What is a 2-way heap? - c++

I'm reading a book about AI and currently learning about pathfinding(currently doing the Dijkstra algorithm)
In the sample code he's using something he calls an IndexedPriorityQueue implemented as a two-way heap. I couldn't find any information on what a two-way heap is on google.
This search algorithm is implemented using an indexed priority queue.
A priority queue, or PQ for short, is a queue that keeps its elements
sorted in order of priority (no surprises there then). This type of
data structure can be utilized to store the destination nodes of the
edges on the search frontier, in order of increasing distance (cost)
from the source node. This method guarantees that the node at the
front of the PQ will be the node not already on the SPT that is
closest to the source node.
This is how it gets implemented:
//----------------------- IndexedPriorityQLow ---------------------------
// Priority queue based on an index into a set of keys. The queue is
// maintained as a 2-way heap.
// The priority in this implementation is the lowest valued key
template<class KeyType>
class IndexedPriorityQLow
std::vector<KeyType>& m_vecKeys;
std::vector<int> m_Heap;
std::vector<int> m_invHeap;
int m_iSize,
void Swap(int a, int b)
int temp = m_Heap[a]; m_Heap[a] = m_Heap[b]; m_Heap[b] = temp;
//change the handles too
m_invHeap[m_Heap[a]] = a; m_invHeap[m_Heap[b]] = b;
void ReorderUpwards(int nd)
//move up the heap swapping the elements until the heap is ordered
while ( (nd>1) && (m_vecKeys[m_Heap[nd/2]] > m_vecKeys[m_Heap[nd]]) )
Swap(nd/2, nd);
nd /= 2;
void ReorderDownwards(int nd, int HeapSize)
//move down the heap from node nd swapping the elements until
//the heap is reordered
while (2*nd <= HeapSize)
int child = 2 * nd;
//set child to smaller of nd's two children
if ((child < HeapSize) && (m_vecKeys[m_Heap[child]] > m_vecKeys[m_Heap[child+1]]))
//if this nd is larger than its child, swap
if (m_vecKeys[m_Heap[nd]] > m_vecKeys[m_Heap[child]])
Swap(child, nd);
//move the current node down the tree
nd = child;
//you must pass the constructor a reference to the std::vector the PQ
//will be indexing into and the maximum size of the queue.
IndexedPriorityQLow(std::vector<KeyType>& keys,
int MaxSize):m_vecKeys(keys),
m_Heap.assign(MaxSize+1, 0);
m_invHeap.assign(MaxSize+1, 0);
bool empty()const{return (m_iSize==0);}
//to insert an item into the queue it gets added to the end of the heap
//and then the heap is reordered from the bottom up.
void insert(const int idx)
assert (m_iSize+1 <= m_iMaxSize);
m_Heap[m_iSize] = idx;
m_invHeap[idx] = m_iSize;
//to get the min item the first element is exchanged with the lowest
//in the heap and then the heap is reordered from the top down.
int Pop()
Swap(1, m_iSize);
ReorderDownwards(1, m_iSize-1);
return m_Heap[m_iSize--];
//if the value of one of the client key's changes then call this with
//the key's index to adjust the queue accordingly
void ChangePriority(const int idx)
Can anyone give me more information on what a 2-way heap is?

"Two-way heap" simply refers to the standard heap data structure. This code shows a very common way of implementing it, namely by flattening the tree structure of the heap into an array, in such a way that the index of a node's parent is always half of the index of the node (rounded down).

It is implemented AS a two way heap because he omits the 0 index in the heap to make parent- child calculation easier but the key values vektor begins at 0 index so inverted heap is storing indexes that keys to heap witch stores indexes that keys to keyVector to get appropriate value from keyVector you will need to do something like this keyVector[heap[invHeap[itemIndex] ] ] the rest of the code is just standard binary heap implementation.


Minimizing variable copies in recursive function

I'm looking for efficient memory allocation when dealing with recursive function. As far as I understand, variables I use in the function will remain allocated in memory until recursion is finished. Is there a way to avoid this as I believe this causes slow run of my code below where state variable is copied every time the function is called (correct me if I'm wrong as I'm new to C++).
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int N = 30;
double MIN_COST = 1000000;
vector<int> MIN_CUT = {};
void minCut(vector<int> state, int index, int nodeValue) {
double currentCost;
if (index >= 0) {
currentCost = getCurrentCost(state); // some magic evaluating state cost
if (currentCost >= MIN_COST) { // kill branch if incomplete solution is already worse than best achieved solution
if (index == N - 1) { // check if leaf node
if (currentCost < MIN_COST) {
MIN_COST = currentCost;
MIN_CUT = state;
minCut(state, index + 1, 1); // left subtree - adding 1 to vector
minCut(state, index + 1, 0); // right subtree - adding 0 to vector
int main() {
vector<int> state = {};
minCut(state, -1, NULL);
cout << MIN_COST << "\n";
return 0;
Your algorithm is effectively building a tree of paths, but you're using a vector to hold the nodes for each path.
/ \
/ \
/ \ / \
This is the tree you're traversing.
But you're creating new vectors at every node, which contain the whole path up to that node. So as you're visiting node G, in your stack you have 3 vectors:
vector { A, C, G }
vector { A, C }
vector { A }
It should be clear how this is less efficient as you have noticed, but maybe seeing it this way hints at the correct efficient implementation.
The call stack itself holds the path to the root node. The stack when visiting G would be something like
minCut < visiting G >
minCut < visiting C >
minCut < visiting A >
In order to efficiently exploit this fact, make minCut pass the minimum amount of information. In this case we're talking about something linked-list like.
You have then two options that jump out:
Use vector, but:
Pass it by reference.
And you must then maintain it across calls, pushing and popping nodes to keep synchronized with the actual state.
Use an actual linked list. It should be easy to construct the vector by traversing pointers-to-parent-nodes.
Yes, there is a more efficient way to pass state through each function call. This is called passing by reference and can be achieved like so:
void minCut(vector<int>& state, int index, int nodeValue) { ...
This will result in the original state being referenced instead of copied each time the function is called.
For this to work correctly in the code you posted you will have to make some modifications, this is just the general concept.

where is the faulty logic in this re-heap function?

I'm currently working with a heap structure which is suppose to be used to sort numbers in an array. I have done something like this in the code when I want to sort the structure when I pop(dequeue) a element from the heap.
template<typename T>
inline void dHeap<T>::reHeapDown(int root, int bottom)
int minChild;
int rightChild;
int leftChild;
int temp;
// Get index of root's right/left child
leftChild = root * 2 + 1;
rightChild = root * 2 + 2;
//Then we are not done with re-heaping
if (leftChild <= bottom)
if (leftChild == bottom)
minChild = leftChild;
if (arr[leftChild] <= arr[rightChild])
minChild = leftChild;
minChild = rightChild;
if (arr[root] > arr[minChild])
// Swap these two elements
temp = arr[root];
arr[root] = arr[minChild];
arr[minChild] = temp;
// Make recursive call till reheaping completed
reHeapDown(minChild, bottom);
My thought here is that the lowest value in the heap always will be in the root and that's the value that I will be poped(dequeued) in my pop function.
But I'm having some problem that it wont sort the heap correctly.
is there something wrong with my logic in this function and if so, where is it?
Building a heap only enforces the property:
in case of min heap every parent is lesser than it children
in case of max heap every parent is greater than its children.
in case of min-max heap even depth levels (0,2,4..) are lesserr and odd levels (1,3,5...) are greater than their respective children.
However the heap will not necessarily be sorted. It will be balanced, because it is filled in order, level by level, from left to right.
Heapsort will sort an array by using heap functions. The final array will also work as a balanced and sorted heap.

time and space complexity creating vector of elements at each levels of a binary tree(NON-BST)

Could you please help me understand calculating the time and space complexity of the below function.
Role: create vector of nodes at each levels
create a queue.
add the root
copy the elements in the queue to the vector.
traverse the vector and append the child(left & right) to the queue.
repeat steps 3 & 4 until the queue is empty.
below is the code.
struct node {
int value;
struct node* p_left;
struct node* p_right;
void levels_list(struct node* p_btree) {
if(!p_btree) {
return ;
std::queue<struct node*> q;
std::vector<std::vector<struct node*> > v1;
bool choice = false;
while(!q.empty()) {
std::vector<struct node*> v;
while(!q.empty()) {
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
if(v[i]->p_left) {
if(v[i]->p_right) {
I see that it is O(n^2), am I correct?
There are two loops the first one is outer and the second one is the inner which pushes the elements into the vector from the queue.
At the beginning of each iteration, q has a set of nodes. At the end of each iteration, q has a set of its children. So each iteration of the loop is a level.
Each level only processes the nodes at that level. Push back to a vector is O(1), push and pop from a queue isO(1) (amortized).
We don't do anything fancier than that. So this is O(n) computation time. Since the size of v and q will never be greater than n (If there is a fully complete row in the bt, it'll be ciel(n/2)), and v1 only contains one of each node, this is also O(n) in space.
That being said, the above code is an excellent example of how you can write a complexity fine algorithm poorly. You end up doing a lot of unnecessary copies and allocations...There is no reason to use a queue like this, or even any intermediate data structure...you know the output vector and can keep track of the limits of where each level is in the output vector, so you can just iterate over it until you reach a level whose size is 0. If you know the number of elements of the BST you can preallocate this and it'll be nice and cache friendly.

BFS implementation

i was recently solving a bfs problem where each node is a different arrangement of elements of an array. but i was unable to come up with a suitable data structure to keep track of the visited nodes in the expanded tree. generally the nodes are different strings so we can just use a map to mark a node as visited but what DS should i use in the above case?
Consider the following pseudocode:
type Node; // information pertaining to a node
type Path; // an ordered list of nodes
type Area; // an area containing linked neighboring nodes
type Queue; // a FIFO queue structure
function Traverse(Area a, Node start, Node end) returns Path:
Queue q;
Node n;
// traverse backwards, from finish to start
q.push(end); // add initial node to queue
end.parent = end; // set first node's parent to itself
while (not q.empty()):
n = q.pop(); // remove first element
if (n == start) // if element is the final element, we're done
for (Node neighbor in a.neighbors(n)): // for each neighboring node
if (neighbor.parent != Null): // if already visited, skip
neighbor.parent = n; // otherwise, visit
q.push(neighbor); // then add to queue
Path p; // prepare to build path from visited list
for (Node previous = Null, current = n;
previous != current;
previous = current, current = current.parent):
p.add(current); // for each node from start to end, add node to p
// Note that the first node's parent is itself
// thus dissatisfying the loop condition
return p;
The "visited list" is stored as the node's parent. Coding this to C++, you would probably handle most of the nodes as references or pointers since this pseudocode relies on referential behavior.
You start with an Area, which is a field of Nodes. The area knows where each node is in relation to the others. You start at one specific Node, the "start" node, and push it into a queue.
Traversing the area is as simple as getting the list of neighboring nodes from the Area, skipping them if they're already visited, and setting their parent and adding them to the queue otherwise. Traversal ends when a node removed from the queue equals the destination node. You could speed up the algorithm a little by doing this check during the neighbor loop, when the node is initially encountered.
NOTE: You do not need to generate every possible node within the area before beginning the traversal, the Area requires only that once it has created a node, it keeps track of it. This might help your situation where it appears you use permutations of strings or arrays: you could push the starting and ending nodes into the Area, and it could generate and cache neighbor nodes on the fly. You might store them as vectors, which can be compared for equality based on their order and contents with the == operator. See this example.
The traversal goes backwards rather than forwards because it makes rebuilding the path easier (rather than ending up at the end node, with each parent the node before it, you end up at the start node, with each parent the node after it)
Data Structure Summary
Node would need to keep track of enough information for Area to identify it uniquely (via an array index or a name or something), as well as a parent node. The parent nodes should be set to NULL before the traversal to avoid weird behavior, since traversal will ignore any node with its parent set. This keeps track of the visited state too: visited is equivalent to (parent != NULL). Doing it this way also keeps you from having to keep track of the entire path in the queue, which would be very computationally intensive.
Area needs to maintain a list of Node, and needs a neighbor map, or a mapping of which nodes neighbor which other nodes. It's possible that this mapping could be generated on the fly with a function rather than being looked up from a table or some more typical approach. It should be able to provide the neighbors of a node to a caller. It might help to have a helper method that clears the parents of every node as well.
Path is basically a list type, containing an ordered list of nodes.
Queue is whatever FIFO queue is available. You could do it with a linked list.
I like how the syntax highlighting worked on my Wuggythovasp++.
At least as a start, you could try using/implementing something like Java's Arrays.toString() and using a map. Each arrangement would result in a different string, and thus it'll at least get somewhere.
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
* #author VAISAKH N
public class BFSME {
public static String path = "";
public static String add = "";
public static void findrec(String temp, String end, String[][] m, int j) {
if (temp.equals(m[j][1])) {
add = m[j][0] + temp + end + "/";
end = temp + end;
path = path + add;
temp = "" + add.charAt(0);
System.out.println("Temp" + temp);
for (int k = 0; k < m.length; k++) {
findrec(temp, end, m, k);
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[][] data = new String[][]{{"a", "b"}, {"b", "c"}, {"b", "d"}, {"a", "d"}};
String[][] m = new String[data.length][2];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
String temp = data[i][0];
String end = data[i][1];
m[i][0] = temp;
m[i][1] = end;
path = path + temp + end + "/";
for (int j = 0; j < m.length; j++) {
findrec(temp, end, m, j);
Just for the purpose of understanding, i have provided my sample code here (its in C#)
private void Breadth_First_Travers(Node node)
// First Initialize a queue -
// it's retrieval mechanism works as FIFO - (First in First Out)
Queue<Node> myQueue = new Queue<Node>();
// Add the root node of your graph into the Queue
// Now iterate through the queue till it is empty
while (myQueue.Count != 0)
// now, retrieve the first element from the queue
Node item = myQueue.Dequeue();
Console.WriteLine("item is " + item.data);
// Check if it has any left child
if (item.left != null)
// If left child found - Insert/Enqueue into the Queue
// Check if it has right child
if (item.right != null)
// If right child found Insert/Enqueue into the Queue
// repeat the process till the Queue is empty
Here sample code is give with reference of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_tree
as tree is a type of graph it self.
Here is BFS implementation using C++ STL(adjacency lists) for Graph. Here three Array and a Queue is used for complete implementation.
using namespace std;
//Adding node pair of a Edge in Undirected Graph
void addEdge( vector<int> adj[], int u, int v){
adj[u].push_back(v); // 1st push_back
adj[v].push_back(u); //2nd push_back
//for Directed Graph use only one push_back i.e., 1st push_back() rest is same
//Traversing through Graph from Node 0 in Adjacency lists way
void showGraph( vector<int>adj[], int size){
for(int i=0; i<size ; i++){
for( vector<int>::iterator itr= adj[i].begin() ; itr!=adj[i].end(); itr++){
cout<<" -> "<<*itr;
//Prints Array elements
void showArray(int A[]){
for(int i=0; i< 6; i++){
cout<<A[i]<<" ";
void BFS( vector<int>adj[], int sNode, int N){
// Initialization
list<int>queue; //Queue declaration
int color[N]; //1:White, 2:Grey, 3:Black
int parentNode[N]; //Stores the Parent node of that node while traversing, so that you can reach to parent from child using this
int distLevel[N]; //stores the no. of edges required to reach the node,gives the length of path
for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
color[i] = 1; //Setting all nodes as white(1) unvisited
parentNode[i] = -1; //setting parent node as null(-1)
distLevel[i] = 0; //initializing dist as 0
color[sNode] = 2; //since start node is visited 1st so its color is grey(2)
parentNode[sNode] = -1; //parent node of start node is null(-1)
distLevel[sNode] = 0; //distance is 0 since its a start node
queue.push_back(sNode); //pushing start node(sNode) is queue
// Loops runs till Queue is not empty if queue is empty all nodes are visited
while( !queue.empty()){
int v = queue.front(); //storing queue's front(Node) to v
// queue.pop_front();//Dequeue poping element from queue
//Visiting all nodes connected with v-node in adjacency list
for(int i=0; i<adj[v].size() ;i++){
if( color[ adj[v][i] ] == 1){// if node is not visited, color[node]==1 which is white
queue.push_back(adj[v][i]); //pushing that node to queue
color[adj[v][i]]=2; //setting as grey(2)
parentNode[ adj[v][i] ] = v; //parent node is stored distLevel[ adj[v][i] ] = distLevel[v]+1; //level(dist) is incremented y from dist(parentNode)
}//end of for
printf("\nColor: \n");showArray(color);
int main(){
int N,E,u,v;//no of nodes, No of Edges, Node pair for edge
cout<<"Enter no of nodes"<<endl;
vector<int> adj[N]; //vector adjacency lists
cout<<"No. of edges"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the node pair for edges\n";
for( int i=0; i<E;i++){
addEdge(adj, u, v); //invoking addEdge function
showGraph(adj,N); //Printing Graph in Adjacency list format
BFS(adj,0,N); /invoking BFS Traversal

priority queue with limited space: looking for a good algorithm

This is not a homework.
I'm using a small "priority queue" (implemented as array at the moment) for storing last N items with smallest value. This is a bit slow - O(N) item insertion time. Current implementation keeps track of largest item in array and discards any items that wouldn't fit into array, but I still would like to reduce number of operations further.
looking for a priority queue algorithm that matches following requirements:
queue can be implemented as array, which has fixed size and _cannot_ grow. Dynamic memory allocation during any queue operation is strictly forbidden.
Anything that doesn't fit into array is discarded, but queue keeps all smallest elements ever encountered.
O(log(N)) insertion time (i.e. adding element into queue should take up to O(log(N))).
(optional) O(1) access for *largest* item in queue (queue stores *smallest* items, so the largest item will be discarded first and I'll need them to reduce number of operations)
Easy to implement/understand. Ideally - something similar to binary search - once you understand it, you remember it forever.
Elements need not to be sorted in any way. I just need to keep N smallest value ever encountered. When I'll need them, I'll access all of them at once. So technically it doesn't have to be a queue, I just need N last smallest values to be stored.
I initially thought about using binary heaps (they can be easily implemented via arrays), but apparently they don't behave well when array can't grow anymore. Linked lists and arrays will require extra time for moving things around. stl priority queue grows and uses dynamic allocation (I may be wrong about it, though).
So, any other ideas?
I'm not interested in STL implementation. STL implementation (suggested by a few people) works a bit slower than currently used linear array due to high number of function calls.
I'm interested in priority queue algorithms, not implemnetations.
Array based heaps seem ideal for your purpose. I am not sure why you rejected them.
You use a max-heap.
Say you have an N element heap (implemented as an array) which contains the N smallest elements seen so far.
When an element comes in you check against the max (O(1) time), and reject if it is greater.
If the value coming in is lower, you modify the root to be the new value and sift-down this changed value - worst case O(log N) time.
The sift-down process is simple: Starting at root, at each step you exchange this value with it's larger child until the max-heap property is restored.
So, you will not have to do any deletes which you probably will have to, if you use std::priority_queue. Depending on the implementation of std::priority_queue, this could cause memory allocation/deallocation.
So you can have the code as follows:
Allocated Array of size N.
Fill it up with the first N elements you see.
heapify (you should find this in standard text books, it uses sift-down). This is O(N).
Now any new element you get, you either reject it in O(1) time or insert by sifting-down in worst case O(logN) time.
On an average, though, you probably will not have to sift-down the new value all the way down and might get better than O(logn) average insert time (though I haven't tried proving it).
You only allocate size N array once and any insertion is done by exchanging elements of the array, so there is no dynamic memory allocation after that.
Check out the wiki page which has pseudo code for heapify and sift-down: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heapsort
Use std::priority_queue with the largest item at the head. For each new item, discard it if it is >= the head item, otherwise pop the head item and insert the new item.
Side note: Standard containers will only grow if you make them grow. As long as you remove one item before inserting a new item (after it reaches its maximum size, of course), this won't happen.
Most priority queues I work are based on linked lists. If you have a pre-determined number of priority levels, you can easily create a priority queue with O(1) insertion by having an array of linked lists--one linked list per priority level. Items of the same priority will of course degenerate into either a FIFO, but that can be considered acceptable.
Adding and removal then becomes something like (your API may vary) ...
listItemAdd (&list[priLevel], &item); /* Add to tail */
pItem = listItemRemove (&list[priLevel]); /* Remove from head */
Getting the first item in the queue then becomes a problem of finding the non-empty linked-list with the highest priority. That may be O(N), but there are several tricks you can use to speed it up.
In your priority queue structure, keep a pointer or index or something to the linked list with the current highest priority. This would need to be updated each time an item is added or removed from the priority queue.
Use a bitmap to indicate which linked lists are not empty. Combined with a find most significant bit, or find least significant bit algorithm you can usually test up to 32 lists at once. Again, this would need to be updated on each add / remove.
Hope this helps.
If amount of priorities is small and fixed than you can use ring-buffer for each priority. That will lead to waste of the space if objects is big, but if their size is comparable with pointer/index than variants with storing additional pointers in objects may increase size of array in the same way.
Or you can use simple single-linked list inside array and store 2*M+1 pointers/indexes, one will point to first free node and other pairs will point to head and tail of each priority. In that cases you'll have to compare in avg. O(M) before taking out next node with O(1). And insertion will take O(1).
If you construct an STL priority queue at the maximum size (perhaps from a vector initialized with placeholders), and then check the size before inserting (removing an item if necessary beforehand) you'll never have dynamic allocation during insert operations. The STL implementation is quite efficient.
Matters Computational see page 158. The implementation itself is quite well, and you can even tweak it a little without making it less readable. For example, when you compute the left child like:
int left = i / 2;
You can compute the rightchild like so:
int right = left + 1;
Found a solution ("difference" means "priority" in the code, and maxRememberedResults is 255 (could be any (2^n - 1)):
template <typename T> inline void swap(T& a, T& b){
T c = a;
a = b;
b = c;
struct MinDifferenceArray{
enum{maxSize = maxRememberedResults};
int size;
DifferenceData data[maxSize];
void add(const DifferenceData& val){
if (size >= maxSize){
if(data[0].difference <= val.difference)
data[0] = val;
for (int i = 0; (2*i+1) < maxSize; ){
int next = 2*i + 1;
if (data[next].difference < data[next+1].difference)
if (data[i].difference < data[next].difference)
swap(data[i], data[next]);
i = next;
data[size++] = val;
for (int i = size - 1; i > 0;){
int parent = (i-1)/2;
if (data[parent].difference < data[i].difference){
swap(data[parent], data[i]);
i = parent;
void clear(){
size = 0;
build max-based queue (root is largest)
until it is full, fill up normally
when it is full, for every new element
Check if new element is smaller than root.
if it is larger or equal than root, reject.
otherwise, replace root with new element and perform normal heap "sift-down".
And we get O(log(N)) insert as a worst case scenario.
It is the same solution as the one provided by user with nickname "Moron".
Thanks to everyone for replies.
P.S. Apparently programming without sleeping enough wasn't a good idea.
It's better to implement your own class using std::array and heap algorithms.
`template<class T, int fixed_size = 5>
class fixed_size_arr_pqueue_v2
std::array<T, fixed_size> _data;
int _size = 0;
int parent(int i)
return (i - 1)/2;
void heapify(int i, bool downward = false)
int l = 2*i + 1;
int r = 2*i + 2;
int largest = 0;
if (l < size() && _data[l] > _data[i])
largest = l;
largest = i;
if (r < size() && _data[r] > _data[largest])
largest = r;
if (largest != i)
std::swap(_data[largest], _data[i]);
if (!downward)
heapify(largest, true);
void push(T &d)
if (_size == fixed_size)
//min elements in a max heap lies at leaves only.
auto minItr = std::min_element(begin(_data) + _size/2, end(_data));
auto minPos {minItr - _data.begin()};
auto min { *minItr};
if (d > min)
_data.at(minPos) = d;
if (_data[parent(minPos)] > d)
//this is unlikely to happen in our case? as this position is a leaf?
heapify(minPos, true);
return ;
_data.at(_size++) = d;
std::push_heap(_data.begin(), _data.begin() + _size);
T pop()
T d = _data.front();
std::pop_heap(_data.begin(), _data.begin() + _size);
return d;
T top()
return _data.front();
int size() const
return _size;