according to the following rules:
If the Wagtail installation is only hosting one site, generate a local URL
If we know that the link is being output on a page that's on the same site as the link destination, generate a local URL
Otherwise, generate a full URL including the domain
In the case of rule 2, the {% pageurl %} template tag is able to compare the current page against the link destination. However, this isn't possible within the |richtext template filter: a Django template filter has no access to the calling template's variables, so there's no way for it to know that the current page matches the link destination.

Django URL Redirects And Changing URL Structure

I'm trying to get some information before i change the URL structure of my website.
I want to better organize the overall folder system for my 'deals website.
currently my urls look like this
for a specific deal : deals/discount-bike-at-walmart-99
for a specific category: deals/category/apparel
for a specific retailer: deals/retailer-deals/walmart
i feel like maybe these folders are a bit too long
if i do want to change them, does django allready handle the redirects or is there something I need to do handle this? my site is allready indexed by google, so i'm trying to avoid an issue where I'm creating duplicated content
Try redirectView to direct your client side URL calls to newly changed view python files. From that way you want be changing the indexed done with google on your website

Any way to organize images into folders in Wagtail CMS?

I'm trying to use Wagtail, the Django CMS. The images uploaded via the admin interface all go to the same place and it seems there is no way to organize images except by tagging them. Is there any way to organize them into folders or to search for them by date uploaded?
Furthermore, the search function for the images at least on the Wagtail demo installation, does not pull up any results if searching by the tag name (it does work with the search term in the title field).
Any suggestions for how to organize images in Wagtail would be appreciated!
Wagtail 1.4 introduced the concept of Collections which was their way of address this need:
Images and documents can now be organised into collections, set up by
administrators through the Settings -> Collections menu item. User
permissions can be set either globally (on the ‘Root’ collection) or
on individual collections, allowing different user groups to keep
their media items separated.
Don't think you can search by tag though...
If you need more than a flat folder structure, there is also this project:
which is a replacement for the built-in wagtailimages app. I haven't tried it myself though.

Is it possible to list sitemaps for different domains in the same robots.txt file?

We have multiple websites served from the same Sitecore instance and same production web server. Each website has its own primary and Google-news sitemap, and up to now we have included a sitemap specification for each in the .NET site's single robots.txt file.
Our SEO expert has raised the presence of different domains in the same robots.txt as a possible issue, and I can't find any documentation definitely stating one way or the other. Thank you.
This should be OK for Google at least. It may not work for other search engines such as Bing, however.
According to https://developers.google.com/webmasters/control-crawl-index/docs/robots_txt:
sitemap: [absoluteURL]
[absoluteURL] points to a Sitemap, Sitemap Index file or equivalent URL. The URL does not have to be on the same host as the robots.txt file. Multiple sitemap entries may exist. As non-group-member records, these are not tied to any specific user-agents and may be followed by all crawlers, provided it is not disallowed.
The best way to achieve this is to Handle the Robots.txt from Sitecore Content Tree.
We also have similar structure where we are delivering multiple websites from Single sitecore instance.
I have written a blog for such please find it below. It is exactly what you want.

App with multiple categories in Django CMS

we are trying to migrate a project written with Drupal to Django CMS and we faced a problem with article module. Our site is divided in sections and we have a news module installed in every section with a category, url structure is looking like this:
This is the same news module, just split in categories (some news articles can pop up in multiple sections, in this case one section is chosen as base to form unique article URL). The only one method I found makes this structure:
Which is not good for us as we would prefer to keep the current URL structure for SEO purposes. Is there a correct way to implement this in Django CMS beside creating each section as a module and plugging in in to a page? Or can I some-how install the same module to multiple pages and pass the section information to it?
One way to do this I found myself would be to plug-in the same module to every page it will be on and then have it to parse the path of the page to figure out it's category. Not super-officiant but might work. Not sure if there is any other way.