Django - empty Admin interface - django

I have just started deploying my first large django project. I have setup the admin but when I login - everything is empty! I haven't seen this before, so I'm at a loss as to where to look for the issue. Below is a screenshot:
Any suggestions?

This is a very wild hunch but try using
in your url file. For more info refer to the django tutorial.

I do not know, if it is a newbie mistake you make during deployment on production server, but perhaps you could check this:
see the following unicode issue:


Cpanel Django ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS on Admin/Auth/User and Admin/Auth/Group Pages

I'm doing a project for a client using Django and have finally installed it on CPanel.
Everything seems to be working great, but when I try to access the admin panel, the tables group or user has an error because it says it's doing a lot of redirections.
In the admin panel, I just have this:
When I try to register something, it loads the page, like this:
But when I try to access the tables, it shows me an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, as shown in the following picture:
It basically says that it's not working and to try to delete my cookies. I did that, and nothing worked. In the I only have the admin path so the redirection problem is not from something I miscofigured there.
I haven't modified the installation parameters for besides the Allowed_Host variable to allow the URL of the page, the database connection using PostgreSQL and its working, and the variables of the static files are also working.
So I'm feeling deadlocked because I can't find an answer to this and I don't believe I'm the first one experiencing this.
EDIT: The only new thing that I found is this and as I said I haven't even created files yet so I don't know what Index is this:
If someone knows anything, please let me know.

Django admin - disabled app links

As you can see from the screenshot below, 'Invite' app link is disabled. Actually this is just a text. If I open the model directly - /admin/invite/invite/ - I get 404 page.
What is the reason for that? That looks really strange, never seen that before.
Django 1.5.1
Worth mentioning - we don't use any special HTML admin templates.
It turned out it was because we've extended urls in file. That was the reason.

How to relocate the django admin site below root?

The contrib admin site of Django is a perfect starting point for simple in-house applications that lots of people use.
I've done a bit of searching and seen the discussions of media and tools for working with and merging static media for the admin site. But it is still pretty fragmented and opaque.
Assume I have a site "mysite" with an application "myapp" that is derived from the admin app.
I would really appreciate an example of relocating mysite and myapp, including the admin app, onto a web server where it is not at the root url.
I think this use case would flush out a lot of the issues and confusion that I see people have.
I think what you want to do is use the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/path/not/at/root/of/domain' option in your file. No trailing /.
I hope I'm understanding your question right and I hope this helps solve it.
Edit: oops gave link to old docs...updated with new docs version
Edit2: Here is another link describing this here at djangoproject again.

My Apache (mod_wsgi) Django app only lists the files instead of the actually running website/application

My Apache (mod_wsgi) Django app only lists the files of my website/project instead of the actual running website/application. My guess is that it's mod_wsgi that is the culprit but I'm not really sure. What are some of the causes of this?
Don't put your Django site code in a directory Apache can serve up. Right now if I knew the actual site host name, I could get down your Django settings file and get access to your database password information.
Anyway, ensure you have gone and set up a basic WSGI hello world program before you attempt to get Django working under mod_wsgi. In doing this, ensure you use the official mod_wsgi documentation and not some arbitrary persons blog post. As such, go read:
Also go watch the video presentation at:
as it steps you through basic configuration as well as what to do for Django. It covers all the basic things that people do wrong.
If you still can't get it to work, then heed the comments in:
about useful information you should supply to any forum to help people solve your problem.

How do you setup admin media in Webfaction for Django?

I have my django setup. Now i just need to get the admin site to be correct. Currently there is no css asigned to it, so i guese my admin media urls etc in settings file is not correct?
Have you read through their docs? Or is there something in there that wasn't working?
This seems more like a question to ask on their forum. Their tech people usually respond pretty quickly.
you need to issue
pythonX.Y collectstatic
where X.Y is the version of your application's python. this will copy admin media inside your static directory.