Efficient Array Reallocation in C++ - c++

How would I efficiently resize an array allocated using some standards-conforming C++ allocator? I know that no facilities for reallocation are provided in the C++ alloctor interface, but did the C++11 revision enable us to work with them more easily? Suppose that I have a class vec with a copy-assignment operator foo& operator=(const foo& x) defined. If x.size() > this->size(), I'm forced to
Call allocator.destroy() on all elements in the internal storage of foo.
Call allocator.deallocate() on the internal storage of foo.
Reallocate a new buffer with enough room for x.size() elements.
Use std::uninitialized_copy to populate the storage.
Is there some way that I more easily reallocate the internal storage of foo without having to go through all of this? I could provide an actual code sample if you think that it would be useful, but I feel that it would be unnecessary here.

Based on a previous question, the approach that I took for handling large arrays that could grow and shrink with reasonable efficiency was to write a container similar to a deque that broke the array down into multiple pages of smaller arrays. So for example, say we have an array of n elements, we select a page size p, and create 1 + n/p arrays (pages) of p elements. When we want to re-allocate and grow, we simply leave the existing pages where they are, and allocate the new pages. When we want to shrink, we free the totally empty pages.
The downside is the array access is slightly slower, in that given and index i, you need the page = i / p, and the offset into the page i % p, to get the element. I find this is still very fast however and provides a good solution. Theoretically, std::deque should do something very similar, but for the cases I tried with large arrays it was very slow. See comments and notes on the linked question for more details.
There is also a memory inefficiency in that given n elements, we are always holding p - n % p elements in reserve. i.e. we only ever allocate or deallocate complete pages. This was the best solution I could come up with in the context of large arrays with the requirement for re-sizing and fast access, while I don't doubt there are better solutions I'd love to see them.

A similar problem also arises if x.size() > this->size() in foo& operator=(foo&& x).
No, it doesn't. You just swap.

There is no function that will resize in place or return 0 on failure (to resize). I don't know of any operating system that supports that kind of functionality beyond telling you how big a particular allocation actually is.
All operating systems do however have support for implementing realloc, however, that does a copy if it cannot resize in place.
So, you can't have it because the C++ language would not be implementable on most current operating systems if you had to add a standard function to do it.

There are the C++11 rvalue reference and move constructors.
There's a great video talk on them.

Even if re-allocate exists, actually, you can only avoid #2 you mentioned in your question in a copy constructor. However in the case of internal buffer growing, re-allocate can save these four operations.
Is internal buffer of your array continuous? if so see the answer of your link
if not, Hashed array tree or array list may be your choice to avoid re-allocate.

Interestingly, the default allocator for g++ is smart enough to use the same address for consecutive deallocations and allocations of larger sizes, as long as there is enough unused space after the end of the initially-allocated buffer. While I haven't tested what I'm about to claim, I doubt that there is much of a time difference between malloc/realloc and allocate/deallocate/allocate.
This leads to a potentially very dangerous, nonstandard shortcut that may work if you know that there is enough room after the current buffer so that a reallocation would not result in a new address. (1) Deallocate the current buffer without calling alloc.destroy() (2) Allocate a new, larger buffer and check the returned address (3) If the new address equals the old address, proceed happily; otherwise, you lost your data (4) Call allocator.construct() for elements in the newly-allocated space.
I wouldn't advocate using this for anything other than satisfying your own curiosity, but it does work on g++ 4.6.


store strings in stable memory in c++

A little bit of background first (skip ahead to the boldface if you're bored by this).
I'm trying to glue two pieces of code together. One is a JSON/YML library that makes heavy use of a custom string view object, the other is a piece of code from the early 2000s.
I've been seeing weird behavior for a long time, until I have traced it down to a memory issue, namely that the string views I construct in the JSON/YML library take a const char* as a constructor, and assume that the memory location of that char array stays constant over the lifetime of the string view. However, some of the std::string objects on which I construct these views are temporary, so that's just not true and the string view ends up pointing at garbage.
Now, I thought I was being smart and constructed a cache in the form of a std::vector that would hold all the temporary strings, I would construct the string views on these and only clear the cache in the end - easy.
However, I was still seeing garbled strings every now and then, until I found the reason: sometimes, when pushing things to the vector beyond the preallocated size, the vector would be moved to a different memory location, invalidating all the string views. For now, I've settled on preallocating a cache size that is large enough to avoid any conceivable moving of the vector, but I can see this causing severe and untracable problems in the future for very large runs. So here's my question:
How can I construct a std::vector<std::string> or any other string container that either avoids being moved in memory alltogether, or at least throws an error message if that happens?
Of course, if you feel that I'm going about this whole issue in the wrong way fundamentally, please also let me know how I should deal with this issue instead.
If you're interested, the two pieces of code in question are RapidYAML and the CERN Statistics Library ROOT.
My answer from a similar question: Any way to update pointer/reference value when vector changes capability?
If you store objects in your vector as std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr, you can get an observing pointer to the underlying object with std::unique_ptr::get() (or a reference if you dereference the smart pointer). This way, even though the memory location of the smart pointer changes upon resizing, the observing pointer points to the same object and thus the same memory location.
[...] sometimes, when pushing things to the vector beyond the preallocated size, the vector would be moved to a different memory location, invalidating all the string views.
The reason is that std::vector is required to store its data contiguously in memory. So, if you exceed the maximum capacity of the vector when adding an element, it will allocate a new space in memory (big enough this time) and move all the data here.
What you are subject to is called iterator invalidation.
How can I construct a std::vector or any other string container that either avoids being moved in memory alltogether, or at least throws an error message if that happens?
You have at least 3 easy solutions:
If your cache size is supposed to be fixed and is known at compile-time, I would advise you to use std::array instead.
If your cache size is supposed to be fixed but not necessarily known at compile-time, I would advise you to reserve() the required capacity of your std::vector so that you will have the guarantee that it will big enough to not need to be reallocated.
If your cache size may change, I would advise you to use std::list instead. It is implemented as a (usually doubly) linked list. It will guarantee that the elements will not be relocated in memory.
But since they are not stored contiguously in memory, you'll lose the ability to have direct access to any element (i.e. you'll need to iterate over the list in order to find an element).
Of course there probably are other solutions (I do not claim this answer to be exhaustive) but these solutions will allow you to almost not change your code (only the container) and protect your string views to be invalidated.
Perhaps use an std::list. Its accessing method is slower (at least when iterating) but memory location is constant. Reason for both is that it does not use contiguous memory.
Alternatively create a wrapper that wraps a pointer to a string that has been created with "new". That address will also be constant. EDIT: Somehow I managed to miss that what I've just described is pretty much a smartpointer minus automated deletion ;)
Well sadly it is impossible to be able to grow a vector while being sure the content will stay at the same place on classical OS at least.
There is the function realloc that tries to keep the same place, but as you can read on the documentation, there is no guarantee to that, only the os will decide.
To solution your problem, you need the concept of a pool, a pool of string here, that handle the life time of your strings.
You may get away with a simple std::list of string, but it will lead to bad data aliasing and a lot of independent allocations bad to your performances. These will also be the problems with smart pointers.
So if you care about performances, how you may implement it in your case may be not far from your current implementation in my opinion. Because you cannot resize the vector, you should prefer an std::array of a fixed size that you decide at compile time. Then, whenever you need it, you can create a new one to expand your memory capacity. This may be easily implemented by a std::list<std::array> typically.
I don't know if it applies here, but you must be careful if your application can create any number of string during its execution as it may induce an ever growing memory pool, and maybe finally memory problems. To fix that you may insure that the strings you don't use anymore can be reused or freed. Sadly I cannot help you too much here, as these rules will depend on your application.

Utilize memory past the end of a std::vector using a custom overallocating allocator

Let's say I have an allocator my_allocator that will always allocate memory for n+x (instead of n) elements when allocate(n) is called.
Can I savely assume that memory in the range [data()+n, data()+n+x) (for a std::vector<T, my_allocator<T>>) is accessible/valid for further use (i.e. placement new or simd loads/stores in case of fundamentals (as long as there is no reallocation)?
Note: I'm aware that everything past data()+n-1 is uninitialized storage. The use case would be a vector of fundamental types (which do not have a constructor anyway) using the custom allocator to avoid having special corner cases when throwing simd intrinsics at the vector. my_allocator shall allocate storage that is 1.) properly aligned and has 2.) a size that is a multiple of the used register size.
To make things a little bit more clear:
Let's say I have two vectors and I want to add them:
std::vector<double, my_allocator<double>> a(n), b(n);
// fill them ...
auto c = a + b;
assert(c.size() == n);
If the storage obtained from my_allocator now allocates aligned storage and if sizeof(double)*(n+x) is always a multiple of the used simd register size (and thus a multiple of the number of values per register) I assume that I can do something like
for(size_t i=0u; i<(n+x); i+=y)
{ // where y is the number of doubles per register and and divisor of (n+x)
auto ma = _aligned_load(a.data() + i);
auto mb = _aligned_load(b.data() + i);
_aligned_store(c.data() + i, _simd_add(ma, mb));
where I don't have to care about any special case like unaligned loads or backlog from some n that is not dividable by y.
But still the vectors only contain n values and can be handled like vectors of size n.
Stepping back a moment, if the problem you are trying to solve is to allow the underlying memory to be processed effectively by SIMD intrinsics or unrolled loops, or both, you don't necessarily need to allocate memory beyond the used amount just to "round off" the allocation size to a multiple of vector width.
There are various approaches used to handle this situation, and you mentioned a couple, such as special lead-in and lead-out code to handle the leading and trailing portions. There are actually two distinct problems here - handling the fact the data isn't a multiple of the vector width, and handling (possibly) unaligned starting addresses. Your over-allocation method is tackling the first issue - but there's probably a better way...
Most SIMD code in practice can simply read beyond the end of the processed region. Some might argue that this is technically UB - but when using SIMD intrinsics you are already venturing beyond the walls of Standard C++. In fact, this technique is already widely used in the standard library and so it is implicitly endorsed by compiler and library maintainers. It is also a standard method for handling SIMD codes in general, so you can be pretty sure it's not going to suddenly break.
They key to making it work is the observation that if you can validly read even a single byte at some location N, then any a naturally aligned read of any size1 won't trigger a fault. Of course, you still need to ignore or otherwise handle the data you read beyond the end of the officially allocated area - but you'll need to do that anyway with your "allocate extra" approach, right? Depending on the algorithm, you may mask away the invalid data, or exclude invalid data after the SIMD portion is done (i.e., if you are searching for a byte, if you find a byte after the allocated area, it's the same as "not found").
To make this work, you need to be reading in an aligned fashion, but that's probably something you already want to do I think. You can either arrange to have your memory allocated aligned in the first place, or do an overlapping read at the start (i.e., one unaligned read first, then all aligned with the first aligned read overlapping the unaligned portion), or use the same trick as the tail to read before the array (with the same reasoning as to why this is safe). Furthermore, there are various tricks to request aligned memory without needing to write your own allocator.
Overall, my recommendation is to try to avoid writing a custom allocator. Unless the code is fairly tightly contained, you may run into various pitfalls, including other code making wrong assumptions about how your memory was allocated and the various other pitfalls Leon mentions in his answer. Furthermore, using a custom allocator disables a bunch of optimizations used by the standard container algorithms, unless you use it everywhere, since many of them apply only to containers using the same allocator.
Furthermore, when I was actually implementing custom allocators2 , I found that it was a nice idea in theory, but a bit too obscure to be well-supported in an identical fashion across all the compilers. Now the compilers have become a lot more compliant over time (I'm looking mostly at you, Visual Studio), and template support has also improved, so perhaps that's not an issue, but I feel it still falls into the category of "do it only if you must".
Keep in mind also that custom allocators don't compose well - you only get the one! If someone else on your project wants to use a custom allocator for your container for some other reason, they won't be able to do it (although you could coordinate and create a combined allocator).
This question I asked earlier - also motivated by SIMD - covers a lot of the ground about the safety of reading past the end (and, implicitly, before the beginning), and is probably a good place to start if you are considering this.
1 Technically, the restriction is any aligned read up to the page size, which at 4K or larger is plenty for any of the current vector-oriented general purpose ISAs.
2 In this case, I was doing it not for SIMD, but basically to avoid malloc() and to allow partially on-stack and contiguous fast allocations for containers with many small nodes.
For your use case you shouldn't have any doubts. However, if you decide to store anything useful in the extra space and will allow the size of your vector to change during its lifetime, you will probably run into problems dealing with the possibility of reallocation - how are you going to transfer the extra data from the old allocation to the new allocation given that reallocation happens as a result of separate calls to allocate() and deallocate() with no direct connection between them?
EDIT (addressing the code added to the question)
In my original answer I meant that you shouldn't have any problem accessing the extra bytes allocated by your allocator in excess of what was requested. However, writing data in the memory range, that is outside the range currently utilized by the vector object but belongs to the range that would be spanned by the unmodified allocation, asks for trouble. An implementation of std::vector is free to request from the allocator more memory than would be exposed through its size()/capacity() functions and store auxiliary data in the unused area. Though this is highly theoretical, not accounting for that possibility means opening a door into undefined behavior.
Consider the following possible layout of the vector's allocation:
=== - used capacity of the vector
+++ - unused capacity of the vector
--- - overallocated by the vector (but not shown as part of its capacity)
... - overallocated by your allocator
You MUST NOT write anything in the regions 2 (---) and 3 (+++). All your writes must be constrained to the region 4 (...), otherwise you may corrupt important bits.

Can you predict where in memory a vector might move when growing?

I'm learning about C++ and have a conceptual question. Let's say I have a vector. I know that my vector is stored in contiguous memory, but let's say my vector keeps growing and runs out of room to keep the memory contiguous. How can I predict where in memory the vector will go? I'm excluding the option of using functions that tell the vector where it should be in memory.
If it "runs out of room to keep the memory contiguous", then it simply won't grow. Attempting to add items past the currently allocated size will (typically) result in its throwing an exception (though technically, it's up to the allocator object to decide what to do--it's responsible for memory allocation, and responding when that's not possible.
Note, however, that this could result from running out of address space (especially on a 32-bit machine) rather than running out of actual memory. A typical virtual memory manager can reallocate physical pages (e.g., 4 KB or 8 KB chunks) and write data to the paging file if necessary to free physical memory if needed--but when/if there's not enough contiguous address space, there's not much that can be done.
The answer depends highly on your allocation strategy, but in general, the answer is no. Most allocators do not provide you with information where the next allocation will occur. If you were writing a custom allocator, then you could potentially make this information accessible, but doing so is not necessarily a good idea unless your use case specifically requires this knowledge.
The realloc function is the only C function which will attempt to grow your memory in place, and it makes no guarantees that it will do so.
Neither new nor malloc provide any information for where the "next" allocation will take place. You could potentially guess, if you knew the exact implementation details for your specific compiler, but this would be very unwise to rely on in a real program. Regarding specifically the std::allocator used for std::vector, it also does not provide details about where future allocations will take place.
Even if you could predict it in a particular situation, it would be extremely fragile - all it takes is one function you call to change to make another call to new or malloc [unless you are using a very specific allocation method - which is different from the "usual" method] to "break" where the next allocation is made.
If you KNOW that you need a certain size, you can use std::vector::resize() to set the size of the vector [or std::vector<int> vec(10000); to create a pre-sized to 10000, for example] - which of course is not guaranteed to work, but it guarantees that you never need "enough space to hold 3x the current content", which is what happens with std::vector when you grow it using push_back [and if you are REALLY unlucky, that means that your vector will use 2*n-1 elements, leaving n-1 unused, because your size is n-1 and you add ONE more element, which doubles the size, so now 2*n, and you only actually require one more element...
The internal workings of STL containers are kept private for good reasons. You should never be accessing any container elements through any mechanism other than the appropriate iterators; and it is not possible to acquire one of those on an element that does not yet exist.
You could however, supply an allocator and use that to deterministically place future allocations.
Can you predict where in memory a vector might move when growing?
As others like EJP, Jerry and Mats have said, you cannot determine the location of a "grown" vector until after it grows. There are some corner cases, like the allocator providing a block of memory that's larger than required so that the vector does not actually move after a grow. But its not something you should depend on.
In general, stacks grow down and heaps grow up. This is an artifact from the old memory days. Your code segment was sandwiched between them, and it ensured your program would overwrite its own code segment and eventually cause an illegal instruction. So you might be able to guess the new vector is going to be higher in memory than the old vector because the vector is probably using heap memory. But its not really useful information.
If you are devising a strategy for locating elements after a grow, then use an index and not an iterator. Iterators are invalidated after inserts and deletes (including the grow).
For example, suppose you are parsing the vector and you are looking for the data that follows -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----. Once you know the offset of the data (byte 27 in the vector), then you can always relocate it in constant time with v.begin() + 26. If you only have part of the certificate and later add the tail of the data and the -----END CERTIFICATE----- (and the vector grows), then the data is still located at v.begin() + 26.
No, in practical terms you can't predict where it will go if it has to move due to resizing. However, it isn't so random that you could use it as a random number generator (;

Is shrink_to_fit the proper way of reducing the capacity a `std::vector` to its size?

In C++11 shrink_to_fit was introduce to complement certain STL containers (e.g., std::vector, std::deque, std::string).
Synopsizing, its main functionality is to request the container that is associated to, to reduce its capacity to fit its size. However, this request is non-binding, and the container implementation is free to optimize otherwise and leave the vector with a capacity greater than its size.
Furthermore, in a previous SO question the OP was discouraged from using shrink_to_fit to reduce the capacity of his std::vector to its size. The reasons not to do so are quoted below:
shrink_to_fit does nothing or it gives you cache locality issues and it's O(n) to
execute (since you have to copy each item to their new, smaller home).
Usually it's cheaper to leave the slack in memory. #Massa
Could someone be so kind as to address the following questions:
Do the arguments in the quotation hold?
If yes, what's the proper way of shrinking an STL container's capacity to its size (at least for std::vector).
And if there's a better way to shrink a container, what's the reason for the existence of shrink_to_fit after-all?
Do the arguments in the quotation hold?
Measure and you will know. Are you constrained in memory? Can you figure out the correct size up front? It will be more efficient to reserve than it will be to shrink after the fact. In general I am inclined to agree on the premise that most uses are probably fine with the slack.
If yes, what's the proper way of shrinking an STL container's capacity to its size (at least for std::vector).
The comment does not only apply to shrink_to_fit, but to any other way of shrinking. Given that you cannot realloc in place, it involves acquiring a different chunk of memory and copying over there regardless of what mechanism you use for shrinking.
And if there's a better way to shrink a container, what's the reason for the existence of shrink_to_fit after-all?
The request is non-binding, but the alternatives don't have better guarantees. The question is whether shrinking makes sense: if it does, then it makes sense to provide a shrink_to_fit operation that can take advantage of the fact that the objects are being moved to a new location. I.e., if the type T has a noexcept(true) move constructor, it will allocate the new memory and move the elements.
While you can achieve the same externally, this interface simplifies the operation. The equivalent to shrink_to_fit in C++03 would have been:
But the problem with this approach is that when the copy is done to the temporary it does not know that current is going to be replaced, there is nothing that tells the library that it can move the held objects. Note that using std::move(current) would not achieve the desired effect as it would move the whole buffer, maintaining the same capacity().
Implementing this externally would be a bit more cumbersome:
std::vector<T> copy;
if (noexcept(T(std::move(declval<T>())))) {
} else {
copy.assign(current.begin(), current.end());
Assuming that I got the if condition right... which is probably not what you want to write every time that you want this operation.
Will the arguments hold?
As the arguments are originally mine, don't mind if I defend them, one by one:
Either shrink_to_fit does nothing (...)
As it was mentioned, the standard says (many times, but in the case of vector it's section that the request is non-binding to allow an implementation latitude for optimizations. This means that the implementation can define shrink_to_fit as an no-op.
(...) or it gives you cache locality issues
In the case that shrink_to_fit is not implemented as a no-op, you have to allocate a new underlying container with capacity size(), copy (or, in the best case, move) construct all your N = size() new items from the old ones, destruct all the old ones (in the move case this should be optimized, but it's possible that this involves a loop again over the old container) and then destructing the old container per se. This is done, in libstdc++-4.9, exactly as David Rodriguez has described, by
and in libc++-3.5, by a function in __alloc_traits that does approximately the same.
Oh, and an implementation absolutely cannot rely on realloc (even if it uses malloc inside ::operator new for its memory allocations) because realloc, if it cannot shrink in-place, will either leave the memory alone (no-op case) or make a bitwise copy (and miss the opportunity for readjusting pointers, etc. that the proper C++ copying/moving constructors would give).
Sure, one can write a shrinkable memory allocator, and use it in the constructor of its vectors.
In the easy case where the vectors are larger than the cache lines, all that movement puts pressure on the cache.
and it's O(n)
If n = size(), I think it was established above that, at the very least, you have to do one n sized allocation, n copy or move constructions, n destructions, and one old_capacity sized deallocation.
usually it's cheaper just to leave the slack in memory
Obviously, unless you are really pressed for free memory (in which case it might be wiser to save your data to the disk and re-load it later on demand...)
If yes, what's the proper way of shrinking an STL container's capacity to its size (at least for std::vector).
The proper way is still shrink_to_fit... you just have to either not rely on it or know very well your implementation!
And if there's a better way to shrink a container, what's the reason for the existence of shrink_to_fit after-all?
There is no better way, but the reason for the existence of shrink_to_fit is, AFAICT, that sometimes your program might feel memory pressure and it's one way of treating it. Not a very good way, but still.
If yes, what's the proper way of shrinking an STL container's capacity to its size (at least for std::vector).
The 'swap trick' will trim a vector to the exact size required (from More Effective STL):
Particularly useful when the vector is empty, to release all memory:
Vectors were constantly tripping my unit tester's memory leak detection code because of retained allocations of unused space, and this sorted them out perfectly.
This is the kind of example where I really don't care about runtime efficiency (size or speed), but I do care about exact memory usage.
And if there's a better way to shrink a container, what's the reason for the existence of shrink_to_fit after-all?
I really don't know what the point of providing a function that can legally do absolutely nothing is.
I cheered when I saw it had been introduced, then despaired when I found it couldn't be relied upon.
Perhaps we'll see maybe_sort() in the next version.

Using read() directly into a C++ std:vector

I'm wrapping up user space linux socket functionality in some C++ for an embedded system (yes, this is probably reinventing the wheel again).
I want to offer a read and write implementation using a vector.
Doing the write is pretty easy, I can just pass &myvec[0] and avoid unnecessary copying. I'd like to do the same and read directly into a vector, rather than reading into a char buffer then copying all that into a newly created vector.
Now, I know how much data I want to read, and I can allocate appropriately (vec.reserve()). I can also read into &myvec[0], though this is probably a VERY BAD IDEA. Obviously doing this doesn't allow myvec.size to return anything sensible. Is there any way of doing this that:
Doesn't completely feel yucky from a safety/C++ perspective
Doesn't involve two copies of the data block - once from kernel to user space and once from a C char * style buffer into a C++ vector.
Use resize() instead of reserve(). This will set the vector's size correctly -- and after that, &myvec[0] is, as usual, guaranteed to point to a continguous block of memory.
Edit: Using &myvec[0] as a pointer to the underlying array for both reading and writing is safe and guaranteed to work by the C++ standard. Here's what Herb Sutter has to say:
So why do people continually ask whether the elements of a std::vector (or std::array) are stored contiguously? The most likely reason is that they want to know if they can cough up pointers to the internals to share the data, either to read or to write, with other code that deals in C arrays. That’s a valid use, and one important enough to guarantee in the standard.
I'll just add a short clarification, because the answer was already given. resize() with argument greater than current size will add elements to the collection and default - initialize them. If You create
std::vector<unsigned char> v;
and then resize
All unsigned chars will get initialized to 0. Btw You can do the same with a constructor
std::vector<unsigned char> v(someSize);
So theoretically it may be a little bit slower than a raw array, but if the alternative is to copy the array anyway, it's better.
Reserve only prepares the memory, so that there is no reallocation needed, if new elements are added to the collection, but You can't access that memory.
You have to get an information about the number of element written to Your vector. The vector won't know anything about it.
Assuming it's a POD struct, call resize rather than reserve. You can define an empty default constructor if you really don't want the data zeroed out before you fill the vector.
It's somewhat low level, but the semantics of construction of POD structs is purposely murky. If memmove is allowed to copy-construct them, I don't see why a socket-read shouldn't.
EDIT: ah, bytes, not a struct. Well, you can use the same trick, and define a struct with just a char and a default constructor which neglects to initialize it… if I'm guessing correctly that you care, and that's why you wanted to call reserve instead of resize in the first place.
If you want the vector to reflect the amount of data read, call resize() twice. Once before the read, to give yourself space to read into. Once again after the read, to set the size of the vector to the number of bytes actually read. reserve() is no good, since calling reserve doesn't give you permission to access the memory allocated for the capacity.
The first resize() will zero the elements of the vector, but this is unlikely to create much of a performance overhead. If it does then you could try Potatoswatter's suggestion, or you could give up on the size of the vector reflecting the size of the data read, and instead just resize() it once, then re-use it exactly as you would an allocated buffer in C.
Performance-wise, if you're reading from a socket in user mode, most likely you can easily handle data as fast as it comes in. Maybe not if you're connecting to another machine on a gigabit LAN, or if your machine is frequently running 100% CPU or 100% memory bandwidth. A bit of extra copying or memsetting is no big deal if you are eventually going to block on a read call anyway.
Like you, I'd want to avoid the extra copy in user-space, but not for performance reasons, just because if I don't do it, I don't have to write the code for it...