Can't use same parameter twice in custom function - doctrine-orm

I wrote a custom DQL function. In this function I use the same parameter twice:
public function getSql(SqlWalker $sqlWalker)
$point1_lat = $this->point1_lat->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$point1_lon = $this->point1_lon->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$point2_lat = $this->point2_lat->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$point2_lon = $this->point2_lon->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$unitFactor = 6366.56486; // earth radius in km
return "
$unitFactor *
2 *
SIN(($point1_lat - $point2_lat) * pi()/180/2),
) +
COS($point1_lat * pi()/180) *
COS($point2_lat * pi()/180) *
SIN(($point1_lon - $point2_lon) * pi()/180/2),
This is how the query is executed:
$q = \App::get()->getEntityManager()->createQuery('
) AS distance
\Application\Geo\Entity\Street s
'lat' => 52.25948,
'lng' => 6.76403,
$result = $q->getResult();
This however gives me the following exception:
Message: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound
variables does not match number of tokens
The following SQL is returned by getSql():
6366.56486 *
2 *
SIN((? - g0_.glat) * pi()/180/2),
) +
COS(? * pi()/180) *
COS(g0_.glat * pi()/180) *
SIN((? - g0_.glng) * pi()/180/2),
So I guess the exception is thrown because the named parameters are returned as indexed parameters. Is this a bug in doctrine or am I doing something wrong?

This is not a bug, you can only use each parameter once, as the dispatch() function puts the value on the stack once, to match one ? placeholder in the query.
As a workaround, you can call dispatch() several times:
public function getSql(SqlWalker $sqlWalker)
$point1_lat_a = $this->point1_lat->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$point1_lat_b = $this->point1_lat->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$point1_lon = $this->point1_lon->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$point2_lat_a = $this->point2_lat->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$point2_lat_b = $this->point2_lat->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$point2_lon = $this->point2_lon->dispatch($sqlWalker);
$unitFactor = 6366.56486; // earth radius in km
return "
$unitFactor *
2 *
SIN(($point1_lat_a - $point2_lat_a) * pi()/180/2),
) +
COS($point1_lat_b * pi()/180) *
COS($point2_lat_b * pi()/180) *
SIN(($point1_lon - $point2_lon) * pi()/180/2),


If statement and value of an input variable - Pine Script - Tradingview

I'm having issue with using the value of a variable used as input value, in a if statement Here's a piece of my code :
study(title="v5.0", shorttitle="v5.0", overlay=true)
PP_display = input(1, minval=0, maxval=1)
if (PP_display = 1)
xHigh = security(ticker,"D", high[0])
xLow = security(ticker,"D", low[0])
xClose = security(ticker,"D", close[0])
vPP = (xHigh+xLow+xClose) / 3
vR1 = vPP+(vPP-xLow)
vS1 = vPP-(xHigh - vPP)
vR2 = vPP + (xHigh - xLow)
vS2 = vPP - (xHigh - xLow)
vR3 = xHigh + 2 * (vPP - xLow)
vS3 = xLow - 2 * (xHigh - vPP)
plot(vPP, color=change(vPP) ? na : black, title="vPP", style = linebr, linewidth = width, transp=0)
end if
As a result, I'm getting this error : "syntax error at input 'PP_display'".
I can't find why...
Thanks for your help
If you want to compare PP_display variable with an integer you should use == (equal to) operator. Single = is used to declare variables.
There is no end if in pinescript syntax.
You can't use plot function in the local scope, only in global.
Declaring a variable using the security() function in the local scope will produce a compilation error - Can't call 'security' inside: 'if', 'for'
The solution is to move all your calcs, security calls and plot function to the global scope.
If your intention is to hide the plot with the PP_display input you could use a ternary conditional operator ? : directly in the series argument of the plot function.
study(title="v5.0", shorttitle="v5.0", overlay=true)
PP_display = input(1, minval=0, maxval=1)
xHigh = security(ticker,"D", high[0])
xLow = security(ticker,"D", low[0])
xClose = security(ticker,"D", close[0])
vPP = (xHigh+xLow+xClose) / 3
vR1 = vPP+(vPP-xLow)
vS1 = vPP-(xHigh - vPP)
vR2 = vPP + (xHigh - xLow)
vS2 = vPP - (xHigh - xLow)
vR3 = xHigh + 2 * (vPP - xLow)
vS3 = xLow - 2 * (xHigh - vPP)
plot(PP_display == 1 ? vPP : na, color=change(vPP) ? na : black, title="vPP", style = linebr, linewidth = 2, transp=0)

Modify formula stored in string via VBA

(I have hundreds of rows need to change. The data is like this
activity_id equation
5225518 D0312_ABC * (S3765+S3790+S3762+S3763+S3770+S3764+S4480) * (1-(S2820+S0560))*(1-S1965)*(1-C0151)
7306234 D0300_BCD * C0502 * (1-(S0191))*(1-S1965)
8293425 D0798_CDE * P0692 * (1-(S0191+S2820+S0560+S0290+S0960))*(1-S1965)
9119429 D0793_DEF * S2605 * (1-S0290)*(1-S1965)
I need to combine the two "1-something" together and there is a pattern.
When ever there is a (1-(Sxxx+Sxxxx))*(1-(Sxxx+Sxxxx)),
combine them into one which is (1-(Sxxx+Sxxxx +Sxxx+Sxxxx))
So I only need to change everything with Sxxxx, you can ignore Cxxxx, Dxxxx, Pxxxx, ...
SO I need to change it to:
activity_id equation
5225518 D0312_ABC * (S3765+S3790+S3762+S3763+S3770+S3764+S4480) * (1-(S2820+S0560+S1965))*(1-C0151)
7306234 D0300_BCD * C0502 * (1-(S0191+S1965))
8293425 D0798_CDE * P0692 * (1-(S0191+S2820+S0560+S0290+S0960+S1965))
9119429 D0793_DEF * S2605 * (1-(S0290+S1965))
The following regexp certainly may and arguably should be improved.
Option Explicit
Private m_Rex As RegExp
Private Const SEARCH_PATTERN As String = "\(1-\(?((S\d{4}\+?)+)\)?\)\*\(1-\(?((S\d{4}\+?)+)\)?\)"
' $0 $2
Private Const REPLACE_PATTERN As String = "(1-($1+$3))"
Public Function Simplify(ByVal AVeryParticularFormula As String) As String
If m_Rex Is Nothing Then
Set m_Rex = New RegExp
m_Rex.Global = False
m_Rex.MultiLine = False
m_Rex.IgnoreCase = False
m_Rex.Pattern = SEARCH_PATTERN
End If
Simplify = m_Rex.Replace(AVeryParticularFormula, REPLACE_PATTERN)
If Simplify = AVeryParticularFormula Then Exit Do
AVeryParticularFormula = Simplify
End Function
? Simplify("D0312_ABC * (S3765+S3790+S3762+S3763+S3770+S3764+S4480) * (1-(S2820+S0560))*(1-S1965)*(1-C0151)")
D0312_ABC * (S3765+S3790+S3762+S3763+S3770+S3764+S4480) * (1-(S2820+S0560+S1965))*(1-C0151)
? Simplify("D0300_BCD * C0502 * (1-(S0191))*(1-S1965)")
D0300_BCD * C0502 * (1-(S0191+S1965))
? Simplify("D0798_CDE * P0692 * (1-(S0191+S2820+S0560+S0290+S0960))*(1-S1965)")
D0798_CDE * P0692 * (1-(S0191+S2820+S0560+S0290+S0960+S1965))
? Simplify("D0793_DEF * S2605 * (1-S0290)*(1-S1965)")
D0793_DEF * S2605 * (1-(S0290+S1965))

Modulus in Pascal

I am trying to translate some Pascal code into C++ code. I am stuck trying to figure out how to translate this portion.
Function ThetaG_JD(jd : double) : double;
UT,TU,GMST : double;
**UT := Frac(jd + 0.5);**
jd := jd - UT;
TU := (jd - 2451545.0)/36525;
GMST := 24110.54841 + TU * (8640184.812866 + TU * (0.093104 - TU * 6.2E-6));
**GMST := Modulus(GMST + 86400.0*1.00273790934*UT,86400.0);**
ThetaG_JD := twopi * GMST/86400.0;
end; {Function ThetaG_JD}
I am particularly having trouble with the two lines I made bold. How can I translate this to c++? Thank you so much.
In C++ the equivalent functions would be:
fmod to get a floating point modulus
modf to break a floating point item into its fraction and integral parts (equivalent of Frac).
If you want to calculate Julian Day, Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time and Local Mean Sidereal Time, maybe the below can help you - written in PowerShell:
Astronomy calculations
Some helper functions to calculate:
- Julian Day,
- Greenwich Mean Sidereal time,
- Local Mean Sidereal Time.
function Get-JulianDay
param ( [System.DateTime]$dt )
$year = $dt.Year
$month = $dt.Month
$day = $dt.Day
$hour = $dt.Hour
$minute = $dt.Minute
$second = $dt.Second
$a = [System.Math]::Floor((14 - $month) / 12)
$y = $year + 4800 - $a
$m = $month + 12 * $a - 3
$JDN = $day + [System.Math]::Floor((153 * $m + 2) / 5) + 365 * $y + [System.Math]::Floor($y / 4) - [System.Math]::Floor($y / 100) + [System.Math]::Floor($y / 400) - 32045
$JD = $JDN + ($hour - 12) / 24 + $minute / 1440 + $second / 86400
return ($JD)
function Get-GMST
param ( [double]$JD )
$D = $JD - 2451545.0
$GMST = 18.697374558 + 24.06570982441908 * $D
return ($GMST % 24)
function Get-LMST
param ( [double]$gmst, [double]$longitude )
return ( $gmst + $longitude / 15.0 )
# Test above functions
$current = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
$jd = Get-JulianDay -dt $current
$gmst = Get-GMST -JD $jd
$longitude = 17.668487800
$lmst = Get-LMST -gmst $gmst -longitude $longitude
$lst = [timespan]::FromHours($lmst).ToString()
Write-Host "Local mean sidereal time: $lst"

How to do Doctrine2 calculated fields ordering

I've got the following doctrine2 query working nicely, it retrieves all 'markers' within some geographical radius.
->from('SndSpecialistLocator\Entity\Marker', 'marker')
->where('DISTANCE(marker.location, POINT_STR(:point)) < :distance')
->setParameter('point', $point)
->setParameter('distance', $radius);
Now I want to sort them by distance.
$qb->select('marker (DISTANCE(marker.location, POINT_STR(:point))) AS distance')
->from('SndSpecialistLocator\Entity\Marker', 'marker')
->where('DISTANCE(marker.location, POINT_STR(:point)) < :distance')
->setParameter('point', $point)
->orderBy('distance', 'DESC')
->setParameter('distance', $radius);
But unfortunately this does not work, I am wondering is this possible as distance is not a real property of my entity, but a calculated one?
What is the trick here?
Alternatively, try using HIDDEN in your call to select() :
$qb->select('m as marker, (DISTANCE(m.location, POINT_STR(:point))) as HIDDEN distance')
// note HIDDEN added here --->------->------->------->------->------->---^
->from('SndSpecialistLocator\Entity\Marker', 'm')
->where('DISTANCE(m.location, POINT_STR(:point)) < :distance')
->setParameter('point', $point)
->orderBy('distance', 'ASC')
->setParameter('distance', $radius)
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$result = $query->execute();
Adding HIDDEN to the SELECT clause hides it from the results but allows it to be used in the orderby clause. Your $result should then contain the objects you want without having to do the extra array_walk.
Unfortunately, ordering by aliases is not possible.
What you can do* instead is to manually repeat the function in your orderBy statement:
$qb->select('marker (DISTANCE(marker.location, POINT_STR(:point))) AS distance')
->from('SndSpecialistLocator\Entity\Marker', 'marker')
->where('DISTANCE(marker.location, POINT_STR(:point)) < :distance')
->setParameter('point', $point)
->orderBy('DISTANCE(marker.location, POINT_STR(:point))', 'DESC')
->setParameter('distance', $radius);
*We will probably all end up in dev-hell for stepping off the holy path of DRY
Found the solution.
$qb->select('m as marker, (DISTANCE(m.location, POINT_STR(:point))) as distance')
->from('SndSpecialistLocator\Entity\Marker', 'm')
->where('DISTANCE(m.location, POINT_STR(:point)) < :distance')
->setParameter('point', $point)
->orderBy('distance', 'ASC')
->setParameter('distance', $radius)
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$result = $query->execute();
* Convert the resulting associative array into one containing only the entity objects
* array (size=5)
* 0 =>
* array (size=2)
* 'marker' =>
* object(SndSpecialistLocator\Entity\Marker)[647]
* protected 'id' => int 43
* protected 'title' => string 'c5d07acdd47efbe38a6d0bf4ec64f333' (length=32)
* private 'location' =>
* object(SndSpecialistLocator\Orm\Point)[636]
* private 'lat' => float 52.2897
* private 'lng' => float 4.84268
* 'distance' => string '0.0760756823433058' (length=18)
* 1 => ...
* array (size=5)
* 0 =>
* object(SndSpecialistLocator\Entity\Marker)[647]
* protected 'id' => int 43
* protected 'title' => string 'c5d07acdd47efbe38a6d0bf4ec64f333' (length=32)
* private 'location' =>
* object(SndSpecialistLocator\Orm\Point)[636]
* private 'lat' => float 52.2897
* private 'lng' => float 4.84268
* 1 => ...
array_walk($result, function (&$item, $key)
$item = $item['marker'];

hijri (islamic) calendar problem!

I would convert Gregorian date to Hijri (Islamic) date. After may search on the web, I found a source code to convert it.
I converted the code from Java and PHP to C base.
The implement some times working without any problem. But some days has problem.
I need your help either fix the implement or a available code that will work without any problem!
BTW I found another source code ( that is C++ base. As I don't know C++ if anyone can convert that to C Base or Objective C would be prefect (still not sure this code will work correctly or not).
P.S. You can check the correct date in:
void gregorian_to_hijri(int* h_y, int* h_m, int* h_d, int g_y, int g_m, int g_d)
int year, month, day;
int zyr;
int zd;
int zm;
int zy;
float zjd;
int zl;
int zn;
int zj;
year = g_y;
month = g_m;
day = g_d;
zyr = year;
zd = day;
zm = month;
zy = zyr;
if((zy > 1582) || ((zy == 1582) && (zm > 10)) || ((zy == 1582) && (zm == 10) && (zd > 14)))
zjd = ((1461 * (zy + 4800 + ((zm - 14) / 12))) / 4)
+ ((367 * (zm - 2 - 12 * (((zm - 14) / 12)))) / 12)
- ((3 * (((zy + 4900 + ((zm - 14) / 12)) / 100))) / 4) + zd - 32075;
zjd = 367 * zy - ((7 * (zy + 5001 + ((zm - 9) / 7))) / 4)
+ ((275 * zm) / 9) + zd + 1729777;
zl = zjd - 1948440 + 10632;
zn = ((zl - 1) / 10631);
zl = zl - 10631 * zn + 354;
zj = (((10985 - zl) / 5316)) * ((int)((50 * zl) / 17719))
+ ((zl / 5670)) * ((int)((43 * zl) / 15238));
zl = zl - (((30 - zj) / 15)) * (((17719 * zj) / 50))
- ((zj / 16)) * (((15238 * zj) / 43)) + 29;
zm = ((24 * zl) / 709);
zd = zl - ((709 * zm) / 24);
zy = 30 * zn + zj - 30;
*h_y = zy;
*h_m = zm;
*h_d = zd;
Assuming this is for a Mac (Cocoa) or iOS (Cocoa Touch) app, since that's where you see Objective C most often, then you can just do something like this:
// Create a Gregorian Calendar
NSCalendar *gregorianCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
// Set up components of a Gregorian date
NSDateComponents *gregorianComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; = 4;
gregorianComponents.month = 12;
gregorianComponents.year = 2010;
// Create the date
NSDate *date = [gregorianCalendar dateFromComponents:gregorianComponents];
[gregorianComponents release];
[gregorianCalendar release];
// Then create an Islamic calendar
NSCalendar *hijriCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCivilCalendar];
// And grab those date components for the same date
NSDateComponents *hijriComponents = [hijriCalendar components:(NSDayCalendarUnit |
NSMonthCalendarUnit |
NSLog(#"[In Hijri calendar ->] Day: %ld, Month: %ld, Year:%ld",
[hijriComponents day],
[hijriComponents month],
[hijriComponents year]);
[hijriCalendar release];
If all you want is the current date, then you can skip setting up the gregorian date altogether and just do this:
// Create an Islamic calendar
NSCalendar *hijriCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCalendar];
// And grab the date components for the current date
NSDateComponents *hijriComponents = [hijriCalendar components:(NSDayCalendarUnit |
NSMonthCalendarUnit |
fromDate:[NSDate date]];
[hijriCalendar release];
Have a look at this topic: how to convert hijari date into gregorian date in java script?
The question mentions JavaScript but the top answer seems to have links to implementations in a variety of languages.
You should be able to do this in Objective-C (if that really is an option) using NSCalendar.