Updating two tables, retrieving Foreign Key - coldfusion

I am inserting data into two tables, however I can not figure out (after hours of Googling) how to insert data into the second table after retrieving the new ID created after the first update?
I'm using <CFINSERT>.

use <CFQUERY result="result_name"> and the new ID will be available at result_name.generatedkey .. <cfinsert> and <cfupdate>, while easy and fast for simple jobs, they are pretty limited.

I have never used cfinsert myself, but this blog post from Ben Forta says you may not be able to use cfinsert if you need a generated key http://www.forta.com/blog/index.cfm/2006/10/3/Use-CFINSERT-And-CFUPDATE
Yes, I realize that blog post is old, but it doesn't appear much has changed.
Why not use a traditional INSERT statement wrapped in a <cfquery> tag?


Updating 10,000 records - what is the best way

I need to update 10,000 records and am wondering what is the quickest way, this is what I am doing currently
I get all the records I need to update, a big list of sku's. I then loop through that list and update them. In the below
in_both is my list of skus
I loop through, get the reference in ShopReconciliation and update
for line_item, sku enumerate(in_both):
got_products = ShopReconciliation.objects.filter(sku=sku, run_id=self.reconciliation_id)
for got_product in got_products:
got_product.in_es = True
This works, but strike me it isn't very quick. I could have 60k records
Is there a better way with so many records
cursor.executemany is supported by most libraries like cx_Oracle or pyodbc. May check the database and data access library for availability of the function.
In the end I used transaction.atomic (with the With)
That seemed to work, I just need to be careful if an error occurs before the commit

What's wrong with django queryset? I get different answer when access the same indice

I found that the objects could be duplicate in a queryset. However, when I try to access each of the object and do nothing, it changes and seems to be right.
Here are the commands I have typed into the shell
At first I gained a queryset orderby the field 'receiveTime'. Then it seems that ds[1996] equals to ds[1997]. And I try to use the loop:
for d in ds:
Then the ds[1996] isn't equal to ds[1997], but what have I done?
Maybe it is a feature of the lazy search?
plus 1:I have reproduced it just now. I didn't do any inserting or deleting just now.
These are the commands I just typed into the shell.
plus 2:I have seen the raw sql queries when I call the ds[0] and ds[1] which I have shown in the picture 2. The sql queries are correct but the answer seems to be wrong. I think maybe the reason is that the sorting parameter receiveTime of two objects are the same, which lead to the disorder of the objects?
Here are the raw sql queries
Replace order_by("receive_time") with order_by("receive_time", "id"). PostgreSQL uses qsort which is an unstable sort. Given only receive_time, if values are the same, the order is not guaranteed.
Don't post code or logs in images. Ever.

What is the best way to use query with a list and keep the list order? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Django: __in query lookup doesn't maintain the order in queryset
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I've searched online and could only find one blog that seemed like a hackish attempt to keep the order of a query list. I was hoping to query using the ORM with a list of strings, but doing it that way does not keep the order of the list.
From what I understand bulk_query only works if you have the id's of the items you want to query.
Can anybody recommend an ideal way of querying by a list of strings and making sure the objects are kept in their proper order?
So in a perfect world I would be able to query a set of objects by doing something like this...
Entry.objects.filter(id__in=['list', 'of', 'strings'])
However, they do not keep order, so string could be before list etc...
The only work around I see, and I may just be tired or this may be perfectly acceptable I'm not sure is doing this...
for i in listOfStrings:
object = Object.objects.get(title=str(i))
Thank you,
The problem with your solution is that it does a separate database query for each item.
This answer gives the right solution if you're using ids: use in_bulk to create a map between ids and items, and then reorder them as you wish.
If you're not using ids, you can just create the mapping yourself:
values = ['list', 'of', 'strings']
# one database query
entries = Entry.objects.filter(field__in=values)
# one trip through the list to create the mapping
entry_map = {entry.field: entry for entry in entries}
# one more trip through the list to build the ordered entries
ordered_entries = [entry_map[value] for value in values]
(You could save yourself a line by using index, as in this example, but since index is O(n) the performance will not be good for long lists.)
Remember that ultimately this is all done to a database; these operations get translated down to SQL somewhere.
Your Django query loosely translated into SQL would be something like:
SELECT * FROM entry_table e WHERE e.title IN ("list", "of", "strings");
So, in a way, your question is equivalent to asking how to ORDER BY the order something was specified in a WHERE clause. (Needless to say, I hope, this is a confusing request to write in SQL -- NOT the way it was designed to be used.)
You can do this in a couple of ways, as documented in some other answers on StackOverflow [1] [2]. However, as you can see, both rely on adding (temporary) information to the database in order to sort the selection.
Really, this should suggest the correct answer: the information you are sorting on should be in your database. Or, back in high-level Django-land, it should be in your models. Consider revising your models to save a timestamp or an ordering when the user adds favorites, if that's what you want to preserve.
Otherwise, you're stuck with one of the solutions that either grabs the unordered data from the db then "fixes" it in Python, or constructing your own SQL query and implementing your own ugly hack from one of the solutions I linked (don't do this).
tl;dr The "right" answer is to keep the sort order in the database; the "quick fix" is to massage the unsorted data from the database to your liking in Python.
EDIT: Apparently MySQL has some weird feature that will let you do this, if that happens to be your backend.

How to generate unqiue keys for caching items in ColdFusion

I posted a similar question over on the Adobe Community forums, but it was suggested to ask over here as well.
I'm trying to cache distinct queries associated with a particular database, and need to be able to flush all of the queries for that database while leaving other cached queries intact. So I figured I'd take advantage of ColdFusion's ehcache capabilities. I created a specific cache region to use for queries from this particular database, so I can use cacheRemoveAll(myRegionName) to flush those stored queries.
Since I need each distinct query to be cached and retrievable easily, I figured I'd hash the query parameters into a unique string that I would use for the cache key for each query. Here's the approach I've tried so far:
Create a Struct containing key value pairs of the parameters (parameter name, parameter value).
Convert the Struct to a String using SerializeJSON().
Hash the String using Hash().
Does this approach make sense? I'm wondering how others have approached cache key generation. Also, is the "MD5" algorithm adequate for this purpose, and will it guarantee unique key generation, or do I need to use "SHA"?
UPDATE: use cacheRegion attribute introduced in CF10!
Then all you need to do is to specify cachedAfter or cachedWithin, and forget about how to to generate unique keys. CF will do it for you by 'hashing':
query "Name"
SQL statement
Username and
reference: http://www.coldfusionmuse.com/index.cfm/2010/9/19/safe.caching
I think this would be the easiest, unless you really need to fetch a specific query by a key, then u can feed your own hash using cacheID, another new attribute introduced in CF10.

Selecting a single record with Doctrine2

I am trying to retrieve a single row from a table. This row contains filed that hold foreign keys into another table, which in turns is related to yet another table. I am trying to get just one row returned, yet, the problem is, it returns not only the row but ALL the objects that are jointly related to that table as well. As I have to deal with a fairly large amount of data, the returned object is very cumbersome as it contains all the related data as well. In some cases my script simply times out because there is just far too much data to grab.
My question is; is there a way to retrieve just a single record without the associated fluff with it? I am basically accessing the table via the entityManager from the repository, then trying to get my record by using the ->find($id) method.
I am sure this is something stupidly simple but I can't seem to figure this out. Thanks in advance for any help, it is much appreciated.
Doctrine 2 use "lazy loading", it means that the associated objects are not really retrieved from the database while you don't try to access them.
So the find($id) is just fine.