Infragistics nested UltraWebGrid alignment issue with IE9 - infragistics

I am using Infragistics UltraWebGrid version is 11.1.20111.1006 on MS Visual Studio 2008. I have implemented nested UltraWebGrid. Parent grid is getting rendered properly but when I click a link to view child (i.e. nested) grid, alignment of child grid's header and row gets disturbed. I am testing it on Internet Explorer 9 (IE9).
Can you suggest a solution?

I can recommend to try to add this style to the page:
width: 0px !important;


When I maximize the ckeditor window, the ckeditor toolbar is partially hidden under the django cms main toolbar

I see where the cke-maximize css class is added to the editor whenever the maximize button is clicked. However, I can't seem to find where to add my custom .cke-maximize class. I want to either change the z-index or add a padding-top:50px; to .cke-maximize
I've tried adding it to
I've tried putting it in django_admin_style. I've even tried putting it in <style> tags on the main template itself. Nothing seems to work.
Can someone point me in the right direction to fix the toolbar overlap?
Assuming you're talking about the admin part of django-cms, it should be possible to add this to templates/admin/inc/extrastyle.html (in your project)
.cke_maximized {
top: 47px !important;
// or z-index: 10000 !important;
// whichever you would prefer
this would override the values that are set by CKEditor javascript until it's fixed in djangocms-admin-style

How to properly set padding for QListView::item using Qt style sheets?

So I have following lines in my style sheet (among others):
QListView::item {
padding: 5px;
and this breakes my list view appearance.
However, after clicking on one of the checkboxes, it fixes itself.
It works okay without padding specified.
Any ideas?

Sitecore rich text editor dialog, page scrolls to top

It appears that the default behavior for the rich text editor dialog in Page Editor is to scroll the entire page back to the top. This creates bad UX on long pages, since after you're done editing, you have to scroll back down the page and figure out where the text is that you edited.
Anyone know how to make the page stay scrolled to where it was?
I am not sure if it is related, since I am not able to reproduce your problem, but it reminds me of a bug in the Sitecore client that showed up in Internet Explorer and Firefox versions, where the content tree pane would do the same (scroll up after interaction). Please take a look at this StackOverflow question for a possible solution.
Furthermore I want to give you the advice to build up pages in Sitecore using small building blocks (multiple hierarchical placeholders with small renderings). Only then you would be able to leverage the full potential of the system, regarding page editing features and personalization. Also, only then a content editor can alter the presentation in the Experience Editor (Page Editor for older versions). Putting long pages of HTML-code in a single rich text editor field isn't recommended.
I fixed it changing the positioning of the jqueryModalDialogsFrame from absolut to fixed:
position:fixed !important;
top:0px !important;
left:0px !important;

SharePoint 2013 document callout popup cut off when webpart is a fixed height

This appears to be a SharePoint 2013 bug.
One of the exciting features of SharePoint 2013 is the Callout. When you have a list of documents, and you want to learn more about the document without having to open it, you can click the three dots Callout button to get a popup that shows pertinent information about the document.
The problem is this information is being cut off when you apply a fixed height to the webparts properties and the height is not enough to accommodate the popup.
It appears to be due to the webpart being converted to an iFrame when a specific height is applied to it. I have been unable to find a CSS fix for this.
You can view an image of the issue here:
Anyone know how to fix this?
Thank you in advance for your help!
I had a very similar issue. I have a Google Map web part with fixed height and width in a two column layout, with a list on the right. The filter drop down menu would cut off just like what your image shows.
I was able to correct it by adding a script editor to modify the CSS with overflow: visible !important on both columns. In your image it looks like you have one web part above another, I would think the same rules would apply.
overflow: visible !important;
overflow: visible !important;

Upgrade to zurb foundation 4.3 and Section now hidden on large screen size

I just upgraded from version 4.1 from a month or so back and suddenly my section (horozintal-nav) is being hidden on screen sizes above 768px. Prior to the upgrade it would display as a horizontal nav above 768px and as an accordion on smaller screens.
I am using compass and sass.
I have also tried cutting and pasting their example code from their documentation into the top of my page and I get the same behaviour with that as well.
The CSS that hides the control...
/* line 49, ../../../../../lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/zurb-foundation-4.3.1/scss/foundation/components/_section.scss */
[data-section='horizontal-nav']:not([data-section-resized]):not([data-section-small-style]), .section-container.horizontal-nav:not([data-section-resized]):not([data-section-small-style]) {
visibility: hidden;
Is anyone else having this problem?
Seems I just needed to add data-section-resized attribute to my container.
<div data-section="horizontal-nav" data-section-resized>...</div>
So simple fix, but that isn't in the zurb documentation - does anyone one know what that attribute is for?
I ran into this problem as well. The above answer didn't quite work for me because all my tabs were squashed to the top right, overlapping each other.
This thread helped me sort it out:
This isn't broken. Sizing can't be calculated correctly when elements aren't visible. If you're going to hide them and then show, you'll need to call reflow or fire the resize event to get things to calculate the correct sizes.
At least for my case, my items were being loaded AFTER Foundation was able to calculate the widths, so it always went to 0.
Hope this helps!