Compile lua code, store bytecode then load and execute it - c++

I'm trying to compile a lua script that calls some exported functions, save the resulting bytecode to a file and then load this bytecode and execute it, but I haven't found any example on how to do this. Is there any example available on how to do this? How can I do this?
Edit: I'm using Lua + Luabind (C++)

This is all very simple.
First, you load the Lua script without executing it. It does not matter if you have connected the Lua state with your exported functions; all you're doing is compiling the script file.
You could use luaL_loadfile, which uses C-standard library functions to read a file from disk and load it into the lua_State. Alternatively, you can load the file yourself into a string and use luaL_loadstring to load it into the lua_State.
Both of these functions will emit return values and compiler errors as per the documentation for lua_load.
If the compilation was successful, the lua_State now has the compiled Lua chunk as a Lua function at the top of the stack. To get the compiled binary, you must use the lua_dump function. It's rather complicated as it uses a callback interface to pass you data. See the documentation for details.
After that process, you have the compiled Lua byte code. Shove that into a file of your choice. Just remember: write it as binary, not with text translation.
When it comes time to load the byte code, all you need to do is... exactly what you did before. Well, almost. Lua has heuristics to detect that a "string" it is given is a Lua source string or byte code. So yes, you can load byte code with luaL_loadfile just like before.
The difference is that you can't use luaL_loadstring with byte code. That function expects a NULL-terminated string, which is bad. Byte code can have embedded NULL characters in it, which would screw everything up. So if you want to do the file IO yourself (because you're using a special filesystem or something), you have to use lua_load directly (or luaL_loadbuffer). Which also uses a callback interface like lua_dump. So read up on how to use it.


Accessing files made with mktemp for Linux through C++

I am trying to create a temporary file on a Linux system, but interfacing through C++ (so that the Linux commands are run through the C++ program).
To do so, I am using mktemp, which produces a temporary file.
I would need to later refer back to this file.
However, the filename is randomly generated and I am wondering if there is an easy way to access the filename.
The big honking comment in mktemp(3)'s manual page explicitly tells you to use mkstemp(3) instead of mktemp(3), and explains the good reason why it is so.
If you actually read the manual page for mkstemp(3) it clearly explains that the library function modifies the character buffer that's passed to it as a parameter to reflect the actual name of the created temporary file.
So to determine the name of the temporary file, simply refer to the character buffer you passed to this library function.

Calling a native C function after making a variable with that name

I have a pretty large application which holds most of the program data in a large container object called system.
So I access things all the time, e.g. printf("%s\n",system.constants.jobname);, and changing the name of system is undesirable.
I learned later that the function system exists as a native C function for running terminal commands, e.g. system("rm *.txt");
My problem is that I get compilation errors trying to use system as a function because it's already defined as an object.
Is there any way one can call a native C function explicitly ignoring programmatically defined variables? Or give the native system function an alias? (I'm using C++ so using it would be fine)
If you're using C++, system is in the global namespace. Assuming you've put your stuff in a proper namespace (you have, right?) you can refer to it as ::system.
Assuming using shared libraries is an acceptable solution, you can do this.
Create another C file which will not use your system container. Now write a function my_system that is a wrapper to system.
By wrapper I mean, it takes the same argument and calls system and returns what system returns.
Don't forget to export my_system
Now compile this as a dll (or .so on *NIX).
In your main project, load the dll and get a handle. Now query for address of my_system on the handle and make the call using function pointer.

Compile a C++ function inside a C++ program

Consider the following problem,
A C++ program may emit source of a C++ function, for example, say it will create a string with contents as below:
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<C>> get_ptr_vec()
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<C>> vec;
vec.push_back(std::shared_ptr<C>(new C(val1)));
vec.push_back(std::shared_ptr<C>(new C(val2)));
vec.push_back(std::shared_ptr<C>(new C(val3)));
vec.push_back(std::shared_ptr<C>(new C(val4)));
return vec;
The values of val1 etc will be determined at runtime when the program create the string of the source above. And this source will be write to a file, say get_ptr_vec.cpp.
Then another C++ program will need to read this source file, and compile it, and call the get_ptr_vec function and get the object it returns. Kind of like a JIT compiler.
Is there any way I can do this? One workaround I think would be having a script that will compile the file, build it into a shared library. And the second program can get the function through dlopen. However, is there anyway to skip this and having the second program to compile the file (without call to system). Note that, the second program will not be able to see this source file at compile time. In fact, there will be likely thousands such small source files emitted by the first program.
To give a little background, the first program will build a tree of expressions, and will serialize the tree by traversing through postorder. Each node of tree will have a string representation written to the file. The second program will read the list of this serialized tree nodes, and need to be able to reconstruct this list of strings to a list of C++ objects (and later from this list I can reconstruct the tree).
I think the LLVM framework may have something to offer here. Can someone give me some pointers on this? Not necessary a full answer, just somewhere for me to start.
You can compile your generated code with clang and emit LLVM bitcode (-emit-llvm flag). Then, statically link your program with parts of LLVM that read bitcode files and JITs them. Finally, take compiled bitcode and run JIT on them, so they will be available in your program's address space.

How to find a pointer to a function by string

I have a list of functions in a text file that I'd like to expose to LLVM for its execution engine at run time, I'm wondering if its possible to find pointers to the functions at runtime rather than hard code in all the GlobalMappings by hand as I'd probably like to add in more later. For example:
// File: InternalFunctions.txt
// File: ExposeEngine.cpp
// Somehow figure out the address of the function specified in a string
void* addy = magicAddress("PushScreen");
jit->addGlobalMapping(llvmfunction, addy);
If this is possible I love to know how to do it, as I am trying to write my game engine by jit-ing c++. I was able to create some results earlier, but I had to hard-code in the mappings. I noticed that Gtk uses something along the lines of what I'm asking. When you use glade and provide a signal handler, the program you build in c will automatically find the function in your executable referenced by the string provided in the glade file. If getting results requires me to look into this Gtk thing I'd be more than happy to, but I don't know what feature or part of the api deals with that - I've already tried to look it up. I'd love to hear suggestions or advice.
Yes, you can do this. Look at the man pages for dlopen() and dlsym(): these functions are standard on *nix systems and let you look up symbols (functions or variables) by name. There is one significant issue, which is that C++ function names are usually "mangled" to encode type information. A typical way around this is to define a set of wrapper functions in an extern "C" {} block: these will be non-member, C-style functions which can then call into your C++ code. Their names will not be mangled, making them easy to look up using dlsym().
This is a pretty standard way that some plugin architectures work. Or at least used to work, before everyone started using interpreted languages!

Controll of MATLAB dll from C++ code

I run from C++ a MATLAB function (dll). This function gets some parameters and
runs a loop with many itterations. Is there is a way to set some flag in C++ code and check it on each itteration from MATLAB function. If this flag is set to false (let say by an other thread ) in C++ code MATLAB function will break the loop and return to C++ code
If you can modify both C++ and MATLAB codes (as we can assume from the question) I think the easiest way would be to use an empty file as the flag of an event. If some other thread can create a file, let's say 'event.flag', you can easily check its existence in MATLAB function:
if exist('event.flag','file')
% do_something
Make sure to include the second argument file, that will make exist run much faster.
I believe this solution is much easy and error-proof than trying to use any global variables.
If you need to exchange some data between MATLAB and other process in run time I'd recommend to use MEMMAPFILE object. Check the documentation to see if it will be appropriate in your case.