How to properly switch between gcc versions? - c++

I want to play with C++ 2011, so I need the unreleased gcc 4.7. I was able to succesfully get the svn trunk and compile it.
I want to keep the default gcc of my system for safety, so I configured gcc4.7 with a --prefix and installed it in a non-standard location.
Now how should I enable gcc 4.7 over the default gcc of my system ?
I already changed the CC and CXX variables, I updated my PATH to point on the gcc 4.7 bin dir first. When I type gcc --version I get 4.7 OK.
But gcc is more than just an executable. There are many executables in gcc install dir. There are also default includes and std lib c++.
So far, every blog entry / SO question I found on this subject speaks only about the gcc and g++ executables.
Can anyone give me a list of the changes I need to do to the environment to fully use gcc 4.7 ?
update LD_LIBRARY_PATH ? How to give precedence to gcc 4.7 system includes ? Are there other things to consider ?
Thanks in advance.

I would think that THE g++ is pretty much tangled up with things using C++ as the C library is tangled up with the system! Any layout changes in the C++ library classes will cause incompatibilities with other C++ programs or libraries. Thus, I wouldn't replace the system's C++ compiler or, more importantly, its standard C++ library at all (unless, maybe, the compiler vendor makes a strong claim that they retained binary compatibility with the version you are replacing).
To play or even use a different version of g++, using the prefix approach works fine. All the compiler specific tools are implicitly called from within g++ using an appropriate version and tools like ar, ld, ranblib, etc. are not really depending on the compiler version anyway. The important components uses internally are the standard library (both the headers and the library) and the preprocessor. When calling a version of g++ it figures out which of these it really needs.
BTW, when you want to play with C++2011 you can also have a look at clang.

The simplest answer is: nothing; it just works. :)
GCC finds what it needs first relative to itself, second in the "prefix" it was configured with, and finally in the standard places. By this means it's perfectly safe to relocate it wherever you like, as long as you relocate all of it - but beware that the fall back behaviour can hide brokenness if the install is incomplete.

Look at the GCC Configuration docs. I am using program suffixes to distinguish between the different GCC versions. To do that add, e.g., --progam-suffix=-4.7 to your ./configure invocation.


How to set c++ compiler on OS X with bazel?

How can you tell bazel to use a different C++ compiler on OS X?
bazel build --action_env CC=/path/to/compiler //:target
works on linux.
But -s shows that bazel always runs with external/local_config_cc/wrapped_clang (clang) on OSX regardless of what CC is.
CC correctly works only when you use the C++-only toolchain. If you have Xcode installed, bazel will detect this and automatically pick a different toolchain, the one that supports both C++ and ObjC. This toolchain can only use Xcode-provided clang.
This is unfortunate and I propose two solutions:
File a feature request for bazel to make it possible to select which toolchain is used. This will allow you to tell bazel that even though you have Xcode installed, you want to use C++ only toolchain with a custom compiler. This is quite simple and doable in a short time.
File a feature request for bazel to make it possible to select which compiler is used with C++/ObjC toolchain. I cannot comment on viability of this, I know next to nothing about osx, and I have no idea if it makes any sense to compile ObjC with a compiler that is not provided with Xcode...
Actually with the latest version of bazel specifying
build --action_env CC=/path/to/compiler [...]
does work, in the sense that the specified compiler is used. However there is still a problem with the compiler flags. If the compiler flags of the old compiler are incompatible with the new one, there is a problem. I still have to find out how to change compiler flags.
Use --crosstool_top.
See also --host_crosstool_top and --apple_crosstool_top.

How can I deploy a C++11 program (with dependencies) on CentOS 6, whose GCC is C++03?

GCC is great with ABI-compatibility as long as you use the same C++ standard [1].
But it strikes me that if a shared library compiled by GCC 4.3 in C++03 mode exposes, say, a std::string, this is going to be a different std::string than that understood by an executable compiled by GCC 4.8 in C++11 mode.
The reason I ask is that I am planning to deploy a program compiled by GCC 4.8 in C++11 mode on CentOS 6, whose maximum packaged GCC is 4.3... and some of the shared libraries (be they third-party C++ libraries or more system-level stuff) will presumably therefore all be C++03. But if that were the case, we'd never be able to deploy any C++11 programs on older Linux distributions, which seems unlikely.
Am I naive to think there might be a problem here? And, if there is, how can I resolve it?
There is a wonderful page on this matter:
In short, C++11 in gcc is mostly ABI compatible with c++98, but there are a couple of mismatches. Page above lists all of those.
To alleviate the issue I can suggest following approach:
Clearly identify all your dependencies which are C++ libraries. You usually do not have too many of them - boost comes to mind first, do you have anything else?
Than you check if the symbols your app needs are in the list of broken ABI (see above). If they are not, you are in the clear.
If they are, you recompile the lib, and either distribute it as shared lib together with your app (playing with Rpath flags to make sure your app loads your version) or link statically against it.
Just in case, you might as well link statically against libstdc++.
Actually, you can distribute a program compiled with a newer g++ compiler on a vanilla CentOS 6 platform. There are several ways to do this: The easiest is to use the DevToolset 3, which will give you g++ 4.9.2 (the dev toolset 2 will give you gcc 4.8.2). Then, just compile your application with this g++. When distributing your software, you need to make sure to also ship the that is being shipped with g++ 4.9. Either set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH so it gets picked up on startup, or set the RPATH to tell your executable where to look first for libraries.
Essentially, you can do this also with newer compilers, but then you first need to compile the compiler itself. If you don't want to compile a compiler first, go with a respective dev toolset and you should be fine.
Yes, you can also try to statically link libstdc++.a. Search for the option -static-libstdc++:
When the g++ program is used to link a C++ program, it normally automatically links against libstdc++. If libstdc++ is available as a shared library, and the -static option is not used, then this links against the shared version of libstdc++. That is normally fine. However, it is sometimes useful to freeze the version of libstdc++ used by the program without going all the way to a fully static link. The -static-libstdc++ option directs the g++ driver to link libstdc++ statically, without necessarily linking other libraries statically.
But if you statically link, you will not get any security updates etc. Granted, you will not get the updates, if you ship on your own as well, but incremental updates maybe easier.
And with respect to running your application: The rule of thumb is: Compile on the oldest platform you need to support, then your binaries (with self-shipped libstdc++ and other required libs) will likely work also on newer versions. That is, if you compile on CentoOS 6, and it works, then you can expect it to also work on CentOS 7. On a related subject, this is exactly the reason why for instance AppImage and related solutions recommend to build on an old system.
In my company we use gcc 5.1.0, compiled and used on CentOS 5.5 (with old gcc on-board).
When we deploy our application we also redistribute and, compiled from gcc 5.1.0 sources.
For example:
And for starting the binary correctly we execute:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ourapp/lib/ myapp.
Hope it helps.
At least you can't use native gdb on such an environment because DWARF format incompatibilities.
If you build your C++11 program with the define _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 (see this) and the option --abi-version=2 (see this) you should be compatible with any library build with GCC 4.3, including libstdc++.
The default ABI version was 2 through 4.9, it seems like a safe assumption that CentOS uses the default ABI.
The _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI macro will affect the standard library's types, to use the same layout as the pre C++11 version. This will introduce some C++11 conformance issues (the reason why they were changed in the first place), things like the complexity of std::list<>::size().
The --abi-version= command line option affects the compiler's ABI, calling conventions, name mangling etc. The default ABI was 2 from 3.4 through 4.9.

Why doesn't Clang come with standard library headers?

I downloaded Clang 3.6.2 from this website and am trying to set it up with Code::Blocks under Windows. Unfortunately, it fails to compile a simple "hello world" program on the grounds that it doesn't know where iostream is.
Looking through the install folder, it does not appear to include a standard library with it. Why? And how do I get it?
The standard library is NOT part of the compiler itself. It is part of the runtime environment on a particular platform. Sure, some organisations put together a "kit" with all the necessary parts to build an application - there may even be someone that packages a Clang compiler with a suitable runtime.
In general, you should be able to download the Windows SDK and get the relevant header files there - and if you use clang-cl, it should be largely compatible with the MSVC compiler [or provide clang or clang++ with the correct -fms-compatibility or whatever it is called].
Or as suggested in the other answer, use libcxx, but it's not 100% complete for Windows.
They do have a c++ standard library: But it's not fully supported on the windows platform.

Are g++ and clang++ 100% binary compatible? [duplicate]

If I build a static library with llvm-gcc, then link it with a program compiled using mingw gcc, will the result work?
The same for other combinations of llvm-gcc, clang and normal gcc. I'm interested in how this works out on Linux (using normal non-mingw gcc, of course) and other platforms as well, but the emphasis is on Windows.
I'm also interested in all languages, but with a strong emphasis on C and C++ - obviously clang doesn't support Fortran etc, but I believe llvm-gcc does.
I assume they all use the ELF file format, but what about call conventions, virtual table layouts etc?
Yes, for C code Clang and GCC are compatible (they both use the GNU Toolchain for linking, in fact.) You just have to make sure that you tell clang to create compiled objects and not intermediate bitcode objects. C ABI is well-defined, so the only issue is storage format.
C++ is not portable between compilers in the slightest; different compilers use different virtual table calls, constructors, destruction, name mangling, template implementations, etc. As a rule you should assume objects from one C++ compiler will not work with another.
However yes, at the time of writing Clang++ is able to use GCC/C++ compiled libraries as well; I recently set up a rig to compile C++ programs with clang using G++'s standard runtime library and it compiles+links just fine.
I don't know the answer, but slide 10 in this presentation seems to imply that the ".o" files produced by llvmgcc contain LLVM bytecode (.bc) instead of the usual target-specific object code, so that link-time optimization is possible. However, the LLVM linker should be able to link LLVM code with code produced by "normal" GCC, as the next slide says "link in native .o files and libraries here".
LLVM is a Linux tool, I have sometimes found that Linux compilers don't work quite right on Windows. I would be curious whether you get it to work or not.
I use -m i386pep when linking clang's .o files by ld. llvm's devotion to integrating with gcc is seen openly at so its very intuitive to guess llvm family will greatly be cross-compatible with gcc tool-chain.
Sorry - I was coming back to llvm after a break, and have never done much more than the tutorial. First time around, I kind of burned out after the struggle getting LLVM 2.6 to build on MinGW GCC - thankfully not a problem with LLVM 2.7.
Going through the tutorial again today I noticed in Chapter 5 of the tutorial not only a clear statement that LLVM uses the ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the platform, but also that the tutorial compiler depends on this to allow access to external functions such as sin and cos.
I still don't know whether the compatible ABI extends to C++, though. That's not an issue of call conventions so much as name mangling, struct layout and vtable layout.
Being able to make C function calls is enough for most things, there's still a few issues where I care about C++.
Hopefully they fixed it but I avoid llvm-gcc because I (also) use llvm as a cross compiler and when you use llvm-gcc -m32 on a 64 bit machine the -m32 is ignored and you get 64 bit ints which have to be faked on your 32 bit target machine. Clang does not have that bug nor does gcc. Also the more I use clang the more I like. As to your direct question, dont know, in theory these days targets have well known or used calling conventions. And you would hope both gcc and llvm conform to the same but you never know. the simplest way to find this out is to write a couple of simple functions, compile and disassemble using both tool sets and see how they pass operands to the functions.

Which version is used in case of multiple GCC on the same system

I am trying to install the gcc 4.8 on a system where gcc 4.3 is installed and used currently. I did some research and knew that it is possible to keep multiple versions of gcc. And it seems for me that using --program-suffix= option is the best solution for me. But my question is, can I install new gcc 4.8 directly into the place where old gcc is installed? Can libraries from both versions be mixed in the same lib directory?
Some more details: the old gcc is installed in /usr/bin, /usr/lib64. If i install new gcc directly to the same location, new libraries will be also installed /usr/lib64. Is this a problem? Will gcc compiler know which library to use when linking?
Many thanks in advance!
I'm on Gentoo, which does support installing multiple versions of GCC at the same time. The libraries end up in /usr/lib/gcc/<target>/<version>. Ubuntu seems to install them in the same place, so I'd guess this to be a fairly common setup.
While gcc can apparently figure out the correct version to link against at compile time, the version used at runtime is configured using a file in /etc/ So it might happen that a program gets compiled against one version of the gcc libraries, but executed with another.
If the setting prefers newer versions over older, then this is mostly all right as long as gcc guys didn't introduce a new bug into one of these libraries, and as long as the configuration causes the libraries to be fully backwards-compatible.
In this bug we had a situation where libstdc++ broke backwards compatibility with regard to some C++11 features which were experimental and enabled using a custom configure switch. These things should be rare, but they can happen.
In a related gcc bug report I learned from Jonathan Wakely:
It is totally unsupported (and unlikely to work) to mix C++11 code built with GCC 4.x and 4.y, for any x!=y
Mixing code built with 4.8.x and 4.8.y should work, and does with the default configuration.
So while this setup works in practice on Gentoo, you are on your own if you try this yourself. Particularly since I know of no clean way to ensure that resulting binaries will link against the matching libraries at runtime.
You can try whether --program-suffix affects library names as well. If so, then the SONAME of the newer version libraries should be different from that of the older, helping to get the linking right at runtime. If the library name is unaffected, you could try examining the build system whether you can either change the SONAME of the generated libraries, or have the linker set the RPATH of all the programs it links. I have no experience with either of these approaches.
On Gentoo, /usr/bin/gcc appears to be some kind of wrapper, and the actual programs end up in /usr/<target>/gcc-bin/<version>/gcc and the likes. At least judging from the package web site, Ubuntu doesn't do this for the default version of gcc, although something similar is apparently used for cross-compilation to Android. I guess that setting is the result of a matching --bindir at configure time.