Why does a perfect forwarding function have to be templated? - c++

Why is the following code valid:
template<typename T1>
void foo(T1 &&arg) { bar(std::forward<T1>(arg)); }
std::string str = "Hello World";
foo(str); // Valid even though str is an lvalue
foo(std::string("Hello World")); // Valid because literal is rvalue
But not:
void foo(std::string &&arg) { bar(std::forward<std::string>(arg)); }
std::string str = "Hello World";
foo(str); // Invalid, str is not convertible to an rvalue
foo(std::string("Hello World")); // Valid
Why doesn't the lvalue in example 2 get resolved in the same manner that it does in example 1?
Also, why does the standard feel it important to need to provide the argument type in std::forward versus simple deducing it? Simply calling forward is showing intention, regardless of the type.
If this isn't a standard thing and just my compiler, I am using msvc10, which would explain the crappy C++11 support.
Edit 1: Changed the literal "Hello World" to be std::string("Hello World") to make an rvalue.

First of all, read this to get a full idea of forwarding. (Yes, I'm delegating most of this answer elsewhere.)
To summarize, forwarding means that lvalues stay lvalues and rvalues stay rvalues. You can't do that with a single type, so you need two. So for each forwarded argument, you need two versions for that argument, which requires 2N combinations total for the function. You could code all the combinations of the function, but if you use templates then those various combinations are generated for you as needed.
If you're trying to optimize copies and moves, such as in:
struct foo
foo(const T& pX, const U& pY, const V& pZ) :
foo(T&& pX, const U& pY, const V& pZ) :
// etc.? :(
T x;
U y;
V z;
Then you should stop and do it this way:
struct foo
// these are either copy-constructed or move-constructed,
// but after that they're all yours to move to wherever
// (that is, either: copy->move, or move->move)
foo(T pX, U pY, V pZ) :
T x;
U y;
V z;
You only need one constructor. Guideline: if you need your own copy of the data, make that copy in the parameter list; this enables the decision to copy or move up to the caller and compiler.


Understanding perfect forwarding

As I understand rvalue being passed as an argument into function becomes lvalue,
std::forward returns rvalue if argument was passed as rvalue and lvalue if it was passed as lvalue. Here is my class:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
struct MyClass
std::cout << "default";
MyClass(const MyClass& copy)
std::cout << "copy";
MyClass& operator= (const MyClass& right)
std::cout << "=";
return *this;
MyClass& operator= (const MyClass&& right)
std::cout << "mov =";
return *this;
MyClass(MyClass&& mov)
std::cout << "mov constructor";
void foo(MyClass s)
MyClass z = MyClass(std::forward<MyClass>(s));
void main()
auto a = MyClass();
foo(MyClass()); //z is created by move_constructor
foo(a); //z is created by move_constructor, but I think it must be created using copy constructor
My question is: why z variable is created using move_constructor in both cases.
I thought it must be moved in first case foo(MyClass()) and copied in 2nd case foo(a). In second case I pass lvalue as argument s, and std::forward must return lvalue, that is then is passed as lvalue reference into MyClass constructor. Where am I wrong?
I think you are sufficiently confused. The role of forward is only important when universal references come into play, and universal reference is something like T&& t but only when T is a template parameter.
For example, in void foo(X&& x); x is not a forwarding reference, it is a normal rvalue reference, and forwarding it makes no sense. Rather, you use std::move if you want to preserve it's rvalueness, otherwise it becomes an l-value:
void foo(X&& x) {
bar(x); // calls bar with an l-value x, x should be not moved from
baz(std::move(x)); // calls bar with an r-value x, x is likely moved from after this and probably unusable
In other words, above function foo was specifically crafted to take rvalue references as it's argument, and will not accept anything else. You, as a function writer, defined it's contract in such way.
In contrast, in a context like template <class T> void foo(T&& t) t is a forwarding reference. Due to reference collapsing rule, it could be an rvalue or an lvalue reference, depending on the valueness of the expression given to the function foo at the call site. In such case, you use
template<class T>
void foo(T&& t) {
// bar is called with value matching the one at the call site
The type of the argument that you've declared is MyClass. Whatever is the expression that initialises the argument is irrelevant in the case of your function - it does not affect the type of the argument.
MyClass is not a reference type. std::forward converts an lvalue expression of non-reference type to an rvalue. The use of std::forward in this context is equivalent to std::move.
Note that the argument itself is copy-constructed in the call foo(a).

Const Rvalue reference to capture overloads which are not supposed to be compilable

Scott Meyers in this talk at 44:15, says const Rvalue references are used in c++0x standard library to capture certain overloads which are not supposed to be compilable.
Code snippet to illustrate the above mentioned point would be helpful. Thanks.
One usage that I found useful is to disable temporaries biding to reference members. For example, consider the code below:
struct Foo{};
class X
const Foo& _foo;
X(const Foo&&) = delete; // prevents rvalue binding
X(const Foo& foo): _foo(foo){} // lvalue is OK
Foo get_Foo()
return {};
const Foo get_const_Foo()
return {};
Foo& get_lvalue_Foo()
static Foo foo;
return foo;
int main()
// X x1{get_Foo()}; // does not compile, use of deleted function
// X x2{get_const_Foo()}; // does not compile, use of deleted function
X x3{get_lvalue_Foo()}; // OK
You definitely want to disable a rvalue being passed to the constructor of X, since rvalues do not bind to const references via constructor parameters, so you end up with a dangling reference. Why const Foo&& and not simply Foo&&? Because if you use X(Foo&&) = delete;, then if your get_Foo() returns const Foo (which is a bad idea, but nevertheless is seen in actual code), it will bind to X(const Foo&) instead, and you end up with a dangling reference. However, X(const Foo&&) in the code above is a better match for a const Foo rvalue, so we obtain the desired effect of not being able to construct an X with a rvalue.
You may also ask why not defining X(Foo&) instead for the lvalue constructor. Then you won't be able to bind const lvalues. So the best approach is to mark X(const Foo&&) = delete;. Hope this clarifies it.

Move and Forward cases use

I followed this tutorial to start to understand the move semantics and rvalue references in C++11.
At some point, he implements these two classes with the std::move in the move constructors explaining that
we pass the temporary to a move constructor, and it takes on new life
in the new scope. In the context where the rvalue expression was
evaluated, the temporary object really is over and done with. But in
our constructor, the object has a name; it will be alive for the
entire duration of our function. In other words, we might use the
variable other more than once in the function, and the temporary
object has a defined location that truly persists for the entire
function. It's an lvalue in the true sense of the term locator value
class MetaData
MetaData(int size, const string& name)
: _name(name)
, _size(size)
MetaData(const MetaData& other)
: _name(other._name)
, _size(other._size)
cout << "MetaData -- Copy Constructor" << endl;
MetaData(MetaData&& other)
: _name(move(other._name))
, _size(other._size)
cout << "MetaData -- Move Constructor" << endl;
string getName() const { return _name; }
int getSize() const { return _size; }
string _name;
int _size;
class ArrayWrapper
: _p_vals(new int[64])
, _metadata(64, "ArrayWrapper")
ArrayWrapper(int n)
: _p_vals(new int[n])
, _metadata(n, "ArrayWrapper")
ArrayWrapper(ArrayWrapper&& other)
: _p_vals(other._p_vals)
, _metadata(move(other._metadata))
cout << "ArrayWrapper -- Move Constructor" << endl;
other._p_vals = nullptr;
ArrayWrapper(const ArrayWrapper& other)
: _p_vals(new int[other._metadata.getSize()])
, _metadata(other._metadata)
cout << "ArrayWrapper -- Copy Constructor" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < _metadata.getSize(); ++i)
_p_vals[i] = other._p_vals[i];
delete[] _p_vals;
int* getVals() const { return _p_vals; }
MetaData getMeta() const { return _metadata; }
int* _p_vals;
MetaData _metadata;
In the ArrayWrapper move constructor I tried to change std::move with std::forward<MetaData> and the code shows that if I call the ArrayWrapper move constructor this will call the MetaData move constructor, like the example with the std::move.
Of course if I don't use either std::move or std::forward the MetaData copy costructor will be called.
The question is, in this case, is there a difference between using std::move and std::forward? Why should I use one instead of the other?
is there a difference between using std::move and std::forward? Why should I use one instead of the other?
Yes, std::move returns an rvalue reference of its parameter, while std::forward just forwards the parameter preserving its value category.
Use move when you clearly want to convert something to an rvalue. Use forward when you don't know what you've (may be an lvalue or an rvalue) and want to perfectly forward it (preserving its l or r valueness) to something. Can I typically/always use std::forward instead of std::move? is a question you might be interested in here.
In the below snippet, bar would get exactly what the caller of foo had passed, including its value category preserved:
template <class T>
void foo(T&& t) {
Don't let T&& fool you here - t is not an rvalue reference. When it appears in a type-deducing context, T&& acquires a special meaning. When foo is instantiated, T depends on whether the argument passed is an lvalue or an rvalue. If it's an lvalue of type U, T is deduced to U&. If it's an rvalue, T is deduced to U. See this excellent article for details. You need to understand about value categories and reference collapsing to understand things better in this front.
The relevant std::forward and std::move declarations are:
template< class T >
T&& forward( typename std::remove_reference<T>::type& t );
template< class T >
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&& move( T&& t );
For the former:
std::forward<MetaData> returns MetaData&&.
For the latter:
//argument derived as lvalue reference due to forwarding reference
std::move<MetaData&> returns typename std::remove_reference<MetaData&>::type&&, which is MetaData&&.
So the two forms are identical for your example. However, std::move is the right choice here, as it shows our intent to unconditionally move the argument. std::forward can be used to unconditionally move, but the purpose of it is to perfect-forward its argument.

Use of rvalue references in function parameter of overloaded function creates too many combinations

Imagine you have a number of overloaded methods that (before C++11) looked like this:
class MyClass {
void f(const MyBigType& a, int id);
void f(const MyBigType& a, string name);
void f(const MyBigType& a, int b, int c, int d);
// ...
This function makes a copy of a (MyBigType), so I want to add an optimization by providing a version of f that moves a instead of copying it.
My problem is that now the number of f overloads will duplicate:
class MyClass {
void f(const MyBigType& a, int id);
void f(const MyBigType& a, string name);
void f(const MyBigType& a, int b, int c, int d);
// ...
void f(MyBigType&& a, int id);
void f(MyBigType&& a, string name);
void f(MyBigType&& a, int b, int c, int d);
// ...
If I had more parameters that could be moved, it would be unpractical to provide all the overloads.
Has anyone dealt with this issue? Is there a good solution/pattern to solve this problem?
Herb Sutter talks about something similar in a cppcon talk
This can be done but probably shouldn't. You can get the effect out using universal references and templates, but you want to constrain the type to MyBigType and things that are implicitly convertible to MyBigType. With some tmp tricks, you can do this:
class MyClass {
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, MyBigType>::value, void>::type
f(T&& a, int id);
The only template parameter will match against the actual type of the parameter, the enable_if return type disallows incompatible types. I'll take it apart piece by piece
std::is_convertible<T, MyBigType>::value
This compile time expression will evaluate to true if T can be converted implicitly to a MyBigType. For example, if MyBigType were a std::string and T were a char* the expression would be true, but if T were an int it would be false.
typename std::enable_if<..., void>::type // where the ... is the above
this expression will result in void in the case that the is_convertible expression is true. When it's false, the expression will be malformed, so the template will be thrown out.
Inside the body of the function you'll need to use perfect forwarding, if you are planning on copy assigning or move assigning, the body would be something like
this->a_ = std::forward<T>(a);
Here's a coliru live example with a using MyBigType = std::string. As Herb says, this function can't be virtual and must be implemented in the header. The error messages you get from calling with a wrong type will be pretty rough compared to the non-templated overloads.
Thanks to Barry's comment for this suggestion, to reduce repetition, it's probably a good idea to create a template alias for the SFINAE mechanism. If you declare in your class
template <typename T>
using EnableIfIsMyBigType = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, MyBigType>::value, void>::type;
then you could reduce the declarations to
template <typename T>
f(T&& a, int id);
However, this assumes all of your overloads have a void return type. If the return type differs you could use a two-argument alias instead
template <typename T, typename R>
using EnableIfIsMyBigType = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, MyBigType>::value,R>::type;
Then declare with the return type specified
template <typename T>
EnableIfIsMyBigType<T, void> // void is the return type
f(T&& a, int id);
The slightly slower option is to take the argument by value. If you do
class MyClass {
void f(MyBigType a, int id) {
this->a_ = std::move(a); // move assignment
In the case where f is passed an lvalue, it will copy construct a from its argument, then move assign it into this->a_. In the case that f is passed an rvalue, it will move construct a from the argument and then move assign. A live example of this behavior is here. Note that I use -fno-elide-constructors, without that flag, the rvalue cases elides the move construction and only the move assignment takes place.
If the object is expensive to move (std::array for example) this approach will be noticeably slower than the super-optimized first version. Also, consider watching this part of Herb's talk that Chris Drew links to in the comments to understand when it could be slower than using references. If you have a copy of Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers, he discusses the ups and downs in item 41.
You may do something like the following.
class MyClass {
void f(MyBigType a, int id) { this->a = std::move(a); /*...*/ }
void f(MyBigType a, string name);
void f(MyBigType a, int b, int c, int d);
// ...
You just have an extra move (which may be optimized).
My first thought is that you should change the parameters to pass by value. This covers the existing need to copy, except the copy happens at the call point rather than explicitly in the function. It also allows the parameters to be created by move construction in a move-able context (either unnamed temporaries or by using std::move).
Why you would do that
These extra overloads only make sense, if modifying the function paramers in the implementation of the function really gives you a signigicant performance gain (or some kind of guarantee). This is hardly ever the case except for the case of constructors or assignment operators. Therefore, I would advise you to rethink, whether putting these overloads there is really necessary.
If the implementations are almost identical...
From my experience this modification is simply passing the parameter to another function wrapped in std::move() and the rest of the function is identical to the const & version. In that case you might turn your function into a template of this kind:
template <typename T> void f(T && a, int id);
Then in the function implementation you just replace the std::move(a) operation with std::forward<T>(a) and it should work. You can constrain the parameter type T with std::enable_if, if you like.
In the const ref case: Don't create a temporary, just to to modify it
If in the case of constant references you create a copy of your parameter and then continue the same way the move version works, then you may as well just pass the parameter by value and use the same implementation you used for the move version.
void f( MyBigData a, int id );
This will usually give you the same performance in both cases and you only need one overload and implementation. Lots of plusses!
Significantly different implementations
In case the two implementations differ significantly, there is no generic solution as far as I know. And I believe there can be none. This is also the only case, where doing this really makes sense, if profiling the performance shows you adequate improvements.
You might introduce a mutable object:
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
// Mutable
// =======
template <typename T>
class Mutable
Mutable(const T& value) : m_ptr(new(m_storage) T(value)) {}
Mutable(T& value) : m_ptr(&value) {}
Mutable(T&& value) : m_ptr(new(m_storage) T(std::move(value))) {}
~Mutable() {
auto storage = reinterpret_cast<T*>(m_storage);
if(m_ptr == storage)
Mutable(const Mutable&) = delete;
Mutable& operator = (const Mutable&) = delete;
const T* operator -> () const { return m_ptr; }
T* operator -> () { return m_ptr; }
const T& operator * () const { return *m_ptr; }
T& operator * () { return *m_ptr; }
T* m_ptr;
char m_storage[sizeof(T)];
// Usage
// =====
#include <iostream>
struct X
int value = 0;
X() { std::cout << "default\n"; }
X(const X&) { std::cout << "copy\n"; }
X(X&&) { std::cout << "move\n"; }
X& operator = (const X&) { std::cout << "assign copy\n"; return *this; }
X& operator = (X&&) { std::cout << "assign move\n"; return *this; }
~X() { std::cout << "destruct " << value << "\n"; }
X make_x() { return X(); }
void fn(Mutable<X>&& x) {
x->value = 1;
int main()
const X x0;
std::cout << "0:\n";
std::cout << "1:\n";
X x1;
std::cout << "2:\n";
std::cout << "End\n";
This is the critical part of the question:
This function makes a copy of a (MyBigType),
Unfortunately, it is a little ambiguous. We would like to know what is the ultimate target of the data in the parameter. Is it:
1) to be assigned to an object that existing before f was called?
2) or instead, stored in a local variable:
void f(??? a, int id) {
this->x = ??? a ???;
void f(??? a, int id) {
MyBigType a_copy = ??? a ???;
Sometimes, the first version (the assignment) can be done without any copies or moves. If this->x is already long string, and if a is short, then it can efficiently reuse the existing capacity. No copy-construction, and no moves. In short, sometimes assignment can be faster because we can skip the copy contruction.
Anyway, here goes:
template<typename T>
void f(T&& a, int id) {
this->x = std::forward<T>(a); // is assigning
MyBigType local = std::forward<T>(a); // if move/copy constructing
If the move version will provide any optimization then the implementation of the move overloaded function and the copy one must be really different. I don't see a way to get around this without providing implementations for both.

std::forward test in template and non-template function

I have the following code directly from :
compiled at g++ 4.8.1 as : g++ -std=c++11 testforward.cpp -o testforward.exe
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
class X
std::vector<double> data;
data(100000) // lots of data
X(X const& other): // copy constructor
data(other.data) // duplicate all that data
X(X&& other): // move constructor
data(std::move(other.data)) // move the data: no copies
X& operator=(X const& other) // copy-assignment
data=other.data; // copy all the data
return *this;
X& operator=(X && other) // move-assignment
data=std::move(other.data); // move the data: no copies
return *this;
void g(X&& t)
std::cout << "t in g is rvalue" << std::endl ;
void g(X& t)
std::cout << "t in g is lvalue" << std::endl ;
template<typename T>
void f(T&&t)
g(std::forward<T>(t)) ;
void h(X &&t)
g(t) ;
int main()
X x;
f(x); // 1
f(X()); // 2
//h(x); //compile error
h(X()); // 3
According to the author describe below :
When you combine rvalue references with function templates you get an interesting interaction: if the type of a function parameter is an rvalue reference to a template type parameter then the type parameter is deduce to be an lvalue reference if an lvalue is passed, and a plain type otherwise...
The results output of this test are :
t in g is lvalue
t in g is rvalue
t in g is lvalue
f(x) get "t in g is lvalue" is just like expected !!
f(X()) get "t in g is rvalue" , yes,that is what std::forward used for
h(X()) get "t in g is lvalue" , this is my question ,as you can see that function h
is not a template function , as the author describe "When you combine rvalue references with function templates you get an interesting interaction" is not the case , still
this function output "t in g is lvalue" , means this interesting interaction happen not just in template function , also to normal function , too !!
if I change code to :
void h(X &&t)
g(std::forward<X>(t)) ;
I will got "t in g is rvalue" !!!
Accorind to test , May I said that the author describe "When you combine rvalue references with function templates you get an interesting interaction" actually not only to template function , it also apply to normal function , or my english is not good , so I can not catch this description right ?!
Edit :
void h(X &&t)
g(t) ;
void h(X &t)
g(t) ;
h(x); //get "t in g is lvalue"
h(X()); //get "t in g is lvalue"
void h(X &&t)
g(std::forward<X>(t)) ;
void h(X &t)
g(std::forward<X>(t)) ;
h(x); //get "t in g is rvalue"
h(X()); //get "t in g is rvalue"
Look like only in template function , I will get the cprrect usage of std::forward !!!
In h(X &&), the type of t is an r-value reference to X, but named variables are always treated as l-values. So, even though t is an X &&, t can not bind directly to an X && parameter, but only an X & parameter. This is for safety, since a named variable can (and often will) be used over and over again. You don't want the first usage of a variable to pilfer it, even if it did originally bind to an r-value. Subsequent uses would see the pilfered value, which will very easily lead to broken logic in code.
If you know a variable is an r-value (or more to the point, if you know you're done with it, whether it's an l-value or an r-value), the way to pass it on as an r-value is by using move(). The purpose of forward<T>() is for generic code, when you don't know whether the original value should be pilfered or not. If you were to use move() in a template, you may accidentally pilfer an l-value. So you use forward<T>() instead, which will resolve to a harmless pass-through if T is an l-value type, and will essentially become equivalent to move() if T is a non-reference or an r-value reference.
Note that in your edit, your second overload of h (that is, h(X &t)) is using forward<> incorrectly. The type of t in that situation is X &, so you should be using forward<X&>(t). If you did that, you would find that t is passed on as an l-value. However, in your two overloads of h, you can see that in the first, you have an r-value reference, and in the second you have an l-value reference. (There's no template deduction involved, so you know the types.) Therefore, you might as well use move() directly in your first overload, and not use anything in your second. The purpose of forward<T>() is to harvest information from the template deduction to determine whether it was bound to (and deduced as) an l-value or an r-value.