Spoiler just contains background and context
! This post mentions that, to get around the fact that when object goes out of scope it is deallocated, simply return the object the stack-allocated object so it remains in scope. This apparently makes a copy of the object on the stack somewhere else.
This guy even confirms that you should always prefer allocating to stack.
In C++, using something like:
! Object* my_object = new Object();
! Dynamically instantiates an object to the heap, yet
Object my_object = Object();
! Instantiates an object on the stack. The stack is limited in size whereas the heap is practically not (other than physical limits). But also, according this this post, stack access time is much faster, and of course the deallocation is automatic when it goes out of scope.
I'm trying to create an application where speed is absolutely critical, can't I just instantiate all of my objects on the stack within main, and simply save every instantiation that's within a nested scope to an outside container?
I tested this myself using a simple Node class that contains the property "id".
I instantiated the nodes on the stack, put them in a vector so they don't get deallocated, then (just to check) I allocated new items to the stack and then checked to make sure the data to the previous allocations still existed. Can I continue to implement this on a somewhat large-scale problem?
int main()
vector<Node> stack_nodes;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
stack_nodes.push_back(Node(i)); // push newly copied stack-allocated objects so they don't die
Node new_node1 = Node(3); // allocate two more to test stack memory overwriting
Node new_node2 = Node(4);
cout <<; // outputs 1! It's still there?
return 0;
See comments below. When you return the stack-allocated object from the scope it was created in, a copy of said object is created. Is that copy also on the stack? If I assign that copied object to a vector declared in the scope of main, will that object still be on the stack?
You can certainly do this for some programs under some circumstances. Just for example, back in the depths of time, Fortran was defined so all the data used by a program could be allocated statically (and it pretty routinely was).
At the same time, it is quite limiting and problematic. Just for a few examples, it rules out (almost) all recursion, which can be really handy for working with some types of recursive data structures (e.g., trees).
It also means that all your variables become essentially globals, so (for example) any code in the program can read and/or write almost any variable in the program. Experience with languages like Fortran and (early versions of) BASIC that used this model indicates that it requires substantial discipline to develop what's currently seen as a small- to medium-sized program, and and developing what's now typically seen as a large system is probably next to impossible. Dependencies between different parts of the code become so complex so quickly that it becomes nearly impossible to determine what's used where, what parts depend upon what others, etc.
I doubt this can be justified in practice. The overhead of allocating stack space starts out so minuscule that eliminating it simply won't improve speed by any noticeable degree. In fact, it may easily do exactly the opposite. Pre-allocating your variables means that each will (pretty much of necessity) live in a unique part of memory. A relatively large percentage of them will be to parts of memory that aren't currently in the cache at a given time, so you'll end up with poor locality of reference leading to poor cache usage.
Allocating local data when you enter a function means that most of your variables live at or close to the top of the stack. Since you're using the memory near the top of the stack almost constantly, that memory stays in the cache most of the time, so nearly all your memory accesses hit the cache.
The time taken for allocations is typically (well) under 1%, but the penalty for accessing main memory instead of the cache is typically at least 10x, and often much higher (20-50x is pretty common). Your mileage will vary depending on data access patterns, but you have a huge potential for a large loss, and (at best) only a small chance of a tiny gain.
Summary: this is a lousy idea. It's much more likely to do a lot of harm than even a tiny bit of good.
can't I just instantiate all of my objects on the stack within main?
If you can account for all the objects you'll need, yes.
Heck, COBOL takes that approach as a given. "Here is every variable you will ever need..."
Can I continue to implement this on a somewhat large-scale problem?
With infinite memory, yes. Always.
With finite memory, you may want to manage object lifetimes, and only demand the memory that you actually need at any time.
I am developing a Bayesian inference sampler in C++, which relays much on a tree, and this tree is implemented with the help of smart pointers (Boost's shared_ptr and weak_ptr).
During inference (i.e. running a long C++ function for 1-2 minutes), the tree is being changed much, creating and destroying many its nodes.
The inference process entirely (100% load) occupies the processor (one its thread, more precisely). For some reason new memory (for new nodes) is being occupied, but old memory is not being freed entirely, which yields in memory overflow after 1-2 minutes of inference.
Though, if I add pauses to the inference process, it seems the program entirely destroy old objects, and all work fine.
It seems for me that the reason is that destructor (or, more precisely, what happens after it, i.e. memory release) is being delayed for some reason.
Could you tell, please:
1) Does it seem to be a real problem?
2) If yes, how it is better to wait while "enough memory" would be released? What are standard strategies?
(The program is being run on Unix.)
The memory problems you observe seem not to be situated in C++ itself. If a shared_ptr releases its memory, it does so immediately, not in some delayed manner. However, your operating system might delay the "real" release for some time as it sees fit. In programs like Windows' "Task Manager" that might look as if your program consumes more and more memory, while that is only the memory the OS reserves for you but you don't actually occupy. If your calculations produce such a heavy processor load, the scheduler might delay rather "unimportant" tasks (like freeing memory) until there is time, to not get in the way of more important things like your calculations.
However, freeing and allocating memory is expensive. And it seems that you free and allocate lots of memory interchangeably. You should consider to recycle that memory, either by doing your own memory management (like memory pools etc.), or by recycling the objects (i.e. the nodes) themselves, meaning not really destroying them but giving them back to some "node pool" and resetting them with new values. Both can be done in conjunction with shared_ptr.
Sounds like you have cycles in your tree, i.e. it uses shared_ptr for both child and parent pointers, which prevents automatic tree node destruction. You may be better off using plain pointers.
when the last shared_ptr pointing to an object is destroyed, the object is deleted immediately. So what you get sounds quite strange. The only think I could imagine is that you have attached a garbage collector to your implementation... Otherwise double check that all old objects get destroyed.
I will preface this question to c/c++ as it mostly pertains to that, and I have seen it have the most impact with c/c++.
this has concerned me for some time, and I understand some of this problem can be avoided (and I would like to avoid the lectures on ways to avoid, but rather focus on the aftermath just in case it does happen), but I would still have the underlying question.
initial thoughts:
A pointer simply serves as a address to an object somewhere else in memory (this can be because of needing to modify the number of things of that type int[], or because the nature of the thing can change throughout the lifespan of the thing polymophism)
anytime the keyword new is used it should have a corresponding keyword delete (if not multiple depending on exception handling, and multiple exit points)
when a dynamically allocated memory chunk is acted upon by keyword delete the destructor is called (and its actions are performed if any), the memory chunk is returned to the system store to be made available for other things, and (depending on compiler, macros, or programmer) the pointer is set to NULL to avoid illegal memory accessing.
when I am writing a program that uses dynamic memory (combination of pointers, new, and delete). if something happens, and the program terminates unexpectedly (unhandled exception, memory access error, illegal operation. etc). the system should attempt to remove all memory that the program is using, and return it to the system, but pointers are not always cleared. this may vary between operating system, and compiler (on how program termination is performed), but the things that were pointed to may still exist in memory because all that was deleted was the pointer, and not the thing that was pointed to. granted this can be quite small loss (less then a MB for a small program, but for say stress testing a data store, or processing large files this can be quite large possibly even in the GB range.
the direct question is what steps can be taken to get that memory back? the only thing that I have found that works is to just restart the system (this is when using g++, and VS2008/2010 on a windows system)
If the program terminates, then all memory it was using is returned to the system. At least under Windows which you say you are using. If you think this is not happening, then perhaps your program is not actually terminating at all.
The heap is bound to the allocator, and the allocator is bound to the process. When the process exits, the heap comes undone. Only system-shared resources aren't deallocated.
I am trying to understand memory allocation in C++.
A question that comes to my mind is why is it so necessary to allocate memory? And what happens if we use memory without allocating it?
Also, I was shocked to see how careless C++ is on memory allocation. If gives free access to memory through arrays with no bounds checking.
int main()
int *p = new int[5];
p[1] = 3;
p[11118] = 9;
The above code works, outputs 9.
In what cases would assigning a value to a non allocated memory location be dangerous? What are the potential ill-effects? Is it possible that the memory location I am accessing has been allocated to some other program and assigning a value to it might cause that program to crash/behave in a very unexpected fashion?
The above code is Undefined Behaviour. It can work, work incorrectly, not work at all, crash, or order pizza through Microsoft Skype. Thou shalt not rely on undefined behavior.
Why is it neccessary to allocate memory?
Because that way, you mark the memory as yours. Nobody else can use it. It also verifies that there is in fact memory available. If your system only has 1000 bytes of memory, just picking byte 1500 to store some data at is a bad idea.
What happens if we use memory without allocating it?
Nobody knows. The address you write you might not exist. A different process might have already started using it, so you overwrite their data. The memory could be protected; in the former case, for instance, the operating system may notice that you are accessing memory another process has laid claim to, and stop you. You might own that region of memory, but a different part of the program is using it for some reason, and you've overwritten your own data.
Free access to memory through arrays with no bounds checking.
That code does not work... it functions as expected, at the moment, but that is not the same thing. Formally, that is undefined behavior, so the compiler can emit code to do anything it wants.
In what cases would assigning value to a non allocated memory location would be dangerous?
I gave some examples above. It is also possible to break your stack. When you call a function, the address the function should return to is stored. If you overwrite that value through careless memory access, then when you leave that function, who knows where you'll end up? Maybe the person exploiting your program... a common exploit is to load executable code into some part of memory, then use a bug in an existing program to run it. Once, on an embedded device I was working on, I had a fencepost error that resulted in my function returning into the middle of another instruction elsewhere. That should have crashed my chip, but as luck would have it the second half of that instruction was itself a valid instruction. The sequence of code that ended up running caused the device to gain sentience, and eventually finished the project we were working on itself. Now, it just plays WoW in my basement. Thus is the horror of undefined behavior.
Many good answers, but I feel that there's something missing regarding "why we need to allocate memory". I think it is important to know how the control flow of a computer program works at the lowest level, since C and C++ are relatively thin layers of abstraction over the hardware.
While it is possible to write a program in one huge global scope with ifs and gotos alone, most real-world programs are split into functions, which are separate, movable modules which can call each other at will. To keep track of all the data (arguments, return value, local variables), all this data is put on a one-dimensional, contiguous area of memory called the stack. Calling a function puts stuff on the stack, and returning from a function pops the data back off, and the same area of memory is overwritten by the next function call.
That way, all function code can be stored abstractly by just remembering offsets to local data relative to its entry point, and the same function can be called from many different contexts -- the function's local variables may be at different absolute addresses, but they're always at the same relative position relative to the function's entry address.
The fact that the stack memory is constantly overwritten as functions get called and return means that you cannot place any persistent data on the stack, i.e. in a local variable, because the memory for the local variables is not kept intact after the function returns. If your function needs to store persistent data somewhere, it must store that data somewhere else. This other location is the so-called heap, on which you manually (also called "dynamically") request persistent storage via malloc or new. That area of memory lies elsewhere and will not be recycled or overwritten by anyone, and you may safely pass a pointer to that memory around for as long as you like. The only downside is that unless you manually tell the system that you're done, it won't be able to use the memory for anything else, which is why you must manually clean up this dynamically allocated memory. But the need for functions to store persistent information is the reason we need to allocate memory.
(Just to complete the picture: local variables on the stack are said to be "automatically allocated". There is also "static allocation", which happens at compile time and is where global variables live. If you have a global char[30000], you may happily read from and write to that from anywhere in your program.)
Allocating memory on the heap allows dynamic allocation of a dynamic amount of memory with a dynamic lifetime.
If you want bounds-checking, you can get it through std::vector::at().
In what cases would assigning value to a non allocated memory location would be dangerous?
All cases.
what are the potential ill-affects?
Unexpected behavior.
Is it possible that the memory location i am accessing has been allocated to some other program and assigning a value to it might cause that program to crash/behave in a very unexpected fashion?
Depends on the operating system.
This seems like two questions:
Why doesn't c++ do bounds-checking?
Why do we need dynamic memory allocation?
My answers:
Because then it'd be slower. You can always write an accessor function that checks bounds, like std::vector::at().
Because not being able to resize memory at runtime can be very inconvenient (see early FORTRAN).
In most operating systems, there is a distinct separation between the physical memory available in the host computer, and the logical memory footprint that application code can see. This is mediated, in most cases, by a part of the CPU called the Memory Management Unit (or MMU), and it serves a number of useful goals.
The most obvious is that it allows you to assign more memory to an application (or multiple applications) than is actually present on the machine. When the application asks for some data from memory, the MMU calls the operating system to figure out where that memory really is, either in core or on disk, if it has been paged out.
Another use for this is to segment some addresses for purposes other than application use, for instance the GPU's in most computers are controlled through a region of memory that is visible to the CPU as core memory, and it can read or write to that area of memory very efficiently. the MMU provides a way for the OS to use that memory, but make it inaccessible to normal applications.
Because of this segmenting, and for other reasons, the full range of addresses are not normally available to applications until the ask the OS for some memory for a particular purpose. For instance, on linux, applications ask for more core memory by calling brk or sbrk, and they ask for memory mapped IO by calling mmap. Until an address is returned through one of those calls, the address is unmapped, and accessing it will cause a segfault, normally terminating the offending program.
Some platforms only expose memory to the application that it knows has been mapped, but C++ errs on the side of performance, it never does bounds checking automatically, because that would require some extra instructions to be executed, and on some platforms the particular instructions could be very costly. On the other hand, C++ does provide for bounds checking, if you want it, through the standard template library.
Is it possible that the memory
location i am accessing has been
allocated to some other program and
assigning a value to it might cause
that program to crash/behave in a very
unexpected fashion?
No, modern OSs are designed just to avoid that (for security reasons).
And you have to allocate memory because, although every process has its own 4GB space (provided by Windows), they all share the same xxGB the user has on his machine. Allocating memory helps the operating system know which applications need more memory and give it only to who need it.
Why my "hello world" would need the same RAM crysys 2 needs? :P
Ok, someone misunderstood what I meant. I didn't say it's ok and everyone can do it and nothing will happen. I just said doing this won't harm any extern process. It still is undefined behavior because no one knows what's at p + 11118, but ub doesn't mean "it can order a pizza through skype" nor other "exciting things", at most an access violation, nothing more.
I've searched, but I've not understood very well these three concepts. When do I have to use dynamic allocation (in the heap) and what's its real advantage? What are the problems of static and stack? Could I write an entire application without allocating variables in the heap?
I heard that others languages incorporate a "garbage collector" so you don't have to worry about memory. What does the garbage collector do?
What could you do manipulating the memory by yourself that you couldn't do using this garbage collector?
Once someone said to me that with this declaration:
int * asafe=new int;
I have a "pointer to a pointer". What does it mean? It is different of:
asafe=new int;
A similar question was asked, but it didn't ask about statics.
Summary of what static, heap, and stack memory are:
A static variable is basically a global variable, even if you cannot access it globally. Usually there is an address for it that is in the executable itself. There is only one copy for the entire program. No matter how many times you go into a function call (or class) (and in how many threads!) the variable is referring to the same memory location.
The heap is a bunch of memory that can be used dynamically. If you want 4kb for an object then the dynamic allocator will look through its list of free space in the heap, pick out a 4kb chunk, and give it to you. Generally, the dynamic memory allocator (malloc, new, et c.) starts at the end of memory and works backwards.
Explaining how a stack grows and shrinks is a bit outside the scope of this answer, but suffice to say you always add and remove from the end only. Stacks usually start high and grow down to lower addresses. You run out of memory when the stack meets the dynamic allocator somewhere in the middle (but refer to physical versus virtual memory and fragmentation). Multiple threads will require multiple stacks (the process generally reserves a minimum size for the stack).
When you would want to use each one:
Statics/globals are useful for memory that you know you will always need and you know that you don't ever want to deallocate. (By the way, embedded environments may be thought of as having only static memory... the stack and heap are part of a known address space shared by a third memory type: the program code. Programs will often do dynamic allocation out of their static memory when they need things like linked lists. But regardless, the static memory itself (the buffer) is not itself "allocated", but rather other objects are allocated out of the memory held by the buffer for this purpose. You can do this in non-embedded as well, and console games will frequently eschew the built in dynamic memory mechanisms in favor of tightly controlling the allocation process by using buffers of preset sizes for all allocations.)
Stack variables are useful for when you know that as long as the function is in scope (on the stack somewhere), you will want the variables to remain. Stacks are nice for variables that you need for the code where they are located, but which isn't needed outside that code. They are also really nice for when you are accessing a resource, like a file, and want the resource to automatically go away when you leave that code.
Heap allocations (dynamically allocated memory) is useful when you want to be more flexible than the above. Frequently, a function gets called to respond to an event (the user clicks the "create box" button). The proper response may require allocating a new object (a new Box object) that should stick around long after the function is exited, so it can't be on the stack. But you don't know how many boxes you would want at the start of the program, so it can't be a static.
Garbage Collection
I've heard a lot lately about how great Garbage Collectors are, so maybe a bit of a dissenting voice would be helpful.
Garbage Collection is a wonderful mechanism for when performance is not a huge issue. I hear GCs are getting better and more sophisticated, but the fact is, you may be forced to accept a performance penalty (depending upon use case). And if you're lazy, it still may not work properly. At the best of times, Garbage Collectors realize that your memory goes away when it realizes that there are no more references to it (see reference counting). But, if you have an object that refers to itself (possibly by referring to another object which refers back), then reference counting alone will not indicate that the memory can be deleted. In this case, the GC needs to look at the entire reference soup and figure out if there are any islands that are only referred to by themselves. Offhand, I'd guess that to be an O(n^2) operation, but whatever it is, it can get bad if you are at all concerned with performance. (Edit: Martin B points out that it is O(n) for reasonably efficient algorithms. That is still O(n) too much if you are concerned with performance and can deallocate in constant time without garbage collection.)
Personally, when I hear people say that C++ doesn't have garbage collection, my mind tags that as a feature of C++, but I'm probably in the minority. Probably the hardest thing for people to learn about programming in C and C++ are pointers and how to correctly handle their dynamic memory allocations. Some other languages, like Python, would be horrible without GC, so I think it comes down to what you want out of a language. If you want dependable performance, then C++ without garbage collection is the only thing this side of Fortran that I can think of. If you want ease of use and training wheels (to save you from crashing without requiring that you learn "proper" memory management), pick something with a GC. Even if you know how to manage memory well, it will save you time which you can spend optimizing other code. There really isn't much of a performance penalty anymore, but if you really need dependable performance (and the ability to know exactly what is going on, when, under the covers) then I'd stick with C++. There is a reason that every major game engine that I've ever heard of is in C++ (if not C or assembly). Python, et al are fine for scripting, but not the main game engine.
The following is of course all not quite precise. Take it with a grain of salt when you read it :)
Well, the three things you refer to are automatic, static and dynamic storage duration, which has something to do with how long objects live and when they begin life.
Automatic storage duration
You use automatic storage duration for short lived and small data, that is needed only locally within some block:
if(some condition) {
int a[3]; // array a has automatic storage duration
The lifetime ends as soon as we exit the block, and it starts as soon as the object is defined. They are the most simple kind of storage duration, and are way faster than in particular dynamic storage duration.
Static storage duration
You use static storage duration for free variables, which might be accessed by any code all times, if their scope allows such usage (namespace scope), and for local variables that need extend their lifetime across exit of their scope (local scope), and for member variables that need to be shared by all objects of their class (classs scope). Their lifetime depends on the scope they are in. They can have namespace scope and local scope and class scope. What is true about both of them is, once their life begins, lifetime ends at the end of the program. Here are two examples:
// static storage duration. in global namespace scope
string globalA;
int main() {
void foo() {
// static storage duration. in local scope
static string localA;
localA += "ab"
cout << localA;
The program prints ababab, because localA is not destroyed upon exit of its block. You can say that objects that have local scope begin lifetime when control reaches their definition. For localA, it happens when the function's body is entered. For objects in namespace scope, lifetime begins at program startup. The same is true for static objects of class scope:
class A {
static string classScopeA;
string A::classScopeA;
A a, b; &a.classScopeA == &b.classScopeA == &A::classScopeA;
As you see, classScopeA is not bound to particular objects of its class, but to the class itself. The address of all three names above is the same, and all denote the same object. There are special rule about when and how static objects are initialized, but let's not concern about that now. That's meant by the term static initialization order fiasco.
Dynamic storage duration
The last storage duration is dynamic. You use it if you want to have objects live on another isle, and you want to put pointers around that reference them. You also use them if your objects are big, and if you want to create arrays of size only known at runtime. Because of this flexibility, objects having dynamic storage duration are complicated and slow to manage. Objects having that dynamic duration begin lifetime when an appropriate new operator invocation happens:
int main() {
// the object that s points to has dynamic storage
// duration
string *s = new string;
// pass a pointer pointing to the object around.
// the object itself isn't touched
delete s;
void foo(string *s) {
cout << s->size();
Its lifetime ends only when you call delete for them. If you forget that, those objects never end lifetime. And class objects that define a user declared constructor won't have their destructors called. Objects having dynamic storage duration requires manual handling of their lifetime and associated memory resource. Libraries exist to ease use of them. Explicit garbage collection for particular objects can be established by using a smart pointer:
int main() {
shared_ptr<string> s(new string);
void foo(shared_ptr<string> s) {
cout << s->size();
You don't have to care about calling delete: The shared ptr does it for you, if the last pointer that references the object goes out of scope. The shared ptr itself has automatic storage duration. So its lifetime is automatically managed, allowing it to check whether it should delete the pointed to dynamic object in its destructor. For shared_ptr reference, see boost documents:
It's been said elaborately, just as "the short answer":
static variable (class)
lifetime = program runtime (1)
visibility = determined by access modifiers (private/protected/public)
static variable (global scope)
lifetime = program runtime (1)
visibility = the compilation unit it is instantiated in (2)
heap variable
lifetime = defined by you (new to delete)
visibility = defined by you (whatever you assign the pointer to)
stack variable
visibility = from declaration until scope is exited
lifetime = from declaration until declaring scope is exited
(1) more exactly: from initialization until deinitialization of the compilation unit (i.e. C / C++ file). Order of initialization of compilation units is not defined by the standard.
(2) Beware: if you instantiate a static variable in a header, each compilation unit gets its own copy.
The main difference is speed and size.
Dramatically faster to allocate. It is done in O(1), since it is allocated when setting up the stack frame, so it is essentially free. The drawback is that if you run out of stack space you are in deep trouble. You can adjust the stack size, but, IIRC, you have ~2MB to play with. Also, as soon as you exit the function everything on the stack is cleared. So, it can be problematic to refer to it later. (Pointers to stack allocated objects lead to bugs.)
Dramatically slower to allocate. But, you have GB to play with, and point to.
Garbage Collector
The garbage collector is some code that runs in the background and frees memory. When you allocate memory on the heap it is very easy to forget to free it, which is known as a memory leak. Over time, the memory your application consumes grows and grows until it crashes. Having a garbage collector periodically free the memory you no longer need helps eliminate this class of bugs. Of course, this comes at a price, as the garbage collector slows things down.
What are the problems of static and stack?
The problem with "static" allocation is that the allocation is made at compile-time: you can't use it to allocate some variable number of data, the number of which isn't known until run-time.
The problem with allocating on the "stack" is that the allocation is destroyed as soon as the subroutine which does the allocation returns.
I could write an entire application without allocate variables in the heap?
Perhaps but not a non-trivial, normal, big application (but so-called "embedded" programs might be written without the heap, using a subset of C++).
What garbage collector does ?
It keeps watching your data ("mark and sweep") to detect when your application is no longer referencing it. This is convenient for the application, because the application doesn't need to deallocate the data ... but the garbage collector might be computationally expensive.
Garbage collectors aren't a usual feature of C++ programming.
What could you do manipulating the memory by yourself that you couldn't do using this garbage collector?
Learn the C++ mechanisms for deterministic memory deallocation:
'static': never deallocated
'stack': as soon as the variable "goes out of scope"
'heap': when the pointer is deleted (explicitly deleted by the application, or implicitly deleted within some-or-other subroutine)
Stack memory allocation (function variables, local variables) can be problematic when your stack is too "deep" and you overflow the memory available to stack allocations. The heap is for objects that need to be accessed from multiple threads or throughout the program lifecycle. You can write an entire program without using the heap.
You can leak memory quite easily without a garbage collector, but you can also dictate when objects and memory is freed. I have run in to issues with Java when it runs the GC and I have a real time process, because the GC is an exclusive thread (nothing else can run). So if performance is critical and you can guarantee there are no leaked objects, not using a GC is very helpful. Otherwise it just makes you hate life when your application consumes memory and you have to track down the source of a leak.
What if your program does not know upfront how much memory to allocate (hence you cannot use stack variables). Say linked lists, the lists can grow without knowing upfront what is its size. So allocating on a heap makes sense for a linked list when you are not aware of how many elements would be inserted into it.
An advantage of GC in some situations is an annoyance in others; reliance on GC encourages not thinking much about it. In theory, waits until 'idle' period or until it absolutely must, when it will steal bandwidth and cause response latency in your app.
But you don't have to 'not think about it.' Just as with everything else in multithreaded apps, when you can yield, you can yield. So for example, in .Net, it is possible to request a GC; by doing this, instead of less frequent longer running GC, you can have more frequent shorter running GC, and spread out the latency associated with this overhead.
But this defeats the primary attraction of GC which appears to be "encouraged to not have to think much about it because it is auto-mat-ic."
If you were first exposed to programming before GC became prevalent and were comfortable with malloc/free and new/delete, then it might even be the case that you find GC a little annoying and/or are distrustful(as one might be distrustful of 'optimization,' which has had a checkered history.) Many apps tolerate random latency. But for apps that don't, where random latency is less acceptable, a common reaction is to eschew GC environments and move in the direction of purely unmanaged code (or god forbid, a long dying art, assembly language.)
I had a summer student here a while back, an intern, smart kid, who was weaned on GC; he was so adament about the superiorty of GC that even when programming in unmanaged C/C++ he refused to follow the malloc/free new/delete model because, quote, "you shouldn't have to do this in a modern programming language." And you know? For tiny, short running apps, you can indeed get away with that, but not for long running performant apps.
Stack is a memory allocated by the compiler, when ever we compiles the program, in default compiler allocates some memory from OS ( we can change the settings from compiler settings in your IDE) and OS is the one which give you the memory, its depends on many available memory on the system and many other things, and coming to stack memory is allocate when we declare a variable they copy(ref as formals) those variables are pushed on to stack they follow some naming conventions by default its CDECL in Visual studios
ex: infix notation:
the stack pushing is done right to left PUSHING, b to stack, operator, a to stack and result of those i,e c to stack.
In pre fix notation:
Here all the variables are pushed to stack 1st (right to left)and then the operation are made.
This memory allocated by compiler is fixed. So lets assume 1MB of memory is allocated to our application, lets say variables used 700kb of memory(all the local variables are pushed to stack unless they are dynamically allocated) so remaining 324kb memory is allocated to heap.
And this stack has less life time, when the scope of the function ends these stacks gets cleared.