How do I programmatically shut down an instance of ExpressJS? - unit-testing

I'm trying to figure out how to shut down an instance of Express. Basically, I want the inverse of the .listen(port) call - how do I get an Express server to STOP listening, release the port, and shutdown cleanly?
I know this seems like it might be a strange query, so here's the context; maybe there's another way to approach this and I'm thinking about it the wrong way. I'm trying to setup a testing framework for my app. It's a single-page app, so in my testing scripts (I'm using Mocha, but that doesn't really matter) I want to be able to start up the server, run tests against it, and then shut the server down. I can get around this by assuming that either the server is turned on before the test starts or by having one of the tests start the server and having every subsequent test assume it's up, but that's really messy. I would much prefer to have each test file start a server instance with the appropriate settings and then shut that instance down when the tests are over. That means there's no weird dependencies to running the test and everything is clean. It also means I can do startup/shutdown testing.
So, any advice about how to do this? I've thought about manually triggering exceptions to bring it down, but that seems messy. I've dug through Express docs and source, but can't seem to find any method that will shut down the server. There might also be something in for this, but since the socket server is just attached to the Express server, I think this needs to happen at the express layer.

Things have changed because the express server no longer inherits from the node http server. Fortunately, app.listen returns the server instance.
var server = app.listen(3000);
// listen for an event
var handler = function() {

Use app.close(). Full example:
var app = require('express').createServer();
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.send('hello world');
app.get('/quit', function(req,res) {
Call app.close() inside the callback when tests have ended. But remember that the process is still running(though it is not listening anymore).
If after this, you need to end the process, then call process.exit(0).
app.close: (same applies for)

//... some stuff
var server = app.listen(3000);

I have answered a variation of "how to terminate a HTTP server" many times on different node.js support channels. Unfortunately, I couldn't recommend any of the existing libraries because they are lacking in one or another way. I have since put together a package that (I believe) is handling all the cases expected of graceful HTTP server termination.
The main benefit of http-terminator is that:
it does not monkey-patch Node.js API
it immediately destroys all sockets without an attached HTTP request
it allows graceful timeout to sockets with ongoing HTTP requests
it properly handles HTTPS connections
it informs connections using keep-alive that server is shutting down by setting a connection: close header
it does not terminate the Node.js process
Usage with Express.js:
import express from 'express';
import {
} from 'http-terminator';
const app = express();
const server = app.listen();
const httpTerminator = createHttpTerminator({
await httpTerminator.terminate();

More recent version of express support this solution:
const server = app.listen(port);
const shutdown = () => {

You can easily do this by writing a bash script to start the server, run the tests, and stop the server. This has the advantage of allowing you to alias to that script to run all your tests quickly and easily.
I use such scripts for my entire continuous deployment process. You should look at Jon Rohan's Dead Simple Git Workflow for some insight on this.


C++, Mongoose: How to make a POST request?

I'm working on a project that uses Mongoose, and I need to make a POST request to another server. I don't see an example of how to do this in their examples list, does anyone know how to do this?
EDIT to add more detail:
I'm working within a larger C++ app and need to create a simple server such that a user can query the app for information. Right now, I start the server like this:
Status sampleCmd::startServer()
Status stat = MS::kSuccess;
struct mg_server *server;
// Create and configure the server
server = mg_create_server(NULL, ev_handler);
mg_set_option(server, "listening_port", "8080");
stopServer = false;
printf("Starting on port %s\n", mg_get_option(server, "listening_port"));
while (!stopServer) //for (;;)
mg_poll_server(server, 1000);
// Cleanup, and free server instance
return stat;
In my event handler, I parse the provided URI for a particular one and then run some commands with the application's API. I need to send these results back to a server for the user to see. It's this latter step that is unclear to me. It seems odd that a web server library wouldn't have some client functionality, don't servers need to talk to other servers?
Okay, it turns out I was thinking about this wrong. I needed to respond to the POST request I was getting. So using mg_printf_data(...) with the connection object worked for me.

Is it possible to run browsermob .net on aws windows jenkins/selenium 2 grid instance?

I have setup a Windows Server 2012 instance on AWS and I am running Jenkins with a Selenium grid server. The build portion goes through fine, however it is failing with a 404 when it tries to call the browserMob.NET server.CreateProxy() call. I thought perhaps it was a security port issue, so I opened 9090 and 9091 but still having the same issue. If I use the IWebDriver on my local system, everything goes through fine, but when I change over to the remoteWebDriver and point it to the AWS server and try to proxy, I get an error. If anyone has any ideas about how I might be able to go about this, I'm ready for a kick in the right direction :) Thanks!
Some more info: I now have Jenkins running on 8081 and now it stops with a InvalidOperationException. On the same call of server.CreateProxy() the error fired says:
"The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted"
Ports currently opened in IIS8 are 80, 9090, 9091, and 8080
I also downloaded the the project to the server and tried to run it from the server and I am seeing the same thing. I also am still running IWebDriver and it doesn't work. So if I run this locally on my personal Win 7 Box, it works fine, but when I run it from Windows Server 2012, it does not. This is the same project, but I have no clue as to what may be going on here.
Server server = new Server(pathToBrowserMobProxy);
Client client = server.CreateProxy();
var seleniumProxy = new Proxy { HttpProxy = client.SeleniumProxy };
var capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.Firefox();
capabilities.SetCapability(CapabilityType.Proxy, seleniumProxy);
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(seleniumServerUrl), capabilities);
HarResult harData = client.GetHar();
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(harData);
catch (Exception e) { throw e; }
So I finally figured out what was going on and thought I'd post here. The call to server.CreateProxy was using the AutomatedTester.BrowserMob .NET wrapper. This internally had a reference to a version of Newtonsoft that was compiled as 32bit. Because of this and my Server 2012 box being 64bit, it was causing an error stating "32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process" when it would instantiate the "Process" object. It would open the command window and then crash which would close the window and it wouldnt eb able to find the instance to conenct to. In looking at the NativeErrorCode of 299, I found this was stating that only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed. So I got the src for AutomatedTester, removed the ref to newtonsoft they were using (since this was the first 32bit ref I had found) and added the Nuget version which is compiled for Any CPU. This stopped the crash and allowed me to run my tests. Hope this helps someone else one day.

Use ColdFusion to read events over a TCP/IP stream

Our new phone system is making use of Asterisk manager API which allows to read events and issue commands over a TCP/IP stream. My question is.. Is there any way at all to use ColdFusion to read (and in-turn process) the stream of events? As of now I'm able to view the phone events (incoming calls, transfers, hang-ups etc) via telnet and I'm wondering if it's possible to use a ColdFusion event gateway to process these events as they come over?
Once the initial connection is made (via telnet), I have to submit the following key:values in order to authenticate the connection before the stream begins.
Action: login<CRLF>
Username: usr<CRLF>
Secret: abc123<CRLF>
Just wanted to specify that as I'm not sure if that's a deal-breaker with possibly using a web service in this manner. Also note we are using ColdFusion 10 Enterprise.
I realize this is an old thread, but I am posting this in case it helps the next guy ....
AFAIK, it cannot be done with a standard CF Event Gateway. However, one possibility is using Asterisk-Java. It is a java library that allows communication with an Asterisk Server. More specifically it Manager interface:
... is capable of sending [actions] and receiving [responses] and
[events]. It does not add any further functionality but rather
provides a Java view to Asterisk's Manager API (freeing you from
TCP/IP connection and parsing stuff).
So it can be used to issue commands to the server, and receive events, just like telnet.
Starter example:
Download the Asterisk-Java jar and load it via this.javaSettings in your Application.cfc
Create a ManagerConnection with the settings for your Asterisk server
factory = createObject("java", "org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory");
connection = factory.init( "hostNameOrIP"
, portNum
, "userName"
, "theSecret" ).createManagerConnection();
Create a CFC to act as a listener. It will receive and handle events from Asterisk:
component {
public void function onManagerEvent(any managerEvent)
// For demo purposes, just output a summary of the event
WriteLog( text=arguments.managerEvent.toString(), file="AsteriskLog" );
Using a bit of dynamic proxy magic, register the CFC with the connection:
proxyListener = createDynamicProxy("path.YourCFCListener"
, ["org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerEventListener"]);
connection.addEventListener( proxyListener );
Login to the server to begin receiving events. Setting the appropriate event level: "off", "on" or csv list of available events - "system", "call" and/or "log".
Run a simple "Ping" test to verify everything is working. Then sleep for a few seconds to allow some events to flow. Then close the connection.
action = createObject("java", "org.asteriskjava.manager.action.PingAction").init();
response = application.connection.sendAction(action);
// disconnect and stop events
Check the demo log file. It should contain one or more events.
"Information","http-bio-8500-exec-4","10/14/16","15:17:19","XXXXX","org.asteriskjava.manager.event.ConnectEvent[dateReceived=Fri Oct 14 15:17:19 CDT 2016,....]"
NB: In a real application, the connection would probably be opened once, in OnApplicationStart, and stored in a persistent scope.
Events would continue to stream as long as the connection remained open. The connection should only be closed when the application
ends, to halt event streaming.
Yes-- you'd want to use a Socket Gateway. Ben Nadel has a great writeup about how to do this: Using Socket Gateways To Communicate Between ColdFusion And Node.js
Although he uses Node.js in his example, you should be able to use his guide to set up the Socket Gateway, then handle the data passed to it as you see fit.
What you want is a server-side TCP client. I suggest easySocket, a simple UDF that allows you to send TCP messages via Coldfusion by utilizing Java sockets.

How to unit test a NodeJs REST API server built using Express + Mongoose?

I have a REST API server that uses Express, Mongoose and config. I want to unit test my API. Basically, bring up a temporary web server on port x, an empty mongo-database on port y, do some API calls (both gets and puts) and validate what I get back and then shutdown temporary server and drop test database once my tests finish. What is the best way to do this? I have been looking at mocha/rewire but not sure how to set up temporary server and db and not sure what the best practices are.
I use Jenkins (continuous integration server) and Mocha to test my app, and I found myself having the same problem as you. I configured Jenkins so it would execute this shell command:
npm install
NODE_ENV=testing node app.js &
npm mocha
pkill node
This runs the server for executing the tests, and then kills it. This also sets the NODE_ENV environment variable so I can run the server on a different port when testing, since Jenkins already uses port 8080.
Here is the code:
var port = 8080
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === "testing")
port = 3000;
var request = require('request'),
assert = require('assert');
describe('Blabla', function() {
describe('GET /', function() {
it("should respond with status 200", function(done) {
request('', function(err,resp,body) {
assert.equal(resp.statusCode, 200);
I found exactly what I was looking for: testrest. I don't like its .txt file based syntax - I adapted to use a .json file instead for my specs.
I'd recommend giving Buster.JS a try. You can do Asynchronous tests, mocks/stubs, and fire up a server.
There its also api-easy build on top of vows, seems to be easy to use the first, but the second its much flexible and powerful
There is no right way, but I did create a seed application for my personal directory structure and includes the vows tests suggested by #norman784.
You can clone it: git clone
Or with npm: npm install express-mongoose-api-seed

how to set connection/request timeout for jetty server?

I'm running an embedded jetty server (jetty 6.1.24) inside my application like this:
Handler handler=new AbstractHandler()
public void handle(String target, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, int dispatch)
throws IOException, ServletException {
//this can take a long time
Server server = new Server(8080);
Connector connector = new org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector();
I would like to set a timeout value (2 seconds) so that if handler.handle() method takes more than 2 seconds, jetty server will timeout and response to the client with 408 http code (request timeout).
This is to guarantee that my application will not hold the client request for a long time and always response within 2 seconds.
I did some research and tested it with "connector.setMaxIdleTime(2000);" but it doesn't work.
Take a look at the API for SelectChannelConnector (Jetty):
I've tried to locate any timeout features of the channel (which controls incoming connections): setMaxIdleTime(), setLowResourceMaxIdleTime() and setSoLingerTime() are available it appears.
NOTE: the reason for your timeout feature not to work has to do with the nature of the socket on your operating system. Perhaps even the nature of Jetty (i've read about it somewhere, but cannot remember where it was).
NOTE2: i'm not sure why you try to limit the timeout, perhaps a better approach is limiting the buffer sizes? If you're trying to prevent denial of service...
Yes, this is possible. You could do this using DosFilter of Jetty. This filter is generally used to configure a DOS attack prevention mechanism for your Jetty web server. A property of this filter called 'MaxRequestMs' provides what you are looking for.
For more details, check this.