Groovy HTTPBuilder Mocking the Response - unit-testing

I am trying to figure out how to write my Test cases for a service I am going to write.
The service will use HTTPBuilder to request a response from some URL. The HTTPBuilder request only needs to check the response for a success or failure. The service implementation will be be something as simple as:
boolean isOk() {
httpBuilder.request(GET) {
response.success = { return true }
response.failure = { return false }
So, I want to be able to mock the HTTPBuilder so that I can set the response to be either success/failure in my test so I can assert that my service's isOk method returns True when the response is a success and False, when the response is a failure.
Can any one help with how I can mock the HTTPBuilder request and set the response in a GroovyTestCase?

Here's a minimal example of a mock HttpBuilder that will handle your test case:
class MockHttpBuilder {
def result
def requestDelegate = [response: [:]]
def request(Method method, Closure body) {
body.delegate = requestDelegate
if (result)
If the result field is true, it'll invoke the success closure, otherwise failure.
EDIT: Here's an example using MockFor instead of a mock class:
import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor
def requestDelegate = [response: [:]]
def mock = new MockFor(HttpBuilder)
mock.demand.request { Method method, Closure body ->
body.delegate = requestDelegate
requestDelegate.response.success() // or failure depending on what's being tested
mock.use {
assert isOk() == true


How to mock passwordEncoder using Spock in a Grails unit test

I could use some advice in how to mock an auto wired dependency used in a Grails unit test. I've omitted most of the unnecessary code and just given the test class and the relevant methods in the file class under test
class UserService {
def springSecurityService // spring bean
def passwordEncoder // auto wired as per
// bcrypt-algorithm
def passwordPreviouslyUsed(String newPassword, def userId){
def passwordExists = false
def usersPasswords = findPasswordsForUser(userId)
usersPasswords.each{ password ->
if (passwordEncoder.isPasswordValid(oldPassword, newPassword, null)) {
passwordExists = true
return passwordExists
def findPasswordsForUser(def userId){
User foundUser = User.findById(userId)
def passwordsForUser = UserPasswords.createCriteria().list {
eq('user', foundUser)
My test
class UserServiceSpec extends Specification implements DataTest, ServiceUnitTest<UserService> {
def passwordEncoder
def setupSpec() {
mockDomains User, UserPasswords
def setup() {
def stubPasswordEncoder = Stub(passwordEncoder) {
isPasswordValid(_, _, _) >> true
service.passwordEncoder = stubPasswordEncoder
void "test for user passwordPreviouslyUsed"() {
given: "a user already exists"
service.createNewUser("testName", "", "Secret1234" )
//^(does some validation, then
User foundUser = User.findByEmail("")
foundUser.fullName == "testName"
long testUserId =
and: "we update the password for that user, and it to the userPasswords"
UserPasswords newUserPassword = new UserPasswords(
user: foundUser,
password: "newPassword1"
//use passwordPreviouslyUsed method to check a string with the same value as the
//updated password to check if it has already been used
when: "we check if the password has been used before"
def response = service.passwordPreviouslyUsed("newPassword1", fundsyId)
response == true
Without stubbing or mocking this dependency, I get the error
Cannot invoke method isPasswordValid() on null object
I tried to stub password encoder and have it return true
def stubPasswordEncoder = Stub(passwordEncoder) {
isPasswordValid(_, _, _) >> true
service.passwordEncoder = stubPasswordEncoder
But this gives an error message:
Stub in 'spock.mock.MockingApi' cannot be applied to '(java.lang.Object, groovy.lang.Closure)'
Is there any way to mock this dependency with Spock?
Stub and Mock take a class - you're giving it an instance that is null - hence the exception.
You should be able to mock it as so:
def mockPasswordEncoder = Mock(PasswordEncoder)
// note this is the class
I tried enrichelgeson's approach, and it worked!
I first imported PasswordEncoder to the test class
then implemented the normal mocking procedure. I was initially confused because they class under test just implicitly created an instance of the class by defining it.
def stubPasswordEncoder = Stub(PasswordEncoder) {
isPasswordValid(_, _, _) >> true
service.passwordEncoder = stubPasswordEncoder
I also found another solution that didn't require mocking
service.passwordEncoder = [ isPasswordValid: { String rawPass, String salt, Null -> true } ]
Both approaches work fine. Thanks for the help!

How to mock springSecurityService in an unit test

I am unit testing a Grails controller method that internally creates an user instance. User domain class uses the springSecurityService of the Spring Security plugin to encode the password before inserting it into the database.
Is there a way to mock that springSecurityService from my unit test in order to get rid of that error?
Failure: Create new individual member(MemberControllerSpec)
| java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method encodePassword() on null object
Please find my unit test below.
#Domain([User, IndividualPerson])
class MemberControllerSpec extends Specification {
void "Create new individual member"() {
UserDetailsService userDetailsService = Mock(UserDetailsService)
controller.userDetailsService = userDetailsService
def command = new IndividualPersonCommand()
command.username = ''
command.password = 'What ever'
command.firstname = 'Scott'
command.lastname = 'Tiger'
command.dob = new Date() = command.username = '89348'
command.street = 'A Street'
command.housenumber = '2'
command.postcode = '8888' = 'A City'
request.method = 'POST'
view == 'createInstance'
1 * userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(command.username) >> null
IndividualPerson.count() == 1
User.count() == 1
One way to mock a service is to use Groovy's MetaClass
import grails.test.mixin.Mock
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.SpringSecurityService
class MemberControllerSpec extends Specification {
def setupSpec() {
SpringSecurityService.metaClass.encodePassword = { password -> password }
def cleanupSpec() {
SpringSecurityService.metaClass = null
In this example, the call to SpringSecurityService.encodePassword() will simply return the password in plain text.
An approach using Mocks is discussed here.
You can to use this code to encode password in User:
def beforeInsert() {
def beforeUpdate() {
if (isDirty('password')) {
protected void encodePassword() {
password = springSecurityService?.passwordEncoder ? springSecurityService.encodePassword(password) : password
When springSecurityService is null, encodePassword is not called and NPE is not raised
When you use controller unit test with spring security rest plugin in Grails v4/v3, if your controller method reference springSecurityService methods like 'athenticatedUser', there will be NullPointException, because springSecurityService is not autowired into the spring application context.
Add code like below, you can inject springSecurityService and mock it's methods.
class GuessControllerSpec extends Specification implements ControllerUnitTest<GuessController> {
Closure doWithSpring() {
return {
// mock method
SpringSecurityService.metaClass.getCurrentUser = {return new User()}
// inject into spring context

how to unit test grails' message tag

in the controller there is an action:
def delete = {
withDomain {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'chocolateBar.label', default: 'ChocolateBar'),])}"
redirect action: 'list'
which can be tested in development. while in unit test, the message(..) method throws exception ( groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: longtest.ChocolateBarController.message() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[code:chocolateBar.label, default:ChocolateBar]]):
public void testDelete() { = '3'
assert 'list'==controller.redirectArgs.action
After study, a mockTagLib method should be called during setup. But found no correct class name for built-in message(..). Please help.
I've solved the problem in unit controller test. like this:
//This is inside Spock test
ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = null
Closure mockMessage = {Map map ->
return messageSource.getMessage((String)map.code, (Object[])map.args, Locale.default)
def setupSpec(){
URL url = new File('grails-app/i18n').toURI().toURL()
messageSource = new ResourceBundleMessageSource()
messageSource.bundleClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(url)
messageSource.basename = 'messages'
def setup(){
controller.metaClass.message = mockMessage
This code is for spock test, but main idea is also available for normal grails test.
In running phase(not test),
calling "message" in controller class results in calling "message" of ValidationTagLib class,
but they are not bind in unit test phase.
So I made almost same logic of "message" of ValidationTagLib,
and bind it(named "mockMessage") to controller.message.
With this code, you can execute "message" correctly in controller class in test.

How to mock spray-client response

I have a simple spray client :
val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[GoogleApiResult[Elevation]]
val responseFuture = pipeline {Get(",86.925278&sensor=false") }
responseFuture onComplete {
case Success(GoogleApiResult(_, Elevation(_, elevation) :: _)) =>"The elevation of Mt. Everest is: {} m", elevation)
case Failure(error) =>
log.error(error, "Couldn't get elevation")
Full code can be found here.
I want to mock the response of the server to test the logic in the Success and Failure cases. The only relevant information i found was here but I haven't been able to use the cake pattern to mock the sendReceive method.
Any suggestion or example would be greatly appreciated.
Here's an example of one way to mock it using specs2 for the test spec and mockito for the mocking. First, the Main object refactored into a class setup for mocking:
class ElevationClient{
// we need an ActorSystem to host our application in
implicit val system = ActorSystem("simple-spray-client")
import system.dispatcher // execution context for futures below
val log = Logging(system, getClass)"Requesting the elevation of Mt. Everest from Googles Elevation API...")
import ElevationJsonProtocol._
import SprayJsonSupport._
def sendAndReceive = sendReceive
def elavation = {
val pipeline = sendAndReceive ~> unmarshal[GoogleApiResult[Elevation]]
pipeline {
def shutdown(): Unit = {
Then, the test spec:
class ElevationClientSpec extends Specification with Mockito{
val mockResponse = mock[HttpResponse]
val mockStatus = mock[StatusCode]
mockResponse.status returns mockStatus
mockStatus.isSuccess returns true
val json = """
"results" : [
"elevation" : 8815.71582031250,
"location" : {
"lat" : 27.9880560,
"lng" : 86.92527800000001
"resolution" : 152.7032318115234
"status" : "OK"
val body = HttpEntity(ContentType.`application/json`, json.getBytes())
mockResponse.entity returns body
val client = new ElevationClient{
override def sendAndReceive = {
(req:HttpRequest) => Promise.successful(mockResponse).future
"A request to get an elevation" should{
"return an elevation result" in {
val fut = client.elavation
val el = Await.result(fut, Duration(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
val expected = GoogleApiResult("OK",List(Elevation(Location(27.988056,86.925278),8815.7158203125)))
el mustEqual expected
So my approach here was to first define an overridable function in the ElevationClient called sendAndReceive that just delegates to the spray sendReceive function. Then, in the test spec, I override that sendAndReceive function to return a function that returns a completed Future wrapping a mock HttpResponse. This is one approach for doing what you want to do. I hope this helps.
There's no need to introduce mocking in this case, as you can simply build a HttpResponse much more easily using the existing API:
val mockResponse = HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, json.getBytes))
(Sorry for posting this as another answer, but don't have enough karma to comment)

Play2 testing controller methods using Action composition

I want to test a controller action using Action composition.
Here's an example of the composed action and its test code.
The Secured trait:
trait Secured {
def username(request: RequestHeader) = request.session.get(Security.username)
def onUnauthorized(request: RequestHeader) = Results.Redirect(routes.Auth.login)
def withAuth(f: => String => Request[AnyContent] => Result) = {
Security.Authenticated(username, onUnauthorized) { user =>
Action(request => f(user)(request))
The controller:
MyController extends Contrller with Secured {
def simple = Action { Ok("ok") }
def simpleWithauth = withAuth { implicit username => implicit request=> Ok("ok") }
The test code:
// This work fine
val result1 = controller.simple()(FakeRequest())
// This wont compile
val result2 = controller.simpleWithAuth()(FakeRequest())
The latter would require a Request[Action[AnyContent], AnyContent]
but FakeRequest returns a Request[AnyContent]
Any pointers on how to create a fake request of the appropriate type?
This is what I had to do to test secured action
def wrappedActionResult[A](wrapped: Action[(Action[A], A)], request: Request[A]): Result = wrapped.parser(request).run.await.get match {
case Left(errorResult) => errorResult
case Right((innerAction, _)) => innerAction(request)
and the test
running(app) {
val result = wrappedActionResult(FakeController().securedAction, invalidRequest)
status(result) must_== UNAUTHORIZED
contentAsString(result) must_== "must be authenticated"
That doesn't work with Play 2.1 though, types have been changed...
in Play 2.1 it's even easier
I've added some sugar
implicit class ActionExecutor(action: EssentialAction) {
def process[A](request: Request[A]): Result = concurrent.Await.result(action(request).run, Duration(1, "sec"))
and the test now looks like this
running(app) {
val result = FakeController().securedAction process invalidRequest
status(result) must_== UNAUTHORIZED
contentAsString(result) must_== "must be authenticated"
UPDATE: here is a related blog post i wrote sometime ago
Have you tried using the routeAndCall approach?
val Some(result) = routeAndCall(FakeRequest(POST, "/someRoute"))
You can add whatever parameters you need in your request with the asFormUrlEncodedBody method and/or adding things to the session with the withSession method.