How to initialize glut with fake parameters? - c++

I'm using opengl, using the GLUT and GLEW libraries to create a plugin for a certain application.
This plugin doesn't start with a simple int main(argc, argv). So i can't pass these values to glutInit().
I tried something like this:
glutInit(0, NULL); <--- Crash
GLenum err = glewInit();
But i crashed when it tried to call the glutInit() function. Can i reconstruct those params some how, so that it won't crash and still be able to use the Glut library..??

You can do it like this :
#include <GL/freeglut.h>
int main()
char fakeParam[] = "fake";
char *fakeargv[] = { fakeParam, NULL };
int fakeargc = 1;
glutInit( &fakeargc, fakeargv );
but take a note that it is an ugly hack.

You might have to call glutInit with a valid argv parameter, even if you don't have any:
char *my_argv[] = { "myprogram", NULL };
int my_argc = 1;
glutInit(&my_argc, my_argv);
It might also be that the first parameter is a pointer to an int, and it can't be NULL? Then it might be enough to only pass a valid argc parameter:
int my_argc = 0;
glutInit(&my_argc, NULL);

Note the following code from the source (freeglut_init.c:677):
void FGAPIENTRY glutInit( int* pargc, char** argv )
char* displayName = NULL;
char* geometry = NULL;
int i, j, argc = *pargc;
(Note the dereferencing.)
It seems that glutInit() does require a minimum of the process name, although the man page doesn't shed any light on this.

I propose this as a de-facto standard for initializing glut applications.
static inline void glutInstall()
char *glut_argv[] = {
(char *)0
int glut_argc = 0;
glutInit(&my_argc, my_argv);
This function can be modified on per-application basis to provide glut with the arguments it needs(if any), while permanently solving the issue of everyone asking why you are passing command line arguments to a 3rd party library.


Access command line arguments in C++

Is it possible to get the command line arguments without receiving them via int main(int, char**)? I don't want to pass the arguments to multiple methods, so a global function would be perfect. Also, I do not want to store the arguments by myself via global variables. I'm running Windows and Linux.
int main()
int argc = GetArgumentCount();
char ** argv = GetArguments();
return 0;
It's possible to use LPTSTR WINAPI GetCommandLine(void); in win32.
I'm looking for equivalent functions in Linux.
Is it possible to get the command line arguments without receiving
them via int main(int, char**)?
Yes, with platform-specific functions. But that's not necessary (see below).
I don't want to pass the arguments to multiple methods,
That's understandable. It's an anti-pattern also known as "tramp data".
Also, I do not want to store the arguments by myself via global variables.
Yes, global variables are rarely a good idea.
Here's an alternative approach: store them as a static local container object in some globally available non-member function which returns the container by reference.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::string>& Arguments()
static std::vector<std::string> arguments;
return arguments;
void f()
// use arguments anywhere else:
std::cout << Arguments()[0];
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
Of course, this can be made more sophisticated. For example, you might want to prevent anyone else but main from changing the vector by wrapping the vector in a class and declaring main as a friend, something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Arguments final
static int Count()
return arguments.size();
static std::string Get(int index)
return arguments[index];
Arguments() = delete;
friend int main(int argc, char* argv[]);
static std::vector<std::string> arguments;
std::vector<std::string> Arguments::arguments;
void f()
// use Arguments anywhere else:
std::cout << Arguments::Get(0);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
Note that special care is needed to avoid bugs at program shutdown, when static objects are destroyed. You must make sure that no destructor of a static object accesses Arguments, or else you risk undefined behaviour.
Is it possible to get the command line arguments without receiving them via int main(int, char**) ?
No (at least, not in portable manner), however you could put the usual argc, argv into some global variable (or other global data, often after parsing). And that could also be into some static data with other functions in the same translation unit retrieving it. Hence a reasonable (readable and portable) approach would be:
static int myargc;
static char **myargv;
int GetArgumentCount(void) {
return myargc;
char**GetArguments(void) {
return myargv;
int main(int argc, char**argv) {
myargc= argc;
myargv= argv;
/// etc....
Notice that on some systems or some implementations you might access to the command line arguments in some other ways.
dirty Linux specific tricks
For example, on Linux, using proc(5), you might parse /proc/self/cmdline but it is unreasonable to do that (on your Linux system, try to run od -cx /proc/self/cmdline in your terminal to guess what I mean), so I still recommend using int main(int argc, char**argv) and storing, in some global or static data, the argc and argv, or more probably, do some parsing of program arguments.
So on Linux, you might code your GetArgumentCount and GetArguments functions (by parsing /proc/self/cmdline, see also this) but it would be foolish to do so without using argc and argv from main (even if it is technically doable). Coding such a crazy GetArgumentCount and GetArguments which parses /proc/self/cmdline is left as an exercise to the masochistic reader.
Perhaps you need that because some static data's constructor -running before main and called before it from crt0- uses them; but in that case, your program's design is IMHO very wrong. I have no idea if similar dirty tricks are doable in Windows.
If you really think that is a good idea, you can easily make cor command line arguments global:
int argc_ = 0;
char** argv_ = NULL;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
argc_ = argc;
argv_ = argv;
// ...

Output of pointer to caller SAL error

I am trying to add SALto my code... i worked according msdn and found bug in msdn examples, don't know how to deal with it.
Here litle changed example "Output of pointer to caller (Example: The Outptr Annotation)" from Understanding SAL
Outptr is used to annotate a parameter that's intended to return a
pointer. The parameter itself should not be NULL, and the called
function returns a non-NULL pointer in it and that pointer points to
initialized data.
My code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "assert.h"
void GoodOutPtrCallee(_Outptr_ int **pInt)
int *pInt2 = new int;
if (*pInt != NULL)
*pInt2 = 1;
*pInt2 = 2;
*pInt = pInt2;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int* nullValue = NULL;
assert(*nullValue == 2);
int someValue = 22;
int* someValuePtr = &someValue;
assert(*someValuePtr == 1);
return 0;
If i compile it in VS2013 with code alalysys enabled i got C6001: using uninitialized memory
if (*pInt != NULL)
What is worng here in my annotation and how can i fix it?
Since you're reading from the value passed through the pointer parameter pInt you can't use _Outptr_ , as this describes a parameter that's only used as an output, not also as an input. Use _Inout_ instead.
You might want to reconsider using SAL. It's very poorly documented, and as a result I can't say with any certainty that _Inout_ is actually the best annotation to use here. All I know for sure is that it's best match I could find based on Microsoft's vague descriptions, and it gets rid of the warning. Of course so would not using an annotation.
EDIT: I was confused by similar variable names, pInt and pInt2.
You're probably should mark pInt as input and output, not just as output, because you're reading it's value to check whether it is NULL

avoiding global variables while using GLUT

GLUT is a great API and it's very easy to use but I am having some difficulty with how it handles scope. When defining callbacks there is no option to pass parameters so it seems to me as though the programmer is forced to rely on global variables, which I find difficult to accept. Right now I have all the GLUT code in it's own module, running on it's own thread, and define a static pointer which I assign at the entry point to the module, like so:
Main module
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
int foo;
boost::thread graphicsThread(glutMain, argc, argv, &foo);
return 0;
GLUT module
static int* FOO_REF;
int glutMain( int argc, char** argv, int* foo ) {
FOO_REF = foo;
glutInit(&argc, argv);
Is there a better solution than this?
If you're using freeglut or a derivative and willing to confine yourself to freeglut derivatives only it has a non-standard extension to solve exactly the problem. You can associate a void* with every window. If you make that a struct that contains all the per-window data you want you can avoid the globals entirely.
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <GL/freeglut_ext.h>
void * glutGetWindowData();
glutSetWindowData(void *data);
What I did was declare a global.h for all my globals. And initialize them in main. For my "basic/general" variables (ie camera, position, iterationNumber,...) they were all declared seperately. In main:
include "global.h"
Vector position_g = ...
Vector angles_g = ...
int time_g = 0;
int main () {
But for the variables that were "section specific" ie only in one game mode/level, I made a union and an enum.
enum mainGame{skipLevel, ...};
enum mainMenu {viewingSettings, ...};
typedef union generic_union {
int i;
char c;
bool b;
char s[100]; // or char * s;
float f;
} generic;
And declared a globalData variable.
extern generic * globalData; // in global.h
generic * globalData = NULL; // in main
Which can now be used:
int main () {
globalData = malloc (sizeof (generic)*numGlobals);
globalData[skipLevel].b = false;
Now when in your key press handling function, you can assign a key to toggle globalData[skipLevel]. And in any other file all you have to do is include global.h.
include "global.h"
void onKeyPress (... ) {
If (inMainGame) {
If (key == SPACE) {
globalData [skipLevel] = true;
And finally the use:
include "global.h"
void levelManager () {
if (globalData[skipLevel]) level++;
Only have to lug around 1 variable and one include.
You can free variables you no longer want or are using in that instance. (very useful for reducing "pollution"). If one game mode only needs 1 variable, thats all you have to store, if it needs 48, just as easy!
Can easily handle any variable type, by adding it to the union.
Totally Portable
Have to remember variable type to dereference the generic union (not that hard)
And watchout for enums being used (you can use a style for enums like mainMenu_e to solve this)
Adds complexity, but as the variable number grow, a system like this because well worth it.
Personally I find this very neat despite the few extra moving parts.
If this is unclear let me know, and Ill try to fix it :)

How to read Linux environment variables in c++

In my c++ program I want to load some environment variables from the shell into some strings. How can this be done?
Use the getenv() function - see I like to wrap this as follows:
std::string GetEnv( const std::string & var ) {
const char * val = std::getenv( var.c_str() );
if ( val == nullptr ) { // invalid to assign nullptr to std::string
return "";
else {
return val;
which avoids problems when the environment variable does not exist, and allows me to use C++ strings easily to query the environment. Of course, it does not allow me to test if an environment variable does not exist, but in general that is not a problem in my code.
Same as in C: use getenv(variablename).
You could simply use char* env[]
int main(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[]){
int i;
return 0;
here is a complete article about your problem, from my website.

Calling a main-like function using argv[]

I have some code here to call minizip(), a boilerplate dirty renamed main() of the minizip program, but when I compile, I get *undefined reference to `minizip(int, char**)*. Here's the code.
int minizip(int argc, char* argv[]);
void zipFiles(void)
char arg0[] = "BBG";
char arg1[] = "-0";
char arg2[] = "";
char arg3[] = "server.cs";
char* argv[] = {&arg0[0], &arg1[0], &arg2[0], &arg3[0], 0};
int argc = (int)(sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])) - 1;
minizip(argc, argv);
int minizip(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
Is all of that code in the same file? If not, and if the caller is C++ code and minizip is C code, the caller might need the minizip declaration within an extern "C" block to indicate that it will be calling a C function and therefore will need C linkage.
(Also, don't retype error messages. Copy and paste them so that they are exact. In this case, the compiler most likely reported an undefined reference to minizip(int, char**).)
Why are you declaring the function arguments again in:
int minizip(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
It' should say
int minizip(int argc,char *argv[])