Im working on a Real world Event Management applicationwhere Events are scheduled based on availability of venue place, none of the events should clash.
What is the best possibility to insert the next value.
Suppose Event1 is happening between 9 and 9:30 at Room A
Event2 is happening between 9 and 10:00 at Room B
Event3 can start at 9:30 at Room A since its free after 9:30 n so on......
Which algorithm can I use?
Note: This is not CPU scheduling algorithm
Thanks :)
I would go with greedy approach.
Sort all the events according to start time
For each venue:
T=earliest time
Find the earliest event at or after T and schedule it for this venue. Remove that event from the list.
Update T to end time of this event
Once this is completed you can use some kind of local search (simulated annealing based) to further optimize the assignment.
I am new to blockchain and have a question about the performance.
Miners in blockchain needs to solve a mathematic puzzle in order to create a block and the process may take a few minutes to finish.
Does this mean it takes a few minutes to complete a transaction?
For example, if I buy a pizza with bitcoin, do I need to wait for a few minutes before I can get the pizza?
Firstly, "injecting" a transaction into the blockchain network does not mean that it will be immediately accepted for execution (included in the block) - it depends on the queue size determined by the current load, as well as on the transaction prioritization capabilities determined by the protocol used.
Secondly, the most popular blockchain networks based on the Bitcoin and Ethereum protocols use conditional finalization of the transaction - the block in which the transaction was included can be excluded from the main chain due to a fork and, thus, the transaction becomes unexecuted again and returns to the pending queue.
In order to make sure that the transaction is finally included in the main chain (more precisely, with a sufficiently high probability), it is recommended to wait until another 4-6 blocks are added "on top" of the block with the transaction. For Bitcoin, this time will be 40-60 minutes, and for Ethereum - 60-90 seconds.
Using siddhi 4.1.0
Is there any possibility to apply time.windowBatch for upcoming events? I understood the time window is working based on already arrived events.
Say for example,
I am getting multiple results while using window.timeBatch(2 min) with group by clause.
In the given 2 min duration I passed the 50 input events periodically. The expected behavior is all those events put together and given as an single result(used count function to verify). But it gives two results like 40 and 10. Is that first 40 events are fall into the one time window period and second is next window? In this case how I will merge or get all those events are single output for 2 mins?
Also I want to start the time-window once the first event arrived.
I experienced the time-window is running in background, in case the events are coming in middle of first time window it collects the events for 1 min only. The remaining one minute events collected by next time window. So, finally I got 2 batched results.
Please suggest there is any other solution to achieve.
My usecase is based on time duration(time.windowBatch(1 min)) for monitoring switches. I would like to implement following usecase.
Use case:
The switch sends the SNMP traps to CEP. The traps are like switchFanFailed and switchFanOk.
If I am receiving switchFanFailed trap the next trap that I am expecting switchFanOk trap will be within the 1 min. Incase the switchFanOk trap is not received within 1 min, then CEP would generate a notification through email. Otherwise It will discard that trap.
Even though my trap generator generate the traps switchFanFailed and switchFanOk within 1 min duration as constant, In some cases I am not able receive the traps in same window.
Say for example, switchFanFailed is coming end of the 0.50 sec, from here I should wait for 1 min to expect switchFanOk trap.
Sorry, I am bit confused with your usecase.. :)
Whether your usecase is based on time or length or both.. For time batch window, it starts only after 1st event comes..
If you want to wait until 50 events (or any no of events to arrive) then you have to use lengthBatch window.. If you want process based on time and batch it then use timeBatch window..
Do you have any fixed no of events ? If not, CEP/Siddhi cannot wait/batch indefinitely. There should be something to say end of batch. Isn't ?
I had a same issue and it always create two summarised for any number of records sent in to my grouping query. The fix for my issue was, one value was differnt from others which was used in the grouping. i suggest you to check the grouping.
if you think of merging two records i suggest you to ues a time batch window
timeBatch(1 min) which will summarise the out put of your current data set.
Using OpenGL for a network based game, I would like to make the Display.sync class start at a specific time. For instance, if the game is started at 5:30 PM at 49.5635 seconds, I would like the program to wait until it is 5:30 at 50 seconds until starting the update loop. This way I can send a ping every second on the second. Is this possible? if so how?
You question is quite vague - but, to answer generally: trying to synchronize games based on wall-clock time is not possible in practice (see a relevant discussion of approximation techniques in this question -
I have a vector of structs, with the structs looking like this:
struct myData{
int ID;
int arrivalTime;
int burstTime;
After populating my vector with this data:
1 1 5
2 3 2
3 5 10
where each row is an individual struct's ID, arrivalTime, and burstTime, how would I use "for" or "while" loops to step through my vector's indices and calculate the data in a way that I could print something like this out:
Time 0 Processor is Idle
Time 1 Process 1 is running
Time 3 Process 2 is running
Time 5 Process 1 is running
Time 8 Process 3 is running
I know that SJF and RR scheduling are pretty similar with the exception that RR has the time quantum so that no process can last longer than a arbitrary time limit before being pre-empted by another process. With that in mind, I think that after I implement SJF, RR will come easily with just a few modifications of the SJF algorithm.
The way I thought about implementing SJF is to sort the vector based on arrival times first, then if two or more vector indices have the same arrival time, sort it based on shortest burstTime first. After that, using
int currentTime = 0;
to keep track of how much time has passed, and
int i = 0;
to use as the index of my vector and to control a "while" loop, how would I implement an algorithm that allows me to print out my desired output shown above? I have a general idea of what needs to happen, but I can't seem to lay it all out in code in a way that works.
I know that whenever the currentTime is less than the next soonest arrivalTime, then that means the processor is idle and currentTime needs to be set to this arrivalTime.
If the vector[i+1].arrivalTime < currentTime + vector[i].burstTime, I need to set the vector[i].burstTime to vector[i+1].arrivalTime - currentTime, then set currentTime to vector[i+1].arrivalTime, then print out currentTime and the process ID
I know that these are simple mathematical operations to implement but I cant think of how to lay it all out in a way that works the way I want it to. The way it loops around and how sometimes a few processes have the same arrival times throws me off. Do I need more variables to keep track of what is going on? Should I shift the arrival times of all the items in the vector every time a process is pre-empted and interrupted by a newer process with a shorter burst time? Any help in C++ code or even psuedo-code would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I am pretty solid on the concept of how SJF works but I'm just having trouble translating what I understand into code.
I know that SJF and RR scheduling are pretty similar with the exception that RR has the time quantum so that no process can last longer than a arbitrary time limit before being pre-empted by another process.
I don't think that's right. At least that's not how I learned it. RR is closer to FCFS (first come, first served) than it is to SJF.
One way to implement SJF is to insert incoming jobs into the pending list based on the running time. The insert position is at the end if this the new job's running time is longer than that of the job at the end; otherwise it's before the first job with a running time longer than the incoming job. Scheduling is easy: Remove the job at the head of the pending list and run that job to completion. A job with a long running time might not ever be run if short jobs keep coming in and getting processed ahead of that job with a long running time.
One way to implement round robin is to use a FIFO, just like with FCFS. New jobs are added to the end of the queue. Scheduling is once again easy: Remove the job at the head of the queue and process it. So far, this is exactly what FCFS does. The two differ in that RR has a limit on how long a job can be run. If the job takes longer than some time quantum to finish, the job is run for only that amount of time and then it is added back to the end of the queue. Note that with this formulation, RR is equivalent to FCFS if the time quantum is longer than the running time of the longest running job.
I suppose you could insert those incomplete jobs back into in the middle of the process list as SJF does, but that doesn't seem very round-robinish to me, and the scheduling would be a good deal hairier. You couldn't use the "always run the job at the head" scheduling rule because then all you would have is SJF, just made more complex.
I am working for private video network where I have to schedule the
task based on following parameter.There is client Portal, Server and Gateway.
Through portal a user can request Streaming the video.
User can also Schedule Streaming for some future time.Each each task is having a task ID.
Task is scheduled based on following date time parameter.
start time
end time
Repeat (every day,just once, a particular day)
start date
end date
Now at the gateway I need to add logic to Implement schedule task.
I am exploring Waitable Timer Objects and CreateWaitableTimerEe.
I am bit confused whether it is possible to implement the feature using this.
I am using C++, MFC and can't use third party library.
I need Suggestion how to implement this.
There are dozens of ways to design this. It all depends on what you want to do and what the specific requirements are.
In a basic design I'd create an additional field called "next run time" which will be calculated by using start time, frequency and previous (if any) end time. Then I'd dump all the tasks in a queue sorted using this field.
The main scheduling will pick up the first queue item and create a suspended thread for that specific task. Now just calculate the time difference to the first item's 'next run time' and sleep for that time period. When you wake up just resume the thread and pick the next queue item and repeat.
I would just create a timer thread callback loop that checks the time every minute and executes your task on the specified schedule.