People who "liked" my Blogger post? - facebook-like

I have added the following to my Blogger template to add a Like button on each of my Blogger post:
document.write('<iframe src="<data:post.url/>&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=380&action=like&font=trebuchet+ms&colorscheme=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:25px"></iframe>');
My question is, how could I know who exactly has pressed Like as it only display the number of people who have liked my post?
Thank you!

Facebook doesn't provide an API to get a list of people who like a page. This is probably due to privacy issues (although with Facebook you never know their reasonings, they sell your personal information all the time).

My question is, how could I know who exactly has pressed Like as it
only display the number of people who have liked my post?
Force users to log into your website and only then display the like button for them. When you hear the edge.create event fire then log the user who is logged in.


Facebook login like Pinterest style

I want to integrate Pinterest style Facebook login to my website. Is there a way to do this?
pinterest facebook login style
I have a solution, but it's certainly not optimal. I found that Pinterest uses this endpoint to generate it's nice button: ; however, the generated output seems to be tied into the Pinterest Facebook application ID only (I tried inputting my ID but only received a standard login button as per Facebook documentation here).
So my hacky solution presented comes from combining ScottyG's answer from this question with the iframe taken from the Pinterest site to get the following:
<div style="position:relative;">
<iframe name="f34219de7beb196" width="268px" height="50px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" title="fb:login_button Facebook Social Plugin" src="" class="" style="border: none; visibility: visible; width: 268px; height: 50px;"></iframe>
Where here you can replace the anchor's href to whichever url you need if you are building a server-side Oauth dance like I am planning to do (alternatively you could register the Facebook javascript api's FB.login() call to the onclick here).
Here's an example:
Note: I didn't test all browsers but it worked for me in both Safari and Chrome.
I couldn't figure out what the links mean in the answer above, so I assume that Facebook removed these pages already. Just in case anybody else ends up here, there's a section for creating a login button with "Continue as {NAME}" option on Facebook:

Facebook like button notification

I apologize for the beginner question but I don't know where else to turn.
I have the following code in my website:
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(href, widget) {
alert('You just liked the page!');
On the developer page, it states that it will record likes in the database. Well, how do I view them?
The button shows up fine and everything is working properly but I just don't know how to view them.
Thank you.
The code you have posted is for notifying your page (in Javascript obviously) that the user viewing the page has 'liked' it. This is not actually needed in order for the Like functionality to work.
You need to have the Like button on the page already for someone to Like the page (eg. by using the tag with the necessary Javascript SDK loaded - - though it sounds like you already have that done).
As for viewing the 'likes', your Like button will tell you how many people have liked it (if you have that option set), however you cannot directly view who actually Liked your page as Facebook do not allow that (privacy concerns)
The script that you posted can be modify to perform other actions, for example you could make an AJAX call to your own server to record information of the 'like' - eg. if the users are logged in, then you would know who it was that liked it.

Facebook likes (with comments) not working well on a password/login protected website

I am working with our web developer to integrate Facebook Likes (with comments) onto our website. However, he is having problems because FB doesn't work very well with sites where a log in is required. Currently when you click on the 'like' button the 'like' turns into 'confirm'. You then have to click on 'confirm' and another box appears showing how the like will appear on your FB page saying 'Click Like to post this to your profile' with the option of 'like' or cancel. If you click on 'like' then it allows the comment box to pop up then you can add a comment and post to FB.
There are currently too many clicks for this to work. Does anyone have any advice? Would it be better to just use straight likes with the number perhaps or is this a common problem with website that require a login. We just want users to be able to click once, add their comment and post it to FB.
Any help would be really apprecaited. If it is technical that is fine as I will pass replies onto my developer.
Many thanks
This will generally happen for URLs and sites that are new to the Facebook scraper. It is a security measure to prevent like-jacking that some sites have done in the past. You should ensure that you test your site fully with the Debug tool and after some confirmed 'likes', that step will be automatically removed and future users will just have to click like once.
Where you are gating content behind a login, I would additionally recommend that you show different HTML (including OG tags) for anything detected with the Facebook scraper User Agent (see When does Facebook scrape my page? on the Like Button FAQ) so that, for example, the OG tags for a product detail page are picked up correctly even though the scraper is technically not logged in.

Facebook Like button not working for people not logged into Facebook

My Facebook Like button does not work for those not logged into Facebook. They press the "Like" button and the login window appears for Facebook. When they enter their information and submit, an HTTP 500 error pops up. I followed the Facebook developer code to put the "Like" button on the page. Any ideas?
This maight be facebook app restriction issue. Try to set peoples age who can see your app, from 18 to 13 8for example
There are a few things you could try - first of all your code is kind of mess. There are two <html> (and there should only be one) tags opened and only one gets closed for example. Also, your using
<fb:like href="" send="true" layout="button_count" width="300" show_faces="false"></fb:like>
to call your button. You might try
<div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="true" data-width="300" data-show-faces="false"></div>
instead (this is the format that is generated if you use to get your button).

Facebook Like Button for Facebook Page for Blog

I just created a Facebook page for my blog and am working on adding the like button. I suppose my first question is, is there already a like button added to a Facebook fan page itself and the code for the like button is so you can create a like button on a whole different page, like my Blogspot blog page? Since I'm the admin I'm not sure if I'm seeing whatever else is. If not, I'd like to add a like button to my Facebook page for people to like, but for the life of my cannot figure out where to paste the code. I know it says behind the tag, but that doesn't mean anything to me. Please help.
On the Facebook page is a like button of course already integrated, on that page you can get code for your Blog or website.
Specifically, you're looking for this plugin:
Specify the URL you want the like button to like, whether that be your blog post or your facebook page.
You are looking for the facebook Like Box.