Convert object reference to STL iterator - c++

I am using std::multimap<> and I pass pointer to an element (T*) to a component written in C.
When the component wants to delete the object it calls back to C++ supplying the pointer, however, I am not sure whether there is a way to convert T* into std::multimap<>::iterator so that I can call erase().
Any ideas?

If you can determine the key from the item, you can use equal_range to get all the possible matches, then call find on that range.
If there isn't a way to get from an item to it's key (rare but possible), then one could enumerate through the whole multimap (from begin() to end()) and erase the one that matches. Hopefully this would be a rare operation, as it is O(N).

Do not confuse pointers and iterators. Sometimes (e.g. arrays) a pointer can function as iterator. But it doesn't necessarily.
Iterators in C++ will usually overload the * operator aka "dereference operator". This makes them look like C pointers even more, when they technically may or may not be the same.
Passing iterators is in general fragile, and I'd avoid this. In particular, a concurrent modification of the multimap in your case may render the iterator invalid.

Remember that a multimap is a set of key-value pairs. It sounds like your T* is a value and you need an efficient way to get its key so you can remove it. Have you considered Boost.Bimap? That library allows efficient mappings both ways. Then it should be simple to take the T* from the calling code, lookup the key, and erase it.


Why does map have operator[] but set does not?

std::map and std::set seem very similar to me (but in their use and in their description), so I do not understand why std::set does not implement its version of operator[].
I suspect it is linked to the fact that elements in a std::set are const, but even then why not implement an operator[] that either returns a const reference or creates a new element ?
Depending on the answer to this first question, would it be possible/a good idea to create a version a std::set that implements operator[] ?
Well, std::map<Key, Val> maps Key to Val.
That is, m[key] yields a reference to the val. You have the key, and want to find the associated value (or associate a value with that key).
In a std::set<Elem>, the element would be its own key. So, the only thing you could get back would be the thing you already have. What would you use this operation for?
A set is not for mapping one thing to another - that's what a map does. A set is for recording whether or not an element belongs to some collection. So, the only sane thing to use it for is checking, given some element, whether or not that element is a member of the set. We do this with s.find(elem) != s.end() or, from c++20, s.contains(elem).
The fact that the set is described as std::set<Key, ...> may be a source of confusion - I suspect this is just because it's used for searching in the same way as the map key.
You could in principle choose to characterize a set as map<Elem, bool>, but unless you want to really store the bool (which would be wasteful), the element access and iterator semantics would be a bit hairy. That is, it would be mathematically accurate and consistent, but either wasteful or complicated in implementation.
In fact a map is an associated array only instead of integer indices it uses keys as indices.
As ordinary arrays have the subscript operator then and maps have a similar subscript operator.
On the other hand, sets are not associated arrays. In sets keys are their data. So a question arises what should an expression like this set[key] return? There is no greate sense to return itself and moreover when the returned value may not be changed.
It would not be very useful to use set if you want to know the key of an element, since a map would be more useful, which does have the function you require.

How can I point to a member of a std::set in such a way that I can tell if the element has been removed?

An iterator into a std::set becomes invalidated if the item it's pointing to is erased. (It does not get invalidated if the set is modified in any other way, which is nice.) However, there is no way to detect whether an iterator has been invalidated or not.
I'm implementing an algorithm that requires me to be able to keep track of members of a std::set in such a way that I can erase them in constant time, but without risking undefined behaviour if I try to delete the same one twice. If I have two iterators pointing to the same member of a set, Bad Things will happen if I try to erase both of them.
My question is, how can I avoid this? Is there some way to implement something that behaves like an iterator into a set, but which knows when it has been invalidated?
Incidentally, I'm using std::set because this is a performance critical situation and I need the complexity guarantees that set provides. I'm happy to accept answers that suggest a different data structure, but only if it allows me to (a) access and remove the smallest element in constant time, (b) remove the pointed-to elements in constant time, and (c) insert elements in O(log(N)) time or better. C++11 is OK.
You could keep a set of shared pointers. And every time you store an iterator, pair it with a weak pointer to the element. When you want to erase the element, first check the weak pointer to see if the object still exists.

C++ map allocator stores items in a vector?

Here is the problem I would like to solve: in C++, iterators for map, multimap, etc are missing two desirable features: (1) they can't be checked at run-time for validity, and (2) there is no operator< defined on them, which means that they can't be used as keys in another associative container. (I don't care whether the operator< has any relationship to key ordering; I just want there to be some < available at least for iterators to the same map.)
Here is a possible solution to this problem: convince map, multimap, etc to store their key/data pairs in a vector, and then have the iterators be a small struct that contain a pointer to the vector itself and a subscript index. Then two iterators, at least for the same container, could be compared (by comparing their subscript indices), and it would be possible to test at run time whether an iterator is valid.
Is this solution achievable in standard C++? In particular, could I define the 'Allocator' for the map class to actually put the items in a vector, and then define the Allocator::pointer type to be the small struct described in the last paragraph? How is the iterator for a map related to the Allocator::pointer type? Does the Allocator::pointer have to be an actual pointer, or can it be anything that supports a dereference operation?
UPDATE 2013-06-11: I'm not understanding the responses. If the (key,data) pairs are stored in a vector, then it is O(1) to obtain the items given the subscript, only slightly worse than if you had a direct pointer, so there is no change in the asymptotics. Why does a responder say map iterators are "not kept around"? The standard says that iterators remain valid as long as the item to which they refer is not deleted. As for the 'real problem': say I use a multimap for a symbol table (variable name->storage location; it is a multimap rather than map because the variables names in an inner scope may shadow variables with the same name), and say now I need a second data structure keyed by variables. The apparently easiest solution is to use as key for the second map an iterator to the specific instance of the variable's name in the first map, which would work if only iterators had an operator<.
I think not.
If you were somehow able to "convince" map to store its pairs in a vector, you would fundamentally change certain (at least two) guarantees on the map:
insert, erase and find would no longer be logarithmic in complexity.
insert would no longer be able to guarantee the validity of unaffected iterators, as the underlying vector would sometimes need to be reallocated.
Taking a step back though, two things suggest to me that you are trying to "solve" the wrong problem.
First, it is unusual to need to have a vector of iterators.
Second, it is unusual to need to check an iterator for validity, as iterators are not generally kept around.
I wonder what the real problem is that you are trying to solve?

Should I return an iterator or a pointer to an element in a STL container?

I am developing an engine for porting existing code to a different platform. The existing code has been developed using a third party API, and my engine will redefine those third party API functions in terms of my new platform.
The following definitions come from the API:
typedef unsigned long shape_handle;
shape_handle make_new_shape( int type );
I need to redefine make_new_shape and I have the option to redefine shape_handle.
I have defined this structure ( simplified ):
struct Shape
int type
The Caller of make_new_shape doesn't care about the underlying structure of Shape, it just needs a "handle" to it so that it can call functions like:
void `set_shape_color( myshape, RED );`
where myshape is the handle to the shape.
My engine will manage the memory for the Shape objects and other requirements dictate that the engine should be storing Shape objects in a list or other iterable container.
My question is, what is the safest way to represent this handle - if the Shape itself is going to be stored in a std::list - an iterator, a pointer, an index?
Both an iterators or a pointers will do bad stuff if you try to access them after the object has been deleted so neither is intrinsically safer. The advantage of an iterator is that it can be used to access other members of your collection.
So, if you just want to access your Shape then a pointer will be simplest. If you want to iterate through your list then use an iterator.
An index is useless in a list since std::list does not overload the [] operator.
The answer depends on your representation:
for std::list, use an iterator (not a pointer), because an iterator allows you to remove the element without walking the whole list.
for std::map or boost::unordered_map, use the Key (of course)
Your design would be much strong if you used an associative container, because associative containers give you the ability to query for the presence of the object, rather than invoking Undefined Behavior.
Try benchmarking both map and unordered_map to see which one is faster in your case :)
IIF the internal representation will be a list of Shapes, then pointers and iterators are safe. Once an element is allocated, no relocation will ever occur. I wouldn't recommend an index for obvious access performance reasons. O(n) in case of lists.
If you were using a vector, then don't use iterators or pointers, because elements can be relocated when you exceed the vectors capacity, and your pointers/iterators would become invalid.
If you want a representation that is safe regardless of the internal container, then create a container (list/vector) of pointers to your shapes, and return the shape pointer to your client. Even if the container is moved around in memory, the Shape objects will stay in the same location.
Iterators aren't safer than pointers, but they have much better diagnostics than raw pointers if you're using a checked STL implementation!
For example, in a debug build, if you return a pointer to a list element, then erase that list element, you have a dangling pointer. If you access it you get a crash and all you can see is junk data. That can make it difficult to work out what went wrong.
If you use an iterator and you have a checked STL implementation, as soon as you access the iterator to an erased element, you get a message something like "iterator was invalidated". That's because you erased the element it points to. Boom, you just saved yourself potentially a whole lot of debugging effort.
So, not indices for O(n) performance. Between pointers and iterators - always iterators!

Storing iterators inside containers

I am building a DLL that another application would use. I want to store the current state of some data globally in the DLL's memory before returning from the function call so that I could reuse state on the next call to the function.
For doing this, I'm having to save some iterators. I'm using a std::stack to store all other data, but I wasn't sure if I could do that with the iterators also.
Is it safe to put list iterators inside container classes? If not, could you suggest a way to store a pointer to an element in a list so that I can use it later?
I know using a vector to store my data instead of a list would have allowed me to store the subscript and reuse it very easily, but unfortunately I'm having to use only an std::list.
Iterators to list are invalidated only if the list is destroyed or the "pointed" element is removed from the list.
Yes, it'll work fine.
Since so many other answers go on about this being a special quality of list iterators, I have to point out that it'd work with any iterators, including vector ones. The fact that vector iterators get invalidated if the vector is modified is hardly relevant to a question of whether it is legal to store iterators in another container -- it is. Of course the iterator can get invalidated if you do anything that invalidates it, but that has nothing to do with whether or not the iterator is stored in a stack (or any other data structure).
It should be no problem to store the iterators, just make sure you don't use them on a copy of the list -- an iterator is bound to one instance of the list, and cannot be used on a copy.
That is, if you do:
std::list<int>::iterator it = myList.begin ();
std::list<int> c = myList;
c.insert (it, ...); // Error
As noted by others: Of course, you should also not invalidate the iterator by removing the pointed-to element.
This might be offtopic, but just a hint...
Be aware, that your function(s)/data structure would probably be thread unsafe for read operations. There is a kind of basic thread safety where read operations do not require synchronization. If you are going to store the sate how much the caller read from your structure it will make the whole concept thread unsafe and a bit unnatural to use. Because nobody assumes a read to be state-full operation.
If two threads are going to call it they will either need to synchronize the calls or your data structure might end-up in a race condition. The problem in such a design is that both threads must have access to a common synchronization variable.
I would suggest making two overloaded functions. Both are stateless, but one of them should accept a hint iterator, where to start next read/search/retrieval etc. This is e.g. how Allocator in STL is implemented. You can pass to allocator a hint pointer (default 0) so that it quicker finds a new memory chunk.
Storing the iterator for the list should be fine. It will not get invalidated unless you remove the same element from the list for which you have stored the iterator. Following quote from SGI site:
Lists have the important property that
insertion and splicing do not
invalidate iterators to list elements,
and that even removal invalidates only
the iterators that point to the
elements that are removed
However, note that the previous and next element of the stored iterator may change. But the iterator itself will remain valid.
The same rule applies to an iterator stored in a local variable as in a longer lived data structure: it will stay valid as long as the container allows.
For a list, this means: as long as the node it points to is not deleted, the iterator stays valid. Obviously the node gets deleted when the list is destructed...