Remote thread is failing on call to LoadLibrary with error 87 - c++

I am tring to create a Remote thread that will load a DLL I wrote, and run a function from it.
The DLL is working fine (Checked) but from some reason, the Remote thread fails and the proccess in which it was created stop responding.
I used ollyDebug to try and see what is going wrong and I noticed two things...
My strings (dll name and function name) are passed to the remote thread correctly
The thread fails on LoadLibrary with lasterror code 87 "ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"
My best guess is that somehow, The remote thread can't find LoadLibrary (Is this because the linker is done with repspect to my proccess???, Just a guess...)
What am I doing wrong?
This is the code to the remote function:
static DWORD WINAPI SetRemoteHook (DATA *data)
HOOK_PROC hookAdress;
dll = LoadLibrary(data->dll);
hookAdress = (HOOK_PROC) GetProcAddress(dll,data->func);
if (hookAdress != NULL)
return 1;
This is the part in which I allocate the memory to the remote proccess:
typedef struct
char* dll;
char* func;
char* dllName = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cptnhook.dll";
char* funcName = "SetHook";
char* targetPrgm = "mspaint.exe";
Data lData;
lData.dll = (char*) VirtualAllocEx( explorer, 0, sizeof(char)*strlen(dllName), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
lData.func = (char*) VirtualAllocEx( explorer, 0, sizeof(char)*strlen(funcName), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
WriteProcessMemory( explorer, lData.func, funcName, sizeof(char)*strlen(funcName), &v );
WriteProcessMemory( explorer, lData.dll, dllName, sizeof(char)*strlen(dllName), &v );
rDataP = (DATA*) VirtualAllocEx( explorer, 0, sizeof(DATA), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
WriteProcessMemory( explorer, rDataP, &lData, sizeof(DATA), NULL );
It looks like the problem is that the remote thread is calling a "garbage" address
instead of LoadLibrary base address. Is there a possibily Visual studio linked
the remote proccess LoadLibrary address wrong?
when I try to run the same exact code as a local thread (I use a handle to the current procces in CreateRemoteThread) the entire thing works just fine. What can cause this?
Should I add the calling function code? It seems to be doing its job as
the code is being executed in the remote thread with the correct parameters...
The code is compiled under VS2010.
data is a simple struct with char* 's to the names. (As explicetly writing the strings in code would lead to pointers to my original proccess).
What am I doing wrong?

Failing with ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER indicates that there is a problem with the parameters passed.
So one should look at data->dll which represents the only parameter in question.
It is initialised here:
lData.dll = VirtualAllocEx(explorer, 0, sizeof(char) * (strlen(dllName) + 1), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
So let's add a check whether the allocation of the memory which's reference should be store into lData.dll really succeded.
if (!lData.dll) {
// do some error logging/handling/whatsoever
Having done so, you might have detected that the call as implemented failed because (verbatim from MSDN for VirtualAllocEx()):
The function fails if you attempt to commit a page that has not been
reserved. The resulting error code is ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS.
So you might like to modifiy the fourth parameter of the call in question as recommended (again verbatim from MSDN):
To reserve and commit pages in one step, call VirtualAllocEx with
PS: Repeat this exercise for the call to allocate lData.func. ;-)

It's possible that LoadLibrary is actually aliasing LoadLibraryW (depending on project settings), which is the Unicode version. Whenever you use the Windows API with "char" strings instead of "TCHAR", you should explicitly use ANSI version names. This will prevent debugging hassles when the code is written, and also in the future for you or somebody else in case the project ever flips to Unicode.
So, in addition to fixing that horrible unterminated string problem, make sure to use:


How do I detect a module loaded using LoadLibraryEx

I need to use a windows function like GetModuleHandle or GetModuleFileName to find out if a specific dll is loaded in the same process where my code is executing.
One module I'm looking for is System.Windows.Forms.dll, but even when it is loaded in process... (Here you can see it using Process Explorer)
GetModuleHandle still will not find it!
HMODULE modHandle = GetModuleHandle(L"System.Windows.Forms.dll");
GetLastError() returns ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the specified module.
If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
I think it may be something to do with how the CLR loads these dlls. I see a note on LoadLibraryEx that if the LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE flag is used then:
If this value is used, the system maps the file into the calling
process's virtual address space as if it were a data file. Nothing is
done to execute or prepare to execute the mapped file. Therefore, you
cannot call functions like GetModuleFileName, GetModuleHandle or
GetProcAddress with this DLL.
Maybe this is my problem, but regardless of the cause - does anyone know a way to find a managed DotNet dll in a process using native / c++ code?
Based on suggestions from Castorix in the comments I tried to use EnumProcessModules:
HMODULE modules[100];
void* hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, 0, GetCurrentProcessId());
if (hProcess)
DWORD bytesNeeded;
BOOL rc = EnumProcessModules(hProcess, modules, sizeof(modules), &bytesNeeded);
if (rc)
int count = (int)(bytesNeeded / sizeof(HMODULE));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
wchar_t moduleName[260];
GetModuleFileName(modules[i], moduleName, 260);
This code finds a lot of the modules but not System.Windows.Forms.dll
OK, this is an attempt to an answer (or really just a too long comment, sorry).
Personally, I have never seen managed .NET DLLs in the Process Explorer pane, but might not have been looking hard / often enough. However, what I can (and always could) see are the NGENed images (*.ni.dll).
Note also the presence of System.Data.dll here, which is not NGENed, but is a mixed mode assembly and contains native code as well as managed code.
So one could conclude, that you can only see NGENed and mixed mode "assemblies" here, because they are still loaded by LoadLibrary or LoadLibraryEx.
Also note my comment, which I reproduce here for easier access:
I think the CLR does not use LoadLibrary, which would explain why you
cannot "see" them using the APIs you described. In fact,
CLR 4 Does Not Use LoadLibrary to Load Assemblies
is a blog entry that is relevant. You could always check the sources
(CoreCLR, but shouldn't matter), about how it is done in particular. I
have no really good place, but you could start
and then go from it. Use the ICorDebug interface instead.
Here are some relevant quotes from the blog entry linked above:
You may be asking yourself: …who cares? Well, first of all it’s good
to know. I haven’t noticed a public service announcement to the above.
It is an implementation detail, however—CLR assemblies are not even
guaranteed to be implemented using files, not to mention DLL files in
a specific format that are loaded using the LoadLibrary Win32 API.
However, there are several tools and scenarios which have come to rely
on the fact the CLR loads assemblies using LoadLibrary. For example,
up to CLR 4, if you wanted to know which .NET assemblies were loaded
in your process, a fairly reliable heuristic would be to fire up
Sysinternals Process Explorer and look at the DLLs view of a given
process. This doesn’t work for CLR 4, as you can see here:
Frankly, I don't know how Process Explorer manages to show assemblies (not NGENed and not mixed mode) in your case - appart from you are watching a CLR2 process. However, mind you that PE does not only use Win32 APIs. It also uses WMI and probably also uses the CLR directly for more information. For example, the "Process Properties/.NET Assemblies" and "Process Properties/.NET Performance" tabs most likely use ICorDebug/ICorProfile and performance counters/ETW respectively.
You might need to use on of those interfaces as well, or something else from the unmanaged Debugging API or the unmanaged API in general.
Whatever it is, I don't think that EnumProcessModules, etc. will get you there for reasons above.
To add to the above answer and provide relevant code; it was not possible to use a native function like EnumProcessModules to detect the non-ngen'ed DotNet dlls and instead I had to use c++ interfaces to the CLR.
There is a lot more info here: The code most relevant to this particular question was:
HRESULT GetAssemblyFromAppDomain(_AppDomain* pAppDomain, LPCWSTR wszAssemblyName, _Deref_out_opt_ _Assembly **ppAssembly)
*ppAssembly = NULL;
// get the assemblies into a safearray
SAFEARRAY *pAssemblyArray = NULL;
HRESULT hr = pAppDomain->GetAssemblies(&pAssemblyArray);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// put the safearray into a smart ptr, so it gets released
CComSafeArray<IUnknown*> csaAssemblies;
size_t cchAssemblyName = wcslen(wszAssemblyName);
long cAssemblies = csaAssemblies.GetCount();
for (long i=0; i<cAssemblies; i++)
CComPtr<_Assembly> spAssembly;
spAssembly = csaAssemblies[i];
if (spAssembly == NULL)
CComBSTR cbstrAssemblyFullName;
hr = spAssembly->get_FullName(&cbstrAssemblyFullName);
if (FAILED(hr))
// is it the one we want?
if (cbstrAssemblyFullName != NULL &&
cchAssemblyName) == 0)
*ppAssembly = spAssembly.Detach();
hr = S_OK;
if (*ppAssembly == 0)
hr = E_FAIL;
return hr;
There's some information on the CLR interfaces here:

c++ win32 DLL - need to dynamically load a base64 string (very strange!)

First of all, sorry if the title isn't really accurate, I have no idea how I can put my problem into a single sentence.
The problem I'm facing is that I have a win32 DLL which needs to dynamically load a binary file and do something with it (the binary file is found in a base64 string, which the DLL then decodes and writes to disk).
Pretty simple, in theory. However, here come the problems:
I tried putting the string into the resources by an external program. That worked and it does appear in the resources (according to reshack), BUT when I try to access it from inside the DLL it doesn't work. And yes, I do know that you need the hInstance of the DLL itself, not from the executable file that contains it, it didn't work either though.
I also tried to load the string from another source (I tried file, URL and even the registry), but whenever I save it in a variable, the program crashes ("X stopped working" message), I'm assuming that the program which loaded the DLL didn't clear enough RAM to store that extra variable.
And last but not least an extra note: I do not have access to the source code of the program containing the DLL (I'm writing a plugin more or less), so I couldn't pass a parameter either.
I really hope someone can help me out of this dilemma.
Edit: Code upon request
Method 1: Loading the base64 string from a resource
HMODULE handle = itsamee; // "itsamee" was set in DllMain
if(hResa == 0)
printf("FAIL"); // it ALWAYS prints "FAIL" ...
.rc file:
#include "resource.h" // there it just defines IDR_PEFILE and includes <windows.h>
Method 2: Loading the base64 string from the registry
HKEY hkey;
RegOpenKeyEx(root, key, 0, REG_READ, &hkey); // "root" is "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" and "key" is "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run"
DWORD cbData;
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, NULL, &type, NULL, &cbData);
char* value = new char[cbData];
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&value, &cbData); // "name" is "pefile"
// now here I had two lines of code. the first one is:
printf("Okay"); // it would always print "Okay"
// this is the second version:
printf("Okay, value is %s", value); // it wouldn't print this, instead I'd get the "X stopped working" error
std::vector<char> dec = base64_decode(value); // this would never happen, "stopped working", regardless of which printf was called before
The mistake was that (LPBYTE)&value made the function write to the pointer and not the buffer itself. It had to be changed to (LPBYTE)value. Thanks to Mark Ransom for this answer!

Firefox pr_write hook. dll injection, windows hooks

The problem was that the DLL which contains PR_Write() is called not npsr4.dll, but nss3.dll and hooks couldn't find GetProcAddress() from non-existing library.
I'm trying to create Firefox hook, which collects data from the PR_Write() Firefox method (it is located in nspr4.dll).
I googled much and tried many ways to do that, but unfortunately when I inject the hook, Firefox crashes.
Firstly, I tried not to use DLL, using this method (source at the beginning of the article) Firefox crashed at CreateRemoteProcess()*
I read that CreateRemoteProcess() doesn't work on Win7 because of security issues. I decided to use this method: But it didn't even load my DLL. (source at the beginning of the article)
Then I decided to inject the DLL with SetWindowsHookEx(). DLL worked, I used test MessageBox to check that (but I'm not sure if I specified the last parametr of SetWindowsHookEx() correctly).
I've found Chrom library with Firefox example (I cannot post more than 2 links but google: "chrom-lib"). I applied the code to my DLL, but when I inject it, Firefox crashes.
I don't know ASM, stack and memory managment well and I have no idea what is wrong and how to fix it. I only know I should use asm jump hook, but how?. I need a ready-to-use code :/
Maybe there is a way to get pr_write() address, then get its call stack (function arguments) and use them to call my own function? Or maybe I should try with "API Hooking with MS Detours" (again I cannot post link :< )
What should I do?
EDIT I nocticed that there is no npsr4.dll on my computer. So how does Firefox build HTTP request without this lib?
Current DLL code (Chrom-based with VirtualProtect() usage)
#define SIZE 6
struct Hook{
DWORD original_function;
DWORD destination_function;
BYTE original_bytes[SIZE];
BYTE JMP_instruction[SIZE];
DWORD original_protection, new_protection;
original_protection= PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE;
new_protection = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE;
memcpy((void*) original_function, original_bytes, SIZE);
int Initialize(char * function, char * module_name, void * destination_function_ptr)
original_function = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(module_name),
destination_function = (DWORD) destination_function_ptr;
if (original_function==NULL){
return FALSE;}
return TRUE;
int Start()
BYTE JMP_temporary[SIZE] = {0xE9, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xC3};
memcpy(JMP_instruction, JMP_temporary, SIZE);
DWORD JMP_size = ((DWORD)destination_function - (DWORD)original_function - 5);
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)original_function, SIZE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &original_protection);
MessageBox(NULL,"Works", ":D",0);
memcpy(original_bytes,(void*)original_function, SIZE);
memcpy(&JMP_instruction[1], &JMP_size, 4);
memcpy((void*)original_function, JMP_instruction, SIZE);
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)original_function, SIZE, original_protection, NULL);
return TRUE;
int Reset(){
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)original_function, SIZE, new_protection, NULL);
memcpy((void*)original_function, original_bytes, SIZE);
return TRUE;
int Place_Hook(){
memcpy((void*)original_function, JMP_instruction, SIZE);
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)original_function, SIZE, original_protection, NULL);
return TRUE;
Hook Firefox; // use chrom library
DWORD PR_Write_H (DWORD *fd, void *buf,DWORD amount); // this is our overiding-function
typedef DWORD (*prWrite)(DWORD*,void*,DWORD); // defination of our original function
prWrite prw = NULL; // create a orginal function, we later point this to orginal function
// address
// example test function
int write_log(char * log, char * data)
ofstream fout("D:\\log2.txt", ios::app);fout << data;fout.close();
return TRUE;
void create_hooks() //this is called when DLL is initialized
// Override PR_Write function in nspr4.dll with our PR_Write_H,
// Note nspr4.dll must already be
// loaded in process space
Firefox.Initialize("PR_Write", "nspr4.dll", PR_Write_H);
// Write jump instruction on orginal function address
// our overriding function
DWORD PR_Write_H (DWORD *fd, void *buf,DWORD amount){
// reset hooks, this will replace the jump instruction to original data
// point prw(function) to original function
prw = (prWrite)Firefox.original_function;
// log the headers
write_log(log_file, (char*) buf);
// call the real PR_Write function
DWORD ret = prw(fd, buf, amount);
// again place the jump instruction on the original function
return ret;
*I'm using Win8 x64 but the hook must work at Vista/Win7/Win8 32 and 64 bit! I also tested it at Win7 x86 laptop. I compile with Visual Studio 2012
Here are the basic steps I use when injecting a dll:
1) You use OpenProcess in order to gets Firefox's process HANDLE
2) You allocate memory for the path of your dll using VirtualAllocEx into Firefox's process
3) You write the dll path into this allocated space using WriteProcessMemory
4) You get the HANDLE of the dll kernel32.dll using GetModuleHandleA. This one should be present in every windows's process. kernel32.dll contains window's core API stuff.
5) In this kernel32.dll you will find the function LoadLibrary that will help you loading your dll. Get its address with GetProcAddress.
6) Now you have all the keys to create a new remote thread that will load your dll into Firefox's process.
You just call CreateRemoteThreadEx with lpStartAddress pointing to the address of LoadLibrary and lpParameter to your dll path string.
7) Enjoy your injected dll.
Now that your dll is in the process memory, you can start to hook. Here are two basic ways:
- On the Import Address Table (IAT):
The import address table is table that contain the address of each external functions use by your module/process.
In your case you want to change the address of PR_Write by the address of your manually created function. You must remove the memory page protection of the IAT using VirtualProtect. Now you can freely override the adress by your own.
- Override parts of the process code to make it jump in your functions:
Using VirtualProtect, you once against remove the protection on the code parts you need.
You then change the current instructions by the opcode of CALL or JUMP pointing to your function. The overrided instructions MUST be rewritten at the beginning of your function in order to keep the real flow intact. After your hook function, you must jump back after the overrided instruction.
All these hooks tricks may need a intermediate function called a trampoline. This function may have to save the registers and load them back later. It can also ensure that the calling conventions are respected.
When dealing with hooks, I would suggest to learn assembly and how to use debugging tools like OllyDbg.

Trouble restarting exe

I need to restart the program that im working on after an update has been downloaded except im running into some issues.
If i use CreateProcess nothing happens, if i use ShellExecute i get an 0xC0150002 error and if i use ShellExecute with the command "runas" it works fine. I can start the command prompt fine using CreateProcess and ShellExecute just not the same exe again and dont want to use runas as this will elevate the exe.
Any Ideas?
Windows 7, visual studio 2008 c++
alt text
char exePath[255];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, exePath, 255);
size_t exePathLen = strlen(exePath);
for (size_t x=exePathLen; x>0; x--)
if (exePath[x] == '\\')
exePath[x] = '\0';
char name[255];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, name, 255);
STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = {0};
BOOL res = CreateProcess(name, "-wait", NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, exePath, &StartupInfo, &ProcInfo );
char exePath[255];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, exePath, 255);
size_t exePathLen = strlen(exePath);
for (size_t x=exePathLen; x>0; x--)
if (exePath[x] == '\\')
exePath[x] = '\0';
char name[255];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, name, 255);
INT_PTR r = (INT_PTR)ShellExecute(NULL, "runas", name, "-wait", exePath, SW_SHOW);
CreateProcess() is an arcane beast. I remember unfondly my first frustrations with it. You should look at the Microsoft CreateProcess Example and the CreateProcess Page. (those links likely have a short lifetime, Googling CreateProcess should work just as well).
I can see 3 problems in your code.
StartupInfo must have "cb" set to the structure size:
STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = {0};
StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo);
The second argument requires both the command and the arguments to form the command line. Your program will see "-wait" as argv[0] and ignore it or pay it no mind.
char command[512];
sprintf(command, "%s -wait", name);
BOOL res = CreateProcess(name, command, // and as you had before
You don't look at GetLastError() if CreateProcess() fails (by returning a zero). It may have helped you but I suspect it would just say "invalid argument" or somesuch. Hey, there's only 10 of them to check, don't be lazy :-)
Another bug I committed is not closing the hProcess and/or hThread handles return in PROCESS_INFORMATION when I was done. I did do hProcess, but not hThread.
Looks like a manifest or registry question judging from the error code. If you can't get the actual error message string for more details, you might try:
moving every possible manifest file (Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest and the like) into your exe's directory, to ensure accessibility
cleanly and completely uninstall/wipe out old versions of DLL you may have installer newer versions of (I suggest: uninstall EVERY version, clean the registry with a sweep-clean tool such as Norton's, reinstall the new stuff from scratch)
What happens if you run the process using system()? It gives you less control, but you'll be running it from the same context you're running in. Also, Try monitoring the launch of your second process using ProcMon, it might give you the hint you need about the source of the failure.
Ok worked it all out in the end.
The first time my exe ran it used the default paths and as such loaded vld (a leak detector dll) from the default path. However in the exe i modified the dll path to be the bin folder ([app]\bin) when i restarted the exe using CreateProcess it picked up on a different vld dll (this was my mistake) that had incorrect side by side linkage and it was only after looking at event viewer that i worked it out.
Thanks for all your help.

Where inside injected DLL to loop?

So I've got an application that starts another application with my DLL injected (with Detours). The entry point is DllMain. I can't do much from DllMain, and certainly cannot loop. So how do I call my DLL monitor functions every x seconds? I read you cannot create a thread from DllMain (at least until it returns) and its true because it crashed me. So I tried creating it in the attach thread event and it crashed me. So now what I'm trying to do is inject it again (incase Detours fails) so I can get the module handle. Then I get the address of an initializer function which creates my thread. I get the module handle fine, but I don't think I can get the function address. I made the function empty, and it still crashed me. So it doesn't even get as far as calling the function. Visual Studio said I have no read access.
So what am I suppose to do? What do you do to loop your DLL functions when you don't own the attached program (exe).
DetourCreateProcessWithDll(filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE,
&si, &pi, detoured, hook, NULL);
processID = pi.dwProcessId;
hDll = InjectDLL(processID, hook);
if(hDll != NULL)
STARTER Starter = (STARTER)GetProcAddress(hDll, "Starter");
if(Starter != NULL)
The function Starter is extern C exported and looks fine inspected (it's ordinal 1).
I have no idea what could possibly be wrong, and merely hope someone out there has had experience with this topic and crashing.
Here's the DLL code:
extern "C"
void __declspec(dllexport) Starter(void);
void Starter(void)
You can't do it that way because the DLL is injected into a different process and you're trying to execute the function in the address space of your hooking process.
What you'll have to do is call CreateRemoteThread, passing in the address that you get from GetProcAddress in the lpStartAddress parameter. This will create a new thread on the remote process, and execute the function in the address space of that process, in the context of the new thread.
BTW, technically you should be able to create a new thread in DllMain/DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, as long as you're not doing any synchronizing with other threads, though it's not recommended. I'm not sure what issues might exist if doing this when the DLL is being injected though.