function returning iterator in C++ - c++

Following is a Java method that returns an iterator
vector<string> types;
// some code here
Iterator Union::types()
return types.iterator();
I want to translate this code to C++. How can i return an iterator of vector from this method?

This will return an iterator to the beginning of types:
std::vector<string>::iterator Union::types()
return types.begin();
However, the caller needs to know the end() of vector types as well.
Java's Iterator has a method hasNext(): this does not exist in C++.
You could change Union::types() to return a range:
std::vector<std::string>::iterator> Union::types()
return std::make_pair(types.begin(), types.end());
std::vector<std::string>::iterator> p = Union::types();
for (; p.first != p.second; p.first++)

You'll want to have a begin and end method:
std::vector<string>::iterator Union::begin()
return types.begin();
std::vector<string>::iterator Union::end()
return types.end();
For completeness you might also want to have const versions
std::vector<string>::const_iterator Union::begin()const
return types.begin();
std::vector<string>::const_iterator Union::end()const
return types.end();

Assuming that types is an attribute of the class Union, a nice, STL compliant, way to handle this is:
class Union
std::vector<std::string> types
typedef std::vector< std::string >::iterator iterator;
iterator begin() { return types.begin(); }
iterator end() { return types.end(); }

An union is a container of its members. I would use begin and end to give back iterators to the first and after-the-last members, respectively.
The list of types is not IMO the primary iterable property of an union. So I would myself use the following, and reserve the plain begin and end for the member data itself.
std::vector<string>::const_iterator Union::types_begin() const {
return types.begin();
std::vector<string>::const_iterator Union::types_end() const {
return types.end();

Returning an iterator is easy. For example, you can return the first iterator in the vector types:
std::vector<std::string> types;
// some code here
std::vector<std::string>::iterator Union::returnTheBeginIterator()
return types.begin();
Java vs. C++
But C++ iterators are not Java iterators: They are not used the same way.
In Java (IIRC), you have more like an enumerator, that is, you use the method "next" to iterate from one item to the next. Thus, returning the Java iterator is enough to iterate from the begining to the end.
In C++, the iterator is designed to behave like a super-pointer. Thus, it usually "points" to the value, and using the operator ++, --, etc. (depending on the exact type of the iterator), you can move the iterator to "point" to the next, previous, etc. value in the container.
Let's iterate!
Usually, you want to iterate from the beginning to the end.
This, you need to return either the whole collection (as "const", if you want it to be readonly), and let the user iterate the way he/she wants.
Or you can return two iterators, one for the beginning, and one for the end. So you could have:
std::vector<std::string>::iterator Union::typesBegin()
return types.begin();
std::vector<std::string>::iterator Union::typesEnd()
return types.end();
And the, you can iterate from the beginning to the end, in C++03:
// alias, because the full declaration is too long
typedef std::vector<std::string> VecStr ;
void foo(Union & p_union)
VecStr::iterator it = p_union.typesBegin() ;
VecStr::iterator itEnd = p_union.typesEnd() ;
for(; it != itEnd; ++it)
// here, "*it" is the current string item
std::cout << "The current value is " << *it << ".\n" ;
C++11 version
If you provide the full container instead of only its iterators, in C++11, it becomes easier, as you can use the range-for loop (as the foreach in Java and C#):
void foo(std::vector<std::string> & p_types)
for(std::string & item : p_types)
// here, "item " is the current string item
std::cout << "The current value is " << item << ".\n" ;
P.S.: Johannes Schaub - litb is right in using the "const" qualifier whenever possible. I did not because I wanted to avoid to dilute the code, but in the end, "const" is your friend.

You can do it as below
std::vector<std::string> types
std::vector<std::string>::iterator Union::types(){
return types.begin();


iterating through all the directories and subdirectories in c++

I wanted to use the std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator class to create a class method iterating through all subdirectories and processing found xml files.
The only way I have found on the internet to do this was using a for loop like this:
for (fs::directory_entry p : fs::recursive_directory_iterator("my_file"))
The problem is that i need to store my iterator (or atleast where it's pointing) inbetween function calls as i can only process one file at a time. I tried implementing it like this:
class C {
std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator it;
std::filesystem::directory_entry p;
std::string find_file();
C::C(std::filesystem::path path)
it = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(path);
p = fs::directory_entry(it.begin());
std::string C::find_file()
do { //using do while so my function won't load the same file twice
} while (!is_xml(p.path()) && p != it.end());
But it seems that std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator doesn't have begin() and end() methods and can't be compared.
I have no idea how my code is different from the working for range loop except for storing the iterator and having an extra condition.
If you look a std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator Non-member functions you can see that there is:
// range-based for loop support
And then std::filesystem::begin(recursive_directory_iterator), std::filesystem::end(recursive_directory_iterator) with more details:
end(recursive_directory_iterator) Returns a default-constructed recursive_directory_iterator, which serves as the end iterator. The argument is ignored.
So you will check if it is not equal to std::end(it), so see if there are any more elements. And you have to increment it and not p.
You also need to check if it != std::end(it) before you do !is_xml(*it.path())
std::string C::find_file()
do { //using do while so my function won't load the same file twice
} while (it != std::end(it) && !is_xml(*it.path()));
recursive_directory_iterator is already an iterator by itself (it says so right in its name), so you don't need to use begin() and end() at all. It implements operator==, operator!=, operator->, and operator++, which are all you need in this case.
Also, there is no reason for p to be a class member at all. It should be a local variable of find_file() instead (actually, in this case, it can be eliminated completely). And the loop should be a while loop instead of a do..while loop, in case the iterator is already at its "end" when find_file() is entered.
Try this instead:
class C {
std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator it;
std::string find_file();
C::C(std::filesystem::path path)
: it(path)
std::string C::find_file()
static std::filesystem::directory_iterator end;
while (it != end) {
auto p = it->path();
if (is_xml(p))
return p.string();
return "";

How to properly handle if a function exits without encoutering a return

I have a function that search a vector and returns the item if it is found. But I want to know that best software appraoch to handle if it is not found.
I have created a function and could return -1 or something but that wouldn't match the return type.
koalaGraph::PVertex Koala::lookUpVertexbyName(const std::string&vertexName, const std::vector<koalaGraph::PVertex>& koalaVertices) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < koalaVertices.size(); i++) {
if(koalaVertices[i]-> == vertexName)
return koalaVertices[i];
If a situation is encountered where the item being searched for is not in the vector then program will exit.
You can use std::optional
#include <optional>
Koala::lookUpVertexbyName(const std::string&vertexName,
const std::vector<koalaGraph::PVertex>& koalaVertices) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < koalaVertices.size(); i++) {
if(koalaVertices[i]-> == vertexName)
return koalaVertices[i];
return {};
int main()
Koala k;
auto maybeVertex = k.lookUpVertexByName("foo",vertices);
koalaGraph::PVertex&& vertex = *maybeVertex;
You could use a for-loop and return a iterator.
const std::string&vertexName,
const std::vector<koalaGraph::PVertex>& koalaVertices)
for(auto iter = koalaVertices.begin(); iter != koalaVertices.end(); ++iter) {
if(koalaVertices[i]-> == vertexName) {
return iter;
return koalaVertices.end();
Further you check if you got end back. end indicates if the value was found or not.
auto iter = <fucntioncall> // lookUpVertexbyName
if (iter == <vector>.end() {
// abort or do what ever you want
To use the value you have to dereference the iterator. DON'T derefence the end-iterator, it will lead you to neverland -> undefined behavior.
std::string test = *iter;
Why not use std::find_if instead of reinventing the wheel. See this link.
struct equal
equal(const std::string& vertexName) : vertexName_(vertexName) { }
bool operator()(const koalaGraph::PVertex& pVertex) const
return pVertex-> == vertexName_;
std::string vertexName_;
And then:
std::find_if(koalaVertices.begin(), koalaVertices.end(), eq(vertexName));
Regarding handling the errors in function as it has already been stated there are multiple approaches that one can take. Returning an iterator instead of object(you will avoid copying this way too) is one of them. end() iterator would then indicate that the name was not found.
There are three ways to exit a function:
Return a value
Throw a value
Call std::abort or std::exit (possibly indirectly)
(std::longjmp which you shouldn't use)
If you don't do any of the above, then behaviour will be undefined. If you don't want to do 1., then your options are 2. or 3. Abort and exit will terminate the process. A throw can be caught, but an uncaught throw will cause std::abort.
Note that just because you don't find a value, it's not necessarily impossible to return some value. What you can do is return a "sentinel" value that represents "not found". For example, std::string functions that return an index will return std::string::npos when there is no result. Functions returning a pointer might return null, and functions returning an iterator would return an iterator the the end of the range.
If there is no representation of your return type that could be reserved for a sentinel, there is a way to add such representation by wrapping the return type with additional state. The standard library has a generic wrapper for this: std::optional.
Another wrapper is the proposed std::expected (it's not accepted to the standard as far as I know, but there are plenty of non-standard implementations). It allows storing information about the reason for not returning a proper value which similar to what you can do with exceptions.
P.S. Your function appears to be nearly identical to std::find_if. Use standard algorithms when possible. Also consider a data structure that is more efficient for searching if the search space is large.

using base() to convert reverse_iterator to (forward) iterator [duplicate]

I have a class called Action, which is essentially a wrapper around a deque of Move objects.
Because I need to traverse the deque of Moves both forward and backwards, I have a forward iterator and a reverse_iterator as member variables of the class. The reason for this is becuase I need to know when I have gone one past the "end" of the deque, both when I am going forwards or backwards.
The class looks like this:
class Action
SetMoves(std::deque<Move> & dmoves) { _moves = dmoves; }
void Advance();
bool Finished()
if( bForward )
return (currentfwd==_moves.end());
return (currentbck==_moves.rend());
std::deque<Move> _moves;
std::deque<Move>::const_iterator currentfwd;
std::deque<Move>::const_reverse_iterator currentbck;
bool bForward;
The Advance function is as follows:
void Action::Advance
if( bForward)
My problem is, I want to be able to retrieve an iterator to the current Move object, without needing to query whether I am going forwards or backwards. This means one function returning one type of iterator, but I have two types.
Should I forget returning an iterator, and return a const reference to a Move object instead?
Reverse iterators have a member base() which returns a corresponding forward iterator. Beware that this isn't an iterator that refers to the same object - it actually refers to the next object in the sequence. This is so that rbegin() corresponds with end() and rend() corresponds with begin().
So if you want to return an iterator, then you would do something like
std::deque<Move>::const_iterator Current() const
if (forward)
return currentfwd;
return (currentbck+1).base();
I would prefer to return a reference, though, and encapsulate all the iteration details inside the class.
This is exactly the sort of problem that prompted the design of STL to start with. There are real reasons for:Not storing iterators along with containersUsing algorithms that accept arbitrary iteratorsHaving algorithms evaluate an entire range instead of a single item at a time
I suspect what you're seeing right now is more or less the tip of the iceberg of the real problems. My advice would be to take a step back, and instead of asking about how to deal with the details of the design as it currently stands, ask a somewhat more general question about what you're trying to accomplish, and how best to accomplish that end result.
For those who care primarily about the question in the title, the answer is a heavily qualified "yes". In particular, a reverse_iterator has a base() member to do that. The qualifications are somewhat problematic though.
The demonstrate the problem, consider code like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
int main() {
int i[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4};
std::vector<int> numbers(i, i+4);
std::cout << *numbers.rbegin() << "\n";
std::cout << *numbers.rbegin().base() << "\n";
std::cout << *(numbers.rbegin()+1).base() << "\n";
std::cout << *numbers.rend() << "\n";
std::cout << *numbers.rend().base() << "\n";
std::cout << *(numbers.rend()+1).base() << "\n";
Running this at this particular moment on my particular machine produces the following output:
Summary: with rbegin() we must add one before converting to a forward iterator to get an iterator that's valid -- but with rend() we must not add one before converting to get a valid iterator.
As long as you're using X.rbegin() and X.rend() as the parameters to a generic algorithm, that's fine--but experience indicates that converting to forward iterators often leads to problems.
In the end, however, for the body of the question (as opposed to the title), the answer is pretty much as given above: the problem stems from trying to create an object that combines the collection with a couple of iterators into that collection. Fix that problem, and the whole business with forward and reverse iterators becomes moot.
Since std::deque is a random access container (same as std::vector) you are much better off using a single integer index into the deque for both traversals.
It seems to me that you actually have two different behavior in the same class.
Notably, it seems that you can only traverse your collection in one order, otherwise if you were to begin the traversal and then change the bforward argument you would end up with quite a strange situation.
Personally, I am all for exposing both iterators (ie, forward begin, end, rbegin and rend).
You could also return a simple Iterator object:
template <class T>
class Iterator
typedef typename T::reference_type reference_type;
Iterator(T it, T end) : m_it(it), m_end(end) {}
operator bool() const { return m_it != m_end; }
reference_type operator*() const { return *m_it; }
Iterator& operator++() { ++m_it; return *this; }
T m_it;
T m_end;
template <class T>
Iterator<T> make_iterator(T it, T end) { return Iterator<T>(it,end); }
Then, you can just return this simple object:
class Action
Action(std::deque<Move> const& d): m_deque(d) {} // const& please
typedef Iterator< std::deque<Move>::iterator > forward_iterator_type;
typedef Iterator< std::deque<Move>::reverse_iterator > backward_iterator_type;
forward_iterator_type forward_iterator()
return make_iterator(m_deque.begin(), m_deque.end());
backward_iterator_type backward_iterator()
return make_iterator(m_deque.rbegin(), m_deque.rend());
std::deque<Move> m_deque;
Or if you want to choose dynamically between forward and backward traversal, you could make Iterator a pure virtual interface and having both forward and backward traversal.
But really, I don't really see the point of storing BOTH forward and backward iterator if it appears that you will only use one :/
Maybe you should rethink your choice of container.
Usually you do not need to use reverse iterators to go backward,
will go backwards, all though it might not work (which i assume you tried) with dequeue.
What you should really do is model your class here as a decorator of dequeue and implement your own Action iterators. That would be what I would do anyway.

Overloading [] operator in C++

Im trying to overload the [] operator in c++ so that I can assign / get values from my data structure like a dictionary is used in c#:
Array["myString"] = etc.
Is this possible in c++?
I attempted to overload the operator but it doesnt seem to work,
Record& MyDictionary::operator[] (string& _Key)
for (int i = 0; i < used; ++i)
if (Records[i].Key == _Key)
return Records[i];
Your code is on the right track - you've got the right function signature - but your logic is a bit flawed. In particular, suppose that you go through this loop without finding the key you're looking for:
for (int i = 0; i < used; ++i)
if (Records[i].Key == _Key)
return Records[i];
If this happens, your function doesn't return a value, which leads to undefined behavior. Since it's returning a reference, this is probably going to cause a nasty crash the second that you try using the reference.
To fix this, you'll need to add some behavior to ensure that you don't fall off of the end of the function. One option would be to add the key to the table, then to return a reference to that new table entry. This is the behavior of the STL std::map class's operator[] function. Another would be to throw an exception saying that the key wasn't there, which does have the drawback of being a bit counterintuitive.
On a totally unrelated note, I should point out that technically speaking, you should not name the parameter to this function _Key. The C++ standard says that any identifier name that starts with two underscores (i.e. __myFunction), or a single underscore followed by a capital letter (as in your _Key example) is reserved by the implementation for whatever purposes they might deem necessary. They could #define the identifier to something nonsensical, or have it map to some compiler intrinsic. This could potentially cause your program to stop compiling if you move from one platform to another. To fix this, either make the K lower-case (_key), or remove the underscore entirely (Key).
Hope this helps!
On a related note, one of the problems with operator[](const Key& key) is that, as templatetypedef states, in order to return a reference it needs to be non-const.
To have a const accessor, you need a method that can return a fail case value. In STL this is done through using find() and the use of iterators and having end() indicate a fail.
An alternative is to return a pointer, with a null indicating a fail. This is probably justified where the default constructed Record is meaningless. This can be also be done with the array operator:
Record* MyDictionary::operator[] (const string& keyToFind) const
for (int i = 0; i < used; ++i)
if (Records[i].Key == keyToFind)
return &Records[i];
return 0;
There is certainly a view that operator[] should return a reference. In that case, you'd most likely implement find() as well and implement operator[] in terms of it.
To implement find() you need to define an iterator type. The convenient type will depend in implementation. For example, if Records[] is a plain old array:
typedef Record* iterator;
typedef const Record* const_iterator;
const_iterator MyDictionary::end()const
return Records + used;
const_iterator MyDictionary::begin() const
return Records;
const_iterator MyDictionary::find(const string& keyToFind) const
for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
if (it->Key == keyToFind)
return it;
return end();

Can I convert a reverse iterator to a forward iterator?

I have a class called Action, which is essentially a wrapper around a deque of Move objects.
Because I need to traverse the deque of Moves both forward and backwards, I have a forward iterator and a reverse_iterator as member variables of the class. The reason for this is becuase I need to know when I have gone one past the "end" of the deque, both when I am going forwards or backwards.
The class looks like this:
class Action
SetMoves(std::deque<Move> & dmoves) { _moves = dmoves; }
void Advance();
bool Finished()
if( bForward )
return (currentfwd==_moves.end());
return (currentbck==_moves.rend());
std::deque<Move> _moves;
std::deque<Move>::const_iterator currentfwd;
std::deque<Move>::const_reverse_iterator currentbck;
bool bForward;
The Advance function is as follows:
void Action::Advance
if( bForward)
My problem is, I want to be able to retrieve an iterator to the current Move object, without needing to query whether I am going forwards or backwards. This means one function returning one type of iterator, but I have two types.
Should I forget returning an iterator, and return a const reference to a Move object instead?
Reverse iterators have a member base() which returns a corresponding forward iterator. Beware that this isn't an iterator that refers to the same object - it actually refers to the next object in the sequence. This is so that rbegin() corresponds with end() and rend() corresponds with begin().
So if you want to return an iterator, then you would do something like
std::deque<Move>::const_iterator Current() const
if (forward)
return currentfwd;
return (currentbck+1).base();
I would prefer to return a reference, though, and encapsulate all the iteration details inside the class.
This is exactly the sort of problem that prompted the design of STL to start with. There are real reasons for:Not storing iterators along with containersUsing algorithms that accept arbitrary iteratorsHaving algorithms evaluate an entire range instead of a single item at a time
I suspect what you're seeing right now is more or less the tip of the iceberg of the real problems. My advice would be to take a step back, and instead of asking about how to deal with the details of the design as it currently stands, ask a somewhat more general question about what you're trying to accomplish, and how best to accomplish that end result.
For those who care primarily about the question in the title, the answer is a heavily qualified "yes". In particular, a reverse_iterator has a base() member to do that. The qualifications are somewhat problematic though.
The demonstrate the problem, consider code like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
int main() {
int i[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4};
std::vector<int> numbers(i, i+4);
std::cout << *numbers.rbegin() << "\n";
std::cout << *numbers.rbegin().base() << "\n";
std::cout << *(numbers.rbegin()+1).base() << "\n";
std::cout << *numbers.rend() << "\n";
std::cout << *numbers.rend().base() << "\n";
std::cout << *(numbers.rend()+1).base() << "\n";
Running this at this particular moment on my particular machine produces the following output:
Summary: with rbegin() we must add one before converting to a forward iterator to get an iterator that's valid -- but with rend() we must not add one before converting to get a valid iterator.
As long as you're using X.rbegin() and X.rend() as the parameters to a generic algorithm, that's fine--but experience indicates that converting to forward iterators often leads to problems.
In the end, however, for the body of the question (as opposed to the title), the answer is pretty much as given above: the problem stems from trying to create an object that combines the collection with a couple of iterators into that collection. Fix that problem, and the whole business with forward and reverse iterators becomes moot.
Since std::deque is a random access container (same as std::vector) you are much better off using a single integer index into the deque for both traversals.
It seems to me that you actually have two different behavior in the same class.
Notably, it seems that you can only traverse your collection in one order, otherwise if you were to begin the traversal and then change the bforward argument you would end up with quite a strange situation.
Personally, I am all for exposing both iterators (ie, forward begin, end, rbegin and rend).
You could also return a simple Iterator object:
template <class T>
class Iterator
typedef typename T::reference_type reference_type;
Iterator(T it, T end) : m_it(it), m_end(end) {}
operator bool() const { return m_it != m_end; }
reference_type operator*() const { return *m_it; }
Iterator& operator++() { ++m_it; return *this; }
T m_it;
T m_end;
template <class T>
Iterator<T> make_iterator(T it, T end) { return Iterator<T>(it,end); }
Then, you can just return this simple object:
class Action
Action(std::deque<Move> const& d): m_deque(d) {} // const& please
typedef Iterator< std::deque<Move>::iterator > forward_iterator_type;
typedef Iterator< std::deque<Move>::reverse_iterator > backward_iterator_type;
forward_iterator_type forward_iterator()
return make_iterator(m_deque.begin(), m_deque.end());
backward_iterator_type backward_iterator()
return make_iterator(m_deque.rbegin(), m_deque.rend());
std::deque<Move> m_deque;
Or if you want to choose dynamically between forward and backward traversal, you could make Iterator a pure virtual interface and having both forward and backward traversal.
But really, I don't really see the point of storing BOTH forward and backward iterator if it appears that you will only use one :/
Maybe you should rethink your choice of container.
Usually you do not need to use reverse iterators to go backward,
will go backwards, all though it might not work (which i assume you tried) with dequeue.
What you should really do is model your class here as a decorator of dequeue and implement your own Action iterators. That would be what I would do anyway.