How to force Aptana Studio 3 to automatically refresh project explorer? - refresh

This setting is enabled by default in Aptana Studio 3, but I had forgotten what it was. I'm currently using git, which is irrelevant, but the following is the best example of what I can explain is happening. Basically, whenever I change a file, the project explorer doesn't refresh to indicate that there are changes ready to be staged until I left click on the appropriate files.
I initially turned off the option to try to speed up the program, but now I'd like it back on. Anyone have any idea?

Try these settings:
General > Workspace > Refresh using native hooks or polling
General > Workspace > Refresh on access


CLion forces files refresh after build, which takes too long

When I build a project in CLion, it also refreshes all of my project files (after the build, actually) - and if I have a lot of them, mounted from a remote server via a slow(ish) network, that can take some time. Can I avoid this refresh somehow?
In CLion 2020.2 and later, you can tell the app not to have to wait until the refresh is complete to consider the build concluded and to allow you to continue with other work.
To do this:
On the menus, choose "Find > Action", then type in "Registry".
Choose the Registry action; you've now opened the CLion registry (yes, it exists).
Type in:
Check the box on the value column.
Reference: Here.

VS2017 Debugger Breakpoints not working with locally run Azure Function

I've used Visual Studio 2017 to create a queue triggered Azure Function. All that the default generated code does is write a message to the log. The code works, but if you set a breakpoint on it, it is ignored by the debugger.
I have same problem with another queue triggered function that has more complex code, but I created this one as a very simple test case.
What do you have to do to get debug breakpoints to work on this type of project?
Answer was found here which is:
(1) right click your project and go to properties page
(2) select "Build" on left
(3) click "Advanced..." button
(4) change "Debugging information" to "Full"
As stupid as it sounds, I managed to make it work by unchecking the option
Automatically close the console when debugging stops
in Tools > Options > Debugging > General

Less compiler issue (probably)

I have installed the less compiler extension
When I create a less file and save it, it isn't building CSS and min.css file for me.
In the lower right corner, I clicked on the watermark and less is enabled for the project. What am I missing here?
Please take a look at the screenshot.
Update 1:
I have created a test MVC site and added a less file to it. No CSS getting generated over here as well.
Update 2:
I have installed web essential 2017 and WebCompiler is there now. Still no css files. Selecting the file and Shift+Alt+Q not working. Also when i right click on the file, i don't get re-compile menu option as being discussed in the following thread:
I am using Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 version 15.5.6
Had the same issue. For me it turned out node was no longer in my path which is required to compile. The output tab has a drop down with LESS compiler as an option to help troubleshoot.

VS2013 - Configuration requirement to use performance profiler on projects

In VS2013, I used to be able profile the performance of my projects of my c++ solution by intrumentation. Recently, I had to change a few things to make my project compile correctly in release, and now my projetss are now shown anymore as projet to profile in the dialog.
I must have removed something required for the performance profiling of visual studio. I verified that I still have /DEBUG in the linker, and /PROFILE.
Anybody know what are the other requirement that could be missing ?
We have been moving to our new profiling platform the performance and diagnostics hub . You can go to the Analyze -> Profiler -> New Performance Session. That will cause the performance explorer to open up. You can then right click on targets and select Add target project to get your project selected. Let me know if this does not work for you

Run as administrator not showing in start menu

My C++ application developed by VS2008 and use the VS setup project to create installer for that. After installation it will create two shortcuts to application. one is in user desktop and second one is in start menu. Application(myApp.exe) installed to the Program files directory.
Question: If I right click on the icons in the start menu, there is a option Run as Administrator for most of them. But if I right click on the shortcut that related to my application. It doesn't show Run as Administrator. How to fix this?
Edit: But if i right click on the myApp.exe in the Program files, it shows "Run as Administrator".
Set your embedded manifest to require administrator. On the project property page:
...on the (highlighted) UAC Execution Level, change asInvoker to requireAdministrator. Build your project to embed the new manifest, and it should be ready to do its thing.
Oh -- I didn't think to do it here, but in the Configuration drop-down, you probably want to select All Configurations, instead of the (default) Active configuration that's selected in the screen shot. Gets seriously annoying -- you think you've got things fixed, then you change to "Release" and a bunch of stuff suddenly breaks, and you have to go through figuring out what you'd changed, and edit those changes into the Release configuration as well.
In manifest file there is option "requestedExecutionLevel" and "UIAccess" which will manage it.
I found the answer for this after so much testing and searching. So here I mention it for use of any one.
Windows only shows Run as Administrator in the context menu for that shortcuts those are directly targeting to some exe file.
If you use VS deployment (setup) project to create your installation with desktop and start menu shortcuts. Those shortcuts not targeting to exe (Application.exe) file.
Instead of that shortcuts targeting to application folder (MS office 2007 also same). This is called installation-on-demand and advertisement. Here is the more details.
This will help your application to repair from file missing (pray Google for more).
So we have to disable this feature if you want to target your shortcuts directly to exe file.
For this you can use command prompt or some tool. here is how to do it.
Nirmally windows installer having a exe and a msi.
These setting are stored at at msi generated with setup file.
So You have to alter the file and add the entry DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1 to property table.
Using Command prompt:
msiexec /i <path to your msi> DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1
Using Orca Tool:(Meny other tools also there)
Download Orca tool from here and install it.
Right click your *.msi file and click edit with orca.
Go to property table and add new entry DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS and value is 1 , save and close.
Now you done.
Install using setup.exe file and check the target of the shortcuts. those are directly target to the exe file in application folder.
Now if you right click on the shortcuts those shows Run as Administrator option in context menu.
Note: Doing this you will gain Run as Administrator but scarify the windows auto repair capability.