topology layers separation algorithm - c++

I have the following problem. Suppose you have a big array of Manhattan polygons on the plane (their sides are parallel to x or y axis). I need to find a polygons, placed closer than some value delta. The question - is how to make this in most effective way, because the number of this polygons is very large. I will be glad if you will give me a reference to implemented solution, which will be easy to adapt for my case.

The first thing that comes to mind is the sweep and prune algorithm (also known as sort and sweep).
Basically, you first find out the 'bounds' of each shape along each axis. For the x axis, these would be leftmost and rightmost points on a shape. For the y axis, the topmost and bottommost.
Lets say you have a bound structure that looks something like this:
struct Bound
float value; // The value of the bound, ie, the x or y coordinate.
bool isLower; // True for a lower bound (leftmost point or bottommost point).
int shapeIndex; // The index (into your array of shapes) of the shape this bound is on.
Create two arrays of these Bounds, one for the x axis and one for the y.
Bound xBounds* = new Bound[2 * numberOfShapes];
Bound yBounds* = new Bound[2 * numberOfShapes];
You will also need two more arrays. An array that tracks on how many axes each pair of shapes is close to one another, and an array of candidate pairs.
int closeAxes* = new int[numberOfShapes * numberOfShapes];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShapes * numberOfShapes; i++)
CloseAxes[i] = 0;
struct Pair
int shapeIndexA;
int shapeIndexB;
Pair candidatePairs* = new Pair[numberOfShapes * numberOfShape];
int numberOfPairs = 0;
Iterate through your list of shapes and fill the arrays appropriately, with one caveat:
Since you're checking for closeness rather than intersection, add delta to each upper bound.
Then sort each array by value, using whichever algorithm you like.
Next, do the following (and repeat for the Y axis):
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < 2 * numberOfShapes; i++)
if (xBounds[i].isLower && xBounds[i + 1].isLower)
unsigned int L = xBounds[i].shapeIndex;
unsigned int R = xBounds[i + 1].shapeIndex;
closeAxes[L + R * numberOfShapes]++;
closeAxes[R + L * numberOfShapes]++;
if (closeAxes[L + R * numberOfShapes] == 2 ||
closeAxes[R + L * numberOfShapes] == 2)
candidatePairs[numberOfPairs].shapeIndexA = L;
candidatePairs[numberOfPairs].shapeIndexB = R;
All the candidate pairs are less than delta apart on each axis. Now simply check each candidate pair to make sure they're actually less than delta apart. I won't go into exactly how to do that at the moment because, well, I haven't actually thought about it, but hopefully my answer will at least get you started. I suppose you could just check each pair of line segments and find the shortest x or y distance, but I'm sure there's a more efficient way to go about the 'narrow phase' step.
Obviously, the actual implementation of this algorithm can be a lot more sophisticated. My goal was to make the explanation clear and brief rather than elegant. Depending on the layout of your shapes and the sorting algorithm you use, a single run of this is approximately between O(n) and O(n log n) in terms of efficiency, as opposed to O(n^2) to check every pair of shapes.


Starting from a source, find the next point closest to an objective on a grid in C++

I have an NxN grid with 2 points, the source and destination. I need to move step by step from the source to the destination (which is also moving). How do I determine what the next point is to move to?
One way is to assess all 8 points and see which yields the lowest distance using an Euclidian distance. However, I was hoping there is a cool (mathematical) trick which will yield more elegant results.
Your question statement allows moving diagonally, which is faster (since it's moving both horizontally and vertically in a single step): this solution will always do that unless it has the same x or y coordinate as the target.
using Position = pair<int,int>;
Position move(Position const &current, Position const &target) {
// horizontal and vertical distances
const int dx = target.first - current.first;
const int dy = target.second - current.second;
// horizontal and vertical steps [-1,+1]
const int sx = dx ? dx/abs(dx) : 0;
const int sy = dy ? dy/abs(dy) : 0;
return { current.first + sx, current.second + sy };
I'm not sure if this counts as a cool mathematical trick though, it just depends on knowing that:
dx = target.x-current.x is positive if you should move in the positive x-direction, negative if you should go in the negative direction, and zero if you should go straight up/down
dx/abs(dx) keeps the sign and removes the magnitude, so it's always one of -1,0,+1 (avoiding however division by zero)
I suppose that answer to your question is Bresenham's line algorithm. It allows to build sequence of integer points between start and end points in your grid. Anyway you can adapt ideas from it to your problem
For more information see
I would simply use some vector math, take dest minus source as a vector, and then calculate the angle between that vector and some reference vector, e.g. <1, 0>, with standard methods.
Then you can simply divide the circle in 8 (or 4 if your prefer) sections and determine in which section your vector lies from the angle you obtained.
See euclidean space for how to calculate the angle between two vectors.

Belman-Ford algorithm in 2d Array

I've got a problem with applying a Bellman-Ford algorithm to 2D Array (not to graph)
Input array has m x n dimensions:
s[1,1] s[1,2] ... s[1,n] -> Exit
s[2,1] s[2,2] ... s[2,n]
Entry -> s[m,1] s[m,2] ... s[m,n]
And it is room-alike (each entry is a room with s[x,y] cost of enterance). Each room could have also a negative cost, and we have to find cheapest path from Entry to choosen room and to Exit.
For example, we've got this array of rooms and costs:
1 5 6
2 -3 4
5 2 -8
And we want to walk over room [3,2], s[3,2] = 4. We are starting form 5 at [1,3] and must walk over [3,2] before we go to [3,3].
And my question is, what is the best way to implement it in Bellman-Ford algorithm? I know that Dijkstry algorithm will not work becouse of negative cost.
Is for each room from [0, maxHeight] and relax all neighbors correct? Like this:
for (int i = height-1; i >= 0; --i) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
int x = i;
int y = j;
if (x > 0) // up
Relax(x, y, x - 1, y);
if (y + 1 < width) // right
Relax(x, y, x, y + 1);
if (y > 0) // left
Relax(x, y, x, y - 1);
if (x + 1 < height) // down
Relax(x, y, x + 1, y);
But how can I then read a cost to choosen room and from room to exit?
If you know how to move on the graph from an array, you can scroll to additional condition paragraph. Read also next paragraph.
In fact, you can look at that building like on a graph.
You can see like: (I forgot doors in second line, sorry.)
So, how it is possible to be implement. Ignore for the moment additional condition (visit a particular vertex before leaving).
Weight function:
Let S[][] be an array of entry cost. Notice, that about weight of edge decides only vertex on the end. It has no matter if it's (1, 2) -> (1,3) or (2,3) -> (1, 3). Cost is defined by second vertex. so function may look like:
cost_type cost(vertex v, vertex w) {
return S[w.y][w.x];
//As you can see, first argument is unnecessary.
In fact you don't have to keep all edges in some array. You can calculate them in function every time you need.
The neighbours for vertex (x, y) are (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1), if that nodes exist. You have to check it, but it's easy. (Check if new_x > 0 && new_x < max_x.) It may look like that:
//Size of matrix is M x N
is_correct(vertex w) {
if(w.y < 1 || w.y > M || w.x < 1 || w.x > N) {
return CORRECT;
Generating neighbours can look like:
std::tie(x, y) = std::make_tuple(v.x, v.y);
for(vertex w : {{x+1, y}, {x-1, y}, {x, y+1}, {x, y-1}}) {
if(is_correct(w) == CORRECT) {//CORRECT may be true
relax(v, w);
I believe, that it shouldn't take extra memory for four edges. If you don't know std::tie, look at cppreference. (Extra variables x, y take more memory, but I believe that it's more readable here. In your code it may not appear.)
Obviously you have to have other 2D array with distance and (if necessary) predecessor, but I think it's clear and I don't have to describe it.
Additional condition:
You want to know cost from enter to exit, but you have to visit some vertex compulsory. Easiest way to calculate it is to calculate cost from enter to compulsory and from compulsory to exit. (There will be two separate calculations.) It will not change big O time. After that you can just add results.
You just have to guarantee that it's impossible to visit exit before compulsory. It's easy, you can just erase outgoing edges from exit by adding extra line in is_correct function, (Then vertex v will be necessary.) or in generating neighbours code fragment.
Now you can implement it basing on wikipedia. You have graph.
Why you shouldn't listen?
Better way is to use Belman Ford Algorithm from other vertex. Notice, that if you know optimal path from A to B, you also know optimal path from B to A. Why? Always you have to pay for last vertex and you don't pay for first, so you can ignore costs of them. Rest is obvious.
Now, if you know that you want to know paths A->B and B->C, you can calculate B->A and B->C using one time BF from node B and reverse path B->A. It's over.
You just have to erase outgoing edges from entry and exit nodes.
However, if you need very fast algorithm, you have to optimize that. But it is for another topic, I think. Also, it looks like no one is interested in hard optimization.
I can quickly add, just that small and easy optimization bases at that, that you can ignore relaxation from correspondingly distant vertices. In array you can calculate distance in easy way, so it's pleasant optimization.
I have not mentioned well know optimization, cause I believe that all of them are in a random course of the web.

Improving C++ algorithm for finding all points within a sphere of radius r

Language/Compiler: C++ (Visual Studio 2013)
Experience: ~2 months
I am working in a rectangular grid in 3D-space (size: xdim by ydim by zdim) where , "xgrid, ygrid, and zgrid" are 3D arrays of the x,y, and z-coordinates, respectively. Now, I am interested in finding all points that lie within a sphere of radius "r" centered about the point "(vi,vj,vk)". I want to store the index locations of these points in the vectors "xidx,yidx,zidx". For a single point this algorithm works and is fast enough but when I wish to iterate over many points within the 3D-space I run into very long run times.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can improve the implementation of this algorithm in C++? After running some profiling software I found online (very sleepy, Luke stackwalker) it seems that the "std::vector::size" and "std::vector::operator[]" member functions are bogging down my code. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Note: Since I do not know a priori how many voxels are within the sphere, I set the length of vectors xidx,yidx,zidx to be larger than necessary and then erase all the excess elements at the end of the function.
void find_nv(int vi, int vj, int vk, vector<double> &xidx, vector<double> &yidx, vector<double> &zidx, double*** &xgrid, double*** &ygrid, double*** &zgrid, int r, double xdim,double ydim,double zdim, double pdim)
double xcor, ycor, zcor,xval,yval,zval;
xyz[0] = xgrid[vi][vj][vk];
xyz[1] = ygrid[vi][vj][vk];
xyz[2] = zgrid[vi][vj][vk];
int counter = 0;
// Confine loop to be within boundaries of sphere
int istart = vi - r;
int iend = vi + r;
int jstart = vj - r;
int jend = vj + r;
int kstart = vk - r;
int kend = vk + r;
if (istart < 0) {
istart = 0;
if (iend > xdim-1) {
iend = xdim-1;
if (jstart < 0) {
jstart = 0;
if (jend > ydim - 1) {
jend = ydim-1;
if (kstart < 0) {
kstart = 0;
if (kend > zdim - 1)
kend = zdim - 1;
// Begin iterating through all points
for (int k = 0; k < kend+1; ++k)
for (int j = 0; j < jend+1; ++j)
for (int i = 0; i < iend+1; ++i)
if (i == vi && j == vj && k == vk)
xcor = pow((xgrid[i][j][k] - xyz[0]), 2);
ycor = pow((ygrid[i][j][k] - xyz[1]), 2);
zcor = pow((zgrid[i][j][k] - xyz[2]), 2);
double rsqr = pow(r, 2);
double sphere = xcor + ycor + zcor;
if (sphere <= rsqr)
zidx[counter] = k;
counter = counter + 1;
//cout << "counter = " << counter - 1;
// erase all appending zeros that are not voxels within sphere
xidx.erase(xidx.begin() + (counter), xidx.end());
yidx.erase(yidx.begin() + (counter), yidx.end());
zidx.erase(zidx.begin() + (counter), zidx.end());
return 0;
You already appear to have used my favourite trick for this sort of thing, getting rid of the relatively expensive square root functions and just working with the squared values of the radius and center-to-point distance.
One other possibility which may speed things up (a) is to replace all the:
xyzzy = pow (plugh, 2)
calls with the simpler:
xyzzy = plugh * plugh
You may find the removal of the function call could speed things up, however marginally.
Another possibility, if you can establish the maximum size of the target array, is to use an real array rather than a vector. I know they make the vector code as insanely optimal as possible but it still won't match a fixed-size array for performance (since it has to do everything the fixed size array does plus handle possible expansion).
Again, this may only offer very marginal improvement at the cost of more memory usage but trading space for time is a classic optimisation strategy.
Other than that, ensure you're using the compiler optimisations wisely. The default build in most cases has a low level of optimisation to make debugging easier. Ramp that up for production code.
(a) As with all optimisations, you should measure, not guess! These suggestions are exactly that: suggestions. They may or may not improve the situation, so it's up to you to test them.
One of your biggest problems, and one that is probably preventing the compiler from making a lot of optimisations is that you are not using the regular nature of your grid.
If you are really using a regular grid then
xgrid[i][j][k] = x_0 + i * dxi + j * dxj + k * dxk
ygrid[i][j][k] = y_0 + i * dyi + j * dyj + k * dyk
zgrid[i][j][k] = z_0 + i * dzi + j * dzj + k * dzk
If your grid is axis aligned then
xgrid[i][j][k] = x_0 + i * dxi
ygrid[i][j][k] = y_0 + j * dyj
zgrid[i][j][k] = z_0 + k * dzk
Replacing these inside your core loop should result in significant speedups.
You could do two things. Reduce the number of points you are testing for inclusion and simplify the problem to multiple 2d tests.
If you take the sphere an look at it down the z axis you have all the points for y+r to y-r in the sphere, using each of these points you can slice the sphere into circles that contain all the points in the x/z plane limited to the circle radius at that specific y you are testing. Calculating the radius of the circle is a simple solve the length of the base of the right angle triangle problem.
Right now you ar testing all the points in a cube, but the upper ranges of the sphere excludes most points. The idea behind the above algorithm is that you can limit the points tested at each level of the sphere to the square containing the radius of the circle at that height.
Here is a simple hand draw graphic, showing the sphere from the side view.
Here we are looking at the slice of the sphere that has the radius ab. Since you know the length ac and bc of the right angle triangle, you can calculate ab using Pythagoras theorem. Now you have a simple circle that you can test the points in, then move down, it reduce length ac and recalculate ab and repeat.
Now once you have that you can actually do a little more optimization. Firstly, you do not need to test every point against the circle, you only need to test one quarter of the points. If you test the points in the upper left quadrant of the circle (the slice of the sphere) then the points in the other three points are just mirror images of that same point offset either to the right, bottom or diagonally from the point determined to be in the first quadrant.
Then finally, you only need to do the circle slices of the top half of the sphere because the bottom half is just a mirror of the top half. In the end you only tested a quarter of the point for containment in the sphere. This should be a huge performance boost.
I hope that makes sense, I am not at a machine now that I can provide a sample.
simple thing here would be a 3D flood fill from center of the sphere rather than iterating over the enclosing square as you need to visited lesser points. Moreover you should implement the iterative version of the flood-fill to get more efficiency.
Flood Fill

Improve minimum distance filter for pointset

I create a minimum distance filter for points.
The function takes a stream of points (x1,y1,x2,y2...) and removes the corresponding ones.
void minDistanceFilter(vector<float> &points, float distance = 0.0)
float p0x, p0y;
float dx, dy, dsq;
float mdsq = distance*distance; // minimum distance square
unsigned i, j, n = points.size();
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
p0x = points[i];
p0y = points[i+1];
for(j=0; j<n; j+=2)
//if (i == j) continue; // discard itself (seems like it slows down the algorithm)
dx = p0x - points[j]; // delta x (p0x - p1x)
dy = p0y - points[j+1]; // delta y (p0y - p1y)
dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy; // distance square
if (dsq < mdsq)
auto del = points.begin() + j;
n = points.size(); // update n
j -= 2; // decrement j
The only problem that is very slow, due to it tests all points against all points (n^2).
How could it be improved?
kd-trees or range trees could be used for your problem. However, if you want to code from scratch and want something simpler, then you can use a hash table structure. For each point (a,b), hash using the key (round(a/d),round(b/d)) and store all the points that have the same key in a list. Then, for each key (m,n) in your hash table, compare all points in the list to the list of points that have key (m',n') for all 9 choices of (m',n') where m' = m + (-1 or 0 or 1) and n' = n + (-1 or 0 or 1). These are the only points that can be within distance d of your points that have key (m,n). The downside compared to a kd-tree or range tree is that for a given point, you are effectively searching within a square of side length 3*d for points that might have distance d or less, instead of searching within a square of side length 2*d which is what you would get if you used a kd-tree or range tree. But if you are coding from scratch, this is easier to code; also kd-trees and range trees are kinda overkill if you only have one universal distance d that you care about for all points.
Look up range tree, e.g. . You can use this structure to store 2-dimensional points and very quickly find all the points that lie inside a query rectangle. Since you want to find points within a certain distance d of a point (a,b), your query rectangle will need to be [a-d,a+d]x[b-d,b+d] and then you test any points found inside the rectangle to make sure they are actually within distance d of (a,b). Range tree can be built in O(n log n) time and space, and range queries take O(log n + k) time where k is the number of points found in the rectangle. Seems optimal for your problem.

Working out positions with array indexes

I have an array that represents a grid
For the sake of this example we will start the array at 1 rather that 0 because I realized after doing the picture, and can't be bothered to edit it
In this example blue would have an index of 5, green an index of 23 and red 38
Each color represents an object and the array index represents where the object is. I have implemented very simple gravity, whereby if the grid underneath is empty x + (WIDTH * (y + 1)) then the grid below is occupied by this object, and the grid that the object was in becomes empty.
This all works well in its current form, but what I want to do is make it so that red is the gravity point, so that in this example, blue will move to array index 16 and then 27.
This is not too bad, but how would the object be able to work out dynamically where to move, as in the example of the green grid? How can I get it to move to the correct index?
Also, what would be the best way to iterate through the array to 'find' the location of red? I should also note that red won't always be at 38
Any questions please ask, also thank you for your help.
This sounds very similar to line rasterization. Just imagine the grid to be a grid of pixels. Now when you draw a line from the green point to the red point, the pixels/cells that the line will pass are the cells that the green point should travel along, which should indeed be the shortest path from the green point to the red point along the discrete grid cells. You then just stop once you encounter a non-empty grid cell.
Look for Bresenham's algorithm as THE school book algorithm for line rasterization.
And for searching the red point, just iterate over the array linearly until you have it and then keep track of its grid position, like William already suggested in his answer.
x = x position
y = y position
cols = number of columns across in your grid
(y * cols) + x = index in array absolute value for any x, y
you could generalize this in a function:
int get_index(int x, int y, int gridcols)
return (gridcols * y) + x;
It should be noted that this works for ZERO BASED INDICES.
This is assuming I am understanding what you're talking about at all...
As for the second question, for any colored element you have, you should keep a value in memory (possibly stored in a structure) that keeps track of its position so you don't have to search for it at all.
struct _THING {
int xpos;
int ypos;
Using the get_index() function, you could find the index of the grid cell below it by calling like this:
index_below = get_index(thing.x, thing.y + 1, gridcols);
thing.y++; // increment the thing's y now since it has moved down
IF YOU WANT TO DO IT IN REVERSE, as in finding the x,y position by the array index, you can use the modulus operator and division.
ypos = array_index / total_cols; // division without remainder
xpos = array_index % total_cols; // gives the remainder
You could generalize this in a function like this:
// x and y parameters are references, and return values using these references
void get_positions_from_index(int array_index, int total_columns, int& x, int& y)
y = array_index / total_columns;
x = array_index % total_columns;
Whenever you're referring to an array index, it must be zero-based. However, when you are referring to the number of columns, that value will be 1-based for the calculations. x and y positions will also be zero based.
Probably easiest would be to work entirely in a system of (x,y) coordinates to calculate gravity and switch to the array coordinates when you finally need to lookup and store objects.
In your example, consider (2, 4) (red) to be the center of gravity; (5, 1) (blue) needs to move in the direction (2-5, 4-1) == (-3, 3) by the distance _n_. You get decide how simple you want n to be -- it could be that you move your objects to an adjoining element, including diagonals, so move (blue) to (5-1, 1+1) == (4, 2). Or perhaps you could move objects by some scalar multiple of the unit vector that describes the direction you need to move. (Say, heavier objects move further because the attraction of gravity is stronger. Or, lighter objects move further because they have less inertia to overcome. Or objects move further the closer they are to the gravity well, because gravity is an inverse square law).
Once you've sorted out the virtual coordinates of your universe, then convert your numbers (4, 2) via some simple linear formulas: 4*columns + 2 -- or just use multidimensional arrays and truncate your floating-point results to get your array indexes.