regex: trying to improve this regex - regex

I am using this regex :
on this text:
insert into table (id,name,age) values ('#var1#' ,#var2#,'#var3#', 3, 'name') where id = '#id#' like ""
and test=<cfqueryparam value="#id#">
For some reason it is catching the comma between #var2# and '#var3#'
but when I include a [^,] it starts doing weird stuff.
Can someone help me with this one.
As I read my regex now, it should find anything that:
might have a single quote
might have a percentage
doesn't have a double quote
then has a hash (#)
followed by no hash, but all other characters
then has a hash and followed by a percentage or quote
So why, when I add "no comma" in front does the regex break??
Updated Question:
okay, Ill try to explain: a query can look like this:
SELECT e.*, m.man_id, m.man_title, c.cat_id, c.cat_name
FROM ec_products e, ec_categories c, ec_manufacturers m
WHERE c.cat_id = e.prod_category AND
e.prod_manufacturer = m.man_id AND
e.prod_title LIKE <cfqueryparam value="%#attributes.keyword#%"> and
ORDER BY e.prod_title
Now I want every value between ##, but not the values that are surrounded by a queryparam tag. So in the example I do want #var1# but not #attributes.keyword#. Reason for this is that all params in the query that are not surrounded by a tag are unsafe and can cause SQL injection. My current regex is
and it is almost there. It does find the attributes.keyword because of the %. I just want anything that that has ## but not surrounded by double quotes, so not "##". This will give me all unsafe params in the sql, like '#var#', or #aNumber#, or '%##', or '%##%', or '##%, but NOT things like
<cfqueryparam value="#variable#">
. I hope you understand my intentions?

I think you might be misunderstanding [^"]. It doesn't mean "doesn't have a double quote", but rather means, "one character, which is not a double-quote". Similarly, [^,] means "one character, which is not a comma". So your regex:
will match — for example — this:
which consists of zero single-quotes, zero percent-signs, one character-which-is-not-a-double-quote (namely 2), one hash-sign, two characters-which-are-not-hash-signs (namely ,'), one hash-sign, zero percent-signs, and zero apostrophes. The ,' is what will be captured by the parentheses.
Update for updated question:
I don't think that what you describe is possible using just a ColdFusion regex, because it would require "lookbehind" (to ensure that something is not preceded by a double-quote), which ColdFusion regexes apparently (according to a Google-search) do not support. However:
This StackOverflow answer gives a way of using Java regexes in ColdFusion. If you use that technique, then you can use the Java regex '?%?(?<!")(?<!"')(?<!"%)(?<!"'%)#(?!\d)[\w.()]+#(?!%?'?")%?'? to ensure that there's no preceding double-quote.
You never mentioned how you're actually using this regex. Would it work for you to match .'?%?#(?!\d)[\w.()]+#%?'?(?!") (i.e., to match not just the section of interest, but also the preceding character), and then separately confirm that the matched substring doesn't start with a double-quote?
I also feel compelled to mention, since it sounds like you're trying to use regex-based pattern-matching to help detect and address points of possible SQL injection, that this is a bad idea; you will never be able to do this perfectly, so if anything, I think it will end up increasing your risk of SQL injection (by increasing your reliance on a buggy methodology).

Preserving your capture group from the initial regex, here is a revised expression.

Based on the information you provided this should be correct.


find string that is missing substring in xml files regular expression

This is my reg expression that find it
(<instance_material symbol="material_)([0-9]+)(part)(.*?)(")(/)(>)
I need to find a string that does not contain the word "part"
and the xml lines are
<instance_material symbol="material_677part01_h502_w5" target="#material_677part01_h502_w5"/>
<instance_material symbol="material_677" target="#material_677"/>
You can use negative lookahead
^ - start of string.
(?!.*part) - condition to avoid part.
.*? - Match anything except new line.
$ - End of string
Many regex starters will encounter the problem finding a string not containing certain words. You could find more useful tips on
You need to be aware that all attempts to process XML using regular expressions are wrong, in the sense that (a) there will be some legitimate ways of writing the XML document that the regex doesn't match, and (b) there will be some ways of getting false matches, e.g. by putting nasty stuff in XML comments. Sometimes being right 99% of the time is OK of course, but don't do this in production because soon we'll have people writing on SO "I need to generate XML with the attributes in a particular order because that's what the receiving application requires."
Your regex, for example, requires the attribute to be in double rather than single quotes, and it doesn't allow whitespace around the "=" sign, or in several other places where XML allows whitespace. If there's any risk of people deliberately trying to defeat your regex, you need to consider tricks like people writing p in place of p.
Even if this is a one-off with no risk of malicious subversion, you're much better off doing this with XPath. It then becomes a simple query like //instance_materal[#symbol[not(contains(., 'part'))]]

RegEx SQL, issue escaping quotes

I am trying to use PSQL, specifically AWS Redshift to parse a line. Sample data follows
I am trying the following regex in order to to extract the appId field, but my query is returning empty fields.
SELECT app_params,
regexp_substr(app_params, 'appId\":\"[\w*]\",')
FROM sample;
You can do that as follows:
The first extracted group is what you want.
Your regex was not matching because \w does not match -
Adding this here despite this being an old question since it may help someone viewing this down the road...
If your lines of data are valid json, you can use Redshift's JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT function to extract the value a given key. Emphasis on the json being valid, as it will fail if even one line cannot be parsed and Redshift will throw a JSON parsing error.
Example using given data:
select json_extract_path_text('{"c.1.mcc":"250","appId":"sx-calllog","b.level":59,"c.1.mnc":"01"}','appId');
returns sx-calllog
This is especially useful since Redshift does not support lookahead/lookbehind (it is POSIX regex) & extract groups.
You can try using some lookahead and look behinds to isolate just the text inside the quotes for the appid. (?<=appId\":\")(?=.*\",)[^\"]*. I tested this out a bit using your examples you provided here.
To explain the regex a bit more: (?<=appId\":\")(?=.*\",)[^\"]*
(?<=appId\":\"): positive look behind for appid":". Since you don't want the appid text itself being returned (just the value), you can preface the regex with a look behind to say "find me the following regex, but only when it is following the look behind text.
(?=.*\",): positive look ahead for the ending ",. You don't want quotes to be returned in your match, but as with number 1 you want your regex to be bounded a bit and a look ahead does that.
[^\"]*: The actual matching portion. You want to find the string of chars that are NOT ". This will match the entire value and stop matching right before the closing ".
EDIT: Changed the 3rd step a little bit, removed the , from that last piece, it is not needed and would break the match if the value were to actually contain a ,.

RegEx: Match Mr. Ms. etc in a "Title" Database field

I need to build a RegEx expression which gets its text strings from the Title field of my Database. I.e. the complete strings being searched are: Mr. or Ms. or Dr. or Sr. etc.
Unfortunately this field was a free field and anything could be written into it. e.g.: M. ; A ; CFO etc.
The expression needs to match on everything except: Mr. ; Ms. ; Dr. ; Sr. (NOTE: The list is a bit longer but for simplicity I keep it short.)
This is what I am using successfully on on another field:
^(?!(VIP)$).* (This will match every string except "VIP")
I rewrote that expression to look like this:
Unfortunately this did not work. I assume this is because because of the "." (dot) is a reserved symbol in RegEx and needs special handling.
I also tried:
But no luck as well.
I looked around in the forum and tested some other solutions but could not find any which works for me.
I would like to know how I can build my formula to search the complete (short) string and matches everything except "Mr." etc. Any help is appreciated!
Note: My Question might seem unusual and seems to have many open ends and possible errors. However the rest of my application is handling those open ends. Please trust me with this.
If you want your string simply to not start with one of those prefixes, then do this:
The above simply ensures that the beginning of the string (^) is not followed by one of your listed prefixes. (You shouldn't even need the .*$ but this is in case you're using some engine that requires a complete match.)
If you want your string to not have those prefixes anywhere, then do:
The above ensures that every character (.) is not followed by one of your listed prefixes, to the end (so the $ is necessary in this one).
I just read that your list of prefixes may be longer, so let me expand for you to add:
You say entirely of the prefixes? Then just do this:
And if you want to make the dot conditional:
Through this | we can define any number prefix pattern which we gonna match with string.
var pattern = /^(Mrs.|Mr.|Ms.|Dr.|Er.).?[A-z]$/;
var str = "Mrs.Panchal";
this may do it
from that page I mentioned
Rather than trying to construct a regex that matches anything except Mr., Ms., etc., it would be easier (if your application allows it) to write a regex that matches only those strings:
and just swap the logic for handling matching vs non-matching strings.
re.sub(r'^([MmDdSs][RSrs]{1,2}|[Mm]iss)\.{0,1} ','',name)

Regex to extract part of a url

I'm being lazy tonight and don't want to figure this one out. I need a regex to match 'jeremy.miller' and 'scottgu' from the following inputs:
Chris Lutz did a great job of meeting the requirements above. What if these were the inputs so you couldn't use 'archive' in the regex?
Would this be what you're looking for?
Captures the piece before "archive" in both cases. Depending on regex flavor you'll need to escape the /s for it to work. As an alternative, if you don't want to match the archive part, you could use a lookahead, but I don't like lookaheads, and it's easier to match a lot and just capture the parts you need (in my opinion), so if you prefer to use a lookahead to verify that the next part is archive, you can write one yourself.
EDIT: As you update your question, my idea of what you want is becoming fuzzier. If you want a new regex to match the second cases, you can just pluck the appropriate part off the end, with the same / conditions as before:
If you specifically want either the text jeremy.miller or scottgu, regardless of where they occur in a URL, but only as "words" in the URL (i.e. not scottgu2), try this, once again with the / caveat:
As yet a third alternative, if you want the field after the domain name, unless that field is "blogs", it's going to get hairy, especially with the / caveat:
This will match the domain name, an optional blogs field, and then the desired field. The (?:) syntax is a non-capturing group, which means it's just like regular parenthesis, but won't capture the value, so the only value captured is the value you want. (?:) has a risk of varying depending on your particular regex flavor. I don't know what language you're asking for, but I predominantly use Perl, so this regex should pretty much do it if you're using PCRE. If you're using something different, look into non-capturing groups.
Wow. That's a lot of talking about regexes. I need to shut up and post already.
Try this one:

Capture string until first caret sign hit in regex?

I am working with legacy systems at the moment, and a lot of work involves breaking up delimited strings and testing against certain rules.
With this string, how could I return "Active" in a back reference and search terms, stopping when it hits the first caret (^)?:
Can it be done with an inclusion in the regex of this "(.+)" ? The reason I ask is that the actual regex "(.+)" is defined in a database as cutting up these messages and their associated rules can be set from a front-end system. The content could be anything ('Active' in this case), that's why ".+" has been used in this case.
Rule: The caret sign cannot feature between the brackets, as that would result with it being stored in the database field too, and it is defined elsewhere in another system field.
If you have a better suggestion than "(.+)" will be happy to hear it.
Thanks in advance.
Should grab up to the first ^
If you have to include (.+) w/o modifications you could use this:
The first backreference will still be the correct one and you can ignore the second.
A regex is really overkill here.
Just take the first n characters of the string where n is the position of the first caret.
Pseudo code:
That should work if your RE library doesn't support non-greediness.