Keeping 2 instances of Confluence in sync? - wiki

We have a lot of traveling users who would like to have their WIKI content (and update it) while not connected to the network. Adding a localhost instance of Confluence is a snap, but how to keep these instances in sync with the main WIKI in the Intranet?
Partial sync (e.g. only current page, no history) or based on a preference is a bonus but not a must.

Do you mean this?
I've never tried it but it seems to be the right plugin

There is also Firestarter from Appfire:
Trying to get a trial for our Wiki organized with them at the moment.


Google Cloud - Stack recommendation for Tomcat/PostgreSQL/HTTPS/SFTP site?

This is my first attempt at looking into cloud hosting and I'm feeling like a complete idiot. I have always had my own dedicated server with which I would would remote in and install/manage everything myself. So this cloud thing is completely new for me. I just can't seem to grasp basic things... like how I would get Tomcat and PostgreSQL installed in a way that they could talk to each other or get my domain and SSL cert on there, etc.
If I could just get a feel for where I should start, then I could probably calculate my costs and jump into the free trial where hopefully things will click for me.
Here are my basic, high-level requirements...
My web app running in Tomcat over HTTPS
Let's say approximately 1,000 page views per day
PostgreSQL supporting my web app.
Let's say approximately 10GB database storage
Throughout the day, a fairly steady stream of inbound SFTP data (~ 100MB per day)
The processing load on the app server side should be fairly light. The heaving lifting will be on the DB side sorting through and processing lots of data.
I'm having trouble figuring out which options I would install and calculating costs. If someone could help me get started by saying something like "You would start with a std-xyz-med server, install ABC located here at http://blahblah, then install XYZ located at http://XYZ.... etc.. etc. You can expect to pay somewhere around $100-$200 per month"....
I would be eternally grateful. It seems like they should have some free sales support channel to ask someone at Google about this, but I don't see it.
Thank You!
I'll try to give you some tips where to start looking.
I will be referring to some products, here are the links
If you want to stick to your old ways, you can always spin up an instance on Compute Engine and set it up the same way you did before, these are just regular virtual machines. For some use cases this is completely valid.
You can split different components of your stack to different products:
For example, if your app is fine with postgresql, you can spin up a fully managed service in Cloud SQL, which might make it easier to manage backup or have several apps access the same db.
Alternatively, have a look at the different DB offerings to see if any of them matches your needed workload better. Perhaps have a look at BigQuery?
If you want to turn your app into a microservice, which is then easier to autoscale and is more fault tolerant, have a look at App Engine. That way you don't need to manage a virtual machine. The docs here will lead you through some easy to follow examples on how to set up SSL.
For the services to talk to each other, refer to docs of the individual components. It's usually very simple.
With pricing, try
Things like BigQuery have different pricing models - you don't pay for server uptime, but for amounts of data stored & processed with your queries.

What is the best tool to use for real-time web statistics?

I operate a number of content websites that have several million user sessions and need a reliable way to monitor some real-time metrics on particular pieces of content (key metrics being: pageviews/unique pageviews over time, unique users, referrers).
The use case here is for the stats to be visible to authors/staff on the site, as well as to act as source data for real-time content popularity algorithms.
We already use Google Analytics, but this does not update quickly enough (4-24 hours depending on traffic volume). Google Analytics does offer a real-time reporting API, but this is currently in closed beta (I have requested access several times, but no joy yet).
New Relic appears to offer a few analytics products, but they are quite expensive ($149/500k pageviews - we have several times this).
Other answers I found on StackOverflow suggest building your own, but this was 3-5 years ago. Any ideas?
Heard some good things about Woopra and they offer 1.2m page views for the same price as Relic.
If that's too expensive then it's live loading your logs and using an elastic search service to read them to get he data you want but you will need access to your logs whilst they are being written to.
A service like Loggly might suit you which would enable you to "live tail" your logs (view whilst being written) but again there is a cost to that.
Failing that you could do something yourself or get someone on freelancer to knock something up for you enabling logs to be read and displayed in a format you recognise.
If the metrics that you need to track are just limited to the ones that you have listed (Page Views, Unique Users, Referrers) you may think of collecting the logs of your web servers and using a log analyzer.
There are several free tools available on the Internet to get real-time statistics out of those logs.
Take a look at, for example.
Hope this helps!
Google Analytics offers real time data viewing now, if that's what you want?
I believe their API is now released as we are now looking at incorporating this!
If you have access to web server logs then you can actually set up Elastic Search as a search engine and along with log parser as Logstash and Kibana as Front end tool for analyzing the data.
For more information: please go through the elastic search link.
Elasticsearch weblink

Displaying Current Amazon Prices In Website

This is just a general question, but I'm wondering if there's an existing API that displays the current price for an item on Amazon? As in, if the price changes, the site will reflect that change as well.
If not, would building a web crawler to go through and find the Amazon items of my choice be the best way to build my own version of this? If so, what language would you recommend to begin this sort of project.
I'm not sure if I should have actually asked this in SuperUser but I appreciate the input. Thanks guys!
There are plenty of web crawling services for this task.
If you want to make your own, I recommend node.js because it's asynchronous behavior.

Django website accessible to others just for testing

Right now the website is running locally and I'm still working on it.
While doing this I also have to make it visible to a specific group of users as I need their feedback in order to add/change features, etc.
I've tried to find a free web hosting without any luck (see dependencies).
I was thinking to create a VPN but then I will have to use my PC as a host for a virtual machine which is by far not what I'm looking for.
Therefore, my questions are:
1. Which is the best way to achieve this (website visibility for TESTING) fast and easy?
2. If a dedicated web host is the best solution, please point me to an easy-to-use and cheap one. What I've tried so far: elastichosts, alwasydata, stackable, 1FreeHosting and probably others I don't remember right now. For a reason or another I couldn't use none of the above.
Another aspect to be considered: I want this only for simple testing and I don't need a lot of server resources. Also the traffic will be very low as there are only 5 testers. That's why I wouldn't pay too much for it. I will probably need this temporary web hosting for 2-3 months.
- as the website uses mezzanine, for the moment I only need mezzanine's dependencies.
Thanks in advance!
You can always just setup port forwarding on your router. This would allow your testers direct access to your app. Though this might give your PC more exposure than you want.
Heroku has a free tier.
In your non free options, an instance at linode costs $20/month, but requires some setup. Rackspace has similar options in their cloud servers line. Both are no contract servers.
My blogpost covers gracefully deploying a Mezzanine site. The monthly hosting cost is nothing compared to the cost of a slow, painful deployment process.
An EC2 micro-instance right now costs as little as ~US$3.50/month. I create and destroy staging servers on EC2 servers for testing and sharing with others.

All cities in a given country Google-map

Is it possible to use the services of Google-Map to get all the cities in a given country?
No, all the Google services are limited. Try looking at geonames, they have services that may do what you need or possibly you can download the data you need from there and serve it locally.
Disclaimer, it is not possible now. Often if I make an absolute statement like this, the functionality becomes available later. You can try adding an enhancement request to the issues list.
Take a look at the Google Places API