Can Circular Lists be defined in Erlang? - list

is it possible to define a circular list in erlang?
first question would be what exactly a circular list mean in erlang?
is it with two elements, one element its self and next to it address to the next element, stored in a list?
if so i can say there is a possibility of defining a circular list in erlang.
but i need clarification weather is it what i think a circular list is in erlang?

There is no built-in list mechanism to do it. However, you can build one using a tuple holding the elements you've visited or not.
The basic structure is a tuple with two lists: {Old, New}. When you first start with an empty list, it looks like {[],[]}. When you fill the list, you fill it in the New list:
new() -> {[], []}.
insert(X, {Old, New}) -> {Old, [X|New]}.
peek({_Old, [H|_]}) -> X.
To move within the list, what you do is first seek in the New list, and put the value in the old one:
next({Old, [H|New]}) -> {[H|Old], New}.
That's fine and it works as if we were just discarding old elements. What happens when we hit the end of the list though? We need to fix the function (and also the peek one):
peek({Old, []}) -> hd(lists:reverse(Old));
peek({_Old, [H|_]}) -> X.
next({Old, []}) ->
{[], lists:reverse(Old)}}.
next({Old, [H|New]}) ->
{[H|Old], New}}.
If there's nothing in the list, it crashes. You could also return 'undefined' if you wanted to by special casing it:
next({[], []}) ->
next({Old, []}) ->
{[], lists:reverse(Old)}.
next({Old, [H|New]}) ->
{[H|Old], New}.
This then lets you use the function 'next', 'peek' and possibly 'delete' (see below) to do normal stuff. We could also add a 'prev' function to allow backwards browsing:
prev({[], []}) ->
prev({[], New}) ->
{lists:reverse(New), Old}.
prev({[H|Old], New}) ->
{Old, [H|New]}.
delete({Old, []}) -> {[], tl(lists:reverse(Old))};
delete({Old,[H|New]}) -> {Old, New};
And that should cover most of it.

Seeing erlang, and the erlang virtual machine, only supports immutable data it is impossible to build a circular list. If you were to build one yourself in some "illegal" way then it is not certain that the memory management could handle it properly.

There are no circular lists in Erlang supported by the virtual machine. You have to build them yourself if you want one.

Why yes you can ;)
14> X = ll:new().
15> ll:push(X, 1).
16> ll:push(X, 2).
17> ll:push(X, 3).
18> ll:pop(X).
19> ll:hd(X).
20> {V0,R0} = ll:first(X).
21> {V1,R1} = ll:next(X, R0).
22> {V2,R2} = ll:next(X, R1).
And here is some crappy code to prove it
-export([new/0, delete/1, push/2, pop/1, first/1, hd/1, next/2]).
-define (META_KEY, '$meta_list').
-record(elt, {id, val, next}).
-record(meta, {id =?META_KEY, size, hd, tl}).
% Returns TID of ETS table representing linked list
new() ->
Tid = ets:new(alist,[{keypos, 2}]),
ets:insert(Tid, #meta{size=0, hd=undefined, tl=undefined}),
% Delete list / ETS table representing linked list
delete(AList) ->
% Returns the value of what was pushed
push(AList, AnElt) ->
#meta{size = Size} = Meta = get_meta(AList),
Hd = get_head(AList, Meta),
Ref = make_ref(),
NewElt = #elt{id=Ref, val=AnElt, next=iif(Size, 0, Ref,},
ets:insert(AList, NewElt),
case Size of
0 -> ets:insert(AList, Meta#meta{size=1,hd=Ref,tl=Ref});
N ->
Tl = get_tail(AList, Meta),
ets:insert(AList, Tl#elt{next = Ref}),
ets:insert(AList, Meta#meta{size=N+1,hd=Ref})
% Returns the value of the popped element
pop(AList) ->
#meta{size = Size} = Meta = get_meta(AList),
Hd = get_head(AList, Meta),
case Size of
0 -> ok;
1 ->
ets:insert(AList, Meta#meta{size=0, hd=undefined,tl=undefined});
N ->
Next = get_next(AList, Hd),
Tail = get_tail(AList, Meta),
ets:insert(AList, Meta#meta{size=N-1,}),
ets:insert(AList, Tail#elt{})
% Returns the value of the first element
{First, _Next} =first(AList),
% Returns {val, ptr_to_tail}. The prt_to_tail can be used in next/2
#meta{size = Size} = Meta = get_meta(AList),
Size == 0 -> {undefined, undefined};
true ->
Hd = get_head(AList, Meta),
% Given ptr_to_tal, returns {hd(tail), ptr_to_tail}.
next(_AList, undefined) ->
{undefined, undefined};
next(AList, Id) ->
case ets:lookup(AList, Id) of
[] -> {error, node_missing};
[#elt{next=Next}] ->
case ets:lookup(AList, Next) of
[]-> {error, node_missing};
[#elt{val=Value}] ->
{Value, Next}
%helper functions
case ets:lookup(List, ?META_KEY) of
[] -> {error, corruptlist};
[Meta] -> Meta
get_head(AList, #meta{size = Size, hd=Hd} ) ->
case Size of
0 -> #elt{};
_N ->
case ets:lookup(AList, Hd) of
[] -> {error, corruptlist};
[Head] -> Head
get_tail(AList, #meta{size = Size, tl=Tl} ) ->
case Size of
0 -> #elt{};
_N ->
[Tail] = ets:lookup(AList, Tl),
get_next(_AList, #elt{next=undefined}) -> #elt{};
get_next(AList, #elt{next=Next}) ->
case ets:lookup(AList, Next) of
[] -> {error, corruptlist};
[Elt] -> Elt
iif(A, B, TruePart, ElsePart)->
case A == B of
true -> TruePart;
false -> ElsePart

As pointed out above, you would have to implement them yourself. But as you can associate data to other data in various ways in erlang there is nothing stopping you from doing so.
Essentially you need just one thingie representing the current index and another one representing the pointer to the next index. One funny way would be starting a process for each element in the list pointing to the next(or previous) process(element) by its PID. One (or many) special purpose process(es) could be crawling those other "list"-processes. Less crazy aproaches might make use of ets or mnesia.


Insert number into sorted list using List.fold_right

I am trying to insert a number x into a sorted list l using Ocaml's List.fold_right and return the list with the inserted element. I have figured out a way to insert it if the element is to go at the front of the list or in the middle of the list, however I cannot figure out how to code the case where the element is larger than every element in the list and thus must go at the end.
Here is what I have so far:
let insert_number (x: int) (l: int list): int list =
List.fold_right l ~f:(
fun cur -> fun acc ->
if x < cur then cur::x::accum
else cur::accum
) ~init: []
Using this with a test case like:
insert_number (3) ([1; 2; 4]);;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4]
gives the correct answer. However, with a test case like this:
insert_number (3) ([1; 2]);;
- : int list = [1; 2]
the number is not inserted because it should be added to the end of the list.
Could someone help me understand how I am supposed to integrate this case into the function used with List.fold_right.
A fold works by passing along a set of state as it iterates over each element in a list (or other foldable data structure). The function passed in takes both the current element and that state.
I think you're really really close, but you need as Jeffrey suggests a boolean flag to indicate whether or not the value has been inserted. This will prevent multiple insertions and if the flag is still false when the fold is done, we can detect that and add the value to insert.
This match also serves the purpose of giving us an opportunity to discard the no longer needed boolean flag.
let insert v lst =
match List.fold_right
(fun x (inserted, acc) ->
if v > x && not inserted then (true, x::v::acc)
else (inserted, x::acc))
(false, []) with
| (true, lst) -> lst
| (_, lst) -> v::lst
One way to look at List.fold_right is that it looks at each element of the list in turn, but in reverse order. For each element it transforms the current accumulated result to a new one.
Thinking backward from the end of the list, what you want to do, in essence, is look for the first element of the list that's less than x, then insert x at that point.
So the core of the code might look something like this:
if element < x then element :: x :: accum else element :: accum
However, all the earlier elements of the list will also be less than x. So (it seems to me) you need to keep track of whether you've inserted x into the list or not. This makes the accumulated state a little more complicated.
I coded this up and it works for me after fixing up the case where x goes at the front of the list.
Perhaps there is a simpler way to get it to work, but I couldn't come up with one.
As I alluded to in a comment, it's possible to avoid the extra state and post-processing by always inserting the element and effectively doing a "local sort" of the last two elements:
let insert_number x l =
List.fold_right (
fun cur -> function
| [] when x > cur -> [cur; x]
| [] -> [x; cur]
| x::rest when x > cur -> cur::x::rest
| x::rest -> x::cur::rest
) l []
Also, since folding doesn't seem to actually be a requirement, here's a version using simple recursion instead, which I think is far more comprehensible:
let rec insert_number x = function
| [] -> [x]
| cur::rest when cur > x -> x::cur::rest
| cur::rest -> cur::insert_number x rest

K out on N implementation - SML

I was trying to implement k-out-of-N at SML so "pick(3,[1,2,3,4])" will return [[1,2,3],[1,3,4]...] (all the K-size picks out of N elements)
I used which I figured it calls the function and apply it on each element.
Really can't figure out why when typing the input "pick(3,[1,2,3,4,5])" ,for example, it return an empty list.
My first thought was that it's because of the initial terms (choose (_,[]) = [])
But changing it didn't work as well.
The signature is ok (val pick = fn : int * 'a list -> 'a list list).
fun pick (_,[]) = []
| pick (0,_) = []
| pick (n,hd::tl) =
val with_hd = (fn x => hd::x) (pick(n-1,tl))
val without_hd = pick(n,tl)
The problem is related to your suspicion – the base cases are incorrect in that they always produce the empty list, and mapping fn x => hd::x onto the empty list produces the empty list.
Picking zero elements from anything should succeed, and produce the empty list.
That is, pick (0, _) = [[]] — a list with one element, which is the empty list.
You also need to rearrange the cases since pick(n, []) succeeds for n = 0 but not for any other n.
In summary,
fun pick (0, _) = [[]]
| pick (_, []) = []
with the rest of the function exactly as before.

Biggest and smallest element of a binary tree haskell

Consider the following definition of trees:
Data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
Define the function smallerbigger :: Float -> Tree Float -> ([Float],[Float]) that given a number n and a tree, produces a pair of lists whose elements are smaller and bigger than n.
(the question initially stated that the tree is a search tree, which was done in error).
For a list, you could implement a similar algorithm as
smallerbigger :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
smallerbigger x xs = go x xs [] []
go y [] lt gt = (lt, gt)
go y (z:zs) lt gt
| z < y = go y zs (z:lt) gt
| z >= y = go y zs lt (z:gt)
The basic shape of the algorithm will remain the same for a Tree, but the biggest difference will be how you recurse. You'll need to recurse down both branches, then once you get the result from each branch concatenate them together along with the result from the current node.
If you get stuck implementing this for a tree, feel free to comment and let me know what problem you're experiencing and include a link to your code in a gist/pastebin/whatever.
Here little set of utilities leading to simple solution. Assuming you need lazy function.
Here your data defition with addition of only show ability for debug
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
Next we need to a little utility for easy tree creating. Following code is building a very unbalanced tree that is very similar to original list.
fromList:: [a] -> Tree a
fromList [] = Empty
fromList (x:xs) = Node x Empty (fromList xs)
Simple and obvious representation of tree in list form. Order of elements is preserved.
asList:: Tree a -> [a]
asList Empty = []
asList (Node x left right) = asList left ++ x: asList right
Next we assume we'll need pair of lists that could be lazy regardless of our destination.
We are keeping ability to work with tree that has infinite structure somewhere in the middle, but not at the last or end element.
This definition to walk our tree in opposite direction in lazy manner.
reverseTree:: Tree a -> Tree a
reverseTree Empty = Empty
reverseTree (Node x left right) = Node x (reverseTree right) (reverseTree left)
Next we finally building our procedure. It could create two possible infinite list of elements smaller and bigger than first argument.
smallerbigger::Ord a => a-> Tree a -> ([a],[a])
smallerbigger p t = (takeWhile (<p) $ asList t, takeWhile (>p) $ asList $ reverseTree t)
main = let t = fromList [1..10]
in do
print t
print $ smallerbigger 7 t
But in other hand we may want to preserve order in second list, while we are sure that we never hit bottom building first list. So we could drop elements that are equal to target separator and just span out list at it.
smallerbigger p = span (<p) . filter(/=p) . asList
Thanks for all the help and suggestions.
I managed to find a different solution:
smallerbigger :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> ([a], [a])
smallerbigger n (Node r e d) =
let (e1,e2) = smallerbigger n e
(d1,d2) = smallerbigger n d
in if r>n then ( e1++d1, r:(e2++d2))
else if r<n then (r:(e1++d1), e2++d2 )
else ( e1++d1, e2++d2 )

Getting the previous "Head" after list traversal in Erlang

The title may be off but I have a function called log_norm/1, It simply returns a list of log normalized values using the formula: log(Inputt/Inputt-1) (log of present Input over previous Input) applied to each element in the list.
log_norm(List) ->
log_norm([], Newlist) ->
log_norm([Input|T], Newlist) ->
X = math:log(Input/???), % ??? should be the previous head of the list Input-1.
log_norm(T, [X|Newlist]).
How do I get the previous "head" or input after traversing to the new "head" of the list?
This I think will work.
log_norm(List = [_H1,_H2|_T]) ->
log_norm(_) ->
log_norm([Input_prev,Input], Newlist) ->
X = math:log(Input/Input_prev),
log_norm([Input_prev,Input|T], Newlist) ->
X = math:log(Input/Input_prev),
log_norm([Input|T], [X|Newlist]).
I've also created a solution by adding 2 arguments, the original list and a counter N to be used for getting the previous using lists:nth() :D
log_norm(List) ->
log_norm(List,[], List, 0).
log_norm([], Newlist, _,_) ->
log_norm([Input|T], Newlist, OrigList, N) ->
N == 0 -> X = math:log(Input/Input);
true -> X = math:log(Input/lists:nth(N, OrigList))
log_norm(T, [X|Newlist], OrigList, N+1).
use hd().
log_norm(List) ->
log_norm([Input,Last], Newlist) ->
X =math:log(Input/Last),
log_norm([Input|T], Newlist) ->
X = math:log(Input/hd(T)),
log_norm(T, [X|Newlist]).

Replace an element in a list only once - Haskell

I want to replace an element in a list with a new value only at first time occurrence.
I wrote the code below but using it, all the matched elements will change.
replaceX :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
replaceX items old new = map check items where
check item | item == old = new
| otherwise = item
How can I modify the code so that the changing only happen at first matched item?
Thanks for helping!
The point is that map and f (check in your example) only communicate regarding how to transform individual elements. They don't communicate about how far down the list to transform elements: map always carries on all the way to the end.
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
Let's write a new version of map --- I'll call it mapOnce because I can't think of a better name.
mapOnce :: (a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> [a]
There are two things to note about this type signature:
Because we may stop applying f part-way down the list, the input list and the output list must have the same type. (With map, because the entire list will always be mapped, the type can change.)
The type of f hasn't changed to a -> a, but to a -> Maybe a.
Nothing will mean "leave this element unchanged, continue down the list"
Just y will mean "change this element, and leave the remaining elements unaltered"
mapOnce _ [] = []
mapOnce f (x:xs) = case f x of
Nothing -> x : mapOnce f xs
Just y -> y : xs
Your example is now:
replaceX :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
replaceX items old new = mapOnce check items where
check item | item == old = Just new
| otherwise = Nothing
You can easily write this as a recursive iteration like so:
rep :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> a -> [a]
rep items old new = rep' items
where rep' (x:xs) | x == old = new : xs
| otherwise = x : rep' xs
rep' [] = []
A direct implementation would be
rep :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
rep _ _ [] = []
rep a b (x:xs) = if x == a then b:xs else x:rep a b xs
I like list as last argument to do something like
myRep = rep 3 5 . rep 7 8 . rep 9 1
An alternative using the Lens library.
>import Control.Lens
>import Control.Applicative
>_find :: (a -> Bool) -> Simple Traversal [a] a
>_find _ _ [] = pure []
>_find pred f (a:as) = if pred a
> then (: as) <$> f a
> else (a:) <$> (_find pred f as)
This function takes a (a -> Bool) which is a function that should return True on an type 'a' that you wan to modify.
If the first number greater then 5 needs to be doubled then we could write:
>over (_find (>5)) (*2) [4, 5, 3, 2, 20, 0, 8]
The great thing about lens is that you can combine them together by composing them (.). So if we want to zero the first number <100 in the 2th sub list we could:
>over ((element 1).(_find (<100))) (const 0) [[1,2,99],[101,456,50,80,4],[1,2,3,4]]
To be blunt, I don't like most of the answers so far. dave4420 presents some nice insights on map that I second, but I also don't like his solution.
Why don't I like those answers? Because you should be learning to solve problems like these by breaking them down into smaller problems that can be solved by simpler functions, preferably library functions. In this case, the library is Data.List, and the function is break:
break, applied to a predicate p and a list xs, returns a tuple where first element is longest prefix (possibly empty) of xs of elements that do not satisfy p and second element is the remainder of the list.
Armed with that, we can attack the problem like this:
Split the list into two pieces: all the elements before the first occurence of old, and the rest.
The "rest" list will either be empty, or its first element will be the first occurrence of old. Both of these cases are easy to handle.
So we have this solution:
import Data.List (break)
replaceX :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replaceX old new xs = beforeOld ++ replaceFirst oldAndRest
where (beforeOld, oldAndRest) = break (==old) xs
replaceFirst [] = []
replaceFirst (_:rest) = new:rest
*Main> replaceX 5 7 ([1..7] ++ [1..7])
So my advice to you:
Learn how to import libraries.
Study library documentation and learn standard functions. Data.List is a great place to start.
Try to use those library functions as much as you can.
As a self study exercise, you can pick some of the standard functions from Data.List and write your own versions of them.
When you run into a problem that can't be solved with a combination of library functions, try to invent your own generic function that would be useful.
EDIT: I just realized that break is actually a Prelude function, and doesn't need to be imported. Still, Data.List is one of the best libraries to study.
Maybe not the fastest solution, but easy to understand:
rep xs x y =
let (left, (_ : right)) = break (== x) xs
in left ++ [y] ++ right
As Dave commented, this will fail if x is not in the list. A safe version would be:
rep xs x y =
let (left, right) = break (== x) xs
in left ++ [y] ++ drop 1 right
rep xs x y = left ++ r right where
(left, right) = break (== x) xs
r (_:rs) = y:rs
r [] = []
replaceValue :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
replaceValue a b (x:xs)
|(a == x) = [b] ++ xs
|otherwise = [x] ++ replaceValue a b xs
Here's an imperative way to do it, using State Monad:
import Control.Monad.State
replaceOnce :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replaceOnce old new items = flip evalState False $ do
forM items $ \item -> do
replacedBefore <- get
if item == old && not replacedBefore
then do
put True
return new
return old