How do I retrieve the ModelView matrix in GLSL 1.5? - opengl

I have been reading through the specification of openGL 1.5, and saw that any reference to what used to be a variable holding the reference to the ModelView matrix (like gl_ModelViewMatrix) has been deprecated, and is only availble in some kind of compatability mode (which happens not to be supported on my GPU).
I have seen a few examples first retrieving the ModelView matrix or creating one, then sending it back to the GPU as a uniform variable.
Now this all seems just backward to me; even for a simple Vertex Shader you will in many cases want to use some kind of transformation on the geometry.
So I am really wondering now; is there any way to get the current ModelView matrix from within a vertex shader, using GLSL 1.5?

OpenGL-3 core completely dropped the matrix stack, i.e. the built-in modelview, projection, texture and color matrices. It's now expected from you to implement the matrix math and supply the matrices through self chosen uniforms.

There is no built in matrix system/lib in core openGL - since 3.+ version.
A lot of people had similar (bad) opinions about that "huge change" in openGL.
You have to use your own set of functions to perform matrix calculation. See libraries like: GLM or in lighthouse3D.
All in all it was very useful to have matrix functions in OpenGL when learning. Now you have to look for other solutions...
On the other side it is not a problem for game engines or game frameworks that usually have their own math libraries. So for them "new" OpenGL is even easier to use.


Adjusting the distortion caused by a projector in OpenGL ES

I'm getting started with a OpenGL ES app (C++/SDL) running on a Raspberry PI, that I'll want to output through a pocket projector.
I want to give the user the ability to correct the distortion caused by aiming the projector from a direction that is non-normal to the surface. The surface will also be smaller than the projected area. To do this, the user will be able to "move" the 4 corners of the projection window independently to match the surface.
I was planning to do this by solving a simple linear system of equations that transforms the original corners (in the current projection matrix coordinates) to the corners set by the user, and just push this resulting matrix on top of the GL_PROJECTION matrix stack.
However... I found out that I can't "read" the projection matrix in OpenGL ES:
float matrix[16];
glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, matrix);
In particular, the GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX symbol doesn't exist... and I've even read that there's no such thing as a projection matrix in OpenGL ES (something I find hard to believe, but I'm totally new to it, so...).
Any idea of a workaround for reading this matrix, or maybe an alternative approach to do what I'm trying to do?
OpenGL ES 1.x has a projection matrix, and you should be able to get the current value with exactly the code you have in your question. See for the documentation confirming this, or the header file at
ES 2.0 and higher are a different story. ES 2.0 eliminates most of the fixed pipeline that was present in ES 1.x, and replaces it with shader based rendering.
Therefore, concepts like a built-in projection matrix don't exist anymore in ES 2.0 and are replaced with the much more flexible concept of shader programs written in GLSL. If you want to use a projection matrix in ES 2.0, you have a matrix variable in your vertex shader code, pass a value for the matrix into the shader program (using the glUniformMatrix4fv API call), and the GLSL code you provide for the vertex shader performs the multiplication of vectors with the projection matrix.
So in the case of ES 2.0, there is no need for a glGet*() call for the projection matrix. If you have one, you calculated it, and passed it into the shader program. Which means that you already have the matrix in your code. Well, you could get any matrix value back with the glGetUniformfv() API call, but it's much easier and cleaner to just keep it around in your code.

OpenGL - Fixed pipeline shader defaults (Mimic fixed pipeline with shaders)

Can anyone provide me the shader that are similar to the Fixed function Pipeline?
I need the Fragment shader default the most, because I found a similar vertex shader online. But if you have a pair that should be fine!
I want to use fixed pipeline, but have the flexability of shaders, so I need similar shaders so I'll be able to mimic the functionality of the fixed pipeline.
Thank you very much!
I'm new here so if you need more information tell me:D
This is what I would like to replicate: (texture unit 0)
functionality of glTranslatef
functionality of glColor4f
functionality of glTexCoord2f
functionality of glVertex2f
functionality of glOrtho (I know it does some magic stuff behind the scenes with the shader)
Thats it. That is all the functionality I would like to replicate form the fixed function pipeline. Can anyone show me an example of how to replicate those things with shaders?
You have a couple of issues here that will make implementing this using shaders more difficult.
First and foremost, in addition to using fixed-function features you are also using immediate mode. Before you can make the transition to shaders, you should switch to vertex arrays. You could write a class that takes immediate mode-like commands that would come between glBegin (...) and glEnd (...) and pushes them into a vertex array if you absolutely need to structure your software this way.
As for glTranslatef (...) and glOrtho (...) these are nothing particularly special. They create translation matrices and orthographic projection matrices and multiply the "current" matrix by this. It is unclear what language you are using, but one possible replacement for these functions could come from using a library like glm (C++).
The biggest obstacle will be getting rid of the "current" state mentality that comes with thinking in terms of the fixed-function pipeline. With shaders you have full control over just about every state, and you don't have to use functions that multiply the "current" matrix or set the "current" color. You can simply pass the exact matrix or color value that you need to your shader. This is an altogether better way of approaching these problems, and is why I honestly think you should ditch the fixed-function approach altogether instead of trying to emulate it.
This is why your desire to "use the fixed-function pipeline but have the flexibility of shaders" fundamentally makes very little sense.
Having said all that, in OpenGL compatibility mode, there are reserved words in GLSL that refer to many of the fixed-function constructs. These include things like gl_MultiTexCoord<N>, gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix, etc. They can be used as a transitional aid, but really should not be relied upon in the long run.
Se also this question: OpenGL Fixed function shader implementation where they point to a few web resources.
The OpenGL ES 2 book contains an implementation of the OpenGL ES 1.1 fixed function pipeline in Chapter 8 (vertex shader) and Chapter 10 (fragment shader).
Unfortunately, these shaders seem to not be included in the book's sample code. On the other hand, reading the book and typing the code is certainly worthwile.

Orthographic Projection in Modern OpenGL

I'd like to set up an orthographic projection using only modern OpenGL techniques (i.e. no immediate-mode stuff). I'm seeing conflicting info on the web about how to approach this.
Some people are saying that it's still OK to call glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) and then glOrtho. This has always worked for me in the past, but I'm wondering if this has been deprecated in modern OpenGL.
If so, are vertex shaders the standard way to do an orthographic projection nowadays? Does GLSL provide a handy built-in function to set up an orthographic projection, or do I need to write that math myself in the vertex shader?
If so, are vertex shaders the standard way to do an orthographic projection nowadays?
Not quite. Vertex shaders perform the calculations, but the transformation matrices are usually fed into the shader through a uniform. A shader should only evaluate things, that vary with each vertex. Implementing a "ortho" function, the returns a projection matrix in GLSL is counterproductive.
I'd like to set up an orthographic projection using only modern OpenGL techniques (i.e. no immediate-mode stuff). I'm seeing conflicting info on the web about how to approach this.
The matrix stack of OpenGL before version 3 has nothing to do with the immediate mode. Immediate mode was glBegin(…); for(…){ ...; glVertex(…);} glEnd(). And up to OpenGL version 3 is was rather common to use the matrices specified through the matrix stack in a vertex shader.
With OpenGL-3 it was aimed to do, what was originally planned for OpenGL-2: A unification of the API and removing old cruft. One of those things removed was the matrix stack. Many shaders already used more than the standard matrices already, anyway (like for example for skeletal animation), so matrices already had been passed as uniforms and the programs did already contain the whole matrix math code. Taking the step of remocing the matrix math stuff from OpenGL-3 was just the next logical step.
In general, you do not compute matrices in shaders. You compute them on the CPU and upload them as uniforms to the shaders. So your vertex shader would neither know nor care if it is for an orthographic projection or a perspective one. It just transforms by whatever projection matrix it is given.
When you target an OpenGL version > 3.0, glOrtho has been removed from the official specs (but still is present in the compatability profile), so you shouldn't use it anymore. Therefore, you will have to calculate the projection you want to use directly within the vertex shader
(for OpenGL up to 3.0 glOrtho is perfectly ok ;).
And no there is no "handy" function to get the projection matrix in GLSL, so you have to specify it yourself. This is, however, no problem, as there is a) plenty of example code in the web and b) the equations are right in the OpenGL spec, so you can take it simply from there if you want to.

Fixed-Function Vs. Shaders - help understand the conceptual differences

My background: I first started experimenting with OpenGL some months ago, for no particular purpose, just fun. I started reading the OpenGL redbook, and got as far as making a planetary system with a lot of different lighting. That lasted for a month, and my interest for openGL went away. It awoke again a week or so ago, and as I gathered from some SO posts, the redbook is outdated and the OpenGL Superbible is a better source for learning. So I started reading it. I like the concept of shaders but there's a real mess going on in my brain because of transition from my old memories of the fixed pipeline and the new concept of shaders.
Question: I would like to write some statements which I think are true and I am asking OpenGL experts to verify them (i.e. whether I am understanding correctly, not quite correctly or absolutely incorrectly). So...
1) If we don't use any shader program, nothing changes. We have current color, current normal, current transformation matrix, current everything, and as soon as we call glVertex**(...) these current values are taken and the vertex is fed to ... I don't know what. The fact is that it's transformed with the current matrix, the current color and normal are applied to it etc.
2) As soon as we use a shader program, all the above stops working. That is, glColor, glRotate etc. make no sense (Do they?). I mean, glColor still does set the current color, glRotate still multiplies the current matrix by the rotation matrix, but these aren't used at all. Instead, we feed vertex attributes by glVertexAttrib. Which attribute means what is totally dependent on our vertex shader and the in variable binding. We also find ans set the values of the uniforms and then call glVertex and the shader is executed ( I don't know immediately or after glEnd() is called). The actual vertex and fragment processing is done entirely manually in the shader program.
3) Shaders don't add anything to depth testing. That is, I don't need to take care of it in a shader. I just call glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST). Neither is face culling affected.
4) Alpha blending and antialiasing need not be taken care of in shaders. glEnable calls will suffice.
5) Is it a good idea to use gluPerspective, glRotate, glPushMatrix and other matrix functions, and then retrieve the current matrix and feed it as a uniform to a shader? Thus there won't be any need in using a 3rd party matrix library.
It depends on what version of OpenGL you're talking about. Up through OpenGL 3.0, all the fixed functionality is still present, so yes, if you decide to just use fixed functionality it continues to work like it always did. Starting from 3.0, quite a bit of the fixed pipeline was deprecated, and as of 3.1 it disappears completely. Using these, you no longer really have the option to just use the fixed pipeline.
Again, it depends. For example, up through OpenGL 3.0, glColor is still supported, even when you use a shader. The difference is that instead of automatically being applied to what gets drawn, it's supplied to your shader, which can use it unchanged, modify it as it sees fit, or ignore it completely. So, your fragment shader receives gl_FrontColor and gl_BackColor, and writes the actual fragment color to gl_FragColor. If you're using OpenGL 3.1 or newer, however, glColor (for example) just no longer exists -- a color will be just another value you supply to your shader like you could/would anything else.
That's correct, at least up to OpenGL 3.1. As of 4.0, there's a new compute shader that (I believe) can get involved in things like depth testing (but I haven't used it, so I'm a bit uncertain about that).
Yes, you can still use built-in alpha blending. Depending on your hardware, you may also want to consider using the gl_ARB_draw_buffers_blend extension (which is mandatory as of OpenGL 4, if I recall correctly).
Yet again, it depends on the version of OpenGL you're talking about. Current OpenGL completely eliminates all support for matrices so you have no choice but to use some other matrix library. Older versions supplied things like gl_ModelViewMatrix and gl_NormalMatrix to your shader as a uniform so you could go that route if you chose.
2) In modern OpenGL, there is no glColor, glBegin, glVertex, glRotate etc. so they don't make sense.
5) In modern OpenGL there are no built-in matrices, so you have to use a 3rd party library or write your own. So to answer your question, no, it's not a good idea.

Fast rotate and translate without using glRotate / glTranslate

I have an octagon which I need to rotate and translate to 10,000 different locations/angle. The angle and coordinates changes dynamically.
If I use glRotate and glTranslate in immediate mode, it would be too slow due to all the going back and forth between client/server.
If I use glRotate and glTranslate on a Display List, it will be fast, but I am avoiding Display List because it is deprecated.
If I use VBO, I have to pre-rotate and and pre-translate the octagon on the CPU prior to uploading it to server memory. This works, but takes lots of CPU time.
So I am there anyway to translate/rotate with vertices stored in VBO , without resorting to CPU based computation. Is there a VBO equivalent for executing rotate/translate values stored in server memory? I would really love the GPU to do all the calculations and free my CPU from all the trig functions.
I would use VBO and regular glRotate and glTranslate, (or provide a matrix to a vertex shader using glUniformMatrix). I don't think it will slow down the rendering!
You can use GLSL to write a shader that handles the transformation for you. However, you will need to make the transformation matrix available to the shader somehow.
If you are doing this in 2D, there's a similar question (for quads, but the theory is the same) on the game development stack exchange: Basics of drawing in 2D with OpenGL 3 shaders.
Note that the second answer for that question, which gives more details, has a link to which has a broken anchor. I believe it should link to Instanced arrays.
An example of instancing I found after a quick google search: Shader instancing. In this tutorial you probably want to look at the vertex shader for an example of a transformation matrix applied using a texture buffer for storing the matrix. The example code is Delphi, but it should be readable. The site is in German, but you can always use Google translate.