Symfony2: global variables in php templating engine - templates

There is a cookbook for adding globals to the twig templating engine, but it doesn't get into doing the same thing for the php engine. How would I do this?
So I might have something like:
# config.yml
- [ addGlobals, ["foo", "bar"] ]
- [ addGlobals, ["myService", "#myService"] ]
And then access those like:
// templateName.contentType.php
echo $foo; // echos "bar"
echo $myService->myMethod($foo); // echos the result of modifying "bar" with "myMethod" method of "myService" service

I could not find any documention on this for the PHP engine...
What does work however is:
hello: "YO!"
PHP Template:
// index.html.php
print $view->container->parameters['hello'];
This does not fit as nicely as the twig convention... Maybe there is better way - I have not debugged any further...

Here are a couple of options:
If you create a base controller that all others inherit from, you can override symfony's render function and add keys to the parameters argument, like:
public function render($view, array $parameters = array(), Response $response = null){
if(!array_key_exists("bar", $parameters){
$parameters["foo"] = $this->get("foo");
if(!array_key_exists("bar", $parameters){
$parameters["bar"] = $this->get("bar");
return parent::render($view, $parameters, $response);
This is the only way I see to modify the "global" variables "globally", though they'll not be available in any views rendered by controllers you don't create (of course, those'll likely be done in Twig anyway and you can use the normal twig means of adding functionality).
The PHP rendering engine has what're called "helpers", which you can access via array keys of $view, like:
We created a class for easily making services into helpers:
use Symfony\Component\Templating\Helper\Helper as BaseHelper;
class Helper extends BaseHelper{
protected $name;
public $service;
public function __construct($name, $service){
$this->name = $name;
$this->service = $service;
public function __get($name){
return $this->service->$name;
public function __call($name, $arguments){
if(method_exists($this->service, $name)){
return call_user_func_array(array($this->service,$name), $arguments);
public function getName(){
return $this->name;
Then in our configuration under the services we'd add:
class: %helper.class%
name: "foo"
helper: "#foo"
- { name: templating.helper, alias: foo }
This would theoretically be available then to any view files, even those with controllers you don't have control of.

I had a very same problem. For some reason this feature is only available for Twig templating with TwigBundle. Both Twig and PHP templating engines provide possibility to define global variables, but only Twig engine has configuration for that. For me the only real way to achieve that is something you proposed in the question post - to define method calls (and this is the way Twig globals are registered).
Problem is, that with DI extensions you can't access service definition from outside your extension, so you can't add these calls from your DI extension. The way for me was to do that with DI compiler pass.
But I'm also developer of ChillDevViewHelpersBundle and since I was facing this problem in most of my projects I decided to implement it there for common use and you can use 0.1.8 release for this feature.


Can't add tag to service definition in compiler pass

I have bundle in my symfony project and I want to change doctrine.orm.listeners.resolve_target_entity service in this bundle. I make it in compiler pass
symfony/symfony v3.2.3
doctrine/common v2.7.2
doctrine/dbal v2.5.12
doctrine/orm v2.5.6
doctrine/doctrine-bundle 1.6.7
namespace XXX\MyBundle;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\PassConfig;
use XXX\MyBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\PreparePass;
class XXXMyBundle extends Bundle
public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$container->addCompilerPass(new PreparePass());
namespace XXX\MyBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
class PreparePass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
$definition = $container->findDefinition('doctrine.orm.listeners.resolve_target_entity');
$definition->addMethodCall('addResolveTargetEntity', array(
'class1', 'class2', array(),
$definition->addTag('doctrine.event_subscriber', array());
Method call is added, tag is added, ./bin/console debug:container shows that everything is ok. But by fact service is not added to doctrine subscribers, there is no code for it in container dump in getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService function.
If I register my bundle before DoctrineBundle it works, if after it doesn't work :) I couldn't find where doctrine.event_subscriber tag is processed.
Is it possible to make it to work regardless of bundles registration order? And where doctrine.event_subscriber tag is processed?
Any help, thanks

How to mock a CakePHP behavior for unit testing

I've just started with unit testing in CakePHP (yay!) and ran into the following challenge. Hope somebody can help me :-)
My model uses a Behavior to send changes to an API after saving it locally. I would like to fake all calls made to the API during the test (those will be tested seperately) to save load on the API server, and more important, not actually save the changes :-)
I'm using CakePHP 2.4.1.
What I've tried
Read the docs. The manual shows how to do this for Components and Helpers but not for Behaviors.
Google. What I've found:
A Google Group post which says it simply "isn't possible". I don't take no for an answer.
An article explaining how to mock an object. Comes pretty close.
The code from the article reads:
$provider = $this->getMock('OurProvider', array('getInfo'));
It might be the wrong direction, but I think that might be a good start.
What I want
Effectively: A snippet of code to demo how to mock a behavior in a CakePHP Model for unit testing purposes.
Maybe this question will result in an addition of the CakePHP manual too as an added bonus, since I feel it's missing in there.
Thanks in advance for the effort!
Update (2013-11-07)
I've found this related question, which should answer this question (partly). No need to mock up the API, instead I can create a Behavior test that the model will use.
I'm trying to figure out what that BehaviorTest should look like.
Use the class registry
As with many classes, behaviors are added to the class registry using the class name as the key, and for subsequent requests for the same object loaded from the classregistry. Therefore, the way to mock a behavior is simply to put it in the class registry before using it.
Full Example:
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
class Example extends AppModel {
class TestBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
public function foo() {
throw new \Exception('Real method called');
class BehaviorExampleTest extends CakeTestCase {
* testNormalBehavior
* #expectedException Exception
* #expectedExceptionMessage Real method called
* #return void
public function testNormalBehavior() {
$model = ClassRegistry::init('Example');
$this->assertInstanceOf('TestBehavior', $model->Behaviors->Test);
$this->assertSame('TestBehavior', get_class($model->Behaviors->Test));
$this->assertSame(['foo' => ['Test', 'foo']], $model->Behaviors->methods());
public function testMockedBehavior() {
$mockedBehavior = $this->getMock('TestBehavior', ['foo', 'bar']);
ClassRegistry::addObject('TestBehavior', $mockedBehavior);
$model = ClassRegistry::init('Example');
$this->assertInstanceOf('TestBehavior', $model->Behaviors->Test);
$this->assertNotSame('TestBehavior', get_class($model->Behaviors->Test));
$expected = [
'foo' => ['Test', 'foo'],
'bar' => ['Test', 'bar'],
'expects' => ['Test', 'expects'], // noise, due to being a mock
'staticExpects' => ['Test', 'staticExpects'], // noise, due to being a mock
$this->assertSame($expected, $model->Behaviors->methods());
$model->foo(); // no exception thrown
->will($this->returnValue('something special'));
$return = $model->bar();
$this->assertSame('something special', $return);

Why use templates in Kohana?

I don't understand the purpose of using templates in Kohana. I see almost no difference in the process of building a view with a template controller vs a regular controller, except that the template controller is tied to a given template and so is less flexible. What are the advantages?
Building view with regular controller:
Class Controller_Hello extends Controller
public function action_index()
$view = View::factory('page');
$view->page_title = 'My Hello App';
$view->content = 'hello, world!';
$view->sidebar = View::factory('parts/sidebar');
Building view with template controller:
Class Controller_Hello extends Controller_Template
public $template = 'page';
public function action_index()
$this->template->page_title = 'My Hello App';
$this->template->content = 'hello, world!';
$this->template->sidebar = View::factory('parts/sidebar');
Controller_Template is just an example of how you can implement your own templating-system.
It is not ready-to-use solution (at least for my projects usually). Check this one controller (it is also not ready-to-use solution but possibly it will help you understand point of extending different controllers for different purposes):
I am sure there are other, maybe better solutions for templating systems. But why am I using templates in Kohana?
Think about multiple pages, all based upon one layout/design scheme. So I build a template controller using a certain view, defining layout/design, defining content, header and footer "areas". In the template controller I am loading the CSS files and script files, setting the title and meta values of the website, because every single site is using these CSS/script files with the same meta values and title.
So in every Controller extending the template controller I don't need to load the CSS/script files anew, set the meta values and title etc... But I could change all these values, maybe add a CSS file only for a single site.
Maybe all the mentioned sites have the same footer and/or header: I assign the header/footer view to the template within the template controller, so I don't need to do that in all the controller extending the template controller. Or all actions in one controller have the same header/footer, so I assignt he header and footer few in the before() function of the controller...
For me templates in kohana are a good utility for building small web applications.

Codeigniter always load in controller

I`m from Russia, so sorry for bad English.
I want to load template in every page in controller.
For example (library parser in autoload),
class Blog extends CI_Controller {
$header = array(
'header' => 'Welcome to my blog!'
$this->parser->parse('header', $header);
function index() {
echo "My text";
But I get an PHP error:
syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION in line 6. Line 6:
$header = array(
How can I load header in every page? Thanks.
$autoload['libraries'] = array('parser');
controller blog.php:
class Blog extends Controller {
function __construct()
$header = array('header' => 'Welcome to my blog!');
$this->parser->parse('header', $header);
function index()
echo "Мой текст";
view header.php:
it works for me..
try calling the array with $this->header
Maybe it's a typing error but in the code from header.php you have typed {header} where I guess it should be {$header}
When loading class properties, like your $header above, php expects the property's visibility to be declared before the variable name. PHP5 has three visibility options: 'public', 'private', or 'protected'. I think this is why you are getting "unexpected T_VARIABLE". The difference between them are described at as:
To protect from accessibility pollution, PHP v5 introduces 3 prefixes for declaring class methods or variables: public, protected, and private.
Public methods and variables are accessible outside of the class. Protected are only accessible from inside of the class and inherited or parent classes. Private are only accessible from within the class itself.
try this: (I chose 'public' visibility, you can determine which is appropriate for your use)
public $header = array('header'=>'Welcome to my blog");
Next, I think you should call your parser in a constructor, rather than outside of a class method.
function _construct(){
The constructor will be called every time the class is instantiated, loading your parser library method along with it.
Your comment suggests that the parser isn't working like you expect. I assume you have placed
in the constructor function like I suggested. If that isn't working, create a function with the same name as your class and put the parser in there, that function will load every time the class is called, similar to the constructor, but let's see if that does the trick. I suggest taking the parser library out of auto load until you've resolved your problem, just to simplify things.
function blog(){

Go for Zend framework or Django for a modular web application?

I am using both Zend framework and Django, and they both have they strengths and weakness, but they are both good framworks in their own way.
I do want to create a highly modular web application, like this example:
I also want all modules to be self contained with all confid and template files.
I have been looking into a way to solve this is zend the last days, but adding one omer level to the module setup doesn't feel right. I am sure this could be done, but should I? I have also included Doctrine to my zend application that could give me even more problems in my module setup!
When we are talking about Django this is easy to implement (Easy as in concept, not in implementation time or whatever) and a great way to create web apps. But one of the downsides of Django is the web hosing part. There are some web hosts offering Django support, but not that many..
So then I guess the question is what have the most value; rapid modular development versus hosting options!
Well, comments are welcome!
You can implement sub-modules with relatively little effort in ZF. Let's say you have directory structure such as:
You'd register the modules like this in your bootstrap (sub-modules use _ to separate the sub-module from the main module):
'default' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers',
'admin' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/admin/controllers',
'admin_cms' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/admin/cms/controllers'
The issue with this is that it would actually use an underline in the URL instead of a slash, so eg: "admin_cms/conteroller/action" instead of "admin/cms/controller/action". While this "works", it's not pretty. One way to solve the issue is to provide your own route for the default route. Since the default Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module does it almost right, you can simply extend from it and add the wanted behavior:
class App_Router_Route_Module extends Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module
public function __construct()
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$dispatcher = $frontController->getDispatcher();
$request = $frontController->getRequest();
parent::__construct(array(), $dispatcher, $request);
public function match($path)
// Get front controller instance
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
// Parse path parts
$parts = explode('/', $path);
// Get all registered modules
$modules = $frontController->getControllerDirectory();
// Check if we're in default module
if (count($parts) == 0 || !isset($modules[$parts[0]]))
array_unshift($parts, $frontController->getDefaultModule());
// Module name
$module = $parts[0];
// While there are more parts to parse
while (isset($parts[1])) {
// Construct new module name
$module .= '_' . $parts[1];
// If module doesn't exist, stop processing
if (!isset($modules[$module]))
// Replace the parts with the new module name
array_splice($parts, 0, 2, $module);
// Put path back together
$path = implode('/', $parts);
// Let Zend's module router deal with the rest
return parent::match($path);
And in your bootstrap:
$router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
$router->addRoute('default', new App_Router_Route_Module);
What this does is traverse the path as long as it finds a module, and transparently rewrites the path so that the default Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module can do the real work. For example the following path: "/admin/cms/article/edit" will be transformed into "/admin_cms/article/edit", which allows the standard convention of the ZF's ":module/:controller/:action" do the magic.
This allows you to have nice modular structure with self-contained modules, while still use pretty, logical URLs. One thing you want to make note of is that if you use Zend_Navigation and specify the navigation items using module/controller/action parameters, you need to tell ZF how to correctly build the URL using "/" instead of "_" in module names (by default ZF uses the :module/:controller/:action spec when it builds the URLs). You can do this by implementing your own Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url, like this:
class App_Router_Helper_Url extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url
public function url($urlOptions = array(), $name = null, $reset = false, $encode = false)
// Replace the _ with / in the module name
$urlOptions['module'] = str_replace('_', '/', $urlOptions['module']);
// Let the router do rest of the work
return $this->getFrontController()->getRouter()->assemble($urlOptions, $name, $reset, $encode);
And in your bootstrap:
Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addHelper(new App_Router_Helper_Url);
Now Zend_Navigation works nicely with your sub-module support as well.
I (despite of being happy ZF user) would go for Django. In ZF the "fully-modular" application is kind of holly grail. It's nearly impossible (or at least without extreme effort) to create selfcontained modules, instalable like "copy this folder into your modules directory" :) Not sure about Django, but from what I head it's simplier there...