gdb: How do I pause during loop execution? - c++

I'm writing a software renderer in g++ under mingw32 in Windows 7, using NetBeans 7 as my IDE.
I've been needing to profile it of late, and this need has reached critical mass now that I'm past laying down the structure. I looked around, and to me this answer shows the most promise in being simultaneously cross-platform and keeping things simple.
The gist of that approach is that possibly the most basic (and in many ways, the most accurate) way to profile/optimise is to simply sample the stack directly every now and then by halting execution... Unfortunately, NetBeans won't pause. So I'm trying to find out how to do this sampling with gdb directly.
I don't know a great deal about gdb. What I can tell from the man pages though, is that you set breakpoints before running your executable. That doesn't help me.
Does anyone know of a simple approach to getting gdb (or other gnu tools) to either:
Sample the stack when I say so (preferable)
Take a whole bunch of samples at random intervals over a given period
...give my stated configuration?

Have you tried simply running your executable in gdb, and then just hitting ^C (Ctrl+C) when you want to interrupt it? That should drop you to gdb's prompt, where you can simply run the where command to see where you are, and then carry on execution with continue.
If you find yourself in a irrelevant thread (e.g. a looping UI thread), use thread, info threads and thread n to go to the correct one, then execute where.


Was GDB listing the code as I stepped through, or was I only dreaming?

Years ago, when I last had call to use GDB to debug a Linux server, I seem to remember seeing a listing of the code that was being executed. Perhaps it was just the current line +/- five lines or so. I think i also remember it redrawing the entire console, every time I executed a command, so that the code listing was always at the top of the screen.
Now that I am once again in need of GDB's assistance, is my memory playing cruel tricks on me? Or does such a mode actually exist?
The documentation I'm finding online just points me at the 'l' command to list code. That looks like it has some potential, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get it to dynamically update as I step/next my way through the code.
If it's significant, I'm running Ubuntu on a dedicated Linux machine, and (since the program uses OpenGL) the actual debugging is going on inside a Weston Compositor terminal window.

How to find where the program is waiting

I am working on a big code base. It is heavily multithreaded.
After running the linux based application for a few hours, in the end, right before reporting, the application silences. It doesn't die, it doesn't crash, it just waits there. Joins, mutexes, condition variables ... any of these can be the culprit.
If it had crashed, I would at least have a chance to find the source using debugger. But this way, I have no clue how to use what tool to find the bug. I can't even post a code sample for you. The only thing that can possibly help is to tap MANY places with cout to get a visual where the application is.
Have you been in such a situation? What do you recommend?
If you're running under Linux then just use gdb to run the program. When the application 'silences', interrupt it with CTRL+C, then type backtrace to see the call stack. With this you will find out the function where your application was blocked.
Incase of linux, gdb will be great help. Another tool that can be of great help is strace (This can also be used where there are problems with program for with source is not readily available because strace does not need recompilation to trace them.)
strace shall intercept/record system calls that are called by a process and also the signals that are received by a process. It will be able to show the order of events and all the return/resumption paths of calls. This can take you almost closer to the area of problem.
iotop, LTTng and Ftrace are few of other tools that be helpful to you in this scenario.

gdb - gdbserver trace remote program execution

I am trying to extract the execution sequence of my program (something like a program counter) with gdb on my local computer (windows x86) and gdbserver on a remote target (arm-linux). The idea I had was to insert breakpoints at "important" lines of my source files (i.e.: at the beginning of a specific function, and more in general before and after a conditional statement) with a high ignore count for each breakpoint, and then check if a breakpoint was hit or not. I was actually able to receive the informations with this method, but there is a problem: the application behavior I am debugging depends on real-time, and this specific method slows down the program execution too much. Do you think I could use some other method with gdb? I stumbled upon tracepoints, wich seems the exact thing I am looking for, but I was not able to find some property like a "hit counter" for them. The gdb version I am currently using is 7.5.
Thanks a lot in advance.
If your program execution must not be slowed down, you will probably need some HW tool. See these:
Keil real time trace
Lauterbach PowerDebug
(probably other similar solutions)

Eclipse CDT multithreaded debugging not-optimal - how does one run threads exclusively?

I know the answer to this, I'm putting it up here for others to see it
If you use eclipse CDT, you probably understand that eclipse isn't a debugger, it's just an application front-end, specifically to GDB. So when debugging C++ programs, you're actually just using GDB in a more comfortable manner. If you ever have to debug a multithreaded program in eclipse CDT, you'll realize that things quickly get hectic because when you hit a breakpoint, all threads stop, and when one tries to execute a single line in a specific thread, it also runs the other threads. In order for it to work properly, the threads have to be able to be run arbitrarily and exlusively-so that when the programmer executes a single line, it only executes the specific thread.
So, by default, gdb's settings by default leave the "scheduler-locking" turned off. If you debug multithreaded applications you'll understand that this must be on in GDB in order for the desired behavior to be achieved. How does one run this command:
set scheduler-locking on
in GDB within eclipse CDT?
At least one way to do it that certainly solves the problem is knowing how to navigate the immense set of features that eclipse offers. Typically, when a program starts, eclipse CDT switches the console window (if you have it open, typically it's on the bottom) to show the input/output of the program.
But you can change this if you didn't know-see this image. That button on the second to last right-the blue one that looks like a monitor-you can select the GDB input console. It was discussed also in this thread.
From there merely type the command.
But now that this has been solved, to solve it in a better way as a matter of convience; having to type set scheduler-locking on every time a program starts is silly. But the problem with loading a gdbinit file is that the gdbinit file gets sourced before eclipse has set the program for gdb to solve. This is a problem, as it causes the debugger view to hang within eclipse, as gdb complains. To understand what is happening, try and fire up gdb, then give the command without loading a binary to execute. It fails-so how does one set this as an option that is sticky?
Maybe if you add the following gdb script which could set the variable when the program stops and turns it off if you continue:
define hook-step
set scheduler-locking on
define hookpost-step
set scheduler-locking off
define hook-run
set scheduler-locking off
define hook-continue
set scheduler-locking off
My answer is derived from the one by #user1448557 . Unfortunately, I don't currently have enough reputation to comment on it (or to upvote it by the way). The strategy seems great, but the answer might be a bit outdated because it doesn't involve "set scheduler-locking step". I have put the following in my gdb initialization file (within my Eclipse project) and it does what I want.
#inspired from [link to this thread][1]
define hookpost-run
set scheduler-locking step
With regards to the comment by #rbaleksandar, Eclipse CDT launch configurations allow one to specify a "GDB Command File" and the default is usually .gdbinit

Linux time sample based profiler

short version:
Is there a good time based sampling profiler for Linux?
long version:
I generally use OProfile to optimize my applications. I recently found a shortcoming that has me wondering.
The problem was a tight loop, spawning c++filt to demangle a c++ name. I only stumbled upon the code by accident while chasing down another bottleneck. The OProfile didn't show anything unusual about the code so I almost ignored it but my code sense told me to optimize the call and see what happened. I changed the popen of c++filt to abi::__cxa_demangle. The runtime went from more than a minute to a little over a second. About a x60 speed up.
Is there a way I could have configured OProfile to flag the popen call? As the profile data sits now OProfile thinks the bottle neck was the heap and std::string calls (which BTW once optimized dropped the runtime to less than a second, more than x2 speed up).
Here is my OProfile configuration:
$ sudo opcontrol --status
Daemon not running
Event 0: CPU_CLK_UNHALTED:90000:0:1:1
Separate options: library
vmlinux file: none
Image filter: /path/to/executable
Call-graph depth: 7
Buffer size: 65536
Is there another profiler for Linux that could have found the bottleneck?
I suspect the issue is that OProfile only logs its samples to the currently running process. I'd like it to always log its samples to the process I'm profiling. So if the process is currently switched out (blocking on IO or a popen call) OProfile would just place its sample at the blocked call.
If I can't fix this, OProfile will only be useful when the executable is pushing near 100% CPU. It can't help with executables that have inefficient blocking calls.
Glad you asked. I believe OProfile can be made to do what I consider the right thing, which is to take stack samples on wall-clock time when the program is being slow and, if it won't let you examine individual stack samples, at least summarize for each line of code that appears on samples, the percent of samples the line appears on. That is a direct measure of what would be saved if that line were not there. Here's one discussion. Here's another, and another. And, as Paul said, Zoom should do it.
If your time went from 60 sec to 1 sec, that implies every single stack sample would have had a 59/60 probability of showing you the problem.
Try Zoom - I believe it will let you profile all processes - it would be interesting to know if it highlights your problem in this case.
I wrote this a long time ago, only because I couldn't find anything better:
I just found this, too, though I haven't tried it:
Quickly hacked up trivial sampling profiler for linux:
It appends backtrace(3) to a file on SIGUSR1, and then converts it to annotated source.
After trying everything suggested here (except for the now-defunct Zoom, which is still available as huge file from dropbox), I found that NOTHING does what Mr. Dunlavey recommends. The "quick hacks" listed above in some of the answers wouldn't build for me, or didn't work for me either. Spent all day trying stuff... and nothing could find fseek as a hotspot in an otherwise simple test program that was I/O bound.
So I coded up yet another profiler, this time with no build dependencies, based on GDB, so it should "just work" for almost any debuggable code. A single CPP file.
It automates the manual process suggested by Mr. Dunlavey, interrupting the target process with GDB periodically and harvesting a stack trace, and then printing a report at the end about which stack traces are the most common. Those are your true wall-clock hotspots. And it actually works.