What is the iPhone Search Bar Height (minimum possible)? - height

Been trying to find the height of the iPhone Search Bar but all I found on google were pages talking about iphone tab bars, and also happened to have a (webpage, not iphone) search bar that says "search".
Does anyone know what the size of the rounded text field of the search bar is?
I want to set the search bar height to its very minimum.
On a sidenote, I want to hide the sides around the bar if possible but I doubt its possible right?

I would be very careful editing IOS's core features, this could lead to your app being rejected from the app store.


Cover-Template: Page Title and Scroll Indicator below visible area (viewport)

Now that I’ve mostly got everything on my website (WordPress, Theme: Twenty Twenty) right the way I want it to be, there is still a problem for which I can’t find a solution. I have activated the “Cover-Template” on all pages. Everything looks as it should on the desktop computer. Not on the mobile phone, however, at least not in Safari and Chrome. I solved the problem that the background image or the cover template is too wide on the side and is not automatically adjusted with “width: 100dvw” and “height: 100dvh”. Unfortunately, however, the “entry-title” and the “scroll indicator” is still not displayed in the “viewport”, but below the visible area. With two-line titles you can at least see a little of the upper part, with one-line titles nothing at all. In Firefox and Edge everything works… the image is fully displayed, as well as the title and the arrow. What can I do here?
I would be very happy about a solution! Thanks in advance.
The page I need help with: admin4you.net

Y axis bar values are overlapping with each other in apache superset bar chart

When I try to show the bar value in the bar chart of apache superset, y axis bar values overlap with each other.
To fix this issue, I want to rotate the y-axis values with 45 degree so that those values will look vertically and won't overlap with each other, just like it is there in x-axis values.
Do you prefer grouped or stacked bars. Using stacked bars would be a shortcut to solving this.
I don't have an easy but bad answer for you, and a more difficult but rational answer.
The bad/easy answer: You might be able to do this with CSS, at least in any given dashboard. For that, you'd want to take your Dashboard into Edit mode, and pick "Edit CSS" from the "..." menu in the top right. There, you should have access to write some clever CSS selectors (let me know if you need help) and tweak CSS properties of the SVG text element (i.e. text-anchor, transform). That said I think you're going to have a bad time with this approach, since you don't have access in CSS to the values you might need for `translate(x, y). So, that brings us to...
The better/harder answer: You could edit the plugin! One caveat is that we'll be replacing some visualizations in the near future (including the Bar Chart) with ones based on Apache ECharts. Meanwhile, you could open up a PR on the Superset-ui repo at https://github.com/apache-superset/superset-ui. The NVD3-based plugin lies in there, as do the controls, where you might be able to add additional controls for rotation.
Door #3, of course, would be to write your own visualization plugin (or help us with the ECharts refactor!) but that's another conversation entirely.
Sorry this isn't more directly helpful, but I hope it gives you more avenues to explore.

Foundation 5 dropdown align:left doesn't work in small screens

Here is the screenshot
I have a 500x400 iframe that hosts my page with a few Foundation dropdown controls, I found in this size no matter how I specify "align:xxx" value in the code, Foundation always renders the dropdown layer as align:bottom which is undesirable. I need "align:xxx" to work no matter what the containing page size is. How do I do that? Hacks or workarounds can do too.
I tried to increase my iframe to 1000x400 and the dropdown renders normally.
If there's an option that I could force align of a dropdown other than align:xxx please point out.
It's because it's in an iframe that is smaller than the medium media query. The default behavior for the small breakpoint is to be 100% width. You may need JS to override this for your use case.

Google Glass: How to customize appearance of Home Screen and Menu Items on Google Glass?

Are you able to customize the appearance at all on the first two screens of Google Glass?
1) The Home screen card with time and "ok glass".
2) The Menu Item card with "ok glass," and a list of available voice actions.
For example, add an image, background image, remove the time, or add additional text. Or maybe put a custom view we create in front of everything.
I'm not looking to change the functionality, just the look and feel.
If not, are there any plans to allow this in the future?
It is not possible to change any of those screens. And I don't believe they will add the ability in the future. But we never know with Google, maybe in the future.
You can always make a feature request here:

Android Split Action Bar-icons only in the bottom bar

I want to force the icons to be placed in the Bottom bar of Android's split action bar, while making sure that the top action bar remains empty. I have experimented a lot, but have not been able to figure out how to do this.
I am sure it is possible, because I have seen it in the Google Maps app. See the image below:
split action bar with icons http://imageshack.us/a/img856/3592/portraito.png
The split action bar is only used on -small/-normal screens in portrait orientation -- in all other cases, the action bar behaves normally without a split.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 is a -large device. It will not use a split action bar, regardless of whether it is held in portrait, landscape, or is being stepped on by an elephant.
If you are seeing apps that run on such devices that appear to have split action bars, then they are not using the action bar for those items, but instead are rolling their own bottom bar. This is not advisable.
(note: no actual elephants were harmed in the creation of this answer)