I can read some data in like this in the repl. For a real program I plan to assign in a let special form.
(def x1 (line-seq (BufferedReader. (StringReader. x1))))
If I enter 5 5, x1 is bound to ("5 5")
I would like to convert this list of one element into a list of two integers. How can I do that? I have been playing around with parsing the string on whitespace, but am having trouble performing the conversion to integer.
Does this help? In Clojure 1.3.0:
(use ['clojure.string :only '(split)])
(defn str-to-ints
(map #(Integer/parseInt %)
(split string #" ")))
(str-to-ints "5 4")
; => (5 4)
(apply str-to-ints '("5 4"))
; => (5 4)
In case the Clojure version you're using doesn't have clojure.string namespace you can skip the use command and define the function in a following way.
(defn str-to-ints
(map #(Integer/parseInt %)
(.split #" " string)))
You can get rid of regular expressions by using (.split string " ") in the last line.
Works for all numbers and returns nil in the case it isn't a number (so you can filter out nils in the resulting seq)
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(defn parse-number
"Reads a number from a string. Returns nil if not a number."
(if (re-find #"^-?\d+\.?\d*$" s)
(read-string s)))
(map parse-number (string/split "1 2 3 78 90 -12 0.078" #"\s+"))
; => (1 2 3 78 90 -12 0.078)
The string can be wrapped with brackets and after that evaluated as clojure list with read-string function:
(def f #(read-string (str "(" % ")")))
(f "5 4")
; => (5 4)
I have 3 previous files with a function each and am trying to use comp in ex4.clj to combine all 3 but am currently getting an error about the wrong number of args being passed. I've tried using map, reduce, and filter with it but they all fail and I'm not sure how to tell which one would be desired since all functions use a different one.
(defn round [input] (Math/round (double input)))
(def testList [4.7 3.3 -17 17 -5.6 -3.3 0])
(def roundedList (map round testList))
(defn isDivisibleBy [factor]
(fn [number]
(def result (/ number factor))
(def roundedResult (Math/round (double result)))
(and (= result roundedResult))
(def divisibleBy2 (isDivisibleBy 2))
(def testList [2 3 4 17 3000 -3 -6 0])
(def divisibleSuccess (filter divisibleBy2 testList))
(defn findMax [accum value]
(if (> accum value) accum value)
(def testList [2 3 4 17 3000 -3 0 -3001])
(def maxValue (reduce findMax testList))
ex4.clj (Problem file)
(load-file "ex1.clj")
(load-file "ex2.clj")
(load-file "ex3.clj")
(def testList [4.7 3.3 -17 17 -5.6 -3.3 0])
(def allThree (comp findMax divisibleBy2 round))
(def output ((map/reduce/filter) allThree testList))
(println "Original list: " testList)
(println "Highest rounded number divisible by 2: " output)
Thank you!
Your functions there are used for different jobs: one is a predicate,
you want to filter with. One is a transformation, you want to map
over. And the last one is an aggregate, you want to use as final step
(via reduce).
So you have to compose over the transformations you want to do:
(partial reduce findMax)
(partial filter divisibleBy2)
(partial map round))
If you want to do that alot, you should also have a look at
transducers, which allow
doing this without the cost of intermediate sequences.
Random style critique:
Clojure uses kebab-case and not camelCase
Never def outside of the namespace; use let instead
It's common to have a trailing ? on predicates (e.g. divisible-by-2?)
I am writing a function that, for any given string, replaces any digits within that String with the same number of '.' characters.
AT2X -> AT..X
QW3G45 -> QW...G.........
T3Z1 -> T...Z.
I've written the following Clojure function but I am getting an error I don't quite understand:
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.LazySeq (in module: Unnamed Module) cannot be case to java.lang.Charsequence
I'm interpreting from the error that I need to force an evaluation of a lazy sequence back into a String (or CharSequence) but I can't figure out where to do so or if this is correct.
(defn dotify
;;Replaces digits with the same number of '.'s for use in traditional board formats
(let [values (doall (filter isDigit (seq FEN)))]
(fn [values]
(let [value (first values)]
(str/replace FEN value (fn dots [number]
(fn [s times]
(if (> times 0)
(recur (str s ".") (dec times)))) "" (Character/digit number 10)) value))
(recur (rest values))) values))
There is a standard clojure.string/replace function that may handle that case. Its last argument might be not just a string or a pattern but also a function that turns a found fragment into what you want.
Let's prepare such a function first:
(defn replacer [sum-str]
(let [num (read-string num-str)]
(apply str (repeat num \.))))
You may try it in this way:
user> (replacer "2")
user> (replacer "9")
user> (replacer "22")
Now pass it into replace as follows:
user> (clojure.string/replace "a2b3c11" #"\d+" replacer)
Here's a way to do this using reduce:
(defn dotify [s]
(->> s
(reduce (fn [acc elem]
(if (Character/isDigit elem)
(let [dots (Integer/parseInt (str elem))]
(apply conj acc (repeat dots \.)))
(conj acc elem)))
(apply str)))
(dotify "zx4g1z2h")
=> "zx....g.z..h"
And another version using mapcat:
(defn dotify-mapcat [s]
(apply str
(mapcat (fn [c]
(if (Character/isDigit c)
(repeat (Integer/parseInt (str c)) \.)
There are some issues in your example:
Many of the internal forms are themselves functions, but it looks like you just want their bodies or implementations instead of wrapping them in functions.
It's hard to tell by the indentation/whitespace, but the entire function is just recur-ing, the fn above it is not being used or returned.
One of the arguments to str/replace is a function that returns a function.
It helps to break the problem down into smaller pieces. For one, you know you'll need to examine each character in a string and decide whether to just return it or expand it into a sequence of dots. So you can start with a function:
(defn expand-char [^Character c]
(if (Character/isDigit c)
(repeat (Integer/parseInt (str c)) \.)
Then use that function that operates on one character at a time in a higher-order function that operates on the entire string:
(apply str (mapcat expand-char s))
=> "zx....g.z..h"
Note this is also ~5x faster than the examples above because of the ^Character type-hint in expand-char function.
You can do this with str/replace too:
(defn expand-char [s]
(if (Character/isDigit ^Character (first s))
(apply str (repeat (Integer/parseInt s) \.))
(str/replace "zx4g1z2h" #"." expand-char)
=> "zx....g.z..h"
Input: "Michael" "Julia" "Joe" "Sam"
Output: Hi, Michael, Julia, Joe, and Sam. (pay attention to the commas and the word "and")
Input: nil
Output: Hi, world.
Here is my first attempt:
(defn say-hi [& name]
(print "Hi," name))
user> (say-hi "Michael")
Hi, (Michael)
user> (say-hi "Michael" "Julia")
Hi, (Michael Julia)
How to implement default: (no input, say "Hi World!")
How to get rid of the parents around names in output?
How to implement the commas separation and add the conjunction word "and"?
First off, Clojure supports multi-arity functions, so you could do something like this to achieve default behaviour:
(defn say-hi
([] (say-hi "World"))
([& names] ...))
Then, what you want is to take a seq and join all the strings it contains together, using ", " in between. The clojure.string namespaces contains lots of string manipulation functions, one of them being clojure.string/join:
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(string/join ", " ["Michael", "Julia"])
;; => "Michael, Julia"
But the last element of the seq should be concatenated using " and " as a separator, so you'll end up with something like this:
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(defn say-hi
([] (say-hi "World"))
([& names]
(if (next names)
(format "Hi, %s, and %s!"
(string/join ", " (butlast names))
(last names))
(format "Hi, %s!" (first names)))))
Note that you have to differentiate between the single- and multi-name cases and (next names) basically checks whether the seq contains more than one element. (You could achieve the same by adding another arity to the function.)
;; => "Hi, World!"
(say-hi "Michael")
;; => "Hi, Michael!"
(say-hi "Michael" "Julia" "Joe" "Sam")
;; => "Hi, Michael, Julia, Joe, and Sam!"
You can use clojure.string/join:
(use '[clojure.string :only [join]])
(defn sentencify [& elems]
[(join ", " (butlast elems)) (last elems)]
(remove empty?)
(join " and ")))
(defn say-hi [& name]
(print "Hi," (if name
(sentencify name)
A concise solution:
(defn say-hi [& names]
(let [names (case (count names)
0 ["world"]
1 names
(concat (butlast names) (list (str "and " (last names)))))]
(->> names, (cons "Hi"), (interpose ", "), (apply str))))
;"Hi, world"
(say-hi "Michael")
;"Hi, Michael"
(say-hi "Michael" "Julia" "Joe" "Sam")
;"Hi, Michael, Julia, Joe, and Sam"
For long lists of names, you would want to eschew count, last, and butlast, maybe by pouring names into a vector first.
To print (as the question does) rather than return the formatted string, append print to the final form:
(->> names, (cons "Hi"), (interpose ", "), (apply str), print)
I did:
user=> (println (for [line (range 1 5)] (str "line=" line)))
and got:
(line=1 line=2 line=3 line=4)
but I wanted only line=1 line=2 line=3 line=4 as a string. How do I do this?
You need 'apply'.
(apply println (for [line (range 1 5)] (str "line=" line)))
(println (apply str (interpose " " (map #(str "line=" %) (range 1 5)))))
What about this one. doseq is about doing side-effect on sequences and printing is a side-effect.
(doseq [line (range 1 5)
:let [msg (str "line=" line " ")]]
(print msg))
Instead of apply, you could alternatively use reduce like so:
user> (reduce #(str %1 " line=" %2) "" (range 1 5))
=> " line=1 line=2 line=3 line=4"
The reduce function is a function that takes a function (let's call if f), a "starting value", and then a list of things that will be used as the second argument to f. It lazily calls f on the starting value and the first item in the list, then calls f on what this returns and the second item in the list, then calls f on what this returns and the third item in the list etc., until it has exhausted all the items in the list (or rather--since it's lazy, it will only go through the whole list if you "ask it to").
If you don't like starting space, you could wrap the whole thing in triml (you'd have to do (use 'clojure.string) first). Or you could do (reduce #(str %1 "line=" %2 " ") (range 1 5)), which would put the space at the end.
My experience has been that anytime you can do something with apply, you can do it slightly more elegantly with reduce. More importantly, my reduce alternative has always usually been faster than my apply one. I certainly can't vouch that this will be true always, and I haven't done speed tests for your particular problem.
I did some rough timings, using my version (reduce) versus JohnJ's second suggestion (apply), and found that they were pretty similar for up to (range 1 100), but that by (range 1 500), the apply version was at least 4x faster.
Being quite new to clojure I am still struggling with its functions. If I have 2 lists, say "1234" and "abcd" I need to make all possible ordered lists of length 4. Output I want to have is for length 4 is:
("1234" "123d" "12c4" "12cd" "1b34" "1b3d" "1bc4" "1bcd"
"a234" "a23d" "a2c4" "a2cd" "ab34" "ab3d" "abc4" "abcd")
which 2^n in number depending on the inputs.
I have written a the following function to generate by random walk a single string/list.
The argument [par] would be something like ["1234" "abcd"]
(defn make-string [par] (let [c1 (first par) c2 (second par)] ;version 3 0.63 msec
(apply str (for [loc (partition 2 (interleave c1 c2))
:let [ch (if (< (rand) 0.5) (first loc) (second loc))]]
The output will be 1 of the 16 ordered lists above. Each of the two input lists will always have equal length, say 2,3,4,5, up to say 2^38 or within available ram. In the above function I have tried to modify it to generate all ordered lists but failed. Hopefully someone can help me. Thanks.
Mikera is right that you need to use recursion, but you can do this while being both more concise and more general - why work with two strings, when you can work with N sequences?
(defn choices [colls]
(if (every? seq colls)
(for [item (map first colls)
sub-choice (choices (map rest colls))]
(cons item sub-choice))
(defn choose-strings [& strings]
(for [chars (choices strings)]
(apply str chars)))
user> (choose-strings "123" "abc")
("123" "12c" "1b3" "1bc" "a23" "a2c" "ab3" "abc")
This recursive nested-for is a very useful pattern for creating a sequence of paths through a "tree" of choices. Whether there's an actual tree, or the same choice repeated over and over, or (as here) a set of N choices that don't depend on the previous choices, this is a handy tool to have available.
You can also take advantage of the cartesian-product from the clojure.math.combinatorics package, although this requires some pre- and post-transformation of your data:
(ns your-namespace (:require clojure.math.combinatorics))
(defn str-combinations [s1 s2]
(map vector s1 s2) ; regroup into pairs of characters, indexwise
(apply clojure.math.combinatorics/cartesian-product) ; generate combinations
(map (partial apply str)))) ; glue seqs-of-chars back into strings
> (str-combinations "abc" "123")
("abc" "ab3" "a2c" "a23" "1bc" "1b3" "12c" "123")
The trick is to make the function recursive, calling itself on the remainder of the list at each step.
You can do something like:
(defn make-all-strings [string1 string2]
(if (empty? string1)
(let [char1 (first string1)
char2 (first string2)
following-strings (make-all-strings (next string1) (next string2))]
(map #(str char1 %) following-strings)
(map #(str char2 %) following-strings)))))
(make-all-strings "abc" "123")
=> ("abc" "ab3" "a2c" "a23" "1bc" "1b3" "12c" "123")
(defn combine-strings [a b]
(if (seq a)
(for [xs (combine-strings (rest a) (rest b))
x [(first a) (first b)]]
(str x xs))
Now that I wrote it I realize it's a less generic version of amalloiy's one.
You could also use the binary digits of numbers between 0 and 16 to form your combinations:
if a bit is zero select from the first string otherwise the second.
E.g. 6 = 2r0110 => "1bc4", 13 = 2r1101 => "ab3d", etc.
(map (fn [n] (apply str (map #(%1 %2)
(map vector "1234" "abcd")
(map #(if (bit-test n %) 1 0) [3 2 1 0])))); binary digits
(range 0 16))
=> ("1234" "123d" "12c4" "12cd" "1b34" "1b3d" "1bc4" "1bcd" "a234" "a23d" "a2c4" "a2cd" "ab34" "ab3d" "abc4" "abcd")
The same approach can apply to generating combinations from more than 2 strings.
Say you have 3 strings ("1234" "abcd" "ABCD"), there will be 81 combinations (3^4). Using base-3 ternary digits:
(defn ternary-digits [n] (reverse (map #(mod % 3) (take 4 (iterate #(quot % 3) n))))
(map (fn [n] (apply str (map #(%1 %2)
(map vector "1234" "abcd" "ABCD")
(ternary-digits n)
(range 0 81))
(def c1 "1234")
(def c2 "abcd")
(defn make-string [c1 c2]
(map #(apply str %)
(apply map vector
(map (fn [col rep]
(take (math/expt 2 (count c1))
(cycle (apply concat
(map #(repeat rep %) col)))))
(map vector c1 c2)
(iterate #(* 2 %) 1)))))
(make-string c1 c2)
=> ("1234" "a234" "1b34" "ab34" "12c4" "a2c4" "1bc4" "abc4" "123d" "a23d" "1b3d" "ab3d" "12cd" "a2cd" "1bcd" "abcd")