Dictionary service free online [closed] - web-services

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Anyone knows a good FREE dictionary service? I want to consume it through HTTP Get and then parsing simple HTML or Json.
Dictionary.com is free for non commercial purposes. I need something completely free and reliable.

Google used to have a good api but thy have since changed it to a paid service.
Wordnik API might be usefull http://developer.wordnik.com/docs
It requires a registration, but it supports a bunch of cool features, such as word audio, and you can easily find client libraries for that in different programming languages.

The okapi framework offers a set of translation connectors. Take a look:
Not sure about the licenses for those services they are using - but some of them might be just what you need. (click on each connector to read about the webservice it is based on)


Is C++ appropriate for my application? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing a Windows desktop app, it allows users to create accounts and then login. Once logged in it allows them to interact with other users, and even has a chat box in a certain area. This app will eventually be ported over to android and ios(hopefully). Considering that it fetches quite a bit of information over the internet is C++ the most appropriate language to program it in?(i know quite a bit of c++, enough to make this) or should I use HTML5 or something else.
EDIT: For simplicity, essentially what I would like to know is. What is the EASIEST language to program an application in that will accept username/password and allow users to interact with one another. This program will also be accepting payments within it. I would like to use a language that is easily ported over to Android and IOS.
This is a question that doesn't really have a good answer. It's like asking what color you should paint the garden shed. There are many correct answers, and they are all subjective, and most likely based on the answerer's personal experiences.
If you have had experience with C++, then by all means go for it. C++ and it's related languages have the capability to create message windows and interact over the internet, so it is a good possibility for you.

commercial application licensing issue and a solution for libpcap applications [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to develop some commercial tool in the area of processing data extracted out of a packet sniffer. I am aware that libpcap is available for that but I am quite sure that there are many restrictions due to licensing issues.
Suppose I don't link my application directly to libpcap libraries, but instead I use the output of tcpdump forwarded to a socket or to a pipe as a feed for my tool..do you think that I will be in trouble from a legal/licensing point of view?
Your best bet is to look at the license directly, which is a 3-clause BSD license. There is no restriction on the usage in commercial applications.
Reliable legal advice is most likely available from a lawyer of your choice.

Searching for a commercial C++ licensing library [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am finding a commercial C++ library that provides licensing API to use within my product. It should be:
Generate license based on hardware information (e.g MAC, hard disk...)
License could carry additional custom information
Provide both standalone mode and client/server mode
License for selected features ( my product has several features and I want to control issuing license for them separately)
Stable and cross-platform (Windows 32/64, Linux 32/64)
Good supporting service
I found a product of Nglogic: http://nglogic.com/products/LicenceLib/product_master that is pretty close matching to my requirements but I don't know anything about this company. If anyone have used it before, please give me your comments.
I welcome another suggestions. Thanks in advance.
We use LM-X License Manager by X-Formation. It provides all features that you list. Customer support is excellent with very fast response times.
I believe FlexNet Publisher (formerly FlexLM) would fit these criteria. They've been around for ages (10+ years) and are very widely used.

What is the most used and flexible SMTP Client library in C/C++? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking to crowd-source this, as I'm having bit of difficulty finding an "industry standard" library for SMTP in C/C++.
I'm looking for the ability to send emails with different MIME formats and attachments. I'd rather not re-invent the wheel by writing a thinly veiled library. But I'd also like to be able to include it in my software without odd licensing issues.
I've read over this related article: What RFCs need to be considered in developing an SMTP client?, regarding the RFCs which are relevant, and I'm looking over the RFCs too.
My personal favourite is VMime, for C++ only, but the highly reputed libcurl also has SMTP support (as well as many other features).
VMime has a dual license; I think curl has a sort of MIT-style license.
libquickmail has all the features you need.
It supports things like multiple alternative bodies and attachments.

Looking for a portable SOAP Client C++ Library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'am going to have to interact with a SOAP web service, using a C++ application.
I am looking for a library that could help me do that, knowing that there's a few requirement I need to full fill:
It needs to be portable (Windows/Linux)
It needs to be free and open source (but I don't need to sell/distribute my code)
It needs to support asynchronous handling of requests
It needs to be able to support concurrent request to the server, as I will have to manage a pool of requests
It needs to be easy to integrate
As I am not going to have a lot of different type of interactions with the server, I first thought I could just create a nice wrapper around libcurl that will let me connect to the web service. But I was wondering if parsing the reply and serializing SOAP request was not going to be complicated in this case. Using this method, I will be able to manage myself my pool of request, which is a good thing for what I want to do.
So probably I just need a library that makes it easy to parse SOAP request.
The question is, what would you consider doing ? Is there a good SOAP web client library that I could use, or should I do it myself ?
the library that comes to mind to handle SOAP in C++ is gsoap I think it matches your requirements. If I remember correctly some of their tools are not open-sourced if you use them to produce non open-source code. Check the license ...
Great toolkit. Worked very well for me some times ago ...
EDIT: As said in comment you have tools to generate code from WSDL description. That's those tools that you can not use if you do not want your code to be GPL'ed ^^