Outline / Silhouette rendering with OpenGL - opengl

I know there are several techniques to achieve this, but none of them seems sufficient.
Using a sobel / laplace filter doesn't find all the correct edges (and finds unwanted edges), is slow and doesn't give me control over the outline width.
What i have settled on for now is rendering the backside of my objects first with a solid color and a little bigger than the actual objects. The result does look good, but i really want my outlines to have a constant width.
I already tried rendering the backside of my objects with thick wireframe lines. Gives me a constant outline width, but line width is deprecated, produces rendering artifacts and leaves gaps, if the outline abruptly changes direction (like on a cube for example). I have not yet tried using a third rendering pass drawing a point the size of the wireframe lines for each vertex, because of the other problems with this technique.
Any ideas?
edit I even looked at finding the edges myself using a geometry shader, as described in http://prideout.net/blog/?p=54, but it suffers from the same gaps as the wireframe technique.
edit I was able to get rid of the rendering artifacts with the wireframe technique by disabling the GL_DEPTH_TEST while drawing the outlines. Unfortunately i also lost the outlines on overlapping objects...
My goal is to get the same effect they use on characters in the Dragons Lair 3 game. Does anyone know how they did it?

in case you're after real edge detection, Ive found that you can get pretty good results with a convolution LoG (Laplacian over Gaussian) 5x5 kernel, applied to the depth buffer and blended over the rendered object (possibly with a decent FSAA). You need some tuning in the fragment shader in order to clamp the blended outline, but the results are good. (and its a matter of what you really want, btw)
note that:
1) Laplace filtering and log filtering are different things and produce different results
2) if you apply the convolution on the depth buffer, instead of the rendered image, you end up with totally different results, firthermore, if an outline width conrol is desired, a dilate filter followed by a selective-erode pass can be applied, this way you will end up with a render that closely match a hand drawn sketch made with a marker, and you have fine control over tip size but at the cost of 2 extra pass


How to avoid distance ordering in large scale billboard rendering with transparency

Setting the scene:
I am rendering a height map (vast non-transparent surface) with a large amount of billboards on it (typically grass, flowers and so on).
The billboards thus have a mostly transparent color map applied, with only a few pixels colored to produce the grass or leaf shapes and such. Note that the edges of those shapes use a bit of transparency gradient to make them look smoother, but I have also tried with basic, binary color/transparent textures.
Pseudo rendering code goes like so:
Where the wildGrass render instruction renders multiple billboards at various locations in a single OGL call.
The issue I am experiencing has to do with transparency and the fact that billboards apparently hide each-other, even on their transparent area. However the height-map solid background is correctly displayed on those transparent parts.
Here's the glitch:
Left is with an explicit fragment shader discard on fully transparent pixels
Right is without the discard, clearly showing the billboard's flat quad
Based on my understanding of OGL blending and some reading, it seems that the solution is to have a controlled order of rendering, starting from the most distant objects to the closest, so that the color buffer is filled properly in the end.
I am desperately hoping that there is another way... The ordering here would typically vary depending on the point of view, which means it has to be applied in-real-time for each frame. Plus the nature of those particular billboards is to be produced in a -very large- number... Performance alert!
Any suggestions or is my approach of blending wrong?
Did not work for me:
#httpdigest's suggestion to disable depth buffer writing:
It worked essentially for billboards with the same texture (and possibly a specific type of texture, like wild grass for instance), because the depth inconsistencies are not visually noticeable - however introducing another texture, say a flower with drastically different colours, will immediately highlights those mistakes.
#Rabbid76's suggestion to use not-semi-transparent textures with multi-sampling & anti-aliasing: I believe this is the way to go for best visual effect with reasonably low cost on performance.
Alternative solution:
I found an intermediary solution which is probably the cheapest in performance to the expense of quality. I still use textures with gradient transparent edges, but instead of discarding fully transparent pixels, I introduced a degree of tolerance, for example any pixel with alpha < 0.6 is discarded - the value is found experimentally to find the right balance.
With this approach:
I still perform depth tests, so output is correct
Textures quality is degraded/look less smooth - but reasonably so
The glitches on semi-transparent pixels still appear - but are nearly not noticeable
See capture below
So to conclude:
My solution is a cheap and simple approximation giving less smooth visual result
Best result can be obtained by rendering all the billboards to a multi-sampled texture resolve with anti-aliasing and finally output the result in a full screen quad. There are probably to ways to do this:
Either rendering the map first and use the resulting depth buffer when rendering the billboards
Or render both the map and billboards on the multi-sampled texture
Note that the above approaches are both meant to avoid having to distance-base sort a large number of billboards - but this remains a valid option and I have read about storing billboard locations in a quad tree for quick access.

Perfect filled triangle rendering algorithm?

Where can I get an algorithm to render filled triangles? Edit3: I cant use OpenGL for rendering it. I need the per-pixel algorithm for this.
My goal is to render a regular polygon from triangles, so if I use this triangle filling algorithm, the edges from each triangle wouldn't overlap (or make gaps between them), because then it would result into rendering errors if I use for example XOR to render the pixels.
Therefore, the render quality should match to OpenGL rendering, so I should be able to define - for example - a circle with N-vertices, and it would render like a circle with any size correctly; so it doesn't use only integer coordinates to render it like some triangle filling algorithms do.
I would need the ability to control the triangle filling myself: I could add my own logic on how each of the individual pixels would be rendered. So I need the bare code behind the rendering, to have full control on it. It should be efficient enough to draw tens of thousands of triangles without waiting more than a second perhaps. (I'm not sure how fast it can be at best, but I hope it wont take more than 10 seconds).
Preferred language would be C++, but I can convert other languages to my needs.
If there are no free algorithms for this, where can I learn to build one myself, and how hard would that actually be? (me=math noob).
I added OpenGL tag since this is somehow related to it.
Edit2: I tried the algo in here: http://joshbeam.com/articles/triangle_rasterization/ But it seems to be slightly broken, here is a circle with 64 triangles rendered with it:
But if you zoom in, you can see the errors:
Explanation: There is 2 pixels overlapping to the other triangle colors, which should not happen! (or transparency or XOR etc effects will produce bad rendering).
It seems like the errors are more visible on smaller circles. This is not acceptable if I want to have a XOR effect for the pixels.
What can I do to fix these, so it will fill it perfectly without overlapped pixels or gaps?
Edit4: I noticed that rendering very small circles isn't very good. I realised this was because the coordinates were indeed converted to integers. How can I treat the coordinates as floats and make it render the circle precisely and perfectly just like in OpenGL ? Here is example how bad the small circles look like:
Notice how perfect the OpenGL render is! THAT is what I want to achieve, without using OpenGL. NOTE: I dont just want to render perfect circle, but any polygon shape.
There's always the half-space method.
OpenGL uses the GPU to perform this job. This is accelerated in hardware and is called rasterization.
As far as i know the hardware implementation is based on the scan-line algorithm.
This used to be done by creating the outline and then filling in the horizontal lines. See this link for more details - http://joshbeam.com/articles/triangle_rasterization/
Edit: I don't think this will produce the lone pixels you are after, there should be a pixel on every line.
Your problem looks a lot like the problem one has when it comes to triangles sharing the very same edge. What is done by triangles sharing an edge is that one triangle is allowed to conquer the space while the other has to leave it blank.
When doing work with a graphic card usually one gets this behavior by applying a drawing order from left to right while also enabling a z-buffer test or testing if the pixel has ever been drawn. So if a pixel with the very same z-value is already set, changing the pixel is not allowed.
In your example with the circles the line of both neighboring circle segments are not exact. You have to check if the edges are calculated differently and why.
Whenever you draw two different shapes and you see something like that you can either fix your model (so they share all the edge vertexes), go for a z-buffer test or a color test.
You can also minimize the effect by drawing edges using a sub-buffer that has a higher resolution and down-sample it. Since this does not effect the whole area it is more cost effective in terms of space and time when compared to down-sampling the whole scene.

2D OpenGL scene slows down with lots of overlapping shapes

I'm drawing 2D shapes with OpenGL. They aren't using that many polygons. I notice that I can have lots and lots of shapes as long as they don't overlap. If I get a shape behind a shape behind.... etc.. it really starts lagging. I feel like I might be doing something wrong. Is this normal and is there a way to fix this (I can't omit rendering because I do blending for alpha). I also have CW backface culling enabled.
Are your two cases (overlapping and non-overlapping) using the exact same set of shapes? Because if the overlapping case involves a total area of all your shapes that is larger than the first case, then it would be expected to be slower. If it's the same set of shapes that slows down if some of them overlap, then that would be very unusual and shouldn't happen on any standard hardware OpenGL implementation (what platform are you using?). Backface culling won't be causing any problem.
Whenever a shape is drawn, the GPU has to do some work for each pixel that it covers on the screen. If you draw the same shape 100 times in the same place, then that's 100-times the pixel work. Depth buffering can reduce some of the extra cost for opaque objects if you draw objects in depth-sorted order, but that trick can't work for things that use transparency.
When using transparency, it's the sum of the area of each rendered shape that matters. Not the amount of the screen that's covered after everything is rendered.
You need to order your shapes front-to-back if they are opaque. Then the depth test can quickly and easily reject each pixel.
Then, you need to order them back-to-front if they are transparent. Rendering transparency out-of-order is very slow.
Edit: Hmm, I (somehow) missed the fact that this is 2D, despite the fact that the OP mentioned it repeatedly.

Antialiasing algorithm?

I have textures that i'm creating and would like to antialias them. I have access to each pixel's color, given this how could I antialias the entire texture?
I'm sorry but true anti-aliasing does not consist in getting the average color from the neighbours as commented above. This will undoubtfully soften the edges but it's not anti-aliasing but blurring. True anti-aliasing just cannot be done properly on a bitmap, since it has to be calculated at drawing time to tell which pixels and/or edges must be "softened" and which ones must not. For instance: imagine you draw an horizontal line which must be exactly 1 pixel thick (say "high") and must be placed exactly on an integer screen row coordinate. Obviously, you'll want it unsoftened, and proper anti-aliasing algorithm will do it, drawing your line as a perfect row of solid pixels surrounded by perfect background-coloured pixels, with no tone blending at all. But if you take this same line once it's been drawn (i.e. bitmap) and apply the average method, you'll get blurring above and below the line, resulting a 3 pixels thick horizontal line, which is not the goal. Of course, everything could be achieved through the right coding but from a very different and much more complex approach.
The basic method for anti-aliasing is: for a pixel P, sample the pixels around it. P's new color is the average of its original color with those of the samples.
You might sample more or less pixels, change the size of the area around the pixel to sample, or randomly choose which pixels to sample.
As others have said, though: anti-aliasing isn't really something that's done to an image that's already a bitmap of pixels. It's a technique that's implemented in the 2D/3D rendering engine.
"Anti-aliasing" can refer to a broad range of different techniques. None of those would typically be something that you would do in advance to a texture.
Maybe you mean mip-mapping? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mipmap
It's not very meaningful to ask about antialiasing in terms this vague. It all depends on the nature of the textures and how they will be used.
Generally though, if you don't have control over the display environment and your textures might be scaled, rotated, or composited with other elements you don't have any control over, you should use transparency to indicate where your image ends and where it only partially fills a pixel.
It's also generally good to avoid sharp edges and features that are small relative to the amount of scaling that might be done.

OpenGL texturing via vertex alphas, how to avoid following diagonal lines?

This is my current program. I know it's terribly ugly, I found two random textures online ('lava' and 'paper') which don't even seem to tile. That's not the problem at the moment.
I'm trying to figure out the first steps of an RPG. This is a top-down screenshot of a 10x10 heightmap (currently set to all 0s, so it's just a plane), and I texture it by making one pass per texture per quad, and each vertex has alpha values for each texture so that they blend with OpenGL.
The problem is that, notice how the textures trend along diagonals, and even though I'm drawing with GL_QUAD, this is presumably because the quads are turned into sets of two triangles and then the alpha values at the corners have more weight along the hypotenuses... But I wasn't expecting that to matter at all. By drawing quads, I was hoping that even though they were split into triangles at some low level, the vertex alphas would cause the texture to radiate in a circular outward gradient from the vertices.
How can I fix this to make it look better? Do I need to scrap this and try a whole different approach? IS there a different approach for something like this? I'd love to hear alternatives as well.
Feel free to ask questions and I'll be here refreshing until I get a valid answer, so I'll comment as fast as I can.
Here is the kind of thing I'd like to achieve. No I'm obviously not one of the billions of noobs out there "trying to make a MMORPG", I'm using it as an example because it's very much like what I want:
How do you think this is done? Part of it must be vertex alphas like I'm doing because of the smooth gradients... But maybe they have a list of different triangle configurations within a tile, and each tile stores which configuration it uses? So for example, configuration 1 is a triangle in the topleft and one in the bottomright, 2 is the topright and bottomleft, 3 is a quad on the top and a quad on the bottom, etc? Can you think of any other way I'm missing, or if you've got it all figured out then please share how they do it!
The diagonal artefacts are caused by having all of your quads split into triangles along the same diagonal. You define points [0,1,2,3] for your quad. Each quad is split into triangles [0,1,2] and [1,2,3]. Try drawing with GL_TRIANGLES and alternating your choice of diagonal. There are probably more efficient ways of doing this using GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP or GL_QUAD_STRIP.
i think you are doing it right, but you should increase the resolution of your heightmap a lot to get finer tesselation!
for example look at this heightmap renderer:
it shows the same artifacts at low resolution but gets better if you increase the iterations
I've never done this myself, but I've read several guides (which I can't find right now) and it seems pretty straight-forward and can even be optimized by using shaders.
Create a master texture to control the mixing of 4 sub-textures. Use the r,g,b,a components of the master texture as a percentage mix of each subtextures ( lava, paper, etc, etc). You can easily paint a master texture using paint.net, photostop, gimp and just paint into each color channel. You can compute the resulting texture before hand using all 5 textures OR you can calculate the result on the fly with a fragment shader. I don't have a good example of either, but I think you can figure it out given how far you've come.
The end result will be "pixel" pefect blending (depends on the textures resolution and filtering) and will avoid the vertex blending issues.