What is the major difference between a vector and a stack? - c++

Both act like a stack. Both have push and pop operations.
Is the difference in some memory layouts?

std::vector has several accessibility and modification operations compared to std::stack. In case of std::stack, you may have to perform operations only in systematic way, where you can push() above the last element or pop() the last element.
std::vector is more flexible in that sense, where it has several operations, where you can insert() in between or erase() in between.
The major point is that, std::stack needs to be provided the underlying container. By default it's std::deque, but it can be std::vector or std::list too.
On other hand, std::vector is guaranteed to be a contiguous array which can be accessed using operator [].

I'm not aware of all the implementation details, but according to this, stack is a container adaptor. It makes sure the underlying container, which can be a vector, list or deque, works as a stack, i.e. only allows push and pop, and not random access.
So, a vector can work as a stack, but a stack cannot work as a vector, because you cannot insert or get an element at a random position.

stack is a stack. It can only push and pop. A vector can do other things, like insert into the middle. This increases flexibility, but reduces guarantees.
For example, for a stack, if you push A then B onto the back then you are guaranteed that they will be removed in the order B, then A. vector doesn't guarantee that.

Stack is basically a special case of vector. Theoretically speaking vector can grow as you wish. You can remove elements at any index in a vector. However, in case of a stack you can remove elements and insert them only at its top (hence a special case of vector).
In face in many libraries that provide an implementation of a stack, they generally inherit from the vector class/structures. I am not sure, but I think STL (C++) does it.

As cplusplus.com suggests:
Stacks are a type of container adaptor, specifically designed to operate in a LIFO context (last-in first-out), where elements are inserted and extracted only from one end of the container.
The key word here is only, as in elements are only inserted and extracted from one end of the container.
You say both vectors and stacks act like stacks, but this is only partially true. Vectors can act like stacks, but they can also act very much not like stacks, by allowing you to do things such as insert at any index, access any element, iterate over the entire structure, etc.
Stacks take a container (such as, for example, a vector) and only permit stack-like interactions with it. This effectively guarantees that all interactions with the container will obey LIFO: only the most recently added element in the container will be able to be accessed or removed.
If you want a container with stack-like behavior, you should use a stack if it is particularly important to you that it behaves exclusively a stack. You should use a vector if you want stack-like behavior but might also want to do things like iterate over elements or modify elements in arbitrary positions etc.

I think the main difference is that vector is a range based container. It can be easily used thanks to its member functions such as begin and end. Vector can be easily initiated with {} form. We can use new features of modern C++ like range-based loops.
vector<int> vec{ 7, 3, 1, 9, 5 };
for ( auto &i : vec ) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
Whereas it is not possible for std::stack.


Can vector be resized bidirectionally?

Is there any function to resize a vector in both directions?Can we manipulate the pointer or the element from where it starts adding new empty elements?
Here is the entire interface of std::vector. It makes it very obvious there's no direct way to do what you ask, although you can reserve and then insert(begin,...) if you really want to (it has linear complexity, so is usually avoided).
The usual advice would be to use std::deque instead, since it's specifically designed for this operation.
Yes, you can insert elements to the front of the vector using insert:
vec.insert(vec.begin(), numer_of_elements_to_insert, {});
Note, however, that front-inserting into a vector is very inefficient, because it will require moving all the current elements in the vector past the newly inserted ones. If you need a double-ended container, look into std::deque.

vector vs. list from stl - remove method

std::list has a remove method, while the std::vector doesn't. What is the reason for that?
std::list<>::remove is a physical removal method, which can be implemented by physically destroying list elements that satisfy certain criteria (by physical destruction I mean the end of element's storage duration). Physical removal is only applicable to lists. It cannot be applied to arrays, like std::vector<>. It simply is not possible to physically end storage duration of an individual element of an array. Arrays can only be created and destroyed as a whole. This is why std::vector<> does not have anything similar to std::list<>::remove.
The universal removal method applicable to all modifiable sequences is what one might call logical removal: the target elements are "removed" from the sequence by overwriting their values with values of elements located further down in the sequence. I.e. the sequence is shifted and compacted by copying the persistent data "to the left". Such logical removal is implemented by freestanding functions, like std::remove. Such functions are applicable in equal degree to both std::vector<> and std::list<>.
In cases where the approach based on immediate physical removal of specific elements applies, it will work more efficiently than the generic approach I referred above as logical removal. That is why it was worth providing it specifically for std::list<>.
std::list::remove removes all items in a list that match the provided value.
std::list<int> myList;
// fill it with numbers
myList.remove(10); // physically removes all instances of 10 from the list
It has a similar function, std::list::remove_if, which allows you to specify some other predicate.
std::list::remove (which physically removes the elements) is required to be a member function as it needs to know about the memory structure (that is, it must update the previous and next pointers for each item that needs to be updated, and remove the items), and the entire function is done in linear time (a single iteration of the list can remove all of the requested elements without invalidating any of the iterators pointing to items that remain).
You cannot physically remove a single element from a std::vector. You either reallocate the entire vector, or you move every element after the removed items and adjust the size member. The "cleanest" implementation of that set of operations would be to do
// within some instance of vector
void vector::remove(const T& t)
erase(std::remove(t), end());
Which would require std::vector to depend on <algorithm> (something that is currently not required).
As the "sorting" is needed to remove the items without multiple allocations and copies being required. (You do not need to sort a list to physically remove elements).
Contrary to what others are saying, it has nothing to do with speed. It has to do with the algorithm needing to know how the data is stored in memory.
As a side note: This is also a similar reason why std::remove (and friends) do not actually remove the items from the container they operate on; they just move all the ones that are not going to be removed to the "front" of the container. Without the knowledge of how to actually remove an object from a container, the generic algorithm cannot actually do the removing.
Consider the implementation details of both containers. A vector has to provide a continuous memory block for storage. In order to remove an element at index n != N (with N being the vector's length), all elements from n+1 to N-1 need to be moved. The various functions in the <algorithm> header implement that behavior, like std::remove or std::remove_if. The advantage of these being free-standing functions is that they can work for any type that offers the needed iterators.
A list on the other hand, is implemented as a linked list structure, so:
It's fast to remove an element from anywhere
It's impossible to do it as efficiently using iterators (since the internal structure has to be known and manipulated).
In general in STL the logic is "if it can be done efficiently - then it's a class member. If it's inefficient - then it's an outside function"
This way they make the distinction between "correct" (i.e. "efficient") use of classes vs. "incorrect" (inefficient) use.
For example, random access iterators have a += operator, while other iterators use the std::advance function.
And in this case - removing elements from an std::list is very efficient as you don't need to move the remaining values like you do in std::vector
It's all about efficiency AND reference/pointer/iterator validity. list items can be removed without disturbing any other pointers and iterators. This is not true for a vector and other containers in all but the most trivial cases. Nothing prevents use the external strategy, but you have a superior options.. That said this fellow said it better than I could on a duplicate question
From another poster on a duplicate question:
The question is not why std::vector does not offer the operation, but
rather why does std::list offer it. The design of the STL is focused
on the separation of the containers and the algorithms by means of
iterators, and in all cases where an algorithm can be implemented
efficiently in terms of iterators, that is the option.
There are, however, cases where there are specific operations that can
be implemented much more efficiently with knowledge of the container.
That is the case of removing elements from a container. The cost of
using the remove-erase idiom is linear in the size of the container
(which cannot be reduced much), but that hides the fact that in the
worst case all but one of those operations are copies of the objects
(the only element that matches is the first), and those copies can
represent quite a big hidden cost.
By implementing the operation as a method in std::list the complexity
of the operation will still be linear, but the associated cost for
each one of the elements removed is very low, a couple of pointer
copies and releasing of a node in memory. At the same time, the
implementation as part of the list can offer stronger guarantees:
pointers, references and iterators to elements that are not erased do
not become invalidated in the operation.
Another example of an algorithm that is implemented in the specific
container is std::list::sort, that uses mergesort that is less
efficient than std::sort but does not require random-access iterators.
So basically, algorithms are implemented as free functions with
iterators unless there is a strong reason to provide a particular
implementation in a concrete container.
std::list is designed to work like a linked list. That is, it is designed (you might say optimized) for constant time insertion and removal ... but access is relatively slow (as it typically requires traversing the list).
std::vector is designed for constant-time access, like an array. So it is optimized for random access ... but insertion and removal are really only supposed to be done at the "tail" or "end", elsewhere they're typically going to be much slower.
Different data structures with different purposes ... therefore different operations.
To remove an element from a container you have to find it first. There's a big difference between sorted and unsorted vectors, so in general, it's not possible to implement an efficient remove method for the vector.

Is there an equivalent of vector::reserve() for an std::list?

I have a class that looks like this:
typedef std::list<char*> PtrList;
class Foo
void DoStuff();
PtrList m_list;
PtrList::iterator m_it;
The function DoStuff() basically adds elements to m_list or erases elements from it, finds an iterator to some special element in it and stores it in m_it. It is important to note that each value of m_it is used in every following call of DoStuff().
So what's the problem?
Everything works, except that profiling shows that the operator new is invoked too much due to list::push_back() called from DoStuff().
To increase performance I want to preallocate memory for m_list in the initialization of Foo as I would do if it were an std::vector. The problem is that this would introduce new problems such as:
Less efficient insert and erase of elements.
m_it becomes invalid as soon as the vector is changed from one call to DoStuff() to the next. EDIT: Alan Stokes suggested to use an index instead of an iterator, solving this issue.
My solution: the simplest solution I could think of is to implement a pool of objects that also has a linked-list functionality. This way I get a linked list and can preallocate memory for it.
Am I missing something or is it really the simplest solution? I'd rather not "re-invent the wheel", and use a standard solution instead, if it exists.
Any thoughts, workarounds or enlightening comments would be appreciated!
I think you are using wrong the container.
If you want fast push back then don't automatically assume that you need a linked list, a linked list is a slow container, it is basically suitable for reordering.
A better container is a std::deque. A deque is basically a array of arrays. It allocates a block of memory and occupies it when you push back, when it runs out it will allocate another block. This means that it only allocates very infrequently and you do not have to know the size of the container ahead of time for efficiency like std::vector and reserver.
You can use the splice function in std::list to implement a pool. Add a new member variable PtrList m_Pool. When you want to add a new object and the pool is not empty, assign the value to the first element in the pool and then splice it into the list. To erase an element, splice it from the list to the pool.
But if you don't care about the order of the elements, then a deque can be much faster. If you want to erase an element in the middle, copy the last element onto the element you want to delete, then erase the last element.
My advice is the same as 111111's, try switching to deque before you write any significant code.
However, to directly answer your question: you could use std::list with a custom allocator. It's a bit fiddly, and I'm not going to work through all the details here, but the gist of it is that you write a class that represents the memory allocation strategy for list nodes. The nodes allocated by list will be a small implementation-defined amount larger than char*, but they will all be the same size, which means you can write an optimized allocator just for that size (a pool of memory blocks rather than a pool of objects), and you can add functions to it that let you reserve whatever space you want in the allocator, at the time you want. Then the list can allocate/free quickly. This saves you needing to re-implement any of the actual list functionality.
If you were (for some reason) going to implement a pool of objects with list functionality, then you could start with boost::intrusive. That might also be useful when writing your own allocator, for keeping track of your list of free blocks.
List and vector are completely different in the way they manage objects.
Vector constructs elements in place into a allocated buffer of a given capacity. New allocation happens when the capacity is exhausted.
List allocate elements one by one, each into an individually allocated space.
Vector elements shift when something is inserted / removed, hence, vector indexes and element addresses are not stable.
List element are re-linked when something is inserted / removed, hence, list iterators and elements addresses are stable.
A way to make a list to behave similarly to a vector, is to replace the default allocator (that allocates form the system every time is invoked) with another one the allocates objects in larger chunks, dispatching sub-chunks to the list when it invokes it.
This is not something the standard library provides by default.
Could potentially use list::get_allocator().allocate(). Afaik, default behaviour would be to acquire memory as and when due to the non-contiguous nature of lists - hence the lack of reserve() - but no major drawbacks with using the allocator method occur to me immediately. Provided you have a non-critical section in your program, at the start or whatever, you can at least choose to take the damage at that point.

What are Containers/Adapters? C++

What are containers/adapters? I have basic knowledge of C++ and its sub-topics like (class/templates/STL).
Can anyone please explain in layman's language and give me a practical example of the application of containers/adapters?
A container is a specific data structure that contains data, usually in an unbounded amount. Each container type has limitations on how to access, add, or remove data efficiently.
Below are a few examples of containers using STL classes.
Sequence Containers
Here are the sequence containers, meaning the data is reliably ordered (that is, there is a front and a back to them. I do NOT mean that they automatically sort themselves!).
A vector is a bit like a flexibly-sized array. Vectors are random-access, meaning you can access any element with integer index in constant time (just like an array). You can add or remove from the back of the vector in amortized constant time as well. Anywhere else, though, and you're probably looking at having to recopy potentially all of the elements.
A deque, or double-ended queue, is like a vector but you can add to the front or the back in amortized constant time. You can still access elements in constant time, but deque elements are not guaranteed to be contiguous in memory like vectors or arrays.
A list is a linked list, meaning data which are linked together by pointers. You have constant-time access to the beginning and the end, but in order to get anywhere in the middle you need to iterate through the list. You can add elements anywhere in the list in constant time, though, if you already have a pointer to one of the nearby nodes.
Associative Containers
These are associative containers, meaning that elements are no longer ordered but instead have associations with each other used for determining uniqueness or mappings:
A set is a container with unique elements. You can only add one of each element to a set; any other additions are ignored.
A multiset is like a set, but you can put more than one of an element in. The multiset keeps track of how many of each kind of element are in the structure.
A map, also known as an associative array, is a structure in which you insert key-value pairs; then you can look up any value by supplying the key. So it's a bit like an array that you can access with a string index (key), or any other kind of index. (If you insert another key-value pair and the key already exists, then you just overwrite the value for the original key.)
A multimap is a map that allows for insertion of multiple values for the same key. When you do a key lookup, you get back a container with all the values in it.
Container Adapters
Container adapters, on the other hand, are interfaces created by limiting functionality in a pre-existing container and providing a different set of functionality. When you declare the container adapters, you have an option of specifying which sequence containers form the underlying container. These are:
A stack is a container providing Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) access. Basically, you remove elements in the reverse order you insert them. It's difficult to get to any elements in the middle. Usually this goes on top of a deque.
A queue is a container providing First-In, First-Out (FIFO) access. You remove elements in the same order you insert them. It's difficult to get to any elements in the middle. Usually this goes on top of a deque.
A priority_queue is a container providing sorted-order access to elements. You can insert elements in any order, and then retrieve the "lowest" of these values at any time. Priority queues in C++ STL use a heap structure internally, which in turn is basically array-backed; thus, usually this goes on top of a vector.
See this reference page for more information, including time complexity for each of the operations and links to detailed pages for each of the container types.
<joke>C++ is technical and hard to understand :-D</joke>
Containers are data types from STL that can contain data.
Example: vector as a dynamic array
Adapters are data types from STL that adapt a container to provide specific interface.
Example: stack providing stack interface on top of the chosen container
(side note: both are actually templates not data types, but the definition looks better this way)
The technical definition of "container" from The SGI STL documentation is pretty good:
A Container is an object that stores other objects (its elements), and that has methods for accessing its elements. In particular, every type that is a model of Container has an associated iterator type that can be used to iterate through the Container's elements.
So, a container is a data structure that holds ("contains") a collection of objects of some type. The key idea is that there are different types of containers, each of which stores objects in a different way and provides different performance characteristics, but all of them have a standard interface so that you can swap one out for another easily and without modifying too much of the code that uses the container. The idea is that the containers are designed to be interchangeable as much as possible.
The container adapters are classes that provide a subset of a container's functionality but may provide additional functionality that makes it easier to use containers for certain scenarios. For example, you could easily use std::vector or std::deque for a stack data structure and call push_back, back, and pop_back as the stack interface; std::stack provides an interface that can use a std::vector or std::deque or other sequence container but provides the more standard push, top, and pop member functions for accessing members.

C++ deque vs vector and C++ map vs Set

Can some one please tell me what is the difference between vector vs deque. I know the implementation of vector in C++ but not deque. Also interfaces of map and set seem similar to me. What is the difference between the two and when to use one.
std::vector: A dynamic-array class. The internal memory allocation makes sure that it always creates an array. Useful when the size of the data is known and is known to not change too often. It is also good when you want to have random-access to elements.
std::deque: A double-ended queue that can act as a stack or queue. Good for when you are not sure about the number of elements and when accessing data-element are always in a serial manner. They are fast when elements are added/removed from front and end but not when they're added/removed to/from the middle.
std::list: A double-linked list that can be used to create a 'list' of data. The advantage of a list is that elements can be inserted or deleted from any part of the list without affecting an iterator that is pointing to a list member (and is still a member of the list after deletion). Useful when you know that elements will be deleted very often from any part of the list.
std::map: A dictionary that maps a 'key' to a 'value'. Useful for applications like 'arrays' whose index are not an integer. Basically can be used to create a map-list of name to an element, like a map that stores name-to-widget relationship.
std::set: A list of 'unique' data values. For e.g. if you insert 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, the list will only have the elements 1, 2, 3. Note that the elements in this list are always ordered. Internally, they're usually implemented as binary search trees (like map).
See here for full details:
What are the complexity guarantees of the standard containers?
vector Vs deque
A deque is the same as a vector but with the following addition:
It is a "front insertion sequence"
This means that deque is the same as a vector but provides the following additional gurantees:
push_front() O(1)
pop_front() O(1)
set Vs map
A map is a "Pair Associative Container" while set is a "Simple Associative Container"
This means they are exactly the same. The difference is that map holds pairs of items (Key/Value) rather than just a value.
Your default sequential containers should be a std::vector. Generally, std::vector will provide you with the right balance of performance and speed. The std::vector container is similar to a C-style array that can grow or shrink during runtime. The underlying buffer is stored contiguously and is guaranteed to be compatible with C-style arrays.
Consider using a std::vector if:
You need your data to be stored contiguously in memory
Especially useful for C-style API compatibility
You do not know the size at compile time
You need efficient random access to your elements (O(1))
You will be adding and removing elements from the end
You want to iterate over the elements in any order
Avoid using a std::vector if:
You will frequently add or remove elements to the front or middle of the sequence
The size of your buffer is constant and known in advance (prefer std::array)
Be aware of the specialization of std::vector: Since C++98, std::vector has been specialized such that each element only occupies one bit. When accessing individual boolean elements, the operators return a copy of a bool that is constructed with the value of that bit.
The std::array container is the most like a built-in array, but offering extra features such as bounds checking and automatic memory management. Unlike std::vector, the size of std::array is fixed and cannot change during runtime.
Consider using a std::array if:
You need your data to be stored contiguously in memory
Especially useful for C-style API compatibility
The size of your array is known in advance
You need efficient random access to your elements (O(1))
You want to iterate over the elements in any order
Avoid using a std::array if:
You need to insert or remove elements
You don’t know the size of your array at compile time
You need to be able to resize your array dynamically
The std::deque container gets its name from a shortening of “double ended queue”. The std::deque container is most efficient when appending items to the front or back of a queue. Unlike std::vector, std::deque does not provide a mechanism to reserve a buffer. The underlying buffer is also not guaranteed to be compatible with C-style array APIs.
Consider using std::deque if:
You need to insert new elements at both the front and back of a sequence (e.g. in a scheduler)
You need efficient random access to your elements (O(1))
You want the internal buffer to automatically shrink when elements are removed
You want to iterate over the elements in any order
Avoid using std::deque if:
You need to maintain compatibility with C-style APIs
You need to reserve memory ahead of time
You need to frequently insert or remove elements from the middle of the sequence
Calling insert in the middle of a std::deque invalidates all iterators and references to its elements
The std::list and std::forward_list containers implement linked list data structures. Where std::list provides a doubly-linked list, the std::forward_list only contains a pointer to the next object. Unlike the other sequential containers, the list types do not provide efficient random access to elements. Each element must be traversed in order.
Consider using std::list if:
You need to store many items but the number is unknown
You need to insert or remove new elements from any position in the sequence
You do not need efficient access to random elements
You want the ability to move elements or sets of elements within the container or between different containers
You want to implement a node-wise memory allocation scheme
Avoid using std::list if:
You need to maintain compatibility with C-style APIs
You need efficient access to random elements
Your system utilizes a cache (prefer std::vector for reduced cache misses)
The size of your data is known in advance and can be managed by a std::vector
A map is what is often refered to as an associative array, usually implemented using a binary tree (for example). A deque is a double-ended queue, a certain incarnation of a linked list.
That is not to say that the actual implementations of the container library uses these concepts - the containr library will just give you some guarantees about how you can access the container and at what (amortized) cost.
I suggest you take a look at a reference that will go into detail about what those guarantees are. Scott Meyers book "Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library" should talk a bit about those, if I remember correctly. Apart from that, the C++ standard is obviously a good choice.
What I really want to say is: containers really are described by their properties, not by the underlying implementation.
set: holds unique values. Put 'a' in twice, the set has one 'a'.
map: maps keys to values, e.g. 'name' => 'fred', 'age' => 40. You can look up 'name' and you'll get 'fred' out.
dequeue, like a vector but you can only add/remove at the ends. No inserts into the middle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deque
edit: my dequeue description is lacking, see comments below for corrections