How to launch two threads and wait for them - clojure

I can launch two threads and they work, but synchronously. What am I missing to get these threads independently launched?
main, thread, and output
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [grid-dim-in [0 5]
mr1-pos [\N 2 4]
mr2-pos [\N 1 5]
mr1-movs "LMLMMRMM"
mr2-movs "RMRMMMLM"]
(reset! grid-dim grid-dim-in)
(reset! mr1-id {:mr1 mr1-pos})
(reset! mr2-id {:mr2 mr2-pos})
(.start (Thread. (rover-thread mr1-id mr1-movs update-work-block)))
(.start (Thread. (rover-thread mr2-id mr2-movs update-work-block))))))
(defn rover-thread [id movs update-ref]
(let [id-key (keys #id)
id-vals (vals #id)]
(doseq [mov movs]
(println "Rover " id-key " is moving ")
(let [new-mov (determine-rover-move (first id-vals) mov)]
(move-rover id new-mov update-ref)
(print "Rover ")
(print (first id-key))
(print " is at ")
(println new-mov)
(Thread/sleep (rand 1000)))))
Rover :mr1 is at [E 2 4]
Rover (:mr1) is moving
Rover :mr1 is at [N 2 5]
Rover (:mr1) is moving
Rover :mr1 is at [N 2 5]
Finished on Thread[main,5,main]
Rover (:mr2) is moving
Rover :mr2 is at [E 1 5]
Rover (:mr2) is moving
Rover :mr2 is at [N 1 6]

Take a close look at these two lines:
(.start (Thread. (rover-thread mr1-id mr1-movs update-work-block)))
(.start (Thread. (rover-thread mr2-id mr2-movs update-work-block))))))
This code evaluates the (rover-thread mr1-id mr1-movs update-work-block) first, and passes the result of that to the constructor of Thread, which is not what you want.
Here's a simple function to illustrate the principle. This doesn't work, because the (f ...) is evaluated before its result it passed to the Thread constructor:
(defn run-thread-thing-wrong []
(let [f (fn [n s]
(doseq [i (range n)]
(prn s i)
(Thread/sleep (rand 1000))))]
(.start (Thread. (f 10 "A")))
(.start (Thread. (f 10 "B"))))
Here's a version that does work. A function is passed to the Thread constructor instead:
(defn run-thread-thing []
(let [f (fn [n s]
(doseq [i (range n)]
(prn s i)
(Thread/sleep (rand 1000))))]
(.start (Thread. (fn [] (f 10 "A"))))
(.start (Thread. (fn [] (f 10 "B")))))
Note: instead of (fn [] ....) you can use the short form #(....) for anonymous functions.
Here's another version that does the same, but with a future instead of manually creating threads:
(defn run-thread-thing []
(let [f (fn [n s]
(doseq [i (range n)]
(prn s i)
(Thread/sleep (rand 1000))))]
(future (f 10 "A"))
(future (f 10 "B")))
Note that in this case, you pass a form to future instead of a function.

This seems like a really good place to use Clojure's agent feature. I am not qualified to fully explain how to use them, but a really good example of their usage can be found here. Starting threads using agents is dead-easy, and I think it is more idiomatic.
The code would look something like,
(def rover1 (agent [mr1-posn mr1-movs mr1-id]))
(def rover2 (agent [mr2-posn mr2-movs mr2-id]))
(defn rover-behave [[posn movs id]]
(send-off *agent* #'rover-behave)
(. Thread (sleep 1000))
(let [new-mov (determine-rover-move posn movs id)
new-posn (posn-after-move posn new-mov)]
;return value updates state of agent
[new-posn movs id]
(send-off rover1 rover-behave)
(send-off rover2 rover-behave)


Railroad oriented programming in clojure

I saw a talk about railroad oriented programming (, but i somehow do not get how to work this out, if i use reduce, because reduce has two or even three arguments.
How am i able to to put the following code like a railroad? I seems to me hard, because of reduce taking a function as an argument in addition to the game object.
(defn play-game-reduce []
(let [game-init
(shuffle-and-share-cards myio/myshuffle)
(reduce play-card (assoc-in game-init [:current-trick] '()) [:p1 :p2 :p3 :p4])]
(reduce play-round game-init (range (get game-init :round-count)))))
The whole code is here:
The code should more look like this:
(->> (io/initialize-cards-and-players)
(shuffle-and-share-cards myio/myshuffle)
reduce (play-round .. )
reduce (play-card ...))
That would look to me much more explicit.
That video was made for a different language and you can't directly transfer these ideas to Clojure.
I looked at your source code and there are some things to improve:
(defn play-card-inp []
(eval (read-string (read-line))))
You shouldn't use eval in production code.
Read-string is unsafe and you should use clojure.edn/read-string instead. I'm not sure what is expected input here and what is the result of the evaluation, maybe you should use just clojure.edn/read here.
(defn myshuffle [cards]
(shuffle cards)
(defn initialize-cards-and-players []
; init cards
(def cards '([0 :c], [1 :c],[2 :c], [3 :c], [0 :s], [1 :s], [2 :s], [3 :s]))
(def players '(:p1 :p2 :p3 :p4))
;(def round-players (take 4 (drop (who-won_trick tricks) (cycle (keys players)))))
; mix and share cards
{:players (zipmap players (repeat {:cards () :tricks ()}))
:current-trick ()
:round-start-player :p1
:cards cards
:round-count (/ (count cards) (count players))
:mode ""
You should delete myshuffle and use directly shuffle where needed. Ending parenthesis shouldn't be on a separate line.
Don't use def (creates global variable) inside defn, use let (creates local variables). I would rewrite this as:
(defn new-deck []
(for [letter [:c :s]
number (range 4)]
[number letter]))
(defn new-game []
(let [cards (new-deck)
players [:p1 :p2 :p3 :p4]]
{:players (zipmap players (repeat {:cards () :tricks ()}))
:current-trick ()
:round-start-player :p1
:cards cards
:round-count (/ (count cards) (count players))
:mode ""}))
Notes for mymain.clj:
(defn who-won-trick [trick]
(eval (read-string (read-line))))
Some unused function, same problems as above.
(defn share-card-to-player [game players-cards]
(assoc game
(get game :players)
(first players-cards)
(assoc (get (game :players) (first players-cards))
(second players-cards)))))
Use assoc-in and some destructuring, something like this:
(defn share-card-to-player [game [player cards]]
(assoc-in game [:players player :cards] cards))
Your next function:
(defn shuffle-and-share-cards [myshuffle game]
(reduce share-card-to-player game
(map vector
(keys (get game :players))
(->> (get game :cards)
(partition (/ (count (get game :cards))
(count (get game :players))))))))
You can also destructure hash-maps, so I would rewrite this as:
(defn shuffle-and-share-cards [{:keys [players cards] :as game}]
(let [card-piles (->> cards
(partition (/ (count cards)
(count players))))]
(reduce share-card-to-player game
(map vector
(keys players)
Next functions:
(defn announce [game]
(defn play-card [game curr-player]
(println curr-player)
(println game)
(let [played-card (io/play-card-inp)]
(assoc-in game [:players curr-player :cards]
(remove #(= played-card %) (get-in game [:players curr-player :cards])))
(assoc-in [:current-trick]
(conj (game [:current-trick]) played-card)))))
announce is useless and update and update-in are better here:
(defn play-card [game curr-player]
(println curr-player)
(println game)
(let [played-card (io/play-card-inp)]
(-> game
(update-in [:players curr-player :cards] #(remove #{played-card} %))
(update :current-trick conj played-card))))
And finally, the last two functions:
(defn play-game-reduce []
(let [game-init
(shuffle-and-share-cards myio/myshuffle)
(reduce play-card (assoc-in game-init [:current-trick] '()) [:p1 :p2 :p3 :p4])]
(reduce play-round game-init (range (get game-init :round-count)))))
(defn play-game []
(let [game-init
(shuffle-and-share-cards io/myshuffle)
(loop [round 1 game game-init]
(let [game-next (loop [curr-player 1 game-next game]
(if (> curr-player 4)
(recur (inc curr-player)
(play-card game-next (keyword (str "p" curr-player))))))]
(if (> round 2)
(recur (inc round) game-next))))))
loop/recur will be probably more readable, but two reduce should also work:
(defn play-game-reduce []
(let [game-init (-> (io/new-game)
(reduce (fn [game round]
(reduce play-card (assoc-in game [:current-trick] '()) [:p1 :p2 :p3 :p4]))
(range (get game-init :round-count)))))
Version with one reduce:
(defn play-game-reduce []
(let [game-init (-> (io/new-game)
turns (for [round (range (:round-count game-init))
player [:p1 :p2 :p3 :p4]]
[round player])]
(reduce (fn [game [round player]]
(let [state (cond-> game
(= player (:round-start-player game)) (assoc-in [:current-trick] '()))]
(play-card state player)))
And I also noticed that there's no validation of whether the current player can really play inserted card.
OK, I watched the talk (for the record, it gives a 5 minute overview of FP, then discusses error handling in pipelines in F#.
I didn't really care for the content of the video.
Clojure uses Exceptions for error handling, so a Clojure function always has only one output. Therefore the whole bind and map thing in the video doesn't apply.
I haven't looked at F# much before, but after watching that video I think it over-complicates things without much benefit.

Why doesn't 'for' work inside 'go'?

Why calling this function doesn't print anything?
(defn test-go-loop []
(go (for [a (cycle [:a :b :c])]
(do (println a) (<! (timeout 1000))))))
for is lazily evaluated, and nothing in your code is asking for the result of that for. Try doseq:
(defn test-go-loop []
(go (doseq [a (cycle [:a :b :c])]
(println a)
(<! (timeout 1000)))))

Sleeping barber in Clojure

I'm implementing Sleeping barber using core.async. My current code is:
(def workingtime 10000)
(defn barber [in waiting-room]
(go-loop [served-customers 0]
(let [[v] (alts! [waiting-room in])]
(if (= v :close)
(do (Thread/sleep 20)
(recur (inc served-customers)))))))
(defn customers [in waiting-room]
(go-loop [customers-overall 0]
(let [customer-arrival-interval (timeout (+ 10 (rand-int 20)))
[v] (alts! [in customer-arrival-interval])]
(if (= v :close)
(do (>! waiting-room :customer)
(recur (inc customers-overall)))))))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [in (chan)
waiting-room (chan (dropping-buffer 3))
barber-ch (barber in waiting-room)
customers-ch (customers in waiting-room)]
(println "opening the shop for 10 seconds...")
(Thread/sleep workingtime)
(>!! in :close)
(>!! in :close)
(println "closing the shop...")
(println (str "Served " (<!! barber-ch) " customers"))
(println (str "Overall " (<!! customers-ch) " customers came"))))
Is it a correct solution? Can it be improved to make it more Clojure-like?
I wanted to use alt! instead of alts! which makes code easier to read:
(defn barber [in]
(go-loop [served-customers 0]
waiting-room (do (Thread/sleep 20)
(recur (inc served-customers)))
in served-customers)))
Runtime throws an exception: Can only recur from tail position. Can I still use alt!?
You could solve the alt!/recur problem by rewriting to:
(defn barber [in]
(go-loop [served-customers 0]
(if (= :waiting-room
waiting-room ([result] :waiting-room) ;; you could also use result if needed
in ([result] :in))) ;; same here
(do (Thread/sleep 20)
(recur (inc served-customers)))

Throttle Functions with core.async

The number of possible executions of a function should be throttled. So after calling a function, any repeated call should be ignored within a time period. If there where calls in the meantime, the last one should be executed after the time period.
Here's my approach with core.async. The problem here is, that additional calls are summing up in the channel c. I'd need a channel with only one position inside, which will be overridden by put! everytime.
(defn throttle [f time]
(let [c (chan 1)]
(go-loop []
(apply f (<! c))
(<! (timeout time))
(fn [& args]
(put! c (if args args [])))))
(def throttled (throttle #(print %) 4000))
(doseq [x (range 10)]
(throttled x))
; 0
;... after 4 seconds
; 9
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
(defn throttle [f time]
(let [c (chan (sliding-buffer 1))]
(go-loop []
(apply f (<! c))
(<! (timeout time))
(fn [& args]
(put! c (or args [])))))
To solve your channel question you can use a chan with a sliding buffer:
user> (require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
user> (def c (async/chan (async/sliding-buffer 1)))
user> (async/>!! c 1)
user> (async/>!! c 2)
user> (async/>!! c 3)
user> (async/<!! c)
that way only the last value put into the channel will be computed at the next interval.
You can use a debounce function.
I'll copy it out here:
(defn debounce [in ms]
(let [out (chan)]
(go-loop [last-val nil]
(let [val (if (nil? last-val) (<! in) last-val)
timer (timeout ms)
[new-val ch] (alts! [in timer])]
(condp = ch
timer (do (>! out val) (recur nil))
in (recur new-val))))
Here only when in has not emitted a message for ms is the last value it emitted forwarded onto the out channel. While in continues to emit without a long enough pause between emits then all-but-the-last-message are continuously discarded.
I've tested this function. It waits 4 seconds and then prints out 9, which is nearly what you asked for - some tweaking required!
(defn my-sender [to-chan values]
(go-loop [[x & xs] values]
(>! to-chan x)
(when (seq xs) (recur xs))))
(defn my-receiver [from-chan f]
(go-loop []
(let [res (<! from-chan)]
(f res)
(defn setup-and-go []
(let [in (chan)
ch (debounce in 4000)
sender (my-sender in (range 10))
receiver (my-receiver ch #(log %))]))
And this is the version of debounce that will output as required by the question, which is 0 immediately, then wait four seconds, then 9:
(defn debounce [in ms]
(let [out (chan)]
(go-loop [last-val nil
first-time true]
(let [val (if (nil? last-val) (<! in) last-val)
timer (timeout (if first-time 0 ms))
[new-val ch] (alts! [in timer])]
(condp = ch
timer (do (>! out val) (recur nil false))
in (recur new-val false))))
I've used log rather than print as you did. You can't rely on ordinary println/print functions with core.async. See here for an explanation.
This is taken from David Nolens blog's source code:
(defn throttle*
([in msecs]
(throttle* in msecs (chan)))
([in msecs out]
(throttle* in msecs out (chan)))
([in msecs out control]
(loop [state ::init last nil cs [in control]]
(let [[_ _ sync] cs]
(let [[v sc] (alts! cs)]
(condp = sc
in (condp = state
::init (do (>! out v)
(>! out [::throttle v])
(recur ::throttling last
(conj cs (timeout msecs))))
::throttling (do (>! out v)
(recur state v cs)))
sync (if last
(do (>! out [::throttle last])
(recur state nil
(conj (pop cs) (timeout msecs))))
(recur ::init last (pop cs)))
control (recur ::init nil
(if (= (count cs) 3)
(pop cs)
(defn throttle-msg? [x]
(and (vector? x)
(= (first x) ::throttle)))
(defn throttle
([in msecs] (throttle in msecs (chan)))
([in msecs out]
(->> (throttle* in msecs out)
(filter #(and (vector? %) (= (first %) ::throttle)))
(map second))))
You probably also want to add a dedupe transducer to the channel.
I needed to pass a function to capture the args because I was using it for an input event and it was passing a mutable object. 🤷
(defn throttle-for-mutable-args [time f arg-capture-fn]
(let [c (async/chan (async/sliding-buffer 1))]
(async-m/go-loop []
(f (async/<! c))
(async/<! (async/timeout time))
(fn [& args]
(async/put! c (apply arg-capture-fn (or args []))))))
And I use like
{:onChange (util/throttle-for-mutable-args
#(really-use-arg %)
#(-> % .-target .-value))}]

Does 'concat' break the laziness of 'line-seq'?

The following code appears to force line-seq to read 4 lines from file. Is this some kind of buffering mechanism? Do I need to use lazy-cat here? If so, how can I apply a macro to a sequence as if it were variadic arguments?
(defn char-seq [rdr]
(let [coll (line-seq rdr)]
(apply concat (map (fn [x] (println \,) x) coll))))
(def tmp (char-seq ( file)))
Part of what you're seeing is due to apply, since it will need to realize as many args as needed by the function definition. E.g.:
user=> (defn foo [& args] nil)
user=> (def bar (apply foo (iterate #(let [i (inc %)] (println i) i) 0)))
user=> (defn foo [x & args] nil)
user=> (def bar (apply foo (iterate #(let [i (inc %)] (println i) i) 0)))
user=> (defn foo [x y & args] nil)
user=> (def bar (apply foo (iterate #(let [i (inc %)] (println i) i) 0)))