Facebook app (NOT user) access token expiration - facebook-graph-api

Do Facebook APP access tokens expire? These tokens are different than the USER tokens; they are acquired like this:
as described in the App Login section of the document at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/.
Are there any circumstances under which they will become invalid?
NB: This is NOT a question about USER access tokens (which are clearly documented). There was an identical question http://facebook.stackoverflow.com/questions/7322063/does-app-login-access-token-expire wrongly closed as duplicate of another question about USER access tokens.

Per the Facebook documentation:
An App Access Token is signed using your app secret and will not
expire; it will be invalidated if you re-key/reset your application

Creating an APP_ACCESS_TOKEN is really easy.
You can use your App ID/API Key and App secret
Example: 1234587968 | bghyuifjk3438483249235903502035023504305

I do know that one condition that will cause them to become invalid is if you reset the Application Secret using the Facebook developer tool.
I do not know if using the OAuth method to produce an App Token will cause it to have an expiration. However, if you scan Facebook's PHP SDK, you may notice that a non-expiring app token is made by concatenation app_id and secret:
* Returns the access token that should be used for logged out
* users when no authorization code is available.
* #return string The application access token, useful for gathering
* public information about users and applications.
protected function getApplicationAccessToken() {
return $this->appId.'|'.$this->apiSecret;
WARNING: I would never use this in client-code as it would publish your app secret. However, in a trust server environment, it seems like the way to go.
To test this, I went to the OpenGraph tool and erased my Access Token and typed in the concatenated value from the code sample. I then accessed my app's insights to verify that it would work:

For me, the answer is not to find a token that doesn't expire, (since I do not trust Facebook), but to catch the expiring token and reset without taking up my users time. I found this and thought you might want to check it out.
"To ensure the best experience for your users, your app needs to be prepared to catch errors for the above scenarios. The following PHP code shows you how to handle these errors and retrieve a new access token.
When you redirect the user to the auth dialog, the user is not prompted for permissions if the user has already authorized your application. Facebook will return you a valid access token without any user facing dialog. However if the user has de-authorized your application then the user will need to re-authorize your application for you to get the access_token." Resource: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2011/05/13/how-to--handle-expired-access-tokens/


Handling the oauth token in a website/service

I have created a website which allows the user to authenticate against oauth2 (from another provider), the basic flow is (assuming a new user):
The user loads my webpage
An OAuth request token key and secret is provided by the OAuth endpoint
I store the request token into the user's cookies
The user is redirected to the OAuth authentication page from an external provider
The user accepts and is redirected by to my webpage with URL parameters which specify the OAuth verifier and OAuth token
Using the request token (retrieved from cookies) and OAuth verifier (passed via URL parameters), I am able to get an access token key and secret from the OAuth endpoint.
I am now able to authenticate with the providers API and use that to get the logged in user ID.
I then store into a MySQL database, the user ID, a token which I generate as a random unsigned integer, OAuth token and OAuth secret. In cases of the token I generate already being in the database, I just continue in a loop until a unique token is generated. The MySQL database has a strong name, username and password. The database user can only access the table in question and only has privileges to add an entry, delete an entry and make a query.
I clear the request token from the user's cookies and instead store the user ID and my generated token.
When a user comes back to my website, I check if they have the user ID and token stored in their cookies, if so I attempt to look up the OAuth token and secret from MySQL. If they are found, I test they are still valid (does the API endpoint accept them) and if so, the user remains 'logged in' to my website. In cases where the user ID or token isn't found in MySQL or cases where it is found, but is not accepted by the endpoint (expired?), I just go back through the flow above.
The above all works correctly, new users can successfully authenticate, returning users find the website remembers them. I do not expose the OAuth token key or secret to the user and instead, give the user this token ID which I generate.
Are there any problems with what I am doing?
Should I be encrypting the OAuth token key and secret in my database?
Is there a problem with the fact if someone was to gain access to the token I generate, along with the user ID, they would be able to call my scripts. Is this a problem?
Should I be encrypting the user ID and token I generate before storing it in the user's cookies? Taking into account, ultimately whatever is stored in the user's cookies will get passed to my script, so if I were to encrypt, store to cookies, then next time read from cookies and decrypt, the user would still be able to access my endpoints by simply passing the encrypted version (assuming the server decrypts, if the client decrypts then the decryption key would be accessible via the users browser anyway), which doesn't immediately appear to offer any further security.
My goal is to tighten up the steps above so it is deemed robust and secure. The actual use case for my web site means it'll only have a tiny number of users (if any) using it. It was more of a learning process for me, combined with implementing something I actually need. But for the learning aspect alone, I would like to make everything sensible and secure. I am not trying to be overly pedantic and implement steps no other similar websites would implement, basically I would like my site to be secure enough that if there ever was a problem, no one could point a finger at me and say I didn't implement an adequate security system.

Facebook Graph API - complete server side auth and API calls

I have an application, that runs on server. On that server is background task, that will post status update on few social networks (Facebook, Twitter, G+). It must be completely server-side.
In Twitter API I'm able to use OAuth header to authorize API request. OAuth HTTP header uses consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret to create the header. With this I'm able to post/update/delete tweets with no user interaction.
How can I do this for Facebook? I found a solution to obtain a long-lived access_token (2 months), but we don't want to regenerate access_token every 60 days. We want to use it for manage our Facebook page - post status updates, but completely server-side.
Am I able to do this for Facebook? Thanks for answers.
PS: I searched stackoverflow hundred-times but with no solution for my problem.
It is not possible for User Access Tokens (they can only be extended to 60 days and need to be refreshed by the user after that), but for posting to a Page you should use a Page Token anyway. An Extended Page Token is valid forever.
Here are some Links to help you get that Extended Page Token:
A Page Token will post "as Page" btw, but that´s probably what you want. And auto-posting on user profiles is not really allowed anyway, every message has to be 100% user generated and every posting should get authorized by the user.
Pay attention to Access Tokens Expiration & Extentions.
The Page Access Token could be a good solution to only server side calls for testing and data analysis purposes.
Take your User Access Token from Graph API Tool
Extend your User Access Token
Call https://graph.facebook.com/v2.11/me/accounts with your user access token extended
*all calls are GET and this procedure does not use APP Access Token.

Refreshing an expired access token for specific user

The application which I am building maps a user_id to multiple facebook accounts. I have access tokens for each of these mapped accounts and everything works nicely. There is a problem, though, when one of these access tokens expires but the user is logged in to Facebook as a different user than the one to whom the expired access token belongs.
I read all there is about obtaining a new access token for the currently logged in user but I found nothing about the case when the user whose access token expired is not logged in to Facebook.
I would appreciate your thoughts and possible solutions.
Users can't have multiple Facebook accounts, so that part of your question doesn't entirely make sense, but in general, if an access token expires you need the user to come back to your app and go through the Authentication flow again, which will give you a new access token for that user
I believe the only way to get an updated access token would be to go through the whole authentication process again from the initial login screen.
Depending on the technology with which you're building your application, the only way I can imagine you'd handle logging in to a Facebook account without logging out of an existing one is to set up parallel instances of web browsers, so long as they don't share things like cookies.

Application Token is Different

On this page:
It describes how to get the app access token, yet the token it returns is different than the one in the open Graph "Get Code" example. The latter is the only one that works. How can I get the second access token using the API? When I try to use the first example, I basically get something back that looks like "application ID|secret key" which is different than the real access token.
as documentation states, you will get
string back from the API call. Even though it LOOKS like "application ID|secret key HASH" - it is a valid access token you can use to publish to user's wall. You can verify it's a proper access token using Debug toll from FB: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug - just paste the token there.
The reason it might not work for you is because you are trying to publish something to the user's wall who did not authorize your app. Look here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/ - for example of how to use your app ID to make user authorize the app. You need to request publish_stream permission for your app from user in order to be able to publish as the app to the user's wall.
And going back to the documentation:
Note that the app access token is for publishing purposes permitted by
the publish_actions and publish_stream permissions. You will be unable
to retrieve information about the status update post with the given ID
using the app access token. Instead, you should use a user access
token for such purposes.
hope that helps.

When adding Facebook integration to a web app, how do you handle OAuth token expiration and what user data should be saved?

I'm planning out adding Facebook integration to a web app I'm working on. For the most part, it's proceeding smoothly, but I am confused on the proper way to handle the OAuth token.
The sequence of events presented by Facebook here is:
Ask the user to authorize your application, which sends them to a Facebook window.
This will return an Authorization Code generated by Facebook
You then hit https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token with your Authorization Code, which will give you a time-limited OAuth token.
Using the OAuth token, you can make requests to access the user's Facebook profile.
Facebook's documentation has the following to say about token expiration:
In addition to the access token (the access_token parameter), the response contains the number of seconds until the token expires (the expires parameter). Once the token expires, you will need to re-run the steps above to generate a new code and access_token, although if the user has already authorized your app, they will not be prompted to do so again. If your app needs an access token with an infinite expiry time (perhaps to take actions on the user's behalf after they are not using your app), you can request the offline_access permission.
When they say to re-run the steps above, what steps need to be re-run to get a new OAuth token? What data (Facebook UID, Authorization Code, OAuth token) does it make sense to save to my local database?
I would like to be able to have the user continue to interact with my site, and in response to certain user actions, I would like to be able to prompt to user if they want to post something to their Facebook wall.
The access token is time and session based and is unnecessary data to store and have no use after the user have closed the session.
The facebook uid is the only thing you need to identify the user.
Since the Facebook API sometimes is horrible slow you could store the username aswell.
But for identification, all you need is the uid.
The documentation that facebook provides has been updated since you asked this question. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/.