simple regular expression - match specific url - regex

I'm a noob when it comes to Regular Expressions. I'm using Joomla and the Advanced Module Manager to publish a module to a specific url.
I want to publish a module only to the url /tv-show and not /tv-show/anthingthing-else/blahblah
I thought the way to do it is /tv-show* but obviously not, since it still publishes to other urls with /tv-show on the beginning.
I tried many variations, please tell me where am I going wrong?

Try the following
The dollar matches the end of a string.


How to exclude the last part of a variable string using regex

I am currently making a bunch of landing pages that use similar URL structure, but each URL varies in number of words.
So it's something like:
and for the sent page I just postfix -sent like this. The reason I am not adding it as /sent is because the platform I am using handles URLs this way.
Now I found it easy to make a regular expression that identifies all the sent pages which is let's say:
The thing is that I am not sure how to identify the ones that are not sent. I tried using a similar regular expression using something like this, but it's not working as expected:
What's the best way to design the regex for this? Or I am approaching it in the wrong way?
A lookahead should be considered where there are some characters left to match. So one at the end of regex doesn't look for anything. As long as I'm not sure whether or not your environment supports lookbehinds, this should be a workaround:

How to use regex for URL-targeting

As a disclaimer, I must say that my experience with regular expressions is very limited. I am using Optimizely for A/B testing and have run into a problem. I only want my experiment to run on one page, however, this page's URL-structure is somewhat complicated. The URL-structure of the page where I want to run my experiment looks like this:
The problem is the public_id that changes dynamically, whenever a new user goes through the signup flow. How can I use regex to target this page exclusively? I have been trying to figure it out these past days but without any luck. Optimizely regex docs can be found here. I can't just use a simple match because /term/ appears in the URL of several pages on my site.
You could use this regular expression:
The .* part means any character can occur here any number of times. The additional ? makes it lazy, meaning the rest of the regular expression will kick in as soon as possible.
Note that a literal . needs to be escaped with a backslash, like \.

Use Regex to match beginning and end part of URL in Google Analytics

I'm looking for a regex function to implement in a goal for Google Analytics.
Consider this URL: /dagje-uit/....variable part..../contact/vpv/bedankt
Regex should work when beginning of URL matches /dagje-uit/ and end part contains /contact/vpv/bedankt Everything in the middle can be variable.
Without result i've tried
Thanks in advance!
Forgive me if Google Analytics has some regex standards which I am overlooking but is it possible that your regex is failing because it does not account for the start of the whole of the URL? Adding .* to either end of your regex may help.
It also looks like your regex is over-complex for the conditions you have described. Could a simpler match be :
if you want to be a little more confident that it is a valid URL.

Regex: Match any string but one ending with thanks/

I am attempting to set up a goal funnel in Google Analytics. It is for an online quote request system that we want to track. Basically all the pages that contain the quote request form have unique dynamically generated urls that are similar. The form of the URL is:
I have regex that works for tracking that:
Today we added a thank you page after the user submits the form. The URL is always the same for that:
I would like to modify the above regex so that it continues to match any of the Quote Request URLs, but NOT that thank you URL. I have been trying different variations, including t. he negative look ahead,but unfortunately I am not very experienced with regex and I think I've been doing it completely incorrectly. Can anyone give me some insight as to the correct method of doing this?
You can use:
See it

Git URL Structure

I am trying to build a regular expression to match any git read+write URL structure (not just GitHub) and I wanted to check to see if I got the regex right. This is what I have so far
That regex matches all of the following URLs
And others like non-top-level domains and single name domains (http://server/). Are there other url structures that I should be concious of? Also is there a shorter way of writing the existing regex that I have?
If you are using rails / ruby to write your program, check this out. You might be able to get some ideas from here: