how to pass GCC class to MSVC dll? - c++

I want to pass a class between a GCC compiled gui app and MSVC dll ?
I want my GUI app to communicate with a plugin DLL,
(Edit i think i wasnt clear. i know this wont work. this is PSEUDOcode. what i asked for is how to make it work and that isint really related to what classes i have :D)
class eventbase{ }//virutal copy constructor [edit:cloner .o0]
class eventtype1{} // copy constructor [edit:cloner .o0]
class eventtype2{} // copy constructor [edit:cloner .o0]
and pass these events from/to gui/dll ...
i am afraid (well certian actually) this wont work so i ask for a workaround. how do you construct events to pass to your plugins ? how do you manage them ?

The problem is in linkage and C++ mangling. GCC and MSVC don't result in same-named symbols within the DLL. The only way around it that I know of is to use C linkage of functions and structures to set up the interface between the application and the plugin DLL. Something like:
extern "C"
struct pluginClass
int pluginVersion;
void (*plugin_func)();
pluginClass * myPluginStartup();
void myPluginShutdown( pluginClass * returnToHeap );
Unfortunately, this means that you won't be able to pass STL collections or other more complex classes around. I hope you find a better answer than this, though. I'll keep my eyes open for it.


How do I link to a native class in a C++/Cli mixed-mode dll

I have the following setup:
CSharp.dll, a C# dll
CppCli.dll, a Mixed-Mode C++/Cli dll.
Native.dll, a native C++ dll.
The native project declares
class Native
virtual void Add(int a);
which is implemented in the mixed mode project:
class Mixed : public Native
virtual void Add(int a);
ICSharpInterface^ MakeManaged();
Since the base class is defined in Native, I can pass my implementation to other code in native. But now I want to test this class.
If I use #pragma make_public(Mixed); it will only make a struct public, without any functions visible to the outside.
If I try to link to the mixed-mode dll from another mixed-mode dll, I get linker errors because it's a native class and the mixed-mode dll generates no .lib to link against.
And if I try to __declspec(dllexport) the class, the Visual Studio complains because the interface exposes managed stuff.
So my question is:
How do I instantiate (link to) this class in my tests? I would be happy with any solution that shows how to create an instance where I can call its public interface on, doesn't matter if from C++, C++/Cli or from C#.
You are missing an important step, you haven't yet considered how a native program is going to create an instance of the Mixed object. Which is non-trivial, it does require getting the CLR loaded and initialized so it can execute managed code. Keep in mind that the client code does not do this automatically, it doesn't know beans about the CLR, it only knows about Native.dll. There are three basic ways to get this done:
You can expose managed classes as COM objects, very simple to do with the [ComVisible] attribute. Possible to do directly from C#, you don't need the C++/CLI wrapper. The usual disadvantage is that the client code has to use COM to instantiate the object and make calls on it, not the kind of code that programmers like to write.
You can host the CLR yourself, the most efficient and flexible solution. This magazine article gives an introduction, beware that it is dated.
The C++/CLI compiler gives you a way to give you an unmanaged exported function that can execute managed code. It auto-generates a stub that gets the CLR loaded and initialized, if necessary.
Focusing a bit on the last bullet, since that's what you probably like, what you need here is a factory function, one that creates an instance of the Mixed class and returns a Native* back to the caller. So it can call ptr->Add() and invoke Mixed::Add(). That can look like this:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
Native* CreateObject() {
return new Mixed;
Also gets you the import .lib that you can link in your native project. Do beware the disadvantages, they are significant. It is not exactly fast since the stub must check if the CLR is initialized yet and make the native-to-managed transition. The error reporting is extremely lousy since you have no decent way to diagnose exceptions that are thrown in the C# code. And memory management is an issue, the caller has to be able to successfully destroy the returned object which requires all modules to use the exact same CRT. The kind of problems that COM solves.
The exact same technique is available in C# as well by using an IL rewriter. Gieseke's unmanaged exports template is popular.

global static variable instantiation behaviour

My question is simple, maybe the answer is not.
In C++ (using Intel C++ 13.1 compiler on Win7) are global static variables always instantiated before main() is executed? If no, does it depends on the compile options (like /Ox)?
If they are declared and defined in DLL, is it the same?
Here is a case:
I have something like:
// in DLL.h
class MyClass
static MyClass *sgMyClassPtr;
// in DLL.cpp
MyClass *sgMyClassPtr = new MyClass;
// Code to execute here
Note that I omited the export declaration but it is correctly exported.
From my main application code, it seems that MyClass::MyClass() has not always been executed when I run it. I really don't understand but it looks like if the DLL had not been loaded yet or the static had not been correctly instantiated. Note that there is no threading and every call is synchronous (at least in my code!)
If you have any idea or suggestion, it will be appreciated. Thank you!
Maybe it will be easier if I tell you what I want to get rather than what I did...
I want to have a variable that is automatically instantiated at DLL load time. This variable will be registered (ptr stored in a std::set, say) by a singleton in the application (the .exe). The application singleton doesn't know about the DLL but the DLL knows the application singleton. So, on DLL load, I want the var to instantiate right now then registers itself in the application singleton. That is why I declared the var static inside the DLL and instantiated it there. The registration is done in the cTor.
My initial question was: does the static instantiation occurs right on DLL load or it may be delayed? I ask this question because sometimes I observe strange behaviours and it looks like an asynchronous problem... ???
The static initialisation occurs when the DLL is loaded, but depending on linker options, the DLL can be demand-loaded. Note that if you include the class in both the DLL and the main program but you don't export it from the DLL, then you'll get two copies of the code, and potentially two copies of your (class) static variables. So you might be getting confused by one copy not being initialised when the other one actually already has.
But make sure that you understand the linker options around lazy loading the DLLs first.

How to create a NSAutoreleasePool without Objective-C?

I have multiplatform game written in C++. In the mac version, even though I do not have any obj-c code, one of the libraries I use seems to be auto-releasing stuff, and I get memory leaks for that, since I did not create a NSAutoreleasePool.
What I want is to be able to create (and destroy) a NSAutoreleasePool without using obj-c code, so I don't need to create a .m file, and change my build scripts just for that. Is that possible? How can that be done?
OBS: Tagged C and C++, because a solution in any of those languages will do.
You can't avoid instantiating the Objective-C runtime—but apparently you've already got one of those.
If you want to interact with the runtime from C, you can us the Objective-C runtime APIs, as documented in Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide and Objective-C Runtime Reference.
The idea is something like this (untested):
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <objc/objc-runtime.h>
id allocAndInitAutoreleasePool() {
Class NSAutoreleasePoolClass = objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool");
id pool = class_createInstance(NSAutoreleasePoolClass, 0);
return objc_msgSend(pool, "init");
void drainAutoreleasePool(id pool) {
(void)objc_msgSend(pool, "drain");
If you want to call these functions from another file, of course you'll have to include objc/runtime.h there as well. Or, alternatively, you can cast the id to void* in the return from the allocAndInit function, and take a void* and cast back to id in the drain function. (You could also forward-declare struct objc_object and typedef struct objc_object *id, but I believe that's not actually guaranteed to be the right definition.)
You shouldn't have to pass -lobjc in your link command.
Needless to say, it's probably less work to just make your build scripts handle .m files.

Creating and using dll's: __declspec(dllimport) vs. GetProcAddress

Imagine we have a solution with 2 projects: MakeDll (a dll app), which creates a dll, and UseDll (an exe app), which uses the dll. Now I know there are basically two ways, one is pleasant, other is not. The pleasant way is that UseDll link statically to MakeDll.lib, and just dllimports functions and classes and uses them. The unpleasant way is to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress which I don't even imagine how is done with overloaded functions or class members, in other words anything else but extern "C" functions.
My questions are the following (all regarding the first option)
What exactly does the MakeDll.lib
When is MakeDll.dll loaded into my application, and when unloaded? Can I control that?
If I change MakeDll.dll, can I use the new version (provided it is a superset of the old one in terms of interface) without rebuilding UseDll.exe? A special case is when a polymorphic class is exported and a new virtual function is added.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I am using MS Visual Studio 2008
It basically contains a list of the functions in the DLL, both by name and by ordinal (though almost nobody uses ordinals anymore). The linker uses that to create an import table in UseDLL.exe -- i.e., a reference that says (in essence): "this file depends on function xxx from MakeDll.dll". When the loader loads that executable, it looks at the import table, and (recursively) loads all the DLLs it lists, and (at least conceptually) uses GetProcAddress to find the functions, so it can put their addresses into the executable where they're needed.
It's normally loaded during the process of loading your executable. You can use the /delayload switch to delay its being loaded until a function from that DLL is called.
In general, yes. In the specific case of adding a virtual function, it'll depend on the class' vtable layout staying the same other than the new function being added. Unless you take steps to either assure or verify that yourself, depending on it is a really bad idea.
MakeDll.lib contains a list of studs for the exported functions and their RVAs into the MakeDll.dll
MakeDll.dll is loaded into the application based on what type of loading is defined for the dll in question. (e.g. DELAYLOAD). Raymond Chen has an interesting article on that.
You can use the new updated version of MakeDll.dll as long as all the RVA offsets used in UseDll.exe have not changed. In the event you change a vtable layout for a polymorphic class, as in add a new function in the middle of the previously defined vtable, you will need to recompile UseDll.exe. Other than that you can use the updated dll with the previously compiled UseDll.exe.
The unpleasant way is to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress which I don't even imagine how is done with overloaded functions or class members, in other words anything else but extern "C" functions.
Yes, this is unpleaseant but is not as bad as it sounds. If you choose to go through with this option, you'll want to do something like the following:
// Common.h: interface common to both sides.
// Note: 'extern "C"' disables name mangling on methods.
extern "C" class ISomething
// Public virtual methods...
// Object MUST delete itself to ensure memory allocator
// coherence. If linking to different libraries on either
// sides and don't do this, you'll get a hard crash or worse.
// Note: 'const' allows you to make constants and delete
// without a nasty 'const_cast'.
virtual void destroy () const = 0;
// MakeDLL.c: interface implementation.
class Something : public ISomething
// Overrides + oher stuff...
virtual void destroy () const { delete this; }
extern "C" ISomething * create () { return new Something(); }
I've successfully deployed such setups with different C++ compilers on both ends (i.e. G++ and MSVC interchanged in all 4 possible combinations).
You may change Something's implementation all you want. However, you may not change the interface without re-compiling on both sides! When you think about it, this is faily intuitive: both sides rely on the other's definition of ISomething. What you may do to add this extra flexibility is use numbered interfaces (as DirectX does) or go with a set of interfaces and test for capabilities (as COM does). The former is really intuitive to set up but requires discipline and the second well... would be re-inventing the wheel!

static initialization

the context
I'm working on a project having some "modules".
What I call a module here is a simple class, implementing a particular functionality and derivating from an abstract class GenericModule which force an interface.
New modules are supposed to be added in the future.
Several instances of a module can be loaded at the same time, or none, depending on the configuration file.
I though it would be great if a future developer could just "register" his module with the system in a simple line. More or less the same way they register tests in google test.
the context² (technical)
I'm building the project with visual studio 2005.
The code is entirely in a library, except the main() which is in an exec project.
I'd like to keep it that way.
my solution
I found inspiration in what they did with google test.
I created a templated Factory. which looks more or less like this (I've skipped uninteresting parts to keep this question somewhat readable ):
class CModuleFactory : boost::noncopyable
virtual ~CModuleFactory() {};
virtual CModuleGenerique* operator()(
const boost::property_tree::ptree& rParametres ) const = 0;
template <class T>
class CModuleFactoryImpl : public CModuleFactory
CModuleGenerique* operator()(
const boost::property_tree::ptree& rParametres ) const
return new T( rParametres );
and a method supposed to register the module and add it's factory to a list.
class CGenericModule
// ...
template <class T>
static int declareModule( const std::string& rstrModuleName )
// creation de la factory
CModuleFactoryImpl<T>* pFactory = new CModuleFactoryImpl<T>();
// adds the factory to a map of "id" => factory
CAcquisition::s_mapModuleFactory()[rstrModuleName ] = pFactory;
return 0;
now in a module all I need to do to declare a module is :
static int initModule =
( in the future it'll be wrapped in a macro allowing to do
DECLARE_MODULE( "mod_name", acquisition::modules::CMyMod );
the problem
Allright now the problem.
The thing is, it does work, but not exactly the way i'd want.
The method declareModule is not being called if I put the definition of the initModule in the .cpp of the module (where I'd like to have it) (or even in the .h).
If I put the static init in a used .cpp file .. it works.
By used I mean : having code being called elsewhere.
The thing is visual studio seems to discard the entire obj when building the library. I guess that's because it's not being used anywhere.
I activated verbose linking and in pass n°2 it lists the .objs in the library and the .obj of the module isn't there.
almost resolved?
I found this and tried to add the /OPT:NOREF option but it didn't work.
I didn't try to put a function in the .h of the module and call it from elsewhere, because the whole point is being able to declare it in one line in it's file.
Also I think the problem is similar to this one but the solution is for g++ not visual :'(
edit: I just read the note in the answer to this question. Well if I #include the .h of the module from an other .cpp, and put the init in the module's .h. It works and the initialization is actually done twice ... once in each compilation unit? well it seems it happens in the module's compilation unit ...
side notes
Please if you don't agree with what I'm trying to do, fell free to tell, but I'm still interested in a solution
If you want this kind of self-registering behavior in your "modules", your assumption that the linker is optimizing out initModule because it is not directly referenced may be incorrect (though it could also be correct :-).
When you register these modules, are you modifying another static variable defined at file scope? If so, you at least have an initialization order problem. This could even manifest itself only in release builds (initialization order can vary depending on compiler settings) which might lead you to believe that the linker is optimizing out this initModule variable even though it may not be doing so.
The module registry kind of variable (be it a list of registrants or whatever it is) should be lazy constructed if you want to do things this way. Example:
static vector<string> unsafe_static; // bad
vector<string>& safe_static()
static vector<string> f;
return f;
} // ok
Note that the above has problems with concurrency. Some thread synchronization is needed for multiple threads calling safe_static.
I suspect your real problem has to do with initialization order even though it may appear that the initModule definition is being excluded by the linker. Typically linkers don't omit references which have side effects.
If you find out for a fact that it's not an initialization order problem and that the code is being omitted by the linker, then one way to force it is to export initModule (ex: dllexport on MSVC). You should think carefully if this kind of self-registration behavior really outweighs the simple process of adding on to a list of function calls to initialize your "modules". You could also achieve this more naturally if each "module" was defined in a separate shared library/DLL, in which case your macro could just be defining the function to export which can be added automatically by the host application. Of course that carries the burden of having to define a separate project for each "module" you create as opposed to just adding a self-registering cpp file to an existing project.
I've got something similar based on the code from wxWidgets, however I've only ever used it as a DLL. The wxWidgets code works with static libs however.
The bit that might make a difference is that in wx the equivelant of the following is defined at class scope.
static int initModule =
Something like the following where the creation of the Factory because it is static causes it to be loaded to the Factory list.
#define DECLARE_CLASS(name)\
class name: public Interface { \
private: \
static Factory m_reg;\
static std::auto_ptr<Interface > clone();
#define IMPLEMENT_IAUTH(name,method)\
Factory name::m_reg(method,name::clone);\