stop django from automatically unicodifing POST stuff - django

I upload some data to a django view. Client:
from poster.encode import multipart_encode
def upload_data(upload_url, data, filename):
print "Uploading %d bytes to server, file=%s..." % (len(data), filename)
datagen, headers = multipart_encode({filename: data})
request = urllib2.Request(upload_url, datagen, headers)
# Actually do the request, and get the response
resp_f = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=120)
except urllib2.URLError:
return None
res =
return res
def foo(self, event_dicts_td):
event_dicts_td_json = json.dumps(event_dicts_td)
res = upload_data(self.upload_url, event_dicts_td_json.encode('utf8').encode('zlib'), "event_dicts_td.json.gz")
The view:
def my_view(request):
event_dicts_td_json_gz = request.POST.get('event_dicts_td.json.gz')
if not event_dicts_td_json_gz:
return HttpResponse("fail")
print type(event_dicts_td_json_gz), repr(event_dicts_td_json_gz[:10])
event_dicts_td_json_gz = event_dicts_td_json_gz.encode("utf8")
print type(event_dicts_td_json_gz), repr(event_dicts_td_json_gz[:10])
event_dicts_td_json = event_dicts_td_json_gz.decode("zlib").decode("utf8")
return HttpResponse("it still failed")
The output:
<type 'unicode'> u'x\ufffd\ufffd]s\ufffd\u0192\ufffd\ufffd\n'
<type 'str'> 'x\xef\xbf\xbd\xef\xbf\xbd]s\xef'
This is not acceptable. I just need the raw bytes. I'm not uploading unicode - I'm uploading raw bytes - and I want those raw bytes back. I don't know how it's trying to decode it into unicode - apparently not using utf8 cause zlib was unable to decompress the data. (It was unable to decompress it even when I didn't try to do an .encode("utf8") before zlibbing-it, that was just a test.)
How do I make django not unicodify the POST variables? Or, if it does, how do I undo it?

You can undo this.
Try to use *smart_str* from django.utils.encoding:
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
event_dicts_td_json_gz = smart_str( event_dicts_td_json_gz )
View the docs here please:


Dajngo CSV FIle not download ? When we have a large CSV file download its takes some time?Django 502 bad gateway nginx error Django

How can I download a large CSV file that shows me a 502 bad gateway error?
I get this solution I added in below.
Actually, in this, we use streaming references. In this concept for example we download a movie it's will download in the browser and show status when complete this will give the option to show in a folder same as that CSV file download completely this will show us.
There is one solution for resolving this error to increase nginx time but this is will affect cost so better way to use Django streaming. streaming is like an example when we add a movie for download it's downloading on the browser. This concept is used in Django streaming.
Write View for this in Django.
from django.http import StreamingHttpResponse
503_ERROR = 'something went wrong.'
def get_headers():
return ['field1', 'field2', 'field3']
def get_data(item):
return {
'field1': item.field1,
'field2': item.field2,
'field3': item.field3,
class CSVBuffer(object):
def write(self, value):
return value
class Streaming_CSV(generic.View):
model = Model_name
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
queryset = self.model.objects.filter(is_draft=False)
response = StreamingHttpResponse(streaming_content=(iter_items(queryset, CSVBuffer())), content_type='text/csv', )
file_name = 'Experience_data_%s' % (str(
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=%s.csv' % (file_name)
except Exception as e:
messages.error(request, ERROR_503)
return redirect(DASHBOARD_URL)
return response
path('streaming-csv/',views.Streaming_CSV.as_view(),name = 'streaming-csv')
For reference use the below links.
Adding rows manually to StreamingHttpResponse (Django)

Passing Audio Files To Celery Task

I have a music uploading app and believe that it would be smart to pass the files to a celery task to handle uploading. However, when attempting to pass the files, as I will show in my code below, I get a message stating that they are not JSON serializable. What would be the correct way to handle this operation?
Everything below uploaded_songs in is my current code that successfully uploads the audio tracks. It doesn't, however, utilize celery yet.
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from Beyond_April_Base_Backend.celery import app
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
def upload_songs(songs, user_id):
user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
print('user and songs')
except User.DoesNotExist:
logging.warning("Tried to find non-exisiting user '%s'" % user_id)
class ConcertUploadView(APIView):
permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated]
def post(self, request):
track_files = request.FILES.getlist('files')
current_user = self.request.user
selected_band = Band.objects.get(['band'])
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
print('band not received from form')
selected_band = Band.objects.get(name='Band')
venue_name =['venue']
concert_date_str =['concertDate']
concert_date_split = concert_date_str.split('(')[0]
concert_date = datetime.strptime(concert_date_split, '%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z%z ')
concert_city =['city']
concert_state =['state']
concert_country =['country']
new_concert = Concert(
i = 0
for song in track_files:
audio_metadata = music_tag.load_file(track_files[i].temporary_file_path())
temp_path = song.temporary_file_path
song_title = str(audio_metadata['title'])
audio_file_instance = Song(
concert_order = i + 1,
audio_file = track_files[i],
i += 1
return Response(status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
When you create a celery task, it serializes the arguments so that it can store the message in the queue backend (RabbitMQ, Redis, etc). The default serializer is JSON, and a binary file is not JSON-serializable. See celery's serialization docs for more info.
You could base64 encode the binary file to text, but you shouldn't: it will increase the size of the data, and you'll be passing around potentially very large messages. With lots of large messages, you could run out of memory/space in your backend, and it will make it hard to inspect or log messages.
Instead, you should store the binary file somewhere, and pass a reference (filename, S3 URL, database key, etc) to the task. The task can then load the file, do what it needs to, and delete the original (if appropriate).

Django Using oembed to convert url to embed url(VIMEO)

I try to convert video url to embed url using oEmbed, but:
When I print(video_url_api_data) it keeps returning <Response [404]>
I checked it with using url in google:
What did I doing wrong in my code? And what do I have to put in the status part?
This status part:
vimeo_authorization_url = v.auth_url(
1 #status
I put 1 for random and it works.
import json, vimeo, requests
class article_upload(View):
def post(self ,request, *args, **kwargs):
v = vimeo.VimeoClient(
file_data = request.FILES["file_data"]
path = file_data.temporary_file_path()
vimeo_authorization_url = v.auth_url(
1 #status
video_uri = v.upload(path, data={'name': '비디오 제목', 'description': '설명'})
video_data = v.get(video_uri + '?fields=link').json()
video_url = video_data['link']
params={"url": video_url}
video_url_api_data = requests.get('', params=params)
return render(request, 'account/myvideopage.html', {context(I made it)})
except vimeo.exceptions.VideoUploadFailure as e:
print("ohohohohohoh...vimeo error")
file_data.close() # Theoretically this should remove the file
if os.path.exists(path):
os.unlink(path) # But this will do it, barring permissions
I solved it before! The problem was... the delay time!
here ... I upload video.. of which size is at least 10MB
video_uri = v.upload(path, data={'name': '비디오 제목', 'descriptio...
and before i finish upload it I request information by using api...
video_url_api_data = requests.get('

Django body encoding vs slack-api secret

I am following the instruction from this page. I am building a slack slash command handling server and I can't rebuild the signature to validate slash request authenticity.
here is the code snippet from my django application (the view uses the django rest-framework APIView):
def x_slack_req_ts(self):
if self.xsrts is not None:
return self.xsrts
self.xsrts = str(self.request.META['HTTP_X_SLACK_REQUEST_TIMESTAMP'])
return self.xsrts
def x_slack_signature(self):
if self.xss is not None:
return self.xss
self.xss = self.request.META['HTTP_X_SLACK_SIGNATURE']
return self.xss
def base_message(self):
if is not None:
return = ':'.join(["v0", self.x_slack_req_ts, self.raw.decode('utf-8')])
def encoded_secret(self):
def signed(self):
if self.non_base is not None:
return self.non_base
hashed =, self.base_message.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256)
self.non_base = "v0=" + hashed.hexdigest()
return self.non_base
This is within a class where self.raw = request.body the django request and is a string with the appropriate slack secret string. It doesn't work as the self.non_base yield an innaccurate value.
Now if I open an interactive python repl and do the following:
>>> import hmac
>>> import hashlib
>>> secret = "8f742231b10e8888abcd99yyyzzz85a5"
>>> ts = "1531420618"
>>> msg = "token=xyzz0WbapA4vBCDEFasx0q6G&team_id=T1DC2JH3J&team_domain=testteamnow&channel_id=G8PSS9T3V&channel_name=foobar&user_id=U2CERLKJA&user_name=roadrunner&command=%2Fwebhook-collect&text=&"
>>> ref_signature = "v0=a2114d57b48eac39b9ad189dd8316235a7b4a8d21a10bd27519666489c69b503"
>>> base = ":".join(["v0", ts, msg])
>>> hashed =, base.encode(), hashlib.sha256)
>>> hashed.hexdigest()
>>> 'a2114d57b48eac39b9ad189dd8316235a7b4a8d21a10bd27519666489c69b503'
You will recognise the referenced link example. If I use the values from my django app with one of MY examples, it works within the repl but doesn't within the django app.
MY QUESTION: I believe this is caused by the self.raw.decode() encoding not being consistent with the printout I extracted to copy/paste in the repl. Has anyone encountered that issue and what is the fix? I tried a few random things with the urllib.parse library... How can I make sure that the request.body encoding is consistent with the example from flask with get_data() (as suggested by the doc in the link)?
UPDATE: I defined a custom parser:
class SlashParser(BaseParser):
Parser for form data.
media_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None):
Parses the incoming bytestream as a URL encoded form,
and returns the resulting QueryDict.
parser_context = parser_context or {}
request = parser_context.get('request')
raw_data =
data = QueryDict(raw_data, encoding='utf-8')
setattr(data, 'raw_body', raw_data) # setting a 'body' alike custom attr with raw POST content
return data
To test based on this question and the raw_body in the custom parser generates the exact same hashed signature as the normal "body" but again, copy pasting in the repl to test outside the DRF works. Pretty sure it's an encoding problem but completely at loss...
I found the problem which is very frustrating.
It turns out that the signing secret was stored in too short a str array and were missing trailing characters which obviously, resulted in bad hashing of the message.

how to unit test file upload in django

In my django app, I have a view which accomplishes file upload.The core snippet is like this
if (request.method == 'POST'):
if request.FILES.has_key('file'):
file = request.FILES['file']
with open(settings.destfolder+'/%s' %, 'wb+') as dest:
for chunk in file.chunks():
I would like to unit test the view.I am planning to test the happy path as well as the fail,the case where the request.FILES has no key 'file' , case where request.FILES['file'] has None..
How do I set up the post data for the happy path?Can somebody tell me?
I used to do the same with open('some_file.txt') as fp: but then I needed images, videos and other real files in the repo and also I was testing a part of a Django core component that is well tested, so currently this is what I have been doing:
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
def test_upload_video(self):
video = SimpleUploadedFile("file.mp4", "file_content", content_type="video/mp4")'app:some_view'), {'video': video})
# some important assertions ...
In Python 3.5+ you need to use bytes object instead of str. Change "file_content" to b"file_content"
It's been working fine, SimpleUploadedFile creates an InMemoryFile that behaves like a regular upload and you can pick the name, content and content type.
From Django docs on
Submitting files is a special case. To POST a file, you need only
provide the file field name as a key, and a file handle to the file
you wish to upload as a value. For example:
c = Client()
with open('wishlist.doc') as fp:'/customers/wishes/', {'name': 'fred', 'attachment': fp})
I recommend you to take a look at Django RequestFactory. It's the best way to mock data provided in the request.
Said that, I found several flaws in your code.
"unit" testing means to test just one "unit" of functionality. So,
if you want to test that view you'd be testing the view, and the file
system, ergo, not really unit test. To make this point more clear. If
you run that test, and the view works fine, but you don't have
permissions to save that file, your test would fail because of that.
Other important thing is test speed. If you're doing something like
TDD the speed of execution of your tests is really important.
Accessing any I/O is not a good idea.
So, I recommend you to refactor your view to use a function like:
def upload_file_to_location(request, location=None): # Can use the default configured
And do some mocking on that. You can use Python Mock.
PS: You could also use Django Test Client But that would mean that you're adding another thing more to test, because that client make use of Sessions, middlewares, etc. Nothing similar to Unit Testing.
I do something like this for my own event related application but you should have more than enough code to get on with your own use case
import tempfile, csv, os
class UploadPaperTest(TestCase):
def generate_file(self):
myfile = open('test.csv', 'wb')
wr = csv.writer(myfile)
wr.writerow(('Paper ID','Paper Title', 'Authors'))
wr.writerow(('1','Title1', 'Author1'))
wr.writerow(('2','Title2', 'Author2'))
wr.writerow(('3','Title3', 'Author3'))
return myfile
def setUp(self):
self.user = create_fuser()
self.profile = ProfileFactory(user=self.user)
self.event = EventFactory()
self.client = Client()
self.module = ModuleFactory()
self.event_module = EventModule.objects.get_or_create(event=self.event,
add_to_admin(self.event, self.user)
def test_paper_upload(self):
response = self.client.login(, password='foz')
myfile = self.generate_file()
file_path =
f = open(file_path, "r")
url = reverse('registration_upload_papers', args=[self.event.slug])
# post wrong data type
post_data = {'uploaded_file': i}
response =, post_data)
self.assertContains(response, 'File type is not supported.')
post_data['uploaded_file'] = f
response =, post_data)
import_file = SubmissionImportFile.objects.all()[0]
self.assertEqual(SubmissionImportFile.objects.all().count(), 1)
#self.assertEqual(, 'files/registration/{0}'.format(file_path))
file_path = import_file.uploaded_file.path
I did something like that :
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
from django.test import TestCase
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core.files import File
from django.utils.six import BytesIO
from .forms import UploadImageForm
from PIL import Image
from io import StringIO
def create_image(storage, filename, size=(100, 100), image_mode='RGB', image_format='PNG'):
Generate a test image, returning the filename that it was saved as.
If ``storage`` is ``None``, the BytesIO containing the image data
will be passed instead.
data = BytesIO(), size).save(data, image_format)
if not storage:
return data
image_file = ContentFile(
return, image_file)
class UploadImageTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(UploadImageTests, self).setUp()
def test_valid_form(self):
valid post data should redirect
The expected behavior is to show the image
url = reverse('image')
avatar = create_image(None, 'avatar.png')
avatar_file = SimpleUploadedFile('front.png', avatar.getvalue())
data = {'image': avatar_file}
response =, data, follow=True)
image_src = response.context.get('image_src')
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
create_image function will create image so you don't need to give static path of image.
Note : You can update code as per you code.
This code for Python 3.6.
from rest_framework.test import force_authenticate
from rest_framework.test import APIRequestFactory
factory = APIRequestFactory()
user = User.objects.get(username='#####')
view = <your_view_name>.as_view()
with open('<file_name>.pdf', 'rb') as fp:'<url_path>',{'file_name':fp})
force_authenticate(request, user)
response = view(request)
As mentioned in Django's official documentation:
Submitting files is a special case. To POST a file, you need only provide the file field name as a key, and a file handle to the file you wish to upload as a value. For example:
c = Client()
with open('wishlist.doc') as fp:'/customers/wishes/', {'name': 'fred', 'attachment': fp})
More Information: How to check if the file is passed as an argument to some function?
While testing, sometimes we want to make sure that the file is passed as an argument to some function.
class AnyView(CreateView):
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
attachment = request.FILES['attachment']
# pass the file as an argument
In tests, use Python's mock something like this:
# Mock 'my_function' and then check the following:
response = do_a_post_request()
self.assertEqual(mock_my_function.call_count, 1)
if you want to add other data with file upload then follow the below method
file = open('path/to/file.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')
data = {
'file_name_to_receive_on_backend': file,
'param1': 1,
'param2': 2,
response ="/url/to/view", data, format='multipart')`
The only file_name_to_receive_on_backend will be received as a file other params received normally as post paramas.
In Django 1.7 there's an issue with the TestCase wich can be resolved by using open(filepath, 'rb') but when using the test client we have no control over it. I think it's probably best to ensure returns always bytes.
source:, by KevinEtienne
Without rb option, a TypeError is raised:
TypeError: sequence item 4: expected bytes, bytearray, or an object with the buffer interface, str found
from django.test import Client
from requests import Response
client = Client()
with open(template_path, 'rb') as f:
file = SimpleUploadedFile('Name of the django file',
response: Response =, format='multipart', data={'file': file})
Hope this helps.
Very handy solution with mock
from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
#use your own client request factory
from my_framework.test import APIClient
from django.core.files import File
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
import mock
image_mock = mock.MagicMock(spec=File) = 'image.png' # or smt else
class MyTest(TestCase):
# I assume we want to put this file in storage
# so to avoid putting garbage in our MEDIA_ROOT
# we're using temporary storage for test purposes
def test_send_file(self):
client = APIClient()
I am using Python==3.8.2 , Django==3.0.4, djangorestframework==3.11.0
I tried but got a Resolver404 exception.
Following worked for me:
import requests
upload_url='' # your url to upload
with open('/home/xyz/video1.webm', 'rb') as video_file:
# if it was a text file we would perhaps do
# file =
response_upload = requests.put(
headers={'content-type': 'video/webm'}
I am using django rest framework and I had to test the upload of multiple files.
I finally get it by using format="multipart" in my request.
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
self.client = APIClient()
with open('./photo.jpg', 'rb') as fp:
resp ='/upload/',
{'images': [fp]},
I am using GraphQL, upload for test:
with open('test.jpg', 'rb') as fp:
response = self.client.execute(query, variables, data={'image': [fp]})
code in class mutation
def mutate(cls, root, info, **kwargs):
if image := info.context.FILES.get("image", None):
kwargs["image"] = image