WAMP is not running - wamp

I had installed WAMP in E: drive. I re-installed fresh copy of windows. Since then, WAMP only comes in red shade , not coming in green mode. Please help what should I do?

port 80 might be used by other services. test that using apache>services>test port 80. and disable that service.

When Windows is re-install or upgraded in-place, sometimes both the Apache and MySQL services are cleared out and the PATH environmental variable is reset.
Update the Path with the "bin" folders of Apache and MySQL.
Re-install the services...
If you are using WampDeveloper (I don't know which WAMP you are using), to install the services again it's (from the command line running as administrator):
Install Services:
httpd -k install -f "C:\WampDeveloper\Config\Apache\httpd.conf" -DSSL
mysqld --install Mysql --defaults-file="C:\WampDeveloper\Config\Mysql\my.ini"
The generic forms are:
Apache22\bin\httpd -k install
mysql5\bin\mysqld --install

If you are using Skpey exit and restart all service.
on skype menu --> Tools --> Options --> advanced --> connection
Disable "Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections"


Django Application running on Ubuntu VPS: This site can’t be reached

I am running an ubuntu 16.04 cloud VPS server. I've set up a venv and activated it, and installed django.
I run the server with
python3 manage.py runserver
I am trying to access this application from a remote computer (not inside the same LAN); I'm trying to make the application visible to the world outside the VPS and VPLAN. When I try to access the site in my home computer broswer like: xx.xx.xxx.xxx:8000 I get the error:
This site can’t be reached. http://xx.xx.xxx.xxx:8000/ is unreachable.
Now I've tried a traceroute and it seems to reach the server ok. I also did
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw 8000 allow
sudo iptables -S | grep 8000 (and see the proper entries)
In the settings file I have:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*", "", "localhost", "xx.xx.xxx.xxx","xxx.temporary.link"]
If I wget localhost:8000 I get a response fine. I have tried doing all of the above as root and as another dedicated user but it makes no difference.
I ran through this guide
and I still have the same issue.
Does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks in advance
sudo ufw allow 8000
sudo ufw 8000 allow

WAMP Server - local server - 1 of 2 services running

I installed WAMP server and ran the applpication. The icon in the taskbar stays orange and says "local server - 1 of 2 services running" . Also, I am able to see the phpMyAdmin page in the browser but when I try to login it gives the following error:
#2002 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. <br />The server is not responding (or the local server's socket is not correctly configured).
I have tested port 80 and I got this response:
***** Test which uses port 80 *****
===== Tested by command netstat filtered on port 80 =====
Test for TCP
Your port 80 is used by a processus with PID = 6612
The processus of PID 6612 is 'httpd.exe' Session: Services
The service of PID 6612 for 'httpd.exe' is 'wampapache64'
This service is from Wampserver - It is correct
Test for TCPv6
Your port 80 is used by a processus with PID = 6612
The processus of PID 6612 is 'httpd.exe' Session: Services
The service of PID 6612 for 'httpd.exe' is 'wampapache64'
This service is from Wampserver - It is correct
===== Tested by attempting to open a socket on port 80 =====
Your port 80 is actually used by :
Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Win64) PHP/5.6.19
I believe that the above result means that there is no problem with the port. I even tried changing the port and still gives the same status - orange icon.
Note - When a prompt from Windows Firewall was shown after installing WAMP, I didn't give access to both private and public networks, i.e. I unchecked both the options.
Kindly help me to run both the services in the local server.
Thank you!
Click on the WAMP icon in the tray and go to Apache > service Administration and check if the service is installed or if it isn't running . You can even reinstall it by removing and installing it again. Do the same with MySQL . Go to MySQL > Service Administration and do the same things . In my case Apache service wasn't installed and Installing it did the trick. check the image below.
See this image
Most of the answers given on the Internet say to change the port used by Apache but that is not the solution in most of the cases.
Actually, start the WAMP server->right click on the icon -> tools -> use a port other than 3306 -> click on this -> set on 3308.
Hopefully, this will resolve the error.
I had the same problem but only Skype was using port 80. I just changed port 80 from Skype and make it use another one. OR you can change port 80 used by Apache. To do this go to WAMP -> Apache -> http.conf and change Listen 80 with Listen 81 for eg.
The same with me but in my case I installed mysql after installing wampserver so there was a port conflict between the integrated version and the independent version of mysql for the port 3306, so the problem could resolved either by changing one of ports
If you want to change wampserver's mysql's port go to the taskbar icon right click and the go to tools select: use a port rather than xxxx(3306 in my case)
This thread helped me.
How to change port number for apache in WAMP
Thread Details below
Just go to httpd.conf file, for ex. under WAMP environment its situated at:
go to line no. 46 and edit Listen 80 to your requirement for ex.
Listen 8383
newer versions of WAMP uses these 2 lines:
Listen [::0]:8383
Next go to line no. 171 and edit ServerName localhost:80 to your requirement for ex.
ServerName localhost:8383
Restart Apache and its done !!
Now, you can access with your URL:
http://localhost:8383 or
Hope it helps to people looking for solution here.
No need to remove and reinstall WAMP or edit Host file or change any port. this problem happens when Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager service is running. you need just stop IIS to run wampapache service without any problem.
press start then type iis and run Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and in right panel press stop. then click on wamp icon on system tray and choose start all services.
this is all you need.
I had the same issue some time back. Tried all kinds of things and finally found the link below. Basically the issue was:
A parameter in your 'my.ini' file (C:\Wamp\bin\mysql\mysql<version>) called 'lower_case_table_names'
If there, comment it out and restart MYSQL again."
If I recall, also did a computer restart also just for good measures.
This might be because php is not working because the default port 80 is taken so u need to change the port follow these steps
1. Click the wamp icon from the bottom right corner
2. Go to Apache->httpd.conf and open this file
3. Search for word Listen in the file and change these two lines
Listen (u can use any digits instead of 18 )
Listen [::0]:8018
4. Now search for the word localhost and change this line
ServerName localhost:8018
5. Restart wamp
6. Go to your default browser and type http://localhost:8080/ this will open the wamp menu
It's either your WAMP Apache port is clashing with IIS (if that is installed and running), or MySQL port is clashing with another MySQL install.
Edit your WAMP > Apache > httpd.conf by hovering cursor over Apache inside WAMP tray icon. Change port 80 to an available port like 8181. Restart all services.
I had the same issue, where only 1 service out of 2 was running. But my issue was not a port issue.
I had previously zipped up a bunch of .conf files in the alias directory to share them with a colleague, and I left the .zip file there. This caused an error in Apache as it tried to use the .zip file as an alias.
Once I removed the .zip file from the alias directory, my Apache services were working fine.
Bit of an 'outside the box' answer, but this was my issue with the same symptoms!
Maybe it is not a port problem.
if you had a problem because msvcr110.dll is missing
so after you setup the library you will get this problem service 1 of 2
so in this case you have to reinstall the wamp server.
I had faced similar similar issue where the server was not starting up with the following message - "local server - 1 of 2 services running" , with server icon in Orange color.
With nothing updated in the error logs. Finally was able to track issue through -
Wamp server icon -> Apache -> Service Administration 'wampapache64' -> install service
Error message : WAMP - 'Your port 80 is actually used - Error'
Resolution : Change the port number of the wamp server to some other number,for example 5050.
Go to: C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf
In that file change the listen port to 5050.
Listen [::0]:5050
Save and Restart. Now you can see the server started successfully with green icon.
Following threads helped me to resolve this issue :
How to change port number for apache in WAMP
WAMP - Your port 80 is actually used - Error
GO to run type Services and enter
check these two services must start

Installing and Viewing Neo4j on Existing AWS EC2 Instance

I'm trying to install the enterprise edition of neo4j on an existing EC2 (Amazon linux) instance. So far I've
wget "link to enterprise"
untar the file
renamed and moved the folder to NEO4J_HOME
then went into the config files for neo4j.properties to make the following changes:
# Enable shell server so that remote clients can connect via Neo4j shell.
# The network interface IP the shell will listen on (use 0.0.0 for all interfaces)
# The port the shell will listen on, default is 1337
EDITED Christophe Willemsen pointed out that for my original error, I had forgotten to restart the server at that point but I was still unable to access the web server while it was running. So to make it more clear, I've edited the remaining post:
I went to neo4j-server.properties and uncommented:
And start the server
NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j start
WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40 000 recommended. See the Neo4j manual.
Using additional JVM arguments: -server -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Dorg.neo4j.server.properties=conf/neo4j-server.properties -Djava.util.logging.config.file=conf/logging.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:conf/log4j.properties -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
process [28557]... waiting for server to be ready..... OK.
http://localhost:7474/ is ready.
checking the status:
NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j status
Neo4j Server is running at pid 28557
I can run the shell but the when I go to localhost 7474 I still can not connect
Any help would be appreciative. The only tutorial or help I've found assumed I was starting from scratch with a new instance. If someone could provide some instructions for installing or fix my configuration that would be great.
You have to edit neo4j-server.properties and uncomment the line with:
So that the db listens on an external interface not just localhost, and you have to open the port (7474) in your firewall rules.
Make sure to secure access to the db though:

WSO2 Governance Registry, Docker and boot2docker

I'm using boot2docker on OSX 10.10 to try to run the WSO2 governance registry. I cannot reach the app from the host machine (OSX).
Here's my Dockerfile:
FROM dockerfile/java:openjdk-7-jdk
MAINTAINER Andrew Matthews
COPY wso2greg-4.6.0.zip /opt/
RUN unzip /opt/wso2greg-4.6.0.zip -d /opt && \
rm /opt/wso2greg-4.6.0.zip
CMD ["/opt/wso2greg-4.6.0/bin/wso2server.sh"]
This follows a pattern used by others on docker.io for other wso2 apps.
I built it with:
docker build -t="usmsnp/wso2greg" .
and ran it with
docker run -i -t -P usmsnp/wso2greg
everything seems to proceed nicely - I get as far as the wso2 announcement:
Mgt Console URL :
I have the boot2docker vm IP address aliased as dockerhost in my /etc/hosts file, and when I navigate to https://dockerhost:9443/carbon/ using curl I get connection refused.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: 2014-11-28
When I deploy the image to AWS using tutum, it works. So, mission accomplished, I suppose. But I'm still confused about why it doesn't work. I understand that boot2docker requires a different IP address, but I used that.
When you use docker run -P you're telling Docker to allocate a random port on the Docker daemon host - not to use 9443.
So in this case, you'll need to run docker ports <containerid> to find out what port its been mapped to.
alternativly, you need to use docker run -p 9443:9443 ... to tell Docker to map the external 9443 to the container's 9443

Local Django website won't load in browser

I'm guessing there's a very simple solution to this, but I searched every forum and setup guide and can't figure it out:
I built a Django/CentOS-6.3 environment on my local server (using VirtualBox and Vagrant). When I startup my server in the vagrant terminal with 'python manage.py runserver [::]:8000' it starts up with no errors.
Validating models...
0 errors found
May 31, 2013 - 13:56:15
Django version 1.5.1, using settings 'mysitename.settings'
Development server is running at http://[::]:8000/
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
However, when I try to navigate to '' in my browser (I set up port forwarding from port 8000 to port 8001 in my Vagrantfile), the browser just hangs for 5 minutes until it times out, then it returns the message:
> The connection was reset
> The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
> ...
This is the exact same message I get from the browser even after I shut down my local server. My computer obviously recognizes this as a forwarded port, because any other port I try (such as 8000) instantly returns an error saying that it can't establish a connection to the server at
With regard to the server files, I have done many similar setups with Django/Ubuntu in the past and have never had any issues, but there must be something different about Django/CentOS that is causing this to happen (or maybe I made a mistake someone in one of my server files). I have followed guides for setting up Django & PostgreSQL on CentOS, too, but to no avail. I'll comment some of the files I have created/edited below.
If anyone has a solution, or even has advice on where to start looking for errors, I would very much appreciate it.
If your network is configured correctly and your django application with
python manage.py runserver
and you still can't access your django app from the VM host there is almost certainly a firewall issue. The solution above is good if you are running iptables.
I deployed CentOS 7 on a virtualbox VM from a Windows 7 host. I didn't know that this distribution uses firewalld, not iptables to control access.
ps -ae | grep firewall
returns something like
602 ? 00:00:00 firewalld
your system is running firewalld, not iptables. They do not run together.
To correct you VM so you can access your django site from the host use the commands:
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
Many thanks to pablo v for pointing this out in the post "Access django server on virtual Machine".
the host's "" is not the same as the guest's "". Per default the command
python manage.py runserver
listens only to the guest's localhost. You should be able to test it from within the vm (use "vagrant ssh" to login) and run
curl -I
The host as a different IP. To access the development server from the host you have to start it without ip restriction:
python manage.py runserver
python manage.py runserver [::]:8000
should be the same. But that's IPv6 syntax AFAIK. Are you sure that the "manage.py runserver" command supports IPv6 by default? I've never used ipv6 addresses w/ django, but looking at the source (https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/core/management/commands/runserver.py) there seams to be a flag that the default to False ("--ipv6"). Perhaps that's the "real" problem?
For a similar problem,
This command worked like a charm for me
python manage.py runserver [::]:8001
Check your iptables, and stop it. Ubuntu commonly does not open the iptables when it starts.