Making QLabel behave like a hyperlink - c++

how can I make a QLabel to behave like a link? What I mean is that I'd like to be able to click on it and then this would invoke some command on it.

QLabel does this already.
Sample code:
myLabel->setText("Click Here!");

The answer from cmannnett85 is fine if you just want to open a URL when the link is clicked, and you are OK with embedding that URL in the text field of the label. If you want to do something slightly custom, do this:
QLabel * myLabel = new QLabel();
Then you can connect the linkActivated signal of the label to a slot, and do whatever you want in that slot. (This answer assumes you have basic familiarity with Qt's signals and slots.)
The slot might look something like this:
void MainWindow::on_myLabel_linkActivated(const QString & link)


How to have QLabel update as various numbered pushbuttons are clicked

I have a dialpad with numbers 1-9 and 0, and a QLabel above it to show the numbers when clicked(same as a keypad on any phone). All are push buttons. What is the easiest way to get the QLabel to show the numbers as the push buttons are clicked?
For example, if 2 then 0 then 7 is clicked, the label would update in real time with 207. The format of the Qlabel should follow standard phone numbers, 000-000-0000. I understand how to setText for one number at a time, but they keep overriding each other.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance
What you are looking for is a QSignalMapper. It maps multiple inputs through a single interface and does the sender dispatching for you.
QSignalMapper *mapper(new QSignalMapper(parent));
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i){
QPushButton *button = some_new_button_function();
connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, mapper, &QSignalMapper::map);
mapper->setMapping(button, i);
connect(mapper, QOverload<int>::of(&QSignalMapper::mapped),
[this](int i){/*here your append code*/});
The easiest is to connect the clicked signal of the buttons to a slot (possibly a lambda) that changes the text of the QLabel (using setText()). If you want to append to the current text, then just do setText(label.text() + "new text");.
You have to connect the signals clicked() emitted by each QPushButton to a slot that update the QLabel text.
A brief example
In the parent constructor:
connect(qpb1, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MyClass::handleQLabel);
And the possible slot implementation:
void MyClass::handleQLabel()
QPushButton * qpb = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(sender()); // Find the sender of the signal
if(qpb != nullptr)
this->myLabel->setText(qpb->text()); // Write anything you want in the QLabel
// Do what you want.
This will do the job.
Of course if you don't want use sender() (for multi-threading concerns for example) you can either create one slot by QPushButton and do the same number of connect (heavy and quite a dirty workaround), or create a subclass of QPushButton to add a custom signal to emit with an identifier of the QPushButton and get it with a slot for example.
I hope it can help :)
QLineEdit might better suit your needs in this case if you also want your data representation to follow phone number standard such as "000-000-0000". You can make it read-only, disable interaction flags if you like (but from UI/UX perspective it is better not to, since mostly there is no reason to disallow copying), and also you can set input mask you like. Given your current situation, you can base your needs on the following example:
// Set your format.
// Make sure that your text would be in the format you like initially.
// Text will be not editable.
// And here, you can use QSignalMapper as other members have suggested. Or you can just connect multiple buttons somehow. The choice is yours to make.
connect(ui->pushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, ui->lineEdit, [this]
// Just keep in mind taht when returning text, some of the mask elements might be here, too.
ui->lineEdit->setText(ui->lineEdit->text().replace("-", "") + "1");

How to add hyperlinks in Qt without QLabel?

I have some labels and layouts nested inside a QWidget to build a part of a sidebar. Each QWidget is its own section and one component currently looks like this:
To my understanding, you can only set hyperlinks with QLabel, but I'm trying to get the whole area between the white lines clickable. This is including the icon and the whitespace. Is there any way to achieve this?
This got marked as a duplicate to the opposite of what I was asking, so I'd like to reiterate that I'm trying to implement a hyperlink without QLabel.
You can easily have a widget open a link on click:
class Link : public QWidget {
Link(QUrl url, QWidget p = nullptr) : QWidget(p), _url(url) {}
QUrl _url;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(_url); }
You can avoid any extra signals and connections, and have each link widget store its own link internally, the url can be set on construction and changed at any time. Not using signals and slots makes it easier to change the link too, without having to disconnect previous connections.
IMO going for a signals and slots solution is only justified when you want different arbitrary behavior. In this case you always want the same - to open a particular link, so you might as well hardcode that and go for an easier and more computationally efficient solution.
I would just manually catch the SIGNAL for clicked() and use desktop services to open the url in code.
bool QDesktopServices::openUrl ( const QUrl & url ) [static]
Opens the given url in the appropriate Web browser for the user's desktop environment, and returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.
Using this type of syntax, or in the designer, you can also connect a signal to a slot.
connect(widgetThatRepresentsURL, SIGNAL(clicked()),
handlerThatWillOpenTheURL, SLOT(clicked_on_url()));
For widgets that don't have a signal set up for clicked (or whatever event you are interested in), you can subclass the widget in question and reimplement...
void QWidget::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) [virtual protected]
Specifically for creating a signal, there is emit. I've used this in the past like the following
void Cell::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
emit focus(this, true);
with the following in the header
void focus(Cell *, bool);

Set the style of GtkLinkButtons

I want to use the abilities of a GtkLinkButton, but its design disturbs me. Rather than having a blue underlined text, I'd like it to look like a normal GtkButton.
What I tried is to use this code on my button:
GtkWidget *button = gtk_link_button_new_with_label ("region panel", "Input Sources");
gtk_button_set_relief (button, GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL);
gtk_button_set_use_underline (button, FALSE);
However, instead of changing the design, it simply does nothing.
If you want it to look like a GtkButton, then just replace it with that. You are not using any abilities that are special to GtkLinkButton.
You just need to make sure your click handler callback is getting fired. You are connected to "activate-link", however this signal will not exist on a standard GtkButton
Have a look here for the available signals.

How to catch information for Qt designer

I have created a Qdialog box using the Qt creator designer as shown below:
When I need to display it, I'm instantiate the class dialogoverwrite (.cpp, .h and .ui)
DialogOverwrite *OverwriteDialog = new DialogOverwrite;
OverwriteOption = OverwriteDialog->result()
My issue is that I want to get the QDialogButtonBox result but I do not know how. the current code, returning the result of the OverwriteDialog but it's not returning any QDialogButtonBox::Yes, QDialogButtonBox::YesToAll ...
How to catch the QButtonGroup result and not the QDialog result.
In the same way, If I want to change the label value from "File(s) and/or Folder(s)" to another label, how to access to this QLabel ?
Thanks for your help
When you pressed QDialogButton it was emit signal clicked(QAbstractButton*) by catching this signal you can identify which action button pressed.
Please go through following link it would be help you.
Qt: How to implement QDialogButtonBox with QSignalMapper for non-standard button ??
Well the standard way to do this is to handle the result by connecting it. So you could do:
connect(this, SIGNAL(clickedDialogButton(QAbstractButton*)),
SLOT(dialogButton(QAbstractButton* aButton)));
Next you would create a function in your class called dialogButton (for example) and have that handle the result:
void MyUI::dialogButton(QAbstractButton* aButton) {
// Obtain the standard button
StandardButton button = buttonBox−>standardButton(button);
// Switch on the type of button
switch (button) {
case QDialogButtonBox::YesToAll:
// Do the thing you would like to do here
// add some more cases?
You could also check for the signal given by the QButtonGroup. Something like: void QGroupButton::buttonClicked(QAbstractButton* button) would work in the same way.

An "About" message box for a GUI with Qt

QMessageBox::about( this, "About Application",
"<h4>Application is a one-paragraph blurb</h4>\n\n"
"Copyright 1991-2003 Such-and-such. "
"For technical support, call 1234-56789 or see\n"
"" );
This code is creating the About message box which I wanted to have with two exceptions:
1) I would like to change the icon in the message box with an aaa.png file
2) And I would like to have the link clickable. It looks like hyperlink (it is blue and underlined) but mouse click does not work
Any ideas?
I think you should create a custom QWidget for your about widget. By this way, you can put on the widget all you want. By example, you can place QLabel using the openExternalLinks property for clickable link.
To display a custom image on the QWidget, this example may help.
For the icon, you need to just set the application icon. Something like this:
QApplication::setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/aaa.png")); // from a resource file
As for making the links clickable, I don't think it can be done with the QMessageBox::about API directly.
QMessageBox msgBox;
msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); // this does the magic trick and allows you to click the link
msgBox.setText("Text<br />");
For future reference, the docs state that the default type for textFormat is Qt::AutoText. The docs further state that Qt::AutoText is interpreted as Qt::RichText if Qt::mightBeRichText() returns true, otherwise as Qt::PlainText. Finally, mightBeRichText uses a fast and therefore simple heuristic. It mainly checks whether there is something that looks like a tag before the first line break. So, since you dont have a tag in your first line, it assumes that it is plain text. Set it to RichText explicitely with msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); to make it act accordingly.
there's a message in the qtcenter about it:
QApplication app(argc, argv);
mainwindow.cpp (into your slot if you have one)
void MainWindow::on_aboutAction_triggered()
QMessageBox::about(0, "window title", "<a href=''></a>");