I've been using a C++ library without problems on projects built with Xcode 3, but I'm now getting build problems on projects built with Xcode 4.
Drop the library into the Xcode 4 project and it builds fine, but as soon as I #include it, I get a "Lexical or Preprocessor Issue" error, more specifically " 'string' file not found, on line 4 of its main header file.
On closer inspection, the error specifies that 'string' file not found in ~/my project's directory/include/mainheader.h
I've tried the solutions listed here, but none worked.
So it thinks that header file is in my project directory, but it's obviously a C/C++ header… How can I tell Xcode to look for these C/C++ headers?
The problematic #include was at the top of my ViewController.mm, which I had already turned into Objective-C++ by giving it .mm as its extension. But ViewController.mm gets eventually imported by AppDelegate.m, which is Objective-C by default – and I had forgotten to make it Objective-C++, hence the problem.
So renaming AppDelegate.m to AppDelegate.mm solved the problem.
I think #include is a c++ class template..so you need to used using namespace std in your header file and also rename your source file .m format to .mm format.
it works for me :) try this...
So a few hours ago I started learning c++ in codelite but I was getting frustated with, so I just got codeblocks and imported the project. But now whenever I try to compile it returns:
fatal error: imports.h: No such file or directory
This is my project hierarchy in codeblocks:
And this is what the project folder looks like:
What am I doing wrong?
I know this is years later, but I've recently seen students following what I deem is frankly bad advice such as what is given above. For those learning c++ this functionality is NOT for you. To add headers you should simply check that you are using double quotes, instead of angled brackets i.e.
#include "myheader.h"
and NOT
#include <myheader.h>
Angled brackets are meant for libraries (informally) and adding a simple header file for you basic classes does not require you to change default search directories. The problem comes when someone else tries to run your code (assuming you're doing this for uni) and their IDE isn't setup to search for a "library" (your header) where it shouldn't be. Double quotes tells the compiler the files exist in your current relative directory. This way you can keep your main, headers and header implementation in one directory. Fiddling with your IDE should only be done when necessary. KISS
You have to tell Codeblocks where to find the header files that you include. Try adding the full path to your '/Headers' in the include directories of codeblocks
Goto 'Codeblocks menu > Settings > Compiler > Search directories > Add'.
EDIT: Since your issue, however, is quite irrelevant to learning the C++ language itself, I suggest that you start with simpler programs, then move on to more complex ones. That, of course, unless you have previous experience with other programming languages
Since I haven't found any Makro for
#define 'hostname of device where compiler is located' // which is unique and not to be copied !
I have now successfully used and included
#include "myCompileEnv.h"
as a workaround with the comments above, which is located more central - above the project directories in CodeBlocks.
I have imported my project from windows to mac and Is using xcode to compile the project.
I have managed to fix most error and bugs from the porting process but there is one bug/error I am unable to determine why its not working as it should. This probably due to my lack of knowledge of xcode but was wondering if anyone is able to help me with this problem.
The problem is this;
I have a two sub folders in my project, once called include and another called source. Of course include contains all the header files and source contains all the cpp files and such.
Now in the build settings in the xcode project, I have added $(SRCROOT)/Include/ in the Header Serach Paths. So therefore I presume that xcode will include any header files in the Include folder.
So in the test.cpp class I add #include "Header.h". When I click build I get an error saying "'Header.h' file not found".
Im not entirely sure what I am doing wrong, of course I can do this for example - #include "../Include/Header.h" but that's going to be a pain going through all the cpp files in my project (which is a lot).
I was just wondering if anyone else came across this problem?
Thanks for reading.
In general you need to add the headers to the User Header Search Paths, which if you search the help in XCode will give you the format you need to pass the directory as.
I am very new to c++ and am doing a tutorial. I have copied the tutorial exactly but on compiling get this error:
'String file not found'
for the line #include <string>;
Could someone tell me how to amend this?
Ok, so I changed the name of my file from .C to .cpp and this particular issue seems to have gone.
You seem to have found a solution, I'm adding this to clarify why this is happening. Some compilers integrated with IDEs treat .c files as C source code an .cpp (or .cc, .c++, etc.) as C++ code. As you compile a .c file, C++ support isn't included and a C compiler is used instead of a C++ one. And C doesn't have <string> (although it does have <string.h>, but that contains entirely different stuff).
It looks like your compiler isn't correctly or fully installed. The compiler should be able to find its own headers without further effort on your part.
Ok, so I changed the name of my file from .C to .cpp and this particular issue seems to have gone. However, I now get 3 Apple Mach-o Linker (Id) errors (?)
As this is different to the original questions I will close this and open a new one
Thanks for all the help!
check the location c:/...../include
If exist string file should reinstall compiler
I have a objective c/c++ project under iOS, moving it from OS/X and I get a 'file not found' error on
#include <string>
It's a clean project, and I've just added the files from the old project. Are the STL includes set up in XCode? A find produces a number of possibilities e.g.
but adding this to the search path just threw up more errors. Any suggestions?
(apart from don't use string - it's in house code I'm porting)
xcode 4.2.1, ios5.0 running on OS/X 10.7.3 and it's in a .cpp file, the code works fine on OS/X
Are you really sure <string> is included only from a .cpp file?
I just tested on a fresh project, by adding a .cpp file and including <string>, and it works, just as expected (same Xcode version, same SDK version).
But if I include <string> in a .m file, then of course I got a «file not found» compiler error.
So double-check this, as the error may come from here.
Do you include <string> from a .cpp file only, or from a .h file, intended to be used by a .cpp implementation?
Then maybe it's also included by a .m file, hence the error.
Also check your precompiled headers, if any, to see if you include some C++ stuff there...
Also remember, in that later case, that you can rely on the __cplusplus macro, when needed.
If you include a header in an ObjC file and it includes <string> then you hit errors like this. For all .m files XCode uses a C compiler (clang or llvm-gcc). For all .mm files it will use (clang++ or llvm-g++).
I suggest going through and renaming all your .m files to .mm. Including main.m to main.mm.
For me the reason was
MyHeader.h (which includes #include ) target was public. Changed it to project and it compiled.
For cocoa pod:
s.public_header_files = 'MyProject/Classes/**/*.h'
s.project_header_files = 'MyProject/Classes/MyHeader.h'
I'm getting include not found compile error in XCode. I have an iOS app project that i use Objective-c and c++ as mix.
Initially, i created one .h file and one .cpp file in my ios project. Then, I renamed the .cpp file to .mm file.
Here is my .h file;
#ifndef CalculatorDemo_TestLog_h
#define CalculatorDemo_TestLog_h
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class TestLog
string logString;
void Log(string logMessage);
#include "TestLog.h"
void TestLog::Log(string logMessage)
What am I missing? Do I need to add std c++ library to my targetS? Something related to Search Header Paths?
I just need to use string type.
Thanks much for in advance
select project -> build setting -> apple LLVM compiler 5.1 -> language
In Compile Sources As change to Objective-C++
There's a quirk in XCode. I noticed it in 7.3. Most projects recognize .mm files and the STL, while one project I had did not. The fix was that I had to click on the top-left project icon, then click Targets > Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries > and add in AppKit.framework. Next, I had to click Targets > Build Settings > search on "Compile Sources", and set it to "Objective C++" on all possible columns. Then, do a Clean and then a Build from the Product menu. This compiled properly then. Then, go back to that Compile Sources again and set it back to "According to File Type" on all possible columns. Then, click Build from the Product menu again. At that point, it compiled properly and allowed me to utilize the "according to file type" option, which I like better.
Oh, and if doing Cocoa stuff, don't forget to add the following header in your files:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
And if doing command line stuff, don't forget to add the following instead of the Cocoa header:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
i believe you need to include the whole path to the library. similarly to say "foundation" & "uiview" frameworks.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
and yes, make sure you add the library to your target.
So I was having this issue with the Cocoapods library Bypass and none of these solutions did anything. The problem was with a file which Cocoapods creates called an umbrella header. This is located in <POD_NAME>/Support Files/<POD_NAME>-umbrella.h. Delete it, and it should build just fine.
Now for the explanation of why this is necessary: the umbrella header is mixing both C++ and Objective-C code directly in a header which is a big no-no apparently and ends up completely breaking the C++ imports. By removing it (which seems to have no effect?) this conflicting import which Cocoapods unknowingly created will go away.
Ran into this with xcode 12.4 with a project that is objective-c, but where I need one C++ modul. Solution: wrap the contents of the .h file in:
#if defined __cplusplus
Apparently xcode is not good at detecting a mix of sources.
see Expected ; after top level declarator, error in xcode
This often happens when Xcode doesn't understand that a C++ header file you've imported into Objective-C is actually for C++ code.
So you can solve this problem by finding the Objective-C file that imports C++ code, and simply change its extension from .m to .mm