Performance of copying a file with fread/fwrite to USB - c++

I'm in front of a piece of code, which copies a file to a usb-device.
Following part is the important one:
while((bytesRead = fread(buf, 1, 16*1024, m_hSource)) && !bAbort) {
// write to target
long bytesWritten = fwrite(buf, 1, bytesRead, m_hTarget);
m_lBytesCopied += bytesWritten;
The thing, the customer said, it's pretty slow in comparison to normal pc<->usb speed. I didn't code this, so it's my job, to optimize.
So I was wondering, if it's a better approach to first read the complete file and then write the file in one step. But I don't know how error-prone this would be.
The code also check after each copystep if all bytes where written correctly, so that might also slow down the process.
I'm not that c++ & hardware guru, so I'm asking you guys, how I could speed things up and keep the copying successful.

Try to read/write in big chunk. 16M, 32M are not bad for copying file.
If you just want to copy the file you can always invoke system() It'll be faster.
The code also check after each copystep if all bytes where written correctly, so that might also slow down the process.
You can check it by creating hash of bigger chunk. Like splitting the file into 64M chunks. Then match hashes of those chunks. Bittorrent protocol has this feature.
If you have mmap or MapViewOfFile available, map the file first. Then write it to usb. This way read operation will be handled by kernel.
Kerrek just commented about using memcpy on mmap. memcpy with 2 mmaped file seems great.
Also note that, Most recent operating systems writes to USB stick when they are being removed. Before removal it just writes the data in a cache. So copy from OS may appear faster.

What about overlapping reads and writes?
In the current code, the total time is time(read original) + time(write copy), if you read the first block, then while writing it start reading the second block, etc. your total time would be max(time(read original), time(write copy)) (plus the time reading/writing the first and last blocks that won't be pipelined).
It could be almost half the time if reading and writing takes more or less the same time.
You can do it with two threads or with asynchronous IO. Unfortunately, threads and async IO are platform dependent, so you'll have to check your system manual or choose appropriate portable libraries.

I would just go with some OS specific functions that for sure do this faster that anything written only with c/c++ functions.
For Linux this could be sendfile function. For Windows CopyFile will do the job.


Multithreaded Files Reading

I need to read / parse a large binary file (4 ~ 6 GB) that comes in fixed chunks of 8192 bytes. My current solution involves streaming the file chunks using the Single Producer Multiple Consumer (SPMC) pattern.
File size = N * 8192 Bytes
All I am required to do is to do something to each of these 8192 bytes. The file is only required to be read once top down.
Having thought that this should be an embarrassingly parallel problem, I would like to have X threads to read at equal ranges of (File Size / X) sizes independently. The threads do not need to communicate with each other at all.
I've tried spawning X threads to open the same file and seek to their respective sections to process, however, this solution seems to have a problem with the due to HDD mechanical seeks and apparently performs worse than the SPMC solution.
Would there be any difference if this method is used on the SSD instead?
Or would it be more straight forward to just memory map the whole file and use #pragma omp parallel for to process the chunks? I suppose I would need sufficient enough RAM to do this?
What would you suggest?
What would you suggest?
Don't use mmap()
Per Linux Torvalds himself:
People love mmap() and other ways to play with the page tables to
optimize away a copy operation, and sometimes it is worth it.
HOWEVER, playing games with the virtual memory mapping is very
expensive in itself. It has a number of quite real disadvantages that
people tend to ignore because memory copying is seen as something very
slow, and sometimes optimizing that copy away is seen as an obvious
Downsides to mmap:
quite noticeable setup and teardown costs. And I mean noticeable.
It's things like following the page tables to unmap everything cleanly. It's the book-keeping for maintaining a list of all the
mappings. It's The TLB flush needed after unmapping stuff.
page faulting is expensive. That's how the mapping gets populated, and it's quite slow.
Upsides of mmap:
if the data gets re-used over and over again (within a single map operation), or if you can avoid a lot of other logic by just mapping something in, mmap() is just the greatest thing since sliced bread.
This may be a file that you go over many times (the binary image of an executable is the obvious case here - the code jumps all around the place), or a setup where it's just so convenient to map the whole thing in without regard of the actual usage patterns that mmap() just wins. You may have random access patterns, and use mmap() as a way of keeping track of what data you actually needed.
if the data is large, mmap() is a great way to let the system know what it can do with the data-set. The kernel can forget pages as memory pressure forces the system to page stuff out, and then just automatically re-fetch them again.
And the automatic sharing is obviously a case of this.
But your test-suite (just copying the data once) is probably pessimal
for mmap().
Note the last - just using the data once is a bad use-case for mmap().
For a file on an SSD, since there are no physical head seek movements:
Open the file once, using open() to get a single int file descriptor.
Use pread() per thread to read appropriate 8kB chunks. pread() reads from a specified offset without using lseek(), and does not effect the current offset of the file being read from.
You'll probably need somewhat more threads than CPU cores, since there's going to be significant IO waiting on each thread.
For a file on mechanical disk(s):
You want to minimize head seek(s) on the mechanical disk.
Open the file once, using open() with direct IO (assuming Linux, open( filename, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECT );) to bypass the page cache (since you're going to stream the file and never re-read any portion of it, the page cache does you no good here)
Using a single producer thread, read large chunks (say 64k to 1MB+)
into one of N page-aligned buffers.
When a buffer is read, pass it to the worker threads, then read to fill the next buffer
When all workers are done using their part of the buffer, pass the
buffer back to the reading thread.
You'll need to experiment with the proper read() size, the number of worker threads, and the number of buffers passed around. Larger read()s will be more efficient, but the larger buffer size makes the memory requirements larger and makes the latency of getting that buffer back from the worker threads much more unpredictable. You want to make as few copies of the data as possible, so you'd want the worker threads to work directly on the buffer read from the file.
Even if the processing of each 8K block is significant (short of OCR processing), the i/o is the bottleneck. Unless it can be arranged for parts of the file to be already cached by previous operations....
If the system this is to run on can be dedicated to the problem:
Obtain the file size (fstat)
Allocate a buffer that size.
Open and read the whole file into the buffer.
Figure out how to partition the data per thread and spin off the threads.
Time that algorithm.
Then, revise it using asynchronous reading. See man aio_read and man 7 aio to learn what needs to be done.

How do I do stdin.byLine, but with a buffer?

I'm reading multi-gigabyte files and processing them from stdin. I'm reading from stdin like this.
string line;
foreach(line1; stdin.byLine){
line = to!string(line1);
Is there a faster way to do this? I tried a threading approach with
auto childTid = spawn(&fn, thisTid);
string line;
foreach(line1; stdin.byLine){
line = to!string(line1);
send(childTid, line);
int x= 0;
send(childTid, x);
That allows it to load at least one more line from disk while my process is running at the cost of a copy operation, but this is still silly, what I need is fgets, or a way to combine stdio.byChunk(4096) with readline. I tried fgets.
char[] buf = new char[4096];
fgets(buf.ptr, 4096, stdio)
but it always fails with stdio is a file and not a stream. Not sure how to make it a stream. Any help would be appreciated with the approach you think best. I'm not very good at D, apologies for any noob mistakes.
There are actually already two layers of buffering under the hood (excluding the hardware itself): the C runtime library and the kernel both do a layer of buffering to minimize I/O costs.
First, the kernel keeps data from disk in its own buffer and will look ahead, loading beyond what you request in a single call if you are following a predictable pattern. This is to mitigate the low-level costs associated with seeking the device and will cache across processes - if you read a file with one program then again with a second, the second will probably get it from the kernel memory cache instead of the physical disk and may be noticeably much faster.
Second, the C library, on which D's std.stdio is built, also keeps a buffer. readln ultimately calls C file I/O functions which read a chunk from the kernel at a time. (Fun fact, writes are also buffered by the C library, default by line if user interactive and by chunk otherwise. Writing is quite slow and doing it by chunk makes a big difference, but sometimes the C lib thinks a pipe isn't interactive when it is and leads to a FAQ: Simple D program Output order is wrong )
These C lib buffers also mitigate the costs of many small reads and writes by batching them up before even sending to the kernel. In the case of readln, it will likely read several kilobytes at once, even if you ask for just one line or one byte, and the rest stays in the buffer for next time.
So your readln loop is already going to be automatically buffered and should get decent I/O performance.
You might be able to do it better yourself with a few techniques though. In that case, you may try using std.mmfile for a memory-mapped file and reading it as if i was an array, but your files are too big to fit in that on 32 bit. Might work on 64 bit though. (Note that a memory mapped file is NOT loaded all at once, it is just mapped to a memory address. When you actually touch part of it, the operating system will load/save on demand.)
Or, of course, you can use the lower level operating system functions like write from import core.sys.posix.unistd or WriteFile from import, which will bypass the C lib's layers (but, of course, keep the kernel layers, which you want, don't try to bypass them.)
You can look for any win32 or posix system call C tutorials if you want to know more about using those functions. It is the same in D as in C, with minor caveats like the import instead of #include.
Once you load the chunk, you will want to scan it for the newline and slice it in all probability to form the range to pass to the loop or other algorithms. The std.range and std.algorithm modules also have searching, splitting, and chunking functions that might help, but you need to be careful with lines that span the edges of your buffers to keep correctness and efficiency.
But if your performance is good enough as it is, I'd say just leave it - the C lib+kernel's buffering do a pretty good job in most cases.

Reading inputs in smaller, more frequent reads or one larger read

I was working on a C++ tutorial exercise that asked to count the number of words in a file. It got me thinking about the most efficient way to read the inputs. How much more efficient is it really to read the entire file at once than it is to read small chunks (line by line or character by character)?
The answer changes depending on how you're doing the I/O.
If you're using the POSIX open/read/close family, reading one byte at a time will be excruciating since each byte will cost one system call.
If you're using the C fopen/fread/fclose family or the C++ iostream library, reading one byte at a time still isn't great, but it's much better. These libraries keep an internal buffer and only call read when it runs dry. However, since you're doing something very trivial for each byte, the per-call overhead will still likely dwarf the per-byte processing you actually have to do. But measure it and see for yourself.
Another option is to simply mmap the entire file and just do your logic on that. You might, or might not, notice a performance difference between mmap with and without the MAP_POPULATE flag. Again, you'll have to measure it and see.
The most efficient method for I/O is to keep the data flowing.
That said, reading one block of 512 characters is faster than 512 reads of 1 character. Your system may have made optimizations, such as caches, to make reading faster, but you still have the overhead of all those function calls.
There are different methods to keep the I/O flowing:
Memory mapped file I/O
Double buffering
Platform Specific API
Some simple experiments should suffice for demonstration.
Create a vector or array of 1 megabyte.
Start a timer.
Repeat 1000 times:
Read data into container using 1 read instruction.
End the timer.
Repeat, using a for loop, reading 1,000,000 characters, with 1 read instruction each.
Compare your data.
For each request from the hard drive, the following steps are performed (depending on platform optimizations):
Start hard drive spinning.
Read filesystem directory.
Search directory for the filename.
Get logical position of the byte requested.
Seek to the given track & sector.
Read 1 or more sectors of data into hard drive memory.
Return the requested portion of hard drive memory to the platform.
Spin down the hard drive.
This is called overhead (except where it reads the sectors).
The object is to get as much data transferred while the hard drive is spinning. Starting a hard drive takes more time than to keep it spinning.

Speeding up file I/O: mmap() vs. read()

I have a Linux application that reads 150-200 files (4-10GB) in parallel. Each file is read in turn in small, variably sized blocks, typically less than 2K each.
I currently need to maintain over 200 MB/s read rate combined from the set of files. The disks handle this just fine. There is a projected requirement of over 1 GB/s (which is out of the disk's reach at the moment).
We have implemented two different read systems both make heavy use of posix_advise: first is a mmaped read in which we map the entirety of the data set and read on demand.
The second is a read()/seek() based system.
Both work well but only for the moderate cases, the read() method manages our overall file cache much better and can deal well with 100s of GB of files, but is badly rate limited, mmap is able to pre-cache data making the sustained data rate of over 200MB/s easy to maintain, but cannot deal with large total data set sizes.
So my question comes to these:
A: Can read() type file i/o be further optimized beyond the posix_advise calls on Linux, or having tuned the disk scheduler, VMM and posix_advise calls is that as good as we can expect?
B: Are there systematic ways for mmap to better deal with very large mapped data?
is a similar problem to what I am working and provided a good starting point on this problem, along with the discussions in mmap-vs-read.
Reads back to what? What is the final destination of this data?
Since it sounds like you are completely IO bound, mmap and read should make no difference. The interesting part is in how you get the data to your receiver.
Assuming you're putting this data to a pipe, I recommend you just dump the contents of each file in its entirety into the pipe. To do this using zero-copy, try the splice system call. You might also try copying the file manually, or forking an instance of cat or some other tool that can buffer heavily with the current file as stdin, and the pipe as stdout.
if (pid = fork()) {
waitpid(pid, ...);
} else {
dup2(dest, 1);
dup2(source, 0);
execlp("cat", "cat");
If your processing is file-agnostic, and doesn't require random access, you want to create a pipeline using the options outlined above. Your processing step should accept data from stdin, or a pipe.
To answer your more specific questions:
A: Can read() type file i/o be further optimized beyond the posix_advise calls on Linux, or having tuned the disk scheduler, VMM and posix_advise calls is that as good as we can expect?
That's as good as it gets with regard to telling the kernel what to do from userspace. The rest is up to you: buffering, threading etc. but it's dangerous and probably unproductive guess work. I'd just go with splicing the files into a pipe.
B: Are there systematic ways for mmap to better deal with very large mapped data?
Yes. The following options may give you awesome performance benefits (and may make mmap worth using over read, with testing):
Allocate the mapping using "huge pages."
This will reduce the paging overhead in the kernel, which is great if you will be mapping gigabyte sized files.
Do not reserve swap space for this mapping. When swap space is reserved, one has the guarantee that it is possible to modify the mapping. When swap space is not reserved one might get SIGSEGV upon a write if no physical memory is available.
This will prevent you running out of memory while keeping your implementation simple if you don't actually have enough physical memory + swap for the entire mapping.**
Populate (prefault) page tables for a mapping. For a file mapping, this causes read-ahead on the file. Later accesses to the mapping will not be blocked by page faults.
This may give you speed-ups with sufficient hardware resources, and if the prefetching is ordered, and lazy. I suspect this flag is redundant, the VFS likely does this better by default.
Perhaps using the readahead system call might help, if your program can predict in advance the file fragments it wants to read (but this is only a guess, I could be wrong).
And I think you should tune your application, and perhaps even your algorithms, to read data in chunk much bigger than a few kilobytes. Can't than be half a megabyte instead?
The problem here doesn't seem to be which api is used. It doesn't matter if you use mmap() or read(), the disc still has to seek to the specified point and read the data (although the os does help to optimize the access).
mmap() has advantages over read() if you read very small chunks (a couple of bytes) because you don't have call the os for every chunk, which becomes very slow.
I would also advise like Basile did to read more than 2kb consecutively so the disc doesn't have to seek that often.

What is the Fastest Method for High Performance Sequential File I/O in C++?

Assuming the following for...
The file is opened...
Data is 'streamed' to disk. The data in memory is in a large contiguous buffer. It is written to disk in its raw form directly from that buffer. The size of the buffer is configurable, but fixed for the duration of the stream. Buffers are written to the file, one after another. No seek operations are conducted.
...the file is closed.
A large file (sequentially written as above) is read from disk from beginning to end.
Are there generally accepted guidelines for achieving the fastest possible sequential file I/O in C++?
Some possible considerations:
Guidelines for choosing the optimal buffer size
Will a portable library like boost::asio be too abstracted to expose the intricacies of a specific platform, or can they be assumed to be optimal?
Is asynchronous I/O always preferable to synchronous? What if the application is not otherwise CPU-bound?
I realize that this will have platform-specific considerations. I welcome general guidelines as well as those for particular platforms.
(my most immediate interest in Win x64, but I am interested in comments on Solaris and Linux as well)
Are there generally accepted guidelines for achieving the fastest possible sequential file I/O in C++?
Rule 0: Measure. Use all available profiling tools and get to know them. It's almost a commandment in programming that if you didn't measure it you don't know how fast it is, and for I/O this is even more true. Make sure to test under actual work conditions if you possibly can. A process that has no competition for the I/O system can be over-optimized, fine-tuned for conditions that don't exist under real loads.
Use mapped memory instead of writing to files. This isn't always faster but it allows the opportunity to optimize the I/O in an operating system-specific but relatively portable way, by avoiding unnecessary copying, and taking advantage of the OS's knowledge of how the disk actually being used. ("Portable" if you use a wrapper, not an OS-specific API call).
Try and linearize your output as much as possible. Having to jump around memory to find the buffers to write can have noticeable effects under optimized conditions, because cache lines, paging and other memory subsystem issues will start to matter. If you have lots of buffers look into support for scatter-gather I/O which tries to do that linearizing for you.
Some possible considerations:
Guidelines for choosing the optimal buffer size
Page size for starters, but be ready to tune from there.
Will a portable library like boost::asio be too abstracted to expose the intricacies
of a specific platform, or can they be assumed to be optimal?
Don't assume it's optimal. It depends on how thoroughly the library gets exercised on your platform, and how much effort the developers put into making it fast. Having said that a portable I/O library can be very fast, because fast abstractions exist on most systems, and it's usually possible to come up with a general API that covers a lot of the bases. Boost.Asio is, to the best of my limited knowledge, fairly fine tuned for the particular platform it is on: there's a whole family of OS and OS-variant specific APIs for fast async I/O (e.g. epoll, /dev/epoll, kqueue, Windows overlapped I/O), and Asio wraps them all.
Is asynchronous I/O always preferable to synchronous? What if the application is not otherwise CPU-bound?
Asynchronous I/O isn't faster in a raw sense than synchronous I/O. What asynchronous I/O does is ensure that your code is not wasting time waiting for the I/O to complete. It is faster in a general way than the other method of not wasting that time, namely using threads, because it will call back into your code when I/O is ready and not before. There are no false starts or concerns with idle threads needing to be terminated.
A general advice is to turn off buffering and read/write in large chunks (but not too large, then you will waste too much time waiting for the whole I/O to complete where otherwise you could start munching away at the first megabyte already. It's trivial to find the sweet spot with this algorithm, there's only one knob to turn: the chunk size).
Beyond that, for input mmap()ing the file shared and read-only is (if not the fastest, then) the most efficient way. Call madvise() if your platform has it, to tell the kernel how you will traverse the file, so it can do readahead and throw out the pages afterwards again quickly.
For output, if you already have a buffer, consider underpinning it with a file (also with mmap()), so you don't have to copy the data in userspace.
If mmap() is not to your liking, then there's fadvise(), and, for the really tough ones, async file I/O.
(All of the above is POSIX, Windows names may be different).
For Windows, you'll want to make sure you use the FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN in your CreateFile() call, if you opt to use the platform specific Windows API call. This will optimize caching for the I/O. As far as buffer sizes go, a buffer size that is a multiple of the disk sector size is typically advised. 8K is a nice starting point with little to be gained from going larger.
This article discusses the comparison between async and sync on Windows.
As you noted above it all depends on the machine / system / libraries that you are using. A fast solution on one system may be slow on another.
A general guideline though would be to write in as large of chunks as possible.Typically writing a byte at a time is the slowest.
The best way to know for sure is to code a few different ways and profile them.
You asked about C++, but it sounds like you're past that and ready to get a little platform-specific.
On Windows, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN with a file mapping is probably the fastest way. In fact, your process can exit before the file actually makes it on to the disk. Without an explicitly-blocking flush operation, it can take up to 5 minutes for Windows to begin writing those pages.
You need to be careful if the files are not on local devices but a network drive. Network errors will show up as SEH errors, which you will need to be prepared to handle.
On *nixes, you might get a bit higher performance writing sequentially to a raw disk device. This is possible on Windows too, but not as well supported by the APIs. This will avoid a little filesystem overhead, but it may not amount to enough to be useful.
Loosely speaking, RAM is 1000 or more times faster than disks, and CPU is faster still. There are probably not a lot of logical optimizations that will help, except avoiding movements of the disk heads (seek) whenever possible. A dedicated disk just for this file can help significantly here.
You will get the absolute fastest performance by using CreateFile and ReadFile. Open the file with FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN.
Read with a buffer size that is a power of two. Only benchmarking can determine this number. I have seen it to be 8K once. Another time I found it to be 8M! This varies wildly.
It depends on the size of the CPU cache, on the efficiency of OS read-ahead and on the overhead associated with doing many small writes.
Memory mapping is not the fastest way. It has more overhead because you can't control the block size and the OS needs to fault in all pages.
On Linux, buffered reads and writes speed up things a lot up, increasingly with increasing buffers sizes, but the returns are diminishing and you generally want to use BUFSIZ (defined by stdio.h) as larger buffer sizes won't help much.
mmaping provides the fastest access to files, but the mmap call itself is rather expensive. For small files (16KiB) read and write system calls win (see for the numbers on reading through read and mmap).