What can I reasonably expect a compiler to be able to inline? - c++

Are there any general rules I can use for evaluating whether a modern compiler will inline a function? What is the relative cost of an extra stack frame (I know it's very small, but is there any way to generally quantify it - within an order of magnitude or so)?
I'm also particularly interested in:
Can a compiler inline methods defined in a cpp?
I know some compilers implement some optimizations even in debug (VS uses RVO in debug but not NRVO) - What's the situation for inlining? I would imagine that it's disabled so that we can see an expected call stack for debugging.
I'm currently trying to micro-optimize a memory tracking system, specifically ones that also apply without optimization enabled (in debug).

It's easy to predict and hard to predict. Simple expressions, like:
int a = b + (2 * c):
int d = e + (2 * c);
get optimized with the simplest optimizations (the (2 * c) "common subexpression" will only be computed once.
In C/C++, methods declared inlined generally will be (though not always).
Trickier are loop optimizations and the like. Eg,
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
a = i + (2 * c);
the expression (2 * c) will usually get pulled out of the loop, in a compiler that does "global optimization", but not in one that does only "local optimization". And, of course, expressions can get much more complicated and convoluted.
Change the body of the above loop to a = i * (2 * c);, and you progress to a slightly higher level of global optimization known as "loop induction". A "smart" compiler will figure out to just add 2 * c (as precomputed) to a for each iteration through the loop, vs doing the (more expensive) multiply on each iteration.
And that's just scratching the surface.
But I have no idea what the Visual Studio compilers are capable of.


Will an operation done several times in sequence be simplified by compiler?

I've had this question for a long time but never knew where to look. If a certain operation is written many times will the compiler simplify it or will it run the exact same operation and get the exact same answer?
For example, in the following c-like pseudo-code (i%3)*10 is repeated many times.
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
array[(i%3)*10] = someFunction((i%3)*10);
int otherVar = (i%3)*10 + array[(i%3)*10];
int lastVar = (i%3)*10 - otherVar;
I understand a variable would be better for visual purposes, but is it also faster? Is (i%3)*10 calculated 5 times per loop?
There are certain cases where I don't know if its faster to use a variable or just leave the original operation.
Edit: using gcc (MinGW.org GCC-8.2.0-3) 8.2.0 on win 10
Which optimizations are done depends on the compiler, the compiler optimization flag(s) you specify, and the architecture.
Here are a few possible optimizations for your example:
Loop Unrolling This makes the binary larger and thus is a trade-off; for example you may not want this on a tiny microprocessor with very little memory.
Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE) you can be pretty sure that your (i % 3) * 10 will only be executed once per loop iteration.
About your concern about visual clarity vs. optimization: When dealing with a 'local situation' like yours, you should focus on code clarity.
Optimization gains are often to be made at a higher level; for example in the algorithm you use.
There's a lot to be said about optimization; the above are just a few opening remarks. It's great that you're interested in how things work, because this is important for a good (C/C++) programmer.
As a matter of course, you should remove the obfuscation present in your code:
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
int i30 = i % 3 * 10;
int r = someFunction(i30);
array[i30] = r;
Suddenly, it looks quite a lot simpler.
Leave it to the compiler (with appropriate options) to optimize your code unless you find you actually have to take a hand after measuring.
In this case, unrolling three times looks like a good idea for the compiler to pursue. Though inlining might always reveal even better options.
Yes, operations done several times in sequence will be optimized by a compiler.
To go into more detail, all major compilers (GCC, Clang, and MSVC) store the value of (i%3)*10 into a temporary (scratch, junk) register, and then use that whenever an equivalent expression is used again.
This optimization is called GCSE (GNU Common Subexpression Elimination) for GCC, and just CSE otherwise.
This takes a decent chunk out of the time that it takes to compute the loop.

Enforcing order of execution

I would like to ensure that the calculations requested are executed exactly in the order I specify, without any alterations from either the compiler or CPU (including the linker, assembler, and anything else you can think of).
Operator left-to-right associativity is assumed in the C language
I am working in C (possibly also interested in C++ solutions), which states that for operations of equal precedence there is an assumed left-to-right operator associativity, and hence
a = b + c - d + e + f - g ...;
is equivalent to
a = (...(((((b + c) - d) + e) + f) - g) ...);
A small example
However, consider the following example:
double a, b = -2, c = -3;
a = 1 + 2 - 2 + 3 + 4;
a += 2*b;
a += c;
So many opportunities for optimisation
For many compilers and pre-processors they may be clever enough to recognise the "+ 2 - 2" is redundant and optimise this away. Similarly they could recognise that the "+= 2*b" followed by the "+= c" can be written using a single FMA. Even if they don't optimise in an FMA, they may switch the order of these operations etc. Furthermore, if the compiler doesn't do any of these optimisations, the CPU may well decide to do some out of order execution, and decide it can do the "+= c" before the "+= 2*b", etc.
As floating-point arithmetic is non-associative, each type of optimisation may result in a different end result, which may be noticeable if the following is inlined somewhere.
Why worry about floating point associativity?
For most of my code I would like as much optimisation as I can have and don't care about floating-point associativity or bit-wise reproduciblilty, but occasionally there is a small snippet (similar to the above example) which I would like to be untampered with and totally respected. This is because I am working with a mathematical method which exactly requires a reproducible result.
What can I do to resolve this?
A few ideas which have come to mind:
Disable compiler optimisations and out of order execution
I don't want this, as I want the other 99% of my code to be heavily optimised. (This seems to be cutting off my nose to spite my face). I also most likely won't have permission to change my hardware settings.
Use a pragma
Write some assembly
The code snippets are small enough that this might be reasonable, although I'm not very confident in this, especially if (when) it comes to debugging.
Put this in a separate file, compile separately as un-optimised as possible, and then link using a function call
Volatile variables
To my mind these are just for ensuring that memory access is respected and un-optimised, but perhaps they might prove useful.
Access everything through judicious use of pointers
Perhaps, but this seems like a disaster in readability, performance, and bugs waiting to happen.
If anyone can think of any feasibly solutions (either from any of the ideas I've suggested or otherwise) that would be ideal. The "pragma" option or "function call" to my mind seem like the best approaches.
The ultimate goal
To have something that marks off a small chuck of simple and largely vanilla C code as protected and untouchable to any (realistically most) optimisations, while allowing for the rest of the code to be heavily optimised, covering optimisations from both the CPU and compiler.
This is not a complete answer, but it is informative, partially answers, and is too long for a comment.
Clarifying the Goal
The question actually seeks reproducibility of floating-point results, not order of execution. Also, order of execution is irrelevant; we do not care if, in (a+b)+(c+d), a+b or c+d is executed first. We care that the result of a+b is added to the result of c+d, without any reassociation or other rewriting of arithmetic unless the result is known to be the same.
Reproducibility of floating-point arithmetic is in general an unsolved technological problem. (There is no theoretical barrier; we have reproducible elementary operations. Reproducibility is a matter of what hardware and software vendors have provided and how hard it is to express the computations we want performed.)
Do you want reproducibility on one platform (e.g., always using the same version of the same math library)? Does your code use any math library routines like sin or log? Do you want reproducibility across different platforms? With multithreading? Across changes of compiler version?
Addressing Some Specific Issues
The samples shown in the question can largely be handled by writing each individual floating-point operation in its own statement, as by replacing:
a = 1 + 2 - 2 + 3 + 4;
a += 2*b;
a += c;
t0 = 1 + 2;
t0 = t0 - 2;
t0 = t0 + 3;
t0 = t0 + 4;
t1 = 2*b;
t0 += t1;
a += c;
The basis for this is that both C and C++ permit an implementation to use “excess precision” when evaluating an expression but require that precision to be “discarded” when an assignment or cast is performed. Limiting each assignment expression to one operation or executing a cast after each operation effectively isolates the operations.
In many cases, a compiler will then generate code using instructions of the nominal type, instead of instructions using a type with excess precision. In particular, this should avoid a fused multiply-add (FMA) being substituted for a multiplication followed by an addition. (An FMA has effectively infinite precision in the product before it is added to the addend, thus falling under the “excess precision is permitted” rule.) There are caveats, however. An implementation might first evaluate an operation with excess precision and then round it to the nominal precision. In general, this can cause a different result than doing a single operation in the nominal precision. For the elementary operations of addition, subtract, multiplication, division, and even square root, this does not happen if the excess precision is sufficient greater than the nominal precision. (There are proofs that a result with sufficient excess precision is always close enough to the infinitely precise result that the rounding to nominal precision gets the same result.) This is true for the case where the nominal precision is the IEEE-754 basic 32-bit binary floating-point format, and the excess precision is the 64-bit format. However, it is not true where the nominal precision is the 64-bit format and the excess precision is Intel’s 80-bit format.
So, whether this workaround works depends on the platform.
Other Issues
Aside from the use of excess precision and features like FMA or the optimizer rewriting expressions, there are other things that affect reproducibility, such as non-standard treatment of subnormals (notably replacing them with zeroes), variations between math library routines. (sin, log, and similar functions return different results on different platforms. Nobody has fully implemented correctly rounded math library routines with known bounded performance.)
These are discussed in other Stack Overflow questions about floating-point reproducibility, as well as papers, specifications, and standards documents.
Irrelevant Issues
The order in which a processor executes floating-point operations is irrelevant. Processor reordering of calculations obeys rigid semantics; the results are identical regardless of the chronological order of execution. (Processor timing can affect results if, for example, a task is partitioned into subtasks, such as assigning multiple threads or processes to process different parts of the arrays. Among other issues, their results could arrive in different orders, and the process receiving their results might then add or otherwise combine their results in different orders.)
Using pointers will not fix anything. As far as C or C++ is concerned, *p where p is a pointer to double is the same as a where a is a double. One the objects has a name (a) and one of them does not, but they are like roses: They smell the same. (There are issues where, if you have some other pointer q, the compiler might not know whether *q and *p refer to the same thing. But that also holds true for *q and a.)
Using volatile qualifiers will not aid in reproducibility regarding the excess precision or expression rewriting issue. That is because only an object (not a value) is volatile, which means it has no effect until you write it or read it. But, if you write it, you are using an assignment expression1, so the rule about discarding excess precision already applies. When reading the object, you would force the compiler to retrieve the actual value from memory, but this value will not be any different than the non-volatile object has after assignment, so nothing is accomplished.
1 I would have to check on other things that modify an object, such as ++, but those are likely not significant for this discussion.
Write this critical chunk of code in assembly language.
The situation you're in is unusual. Most of the time people want the compiler to do optimizations, so compiler developers don't spend much development effort on means to avoid them. Even with the knobs you do get (pragmas, separate compilation, indirections, ...) you can never be sure something won't be optimized. Some of the undesirable optimizations you mention (constant folding, for instance) cannot be turned off by any means in modern compilers.
If you use assembly language you can be sure you're getting exactly what you wrote. If you do it any other way you won't have that level of confidence.
"clever enough to recognise the + 2 - 2 is redundant and optimise this
No ! All decent compilers will apply constant propagation and figure out that a is constant and optimize all your statement away, into something equivalent to a = 1;. Here the example with assembly.
Now if you make a volatile, the compiler has to assume that any change of a could have an impact outside the C++ programme. Constant propagation will still be performed to optimise each of these calculations, but the intermediary assignments are guaranteed to happen. Here the example with assembly.
If you don't want constant propagation to happen, you need to deactivate optimizations. In this case, the best would be to keep your code separate so to compile the rest with all optilizations on.
However this is not ideal. The optimizer could outperform you and with this approach, you'll loose global optimisation across the function boundaries.
Recommendation/quote of the day:
Don't diddle code; Find better algorithms
- B.W.Kernighan & P.J.Plauger

Performance of duplicate computations

I wonder if it's worth to make computation one time and store the result or it's faster to do twice the computation?
For example in this case:
float n1 = a - b;
float n2 = a + b;
float result = n1 * n2 / (n1 * n2);
Is it better to do:
float result = (a - b) * (a + b) / ((a - b) * (a + b));
I know that normally we store the result but I wonder if it's not faster to do the addition instead of calling the memory to store/retrieve the value.
It really depends: For trivial examples like yours, it does not matter. The compiler will generate the same code, since it finds the common sub-expressions and eliminates the duplicated calculations.
For more complicated examples, for example involving function calls, you are better off to use the first variant, to "store" intermediate results. Do not worry about using simple variables for intermediate storage. These are usually all kept in CPU registers, and the compiler is quite good in keeping values in registers.
The danger is that with more complex calculations the compiler may fail to do the common sub-expression elimination. This is for example the case when your code contains function calls which act like a compiler boundary.
Another topic is that with floating point, even simple operations like addition are not associative, i.e. (a+b)+c is different from a+(b+c), due to artifacts in the lowest bits. This often also prevents common subexpression elimination, since the compiler is not allowed to change the semantics of your code.
Dividing the expression into smaller expressions and giving them sensible names gives You several benefits:
It decreases cognitive load.
The longer expression could be now easier to understand and verified correct.
The line of code could be shorter which makes it easier to read and adhere to coding standards.
In C++ a temporary variable could also be marked const, then this also allows the compiler to better optimize the expressions.
But optimizations should be measured before they are discussed and used as arguments. Fast usually comes from the choice of data structures and used algorithms.
In general code should be written to be understood and be correct, and only then should it be optimized.
const float difference = a - b;
const float sum = a + b;
const float result = difference * sum / (difference * sum);

Code reordering due to optimization

I've heard so many times that an optimizer may reorder your code that I'm starting to believe it.
Are there any examples or typical cases where this might happen and how can I Avoid such a thing (eg I want a benchmark to be impervious to this)?
There are LOTS of different kinds of "code-motion" (moving code around), and it's caused by lots of different parts of the optimisation process:
move these instructions around, because it's a waste of time to wait for the memory read to complete without putting at least one or two instructions between the memory read and the operation using the content we got from memory
Move things out of loops, because it only needs to happen once (if you call x = sin(y) once or 1000 times without changing y, x will have the same value, so no point in doing that inside a loop. So compiler moves it out.
Move code around based on "compiler expects this code to hit more often than the other bit, so better cache-hit ratio if we do it this way" - for example error handling being moved away from the source of the error, because it's unlikely that you get an error [compilers often understand commonly used functions and that they typically result in success].
Inlining - code is moved from the actual function into the calling function. This often leads to OTHER effects such as reduction in pushing/poping registers from the stack and arguments can be kept where they are, rather than having to move them to the "right place for arguments".
I'm sure I've missed some cases in the above list, but this is certainly some of the most common.
The compiler is perfectly within its rights to do this, as long as it doesn't have any "observable difference" (other than the time it takes to run and the number of instructions used - those "don't count" in observable differences when it comes to compilers)
There is very little you can do to avoid compiler from reordering your code - you can write code that ensures the order to some degree. So for example, we can have code like this:
int sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < large_number; i++)
sum += i;
Now, since sum isn't being used, the compiler can remove it. Adding some code that checks prints the sum would ensure that it's "used" according to the compiler.
for(i = 0; i < large_number; i++)
if the compiler can figure out that do_stuff doesn't actually change any global value, or similar, it will move code around to form this:
for(i = 0; i < large_number; i++)
The compiler may also remove - in fact almost certainly will - the, now, empty loop so that it doesn't exist at all. [As mentioned in the comments: If do_stuff doesn't actually change anything outside itself, it may also be removed, but the example I had in mind is where do_stuff produces a result, but the result is the same each time]
(The above happens if you remove the printout of results in the Dhrystone benchmark for example, since some of the loops calculate values that are never used other than in the printout - this can lead to benchmark results that exceed the highest theoretical throughput of the processor by a factor of 10 or so - because the benchmark assumes the instructions necessary for the loop were actually there, and says it took X nominal operations to execute each iteration)
There is no easy way to ensure this doesn't happen, aside from ensuring that do_stuff either updates some variable outside the function, or returns a value that is "used" (e.g. summing up, or something).
Another example of removing/omitting code is where you store values repeatedly to the same variable multiple times:
int x;
for(i = 0; i < large_number; i++)
x = i * i;
can be replaced with:
x = (large_number-1) * (large_number-1);
Sometimes, you can use volatile to ensure that something REALLY happens, but in a benchmark, that CAN be detrimental, since the compiler also can't optimise code that it SHOULD optimise (if you are not careful with the how you use volatile).
If you have some SPECIFIC code that you care particularly about, it would be best to post it (and compile it with several state of the art compilers, and see what they actually do with it).
[Note that moving code around is definitely not a BAD thing in general - I do want my compiler (whether it is the one I'm writing myself, or one that I'm using that was written by someone else) to make optimisation by moving code, because, as long as it does so correctly, it will produce faster/better code by doing so!]
Most of the time, reordering is only allowed in situations where the observable effects of the program are the same - this means you shouldn't be able to tell.
Counterexamples do exist, for example the order of operands is unspecified and an optimizer is free to rearrange things. You can't predict the order of these two function calls for example:
int a = foo() + bar();
Read up on sequence points to see what guarantees are made.

Auto vectorization Region of interest (crop)

I have a library which has some image processing algorithms including a Region of Interest (crop) algorithm. When compiling with GCC, the auto vectorizer speeds up a lot of the code but worsens the performance of the Crop algorithm. Is there a way of flagging a certain loop to be ignored by the vectorizer or is there a better way of structuring the code for better performance?
for (RowIndex=0;RowIndex<Destination.GetRows();++RowIndex)
rowOffsetS = ((OriginY + RowIndex) * SizeX) + OriginX;
rowOffsetD = (RowIndex * Destination.GetColumns());
for (ColumnIndex=0;ColumnIndex<Destination.GetColumns();++ColumnIndex)
BufferSPtr=BufferS + rowOffsetS + ColumnIndex;
BufferDPtr=BufferD + rowOffsetD + ColumnIndex;
SizeX is the width of the source
OriginX is the left of the region of interest
OriginY is the top of the region of interest
I haven't found anything about changing the optimization flags for a loop, however according to the documentation you can use the attribute optimize (look here and here) on a function to override the optimization settings for that function somewhat like this:
void foo() __attribute__((optimize("O2", "inline-functions")))
If you want to change it for several functions, you can use #pragma GCC optimize to set it for all following functions (look here).
So you should be able to compile the function containing crop with a different set of optimization flags, omitting the auto-vectorization. That has the disadvantage of hardcoding the compilation flags for that function, but is the best I found.
With regards to restructuring for better performance the two points I already mentioned in the comments come to mind (assuming the ranges can't overlap):
declaring the pointers as __restrict to tell the compiler that they don't alias (the area pointed to by one pointer won't be accessed by any other means inside the function). The possibility of pointer aliasing is a major stumbling block for the optimizer, since it can't easily reorder the accesses if it doesn't know if writing to BufferD will change the contents of BufferS.
Replacing the inner loop with a call to copy:
std::copy(BufferS + rowOffsetS, BufferS + rowOffsetS + Destination.GetColumns(), BufferD + rowOffsetD);
The copy function is likely to be pretty well optimized (probably forwarding the arguments to memmove), so that might make your code faster, while also making your code shorter (always a plus).