Exception mechanism issue in c++ - c++

I am calling a function and I am throwing an exception in that function. But I don't want to catch that in the same function but want to catch it where that function was called, like here is my example code.
void foo()throw(...){
std::cout << "FOO" <<std::endl;
throw "Found";
void main(){
std::cout << "exception catched" <<std::endl;
But it is crashing at the point where I am throwing the exception in foo function, but I want to catch it in the main function.
How would I do that?

throw with no operand rethrows the exception that is currently being handled. That means it can only be used in a catch block. Since you aren't in a catch block when the throw; is executed, the program is terminated.
You need to throw something, like a runtime error: throw std::runtime_error("oops");.
Note also that exception specifications (e.g. the throw(...) in void foo() throw(...)) should not be used. For an explanation as to why, see "A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications."

Got answer my own question at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/wfa0edys%28v=VS.80%29.aspx


Cannot catch std::unexpected

I wanted to know what header is required to catch std::unexpected exception. I am currently doing something like this. I would like the breakpoint of std::unexpected catcher to be hit. I am using VS2012
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
void myfunction () throw (int)
throw "ABC";
int main()
catch(std::exception &f)
catch( std::unexpected &f)
When i try to build this code I get the error
"Error 2 error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'unexpected'
Am i missing a header ?
Update :
I realize now that std::unexpected is a function. So from what I understand is that if myfunction throws anything other than an int then std::unexpected method is called which defaults to terminate. So my question now becomes if I add the exception handler catch( ...) to the above code the breakpoint in catch( ...) is called. Which exception is that ? Does this catch std::unexpected exceptions ?
std::unexpected is called (yes, it is a function) when a function throws an exception whose type isn't listed in the dynamic exception specification. What you could do is use std::set_unexpected to register a handler that will be called.
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
void myfunction () throw (int)
throw "Lol";
int main ()
std::set_unexpected ([] {std::cerr << "Unexpected stuff!"; throw 0; });
catch (int) { std::cerr << "caught int\n"; }
catch (...) { std::cerr << "caught some other exception type\n"; }
Note that both dynamic exception specifications and std::unexpected/std::set_unexpected became deprecated with C++11.
Updated part:
So my question now becomes if I add the exception handler catch(...)
to the above code the breakpoint in catch(...) is called.
That depends on where you put that handler. Putting it into main wont help - std::terminate will still get called. Putting it into myfunction would work but make the exception specification pointless.
Which exception is that ? Does this catch std::unexpected exceptions ?
catch(...) doesn't do magic. It simply matches every exception type, just as a variadic function (with an ellipse in the parameter-clause) can take every argument type*. It isn't different from the other handlers at all when it comes to unexpected exceptions.
* The slight difference is that catch(...) can catch non-POD-types without invoking undefined behavior.
Loopunroller's answer is correct as far as the C++ standard is concerned, but Visual C++'s implementation of dynamic exception specifications is utterly nonconforming - that is, it does not behave in the way specified in the C++ standard at all.
As explained in their documentation, dynamic exception specifications behaves like this in Visual C++:
no specification or throw (...): function can throw anything
throw (<nonempty-list-of-types>): function can throw anything, including things not in the list
throw (): function can't throw.
Microsoft's compiler generates code for a throw() function on the assumption that it doesn't throw. If it ends up throwing, std::unexpected() is not called, the program will simply behave incorrectly.
This is why your catch(...) in main() ended up catching the exception thrown from myfunction (and why unexpected() isn't called). Basically, in Microsoft's world, the throw (int) specification you attached to myfunction is about as meaningful as whitespace.

What does throw do when not in used with try and catch?

What does throw do when not used with try and catch? Like:
if (IsEmpty()) throw "Stack is empty, Cannot delete";
Does it get printed in console?
But when throw contains some int or char as its arguments, it is thrown to catch; what happens in this case?
The C++ runtime will have something along the lines of (this is NOT exactly how it looks, but you can think of it as working this way, unless you are working on something very special):
void BeforeMain()
int res = main();
cout << "Unhandled exception. Terminating..." << endl;
You are allowed to do that, and it will not be caught anywhere within your code if you have not put an explicit try catch block.
Windows uses a SEH mechanism to handle , where you could have an uncaught exception filter to figure out about the same
See this post for more details
Catching exceptions thrown without try/catch

Nested try-catch blocks?

int main ()
throw 5;
catch (int n)
catch (...)
cout << "Exception occurred";
This prints out "Exception occured" but
int main ()
catch (...)
catch (...)
cout << "Exception occurred";
This just errors. It seems like I'm doing the try-catch's exactly the same! The only difference is that in the first case I'm throwing an int, then a general exception, but in the second case, I'm throwing a general exception both times. Is the program confused as to which catch to go to?
There's no such thing as "general exception" and you throw no such thing.
In the first example, you throw an int, then you re-throw the exception that you are handling. That's the meaning of throw without an argument.
In the second example you start with an attempt to re-throw an exception that you are handling. As you are not handling an exception at that time, you get an error.
Your 2nd example terminates the program with a good error message (at least using g++ 4.6.1):
terminate called without an active exception
This happens because you are trying to re-throw an exception, but since there are no active exception, the program terminates.
The current c++11 draft, in chapter 15.5.1 says this:
In some situations exception handling must be abandoned for less
subtle error handling techniques.
Then in the list of cases when std::terminate is called is this:
when a throw-expression with no operand attempts to rethrow an
exception and no exception is being handled (15.1),
So, the behavior from your 2nd example is well defined in the standard.

Does catch (...) work on throw; with no object?

What does C++ standard say should happen for the following code when there is no pending exception being processed higher up the stack?
try {
} catch (...) {
cerr << "Caught exception." << endl;
Will the throw with no object be caught or not?
From the 2003 C++ Standard ยง15.1[except.throw]/8:
If no exception is presently being handled, executing a throw-expression with no operand calls terminate().
So, in your example, since no exception is currently being handled, nothing is thrown and instead terminate() is called. Since terminate() does not return, your catch block will never be entered.

What does a single "throw;" statement do?

These days, I have been reading a lot the C++ F.A.Q and especially this page.
Reading through the section I discovered a "technique" that the author calls "exception dispatcher" that allows someone to group all his exception handling in one handy function:
void handleException()
try {
throw; // ?!
catch (MyException& e) {
//...code to handle MyException...
catch (YourException& e) {
//...code to handle YourException...
void f()
try {
//...something that might throw...
catch (...) {
What bothers me is the single throw; statement: if you consider the given example then sure, it is obvious what it does: it rethrows the exception first caught in f() and deals with it again.
But what if I call handleException() on its own, directly, without doing it from a catch() clause ? Is there any specified behavior ?
Additionally for bonus points, is there any other "weird" (probably not the good word) use of throw that you know of ?
Thank you.
If you do a throw; on its own, and there isn't a current exception for it to rethrow, then the program ends abruptly. (More specifically, terminate() is called.)
Note that throw; is the only safe way to re-throw the current exception - it's not equivalent to
catch (exception const & e) { throw e; }
Yes, it specified behavior, it will call terminate;
15.1, para 8: If no exception is presently being handled, executing a
throw expression with no operand calls
terminate() (15.5.1).
That's so-called exception handler. It rethrows the "current exception" if any. If there's no exception currently being handled terminate() will be called.